Do You Own Puma Sportswear? Join #RebrandPuma!
PACBI | | 2019-10-25
Do You Own Puma Sportswear? Join #RebrandPuma! : Action AlertIf you purchased Puma gear before the company decided to support Israel's illegal settlements on stolen Palestinian land, rebrand it by writing "Boycott" over the logo! | Red Card Israel Boycott PumaOctober 25, 2019 | By: | | Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (PACBI) …
Do You Own Puma Sportswear? Join #RebrandPuma!
PACBI | | 2019-10-25
Do You Own Puma Sportswear? Join #RebrandPuma! : Action AlertIf you purchased Puma gear before the company decided to support Israel's illegal settlements on stolen Palestinian land, rebrand it by writing "Boycott" over the logo! | Red Card Israel Boycott PumaOctober 25, 2019 | By: | | Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (PACBI) …
The Military Industrial Complex Has Won
Staff | | 2019-10-25
When Americans think of militarism, they may imagine jackbooted soldiers goose-stepping through the streets as flag-waving crowds exult; or, like our president, they may think of enormous parades featuring troops and missiles and tanks, with warplanes soari……
The Military Industrial Complex Has Won
Staff | | 2019-10-25
When Americans think of militarism, they may imagine jackbooted soldiers goose-stepping through the streets as flag-waving crowds exult; or, like our president, they may think of enormous parades featuring troops and missiles and tanks, with warplanes soari……
All That is Holy is Profaned: Beyond Ruling Class Trumpeachment
Paul Street | | 2019-10-25
Trump is both a policy and a public relations disaster for the American Empire, whose benefits revert to the wealthy Few and whose costs are born by the rest of us. He is hastening the end of the "The American Century." Trump is bad for the brand as well the operations of the Empire. In his small hands and big Twitter feed, the solid and doctrinally mandatory sense that "exceptional" and "good" America "stands taller and sees farther" (former Secretary of State Madeline Albright not long after she went on national television to proclaim that the killing of half a million Iraqi children by U.S.-imposed economic sa……
All That is Holy is Profaned: Beyond Ruling Class Trumpeachment
Paul Street | | 2019-10-25
Trump is both a policy and a public relations disaster for the American Empire, whose benefits revert to the wealthy Few and whose costs are born by the rest of us. He is hastening the end of the "The American Century." Trump is bad for the brand as well the operations of the Empire. In his small hands and big Twitter feed, the solid and doctrinally mandatory sense that "exceptional" and "good" America "stands taller and sees farther" (former Secretary of State Madeline Albright not long after she went on national television to proclaim that the killing of half a million Iraqi children by U.S.-imposed economic sa……
Seven Peace Activists Found Guilty of "Conspiracy" for Anti-Nuclear Protest
Staff | | 2019-10-25
In Georgia, a federal grand jury on Thursday found seven Catholic peace activists guilty on three felony counts and a misdemeanor charge for breaking into the Kings Bay Naval Submarine Base on April 4, 2018. The activists, known as the Kings Bay Plowshares 7, entered the base armed with hammers, crime scene tape, baby bottles containing their own blood, and an indictment charging the U.S. government with crimes against peace. The base is home to at least six nuclear ballistic missile submarines, ea……
Tallahassee activists 'Say her name' and demand justice for victims of police crimes
Fight Back | | 2019-10-25
Tallahassee, FL – On October 22, a lively group rallied in the streets of the historic Florida capital city, chanting "Say her name," "Black lives matter" and "Justice for Atatiana." The action was a part of the National Day Against Police Brutality, Repression and the Criminalization of a Generation. | The protest brought attention to a recent case of police brutality: that of 28-year-old African American Atatiana Jefferson, who was shot in her own home by Fort Worth, Texas police officer Aaron Dean. | Tallahassee Community Action Committee and Tallahassee Students for a Democratic Society organized the protest……
Activists put bodies on line outside Aliso Canyon gas storage facility
Dan Bacher | | 2019-10-25
