2019-12-03: News Headlines

Medea Benjamin (2019-12-03). Trump Was Right: NATO Should Be Obsolete. counterpunch.org The three smartest words that Donald Trump uttered during his presidential campaign are "NATO is obsolete." His adversary, Hillary Clinton, retorted that NATO was "the strongest military alliance in the history of the world." Now that Trump has been in power, the White House parrots the same worn line that NATO is "the most successful More

commondreams (2019-12-03). Brown University Committee Votes to Divest from Companies "Facilitating Human Rights Violations in Palestine" commondreams.org ______________________________…

Fight Back (2019-12-03). Miami activists unite against U.S. imperialism in Latin America. fightbacknews.org Miami, FL – On December 1, immigrant groups representing several different countries in the Caribbean and South America rallied together at the Torch of Friendship to show unity and strength against U.S imperialism and far-right political violence in Latin America. Various groups of immigrant activists united in what they said was just the beginning of a new movement in South Florida to bring together the various struggles in Latin America against neo-liberalism and neo-colonialism. | Activists representing Chile, Bolivia, Puerto Rico, Colombia and Brazil spoke out against neoliberal policies, U.S militarism, and…

teleSUR (2019-12-03). 'Not Halting Climate Change Means Punishing Millions' XR Says. telesurenglish.net Environmental activists from around the world on Tuesday remain gathered and protesting in Madrid to demand that the 2019 United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP25) take concrete and effective actions to halt global climate change. | RELATED: | There Can Be No Climate Justice Without Social Justice: Maduro | "We're a global movement trying to raise the climate emergency through direct action. We have to get people to pause and understand, especially our leader…

Student Activists (2019-12-03). National Climate Strike in Livermore. indybay.org Las Positas College, 3000 Campus Hill Drive, Livermore, CA 94551…

Julia Conley, staff writer (2019-12-03). Brown University Committee Votes to Divest From Companies Complicit in Human Rights Abuses in Palestine. commondreams.org Brown University is poised to become the first Ivy League college to divest from companies that are complicit in human rights abuses against Palestinians, after an advisory committee voted in agreement with students who have spent months demanding the divestment. | www.commondreams.org/sites/default/files…

Medea Benjamin (2019-12-02). Medea Benjamin: Donald Trump Was Right, NATO Should Be Obsolete. mintpressnews.com In an age where people around the world want to avoid war and to focus instead on the climate chaos that threatens future life on earth, NATO is an anachronism. It now accounts for about three-quarters of military spending and weapons dealing around the globe.

Medea Benjamin (2019-12-02). Trump Was Right: NATO Should Be Obsolete. dissidentvoice.org The three smartest words that Donald Trump uttered during his presidential campaign are "NATO is obsolete." His adversary, Hillary Clinton, retorted that NATO was "the strongest military alliance in the history of the world." Now that Trump has been in power, the White House parrots the same worn line that NATO is "the most successful …

Aaron Maté (2019-11-30). Abby Martin: Gaza's fight for freedom needs global solidarity. thegrayzone.com The Empire Files' Abby Martin and Mike Prysner discuss their new documentary "Gaza Fights For Freedom," a vivid account of…

Wiepke (2019-11-29). Apartheid Free Zone Campaign in Italy Has Grown by 50 Percent Since Launch in June. bdsmovement.net Apartheid Free Zone Campaign in Italy Has Grown by 50 Percent Since Launch in June: Update150 commercial, cultural and sporting activities in Italy have declared themselves free of Israeli apartheid Apartheid Free ZonesNovember 29, 2019 | By: | | BDS Italy

Joshua Cho (2019-11-28). Media wonder: Why can't Venezuela be more like Bolivia? mronline.org Western corporate media outlets have often cried foul when foreign elections don't go the way the U.S. empire wants them to, and find roundabout ways to label the violent attempts by vocal right-wing minorities to use military forces to overthrow leftist governments as "protests" rather than coups (FAIR.org, 5/16/18, 5/1/19). | Source

Fred_F (2019-11-28). Vigil for West Papua. greenleft.org.au international solidarity Bernadette SmithIssue 1247 Australia West PapuaNovember 28, 2019Human rights activists are holding regular vigils outside the Indonesian Consulate in Sydney, calling for a United Nations-supervised referendum to allow the people of…

Julie Hollar (2019-11-27). We're Still Waiting for 'Early and Often' Climate Debate Questions. fair.org As the Democratic Party prepared for its first presidential primary debates in June, climate activists pushed the DNC to schedule a single-issue debate on the climate crisis, given the urgency of the problem and the lack of attention given to it in previous debates. DNC chair Tom Perez refused, saying he had "the utmost confidence" that climate disruption would be discussed in the debates "early and often" (FAIR.org, 6/18/19). | Now that seven nights of debates have passed, and multiple…

Staff (2019-11-27). 20 Years After The Battle of Seattle: Vandana Shiva & Lori Wallach on Historic 1999 WTO Protests. democracynow.org Twenty years ago this week, tens of thousands of activists gathered in Seattle to shut down a ministerial meeting of the World Trade Organization. Grassroots organizers successfully blocked world leaders, government trade ministers and corporate executives from meeting to sign a global trade deal that many called deeply undemocratic, harmful to workers' rights, the environment and Indigenous people globally. On November 30, 1999, activists formed a human chain around the Seattle convention center and shut down the city's downtown. Police responded by firing tear gas and rubber bullets into the mostly peaceful cro…

