Daily Archives: September 12, 2020

2020-09-12: News Headlines

Monica Moorehead (2020-09-12). Voting, self-determination and social change. workers.org Below is a slightly edited talk by Monica Moorehead at the Workers World Party webinar on Sept. 3 on "Save the people's post office." Voter suppression is an issue I have both personal and political knowledge of. I was born and raised under segregation in Alabama. Black and white activists . . . |

Party for Socialism and Liberation (2020-09-12). Friday 9/11: Online Socialism Forum – Fight the war machine at home and abroad! indybay.org

Staff (2020-09-11). Headlines for September 11, 2020. democracynow.org 500,000 Evacuated Across Oregon as Record-Shattering Fires Rage in Western States, AstraZeneca CEO Warned Investors of Vaccine Recipient Who Became Ill, Trump Admin Fines Pork Processor $13,500 for Lapses at Plant Where 1,300 Contracted Coronavirus, India Records Another Record Daily Coronavirus Toll, Senate Coronavirus Relief Bill Fails as Another 857,000 File New Unemployment Claims, Amazon Accused of Price Gouging After Raising Prices Up to 1,000% During Lockdown, Philadelphia Activists Defy City Order to Vacate Encampment for Unhoused Residents, Joe Biden Says He May Further Increase Military Spending If Elec…

Conn Hallinan (2020-09-11). The rule of big oil causes misery in the Middle East. peoplesworld.org During the reign of the Emperor Justinian I (527-565 AD), a mysterious plague spread out of the Nile Valley to Constantinople and finished off the Roman Empire. Appearing first in China and North India, the "Black Death" (Yersinia pestis) radiated throughout the Mediterranean and into Northern Europe. It may well have killed close to half …

Vijay Prashad (2020-09-11). Not just an orchard, not merely a field, we demand the whole World. mronline.org When news of the revolution in the Tsar's empire filtered into British-dominated India in 1917-1918, the reception was universal: if they could overthrow the Tsar, then we can overthrow the British Raj.

Sonali Kolhatkar (2020-09-11). Why Many Police Are Barely Distinguishable From Racist Vigilantes. counterpunch.org Police in America, whose mottos claim to "protect and serve" us, have been openly declaring allegiance with the forces of white supremacy. It is no coincidence that this has become a hallmark of Donald Trump's presidency. Trump defended Kyle Rittenhouse, the 17-year-old white suspect in the shooting deaths of two activists in Kenosha, Wisconsin, in

_____ (2020-09-11). 'Reducing Troops Not The Same As Ending Wars'. popularresistance.org The U.S. military's announcement Wednesday that thousands of troops will soon withdraw from Iraq was met with skepticism by peace activists, who were quick to note that a reduction in troop strength is not the same thing as ending the war. | U.S. Central Command (CETCOM) commander Gen. Frank McKenzie said Wednesday that the number of U.S. troops in Iraq will be reduced from 5,200 to 3,000 during the month of September, but critics said this should not be seen as President Donald Trump fulfilling his campaign promise in 2016 to end the nation's wasteful overseas wars.

yenisafak (2020-09-11). Trump says there will be no extension of TikTok deadline. yenisafak.com President Donald Trump said on Thursday the deadline set for Chinese company ByteDance to sell its popular short-video app TikTok's U.S. assets would not be extended."It'll either be closed up or they'll sell it," Trump told reporters before leaving for Michigan. "There will be no extension of the TikTok deadline."TikTok did not immediately respond to a request for comment.ByteDance has been looking to pick a buyer so it can finalize a deal by mid-September and comply with Trump's order to divest TikTok's assets.TikTok is best known for videos of people dancing, which go viral among teenagers. But U.S. officials…

Derrick Broze (2020-09-11). 19 Years Later, Questions Still Hang Over the 9/11 Attacks. thelastamericanvagabond.com After nearly two decades, it should be perfectly clear to Americans that the U.S. government has no interest in getting to the bottom of the 9/11 false flag. Whatever potential remains for the truth to be set free will largely be determined by the activists, journalists, and researchers who make up the 9/11 Truth movement.