Call Governor Newsom at 877-796-1949 and urge him to permanently shut down the dangerous Aliso Canyon facility immediately! Photo courtesy of Food and Water Watch.…
Activists put bodies on line outside Aliso Canyon gas storage facility
Dan Bacher | | 2019-10-25
Call Governor Newsom at 877-796-1949 and urge him to permanently shut down the dangerous Aliso Canyon facility immediately! Photo courtesy of Food and Water Watch.…
Kings Bay Plowshares 7 Found Found Guilty of Conspiracy at Naval Base Housing Nuclear Arsenal
Staff | | 2019-10-25
In Georgia, a federal grand jury on Thursday found seven Catholic peace activists guilty on three felony counts and a misdemeanor charge for breaking into the Kings Bay Naval Submarine Base on April 4, 2018. The activists, known as the Kings Bay Plowshares 7, entered the base armed with hammers, crime scene tape, baby bottles containing their own blood, and an indictment charging the U.S. government with crimes against peace. The base is home to at least six nuclear ballistic missile submarines, each of which carries 20 Trident thermonuclear weapons. The activists said they were following the prophet Isaiah's com……
Suddenly Outspoken Generals Rally Around the Wrong Cause
Maj. Danny Sjursen | | 2019-10-24
Now they've decided to speak out! For years, I've published searing critiques of America's senior generals and admirals for their failure to speak out publicly against U.S. foreign policy and warmongering. Specifically, I've argued that it's their duty to loudly dissent, and if necessary resign, in opposition to the nation's ongoing, ill-advised, illegal and unwinnable forever wars. | Now, in a rather dark bit of irony, the [md……
Now the Generals Speak Up?
Maj. Danny Sjursen | | 2019-10-24
Now they've decided to speak out! For years, I've published searing critiques of America's senior generals and admirals for their failure to speak out publicly against U.S. foreign policy and warmongering. Specifically, I've argued that it's their duty to loudly dissent, and if necessary resign, in opposition to the nation's ongoing, ill-advised, illegal and unwinnable forever wars. | Now, in a rather dark bit of irony, the [md……
Assange's Extradition Is a Case About the Crimes of Empire
Nozomi Hayase | | 2019-10-24
UN Special Rapporteur on Torture Nils Melzer, who has been deeply concerned about the treatment of Assange and his health, has been warning the public that Assange has been subjected to psychological torture.(Photo: David G Silvers. Canciller√≠a del Ecuador) |… ……
Native American and Salmon Activists asks Governor, AG to Stand Against Trump Water Plan
Save California Salmon | | 2019-10-24
Today the Trump administration released the new Biological Opinion for Long Term Operations for the Central Valley Water Project. This opinion is related to a new operation plan from the Bureau of Reclamation that prioritizes water deliveries to large Central Valley farms and maximizes power generation from the state's dams at the expense of water quality and salmon. The Opinion replaces an earlier suppressed Biological Opinion that jeopardizes every Endangered Species Act listed fish within the Bay Delta and all of its tributaries.…/…/environment/article234220102.html.…
Activists put bodies on line outside Aliso Canyon gas storage facility
Dan Bacher | | 2019-10-24
Call Governor Newsom at 877-796-1949 and urge him to permanently shut down the dangerous Aliso Canyon facility immediately! Photo courtesy of Food and Water Watch.…
New York's public and private housing tenants join forces
Cameron Orr | | 2019-10-24
Cold rain and classic Manhattan sewer water puddles couldn't stop more than 300 tenants from attending a statewide coalition meeting last Wednesday. Gathered in the auditorium of the Washington Irving High School, activists and leaders of organizations united by the Housing Justice For All began by belting out the tenant anthem: "All the rent, all ……
After 1,600 arrests, Extinction Rebellion fights for right to protest in UK
Eds. | | 2019-10-24
Facing a total ban on their protest in London, the activists are now embroiled in a struggle for their right to assemble. | Source……
Hundreds attend Animal Activists Forum
Fred_F | | 2019-10-24
environment Mary MerkenichIssue 1242 Australia animal rights MelbourneOctober 24, 2019More than 200 people from across the country attended the annual Animal Activist Forum, which was held this year a…