Staff (2019-11-26). "An Attack on the Human Rights Movement": Israel Deports Human Rights Watch Monitor. democracynow.org The Israeli government deported the director of Human Rights Watch's Israel and Palestine office, Omar Shakir, on Monday. The organization said the move places Israel in an "ugly club" of authoritarian regimes. Israel has accused Shakir of supporting the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement, a nonviolent global campaign aiming to pressure Israel over its treatment of Palestinians. A 2017 Israeli law bans foreigners from Israel if they publicly support the BDS movement. Omar Shakir joins us from Stockholm to discuss his recent deportation and his plans to address the European Parliament regarding Israel's sy…

Joshua Cho (2019-11-26). Media Wonder: Why Can't Venezuela Be More Like Bolivia? fair.org Western corporate media outlets have often cried foul when foreign elections don't go the way the US empire wants them to, and find roundabout ways to label the violent attempts by vocal right-wing minorities to use military forces to overthrow leftist governments as "protests" rather than coups (FAIR.org, 5/16/18, 5/1/19). But it's still rare to see them blatantly call for a right-wing coup without a hint of…

Staff (2019-11-25). Pope Francis Calls Nuclear Weapons Immoral as Catholic Activists Face Jail For U.S. Nuke Base Action. democracynow.org Over the weekend, Pope Francis visited Hiroshima and Nagasaki, where the United States dropped the first atomic bombs in 1945, killing more than 200,000 people. Pope Francis said, "A world without nuclear weapons is possible and necessary." The leader of the Cathoilc Church met with survivors of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings and declared the possession of nuclear weapons to be immoral. The Pope's visit comes as a group of seven Catholic peace activists are awaiting sentencing for breaking into the Kings Bay Naval Submarine Base in Georgia on April 4, 2018. The activists, known as the Kings Bay Plowshares 7,…

Fight Back (2019-11-23). Over 1200 rally in Chicago at relaunch of National Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression. fightbacknews.org Chicago, IL – More than a 1200 joined together November 22, at the hall of the Chicago Teachers Union, to refound the National Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression. The newly refounded Alliance will center its efforts on building the fight against police crimes and for community control of the police, and it will campaign for the release of political prisoners and the wrongfully convicted. | Longtime leaders of the Black liberation movement, Angela Davis and Frank Chapman, along with elected officials, trade unionists, and other progressive activists addressed the packed rally that opened the confere…

Fight Back (2019-11-22). Over 60 Minnesotans to attend relaunching of National Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression. fightbacknews.org Minneapolis, MN — More than 60 Minnesotans from over ten local organizations are heading to Chicago the weekend of November 22-24, for the refounding of the National Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression. Many are of the Twin Cites participants are Black activists and family members of those killed by police. The Twin Cities Coalition for Justice for Jamar is leading the delegation and is a core endorser of the conference. Minnesota will have the third largest delegation of the nearly 700 people currently registered. The weekend's activities will likely have over 1000 attendees from across the Un…

patrick (2019-11-20). Palestine is a climate justice issue – Israeli apartheid is not "green" bdsmovement.net Palestine is a climate justice issue – Israeli apartheid is not "green": Update Click to download and print this Fact Sheet.November 21, 2019 | By: | | Palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC)

SAMIR (2019-11-19). Responses to Aurora's Tel Aviv shows. bdsmovement.net Responses to Aurora's Tel Aviv shows: PACBI StatementResponses to Norwegian singer Aurora's concerts in apartheid Tel Aviv | Cultural BoycottNovember 19, 2019 | By: | | Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (PACBI)

Moon Of Alabama (2019-11-19). There Are Riots In Iran And The Usual Suspect Are On It. thelastamericanvagabond.com There are a few riots in Iran and Amnesty International is on it: Amnesty International @amnesty — 15: 50 UTC ∑ Nov 19, 2019 At least 106 protesters in 21 cities have been killed in #Iran, according to reports we have received. Verified video footage, eyewitness testimony & information gathered from activists outside Iran reveal a harrowing …

SAMIR (2019-11-18). Catherine Ringer: Cancel Apartheid Tel Aviv Concert. bdsmovement.net Catherine Ringer: Cancel Apartheid Tel Aviv Concert: Open LetterPalestinians appeal to French singer Catherine Ringer to cancel her December 19th concert in apartheid Tel Aviv | Cultural BoycottNovember 18, 2019…

Hatewatch Staff (2019-11-13). Evangelical Franklin Graham Addresses Anti-LGBTQ Hate Group's Event. splcenter.org Influential evangelical leader Franklin Graham has continued his anti-LGBTQ associations by speaking to a hate group that brands "trans" activists as guilty of harming children.

ziyaad (2019-11-12). Anglican Church in Southern Africa voted to support non-violent action to end Israel's military occupation of Palestine, especially BDS actions. bdsmovement.net Anglican Church in Southern Africa voted to support non-violent action to end Israel's military occupation of Palestine, especially BDS actions : In the NewsProvincial Synod votes on Israel sanctions, anti-Semitism, Islamophobia
Economic Boycott Cultural BoycottSeptember 26, 2019 | By: | | Anglican Church of Southern Africa

Ricardo Vaz (2019-11-01). Venezuelan Leftist Parties and Unions Stage Protest, Demand Gov't Answers. venezuelanalysis.com Dozens of activists demanded better wages and respect for collective bargaining rights.