Peoples Dispatch (2020-09-10). Venezuela launches Simón Bolívar Institute for Peace and Solidarity among Peoples. peoplesdispatch.org The Simón Bolívar Institute for Peace and Solidarity among Peoples was launched on September 6, with the presence of Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro. The Institute was created to strengthen the international relations between Venezuela, Latin America and the world. The launch event was held virtually and broadcasted on YouTube through the institute's official account. Around 106 political and social leaders from across the globe joined the video conference. | International activists and intellectuals including Laura Capote, a Colombian activist and member of the ALBA Movements Secretariat, Vijay Prashad, exec…

CounterPunch News Service (2020-09-10). CODEPINK Responds to Trump Troop Withdrawal: Bring ALL US Troops Home from Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria. counterpunch.org We welcome the Trump administration announcement that US troops in Iraq will be reduced from 5,200 to 3,000. Anytime US troops are brought home from ill-conceived overseas adventures is a step in the right direction. But the American people want AN END to these endless wars, not a reduction. The same goes for the Iraqi

Medea Benjamin, Leonardo Flores (2020-09-10). Biden Urged to Adopt a Good Neighbor Policy Toward Latin America. counterpunch.org Election season is a difficult time to develop good policies towards Latin America, since both Democrats and Republicans cater to the small, but organized, conservative factions of the Latinx community in Florida, vying for their votes. But if Biden wins the White House, there is a chance to reverse the Trump administration policies that have

Mattha Busby (2020-09-10). 'Freeing the truth' — Extinction Rebellion activists on their week of action. zcomm.org From blockading printers to meditating outside Barclays, the climate crisis campaign has drawn a variety of participants…

_____ (2020-09-10). Democracy Dies in Obfuscation. strategic-culture.org Dorothee BENZ | "US Political Divide Becomes Increasingly Violent, Rattling Activists and Police," a Washington Post headline (

Andrew McCormick (2020-09-10). These Big City Mayors Want Green Stimulus Spending to Counter Covid-19. commondreams.org Climate activists from Extinction Rebellion attend a protest against the expansion of Stansted Airport on 29 August 2020 in Bishop's Stortford, United Kingdom. (Photo: Mark Kerrison/In Pictures via Getty Images) | www.commondreams.org/sites/default/files…

Lisa Newcomb, staff writer (2020-09-10). 'Mandatory for Anyone With an Ounce of Awareness': Climate Coalition Calls on New York State to Divest From Fossil Fuels. commondreams.org "We believe we must speak up in the face of the planetary emergency precipitated by the climate crisis." | www.commondreams.org/sites/default/files…

Alan Macleod (2020-09-09). As Trump Nominated for Nobel Peace Prize, Here Are Some of Its Worst Winners. mintpressnews.com While there have been some worthy winners in its 119-year history, the Nobel Peace Prize has very often been handed to some of the world's worst warmongers and war criminals.

Brett Wilkins, staff writer (2020-09-09). 'Reducing Troops Not the Same as Ending Wars': Peace Activists Say Trump Drawdown in Iraq Not Nearly Enough. commondreams.org "Trump is trying to convince voters that is now following through on a campaign promise that he failed to keep in four years and will not fulfill with half measures," says CodePink's Medea Benjamin. | www.commondreams.org/sites/default/files…

Eds. (2020-09-09). Extinction Rebellion: The real criminals sit in parliament! mronline.org We applaud the successful blockades of a number of printing plants by activists of Extinction Rebellion. They have managed to seriously disrupt one of the key pillars of capitalism—the establishment press. Predictably, the Daily Mail, The Times and all the other right wing rags are complaining about this being an "attack on the freedom of …

pip.hinman (2020-09-09). Activists discuss latest attacks on Venezuela. greenleft.org.au Organised by the Melbourne-based Venezuelan Solidarity Campaign and the Latin American Solidarity Network (LASNET)…

_____ (2020-09-09). How to Save a Dying Republic: Lincoln and the Greenbacks. strategic-culture.org While some onlookers have found themselves cheering on this impending meltdown of the "great American empire", I think it is wiser to take a more measured approach to the tragedy now unfolding in America and across the entire trans-Atlantic Community. After all, what would we expect to see under conditions of dissolution of the union into civil war and economic collapse? Would the danger of war go away? Would economic injustice disappear as the Eurasian multipolar alliance swept the world to restore peace and win-win development on everyone? | I tend to think that this is overly simplistic wishful thinking and it…

Mehr News Agency (2020-09-09). Cheney engineered 9/11 to establish worldwide empire by US. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Sep. 09 (MNA) — David Ray Griffin believes that former Vice-President Richard Cheney his buddy Donald Rumsfeld engineered the September 11 attacks to pave the way for US to establish a worldwide empire.

Thierry Meyssan (2020-09-08). Quelle sera la politique étrangère du prochain président US? thealtworld.com Les deux programmes des candidats Trump et Biden ne ressemblent pas à ceux des candidats précédents. Il ne s'agit plus d'ajuster les Etats-Unis aux évolutions du monde, mais de définir ce qu'ils seront. La question est existentielle, de sorte qu'il est tout à fait possible que les choses dégénèrent et se terminent dans la violence. Pour les uns, le pays doit être une nation au service des citoyens, pour les autres il doit restaurer son statut impérial. | La campagne présidentielle états-unienne 2020 oppose deux visions radicalement différentes des États-Unis : empire ou nation ? | D'un cà¥té, la prétention de…