ACLU Celebrates Settlement Ending Unconstitutional Efforts to Silence Pipeline Protesters in South Dakota
Jessica Corbett, staff writer | | 2019-10-24
The ACLU and environmental activists celebrated Thursday after reaching a settlement agreement with South Dakota's Republican Gov. Kristi Noem and state Attorney General Jason Ravnesborg to end what critics called "their unconstitutional attempts to silence pipeline protestors." |… ……
United States foreign policy: yesterday, today, and tomorrow
Harry Targ | | 2019-10-23
Mapping out the connections between the initiation of the permanent war economy, the drive for US empire, and today's factional disputes and similarities among political elites. | Source……
Tulsi Gabbard Isn't a Russian Asset. It's More Complicated Than That
Staff | | 2019-10-23
The Nation's Jeet Heer discusses Hillary Clinton's recent remarks toward Rep. Tulsi Gabbard. Why do anti-war activists and the right wing seem to love her?…
Activists in court after two day long siege of Israeli arms company
Tom Anderson | | 2019-10-23
In August 2019, a group of activists held a two day long 'siege' of an Israeli arms company in Sandwich, Kent. | Campaigners entered the factory compound in the early hours of 27 August and remained there for two days. The activists barricaded the gates. And the…
'Whoa,' tweets Snowden, as Bernie Sanders says he would not prosecute government whistleblowers under Espionage Act | 2019-10-23
Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders has said that he would not use the Espionage Act to prosecute government whistleblowers in a promise hailed by activists as crucial to maintaining press freedom. | The controversial 1917 law was rarely used in modern times until former US President Barack Obama dug it up to prosecute eight people accused of leaking to the media — more than all other US presidents combined. So far, Donald Trump has also used the law to prosecute eight whistleblowers, putting him on track to outdo Obama if he wins a second term in 2020. | "Whoa," tweeted NSA whistleblower Ed……
Trump and the Retreat of the American Empire
Robert Fisk | | 2019-10-22
In days gone by, I used to compare the Trump presidency with the Arab dictatorships. He took preposterous pleasure in the company of Egypt's Sisi (60,000 political prisoners) and his inane ramblings had much in common with those of Muammar Gaddafi, who also "authored" a book he never wrote but whom Trump never met (albeit that Tony Blair and Gaddafi kissed each other on the cheek). But over the past week, I've begun to realise that the crackpot in the White House has much more in common with ancient Rome.…
Kings Bay Plowshares 7: Trial Begins for Liz McAlister & Others for Breaking Into Nuke Sub Base
Staff | | 2019-10-21
Seven Catholic peace activists are going on trial in Georgia today for breaking into the Kings Bay Naval Submarine Base on April 4, 2018. The activists, who are known as the Kings Bay Plowshares 7, face up to 25 years in prison if convicted. The activists entered the base armed with just hammers, crime scene tape, baby bottles containing their own blood and an indictment charging the U.S. government with crimes against peace. Over the past four decades activists in the Plowshares movement have taken part in about 100 similar actions at nuclear arms facilities, beginning in 1980 at the General Electric nuclear mis……
Foreign Correspondent: Trump Dumps Kurds as the Empire Crumbles
Reese Erlich | | 2019-10-18
They say politics makes strange bedfellows. So does war.…
Foreign Correspondent: Trump Dumps Kurds as the Empire Crumbles
Reese Erlich | | 2019-10-18
They say politics makes strange bedfellows. So does war.…
NYC Council Votes to Build More Jails, Continue Mass Incarceration
Staff | | 2019-10-18
Eddie Conway speaks with No New Jails organizer Pilar Maschi ahead of the NYC Council jail vote about what grassroots activists can do to continue the fight to keep new jails out of New York City.…
Palestinian BDS National Committee's responses to UN Special Rapporteur on freedom of religion or belief
patrick | | 2019-10-17
Palestinian BDS National Committee's responses to UN Special Rapporteur on freedom of religion or belief: In the NewsThe BDS movement does not tolerate any act or discourse which adopts or promotes, among others, anti-Black racism, anti-Arab racism, Islamophobia, anti-Semitism, sexism, xenophobia, or homophobia. | Right To BoycottJuly 15, 20……