Daily Archives: July 13, 2021

2021-07-13: News Headlines

Manolo De Los Santos (2021-07-13). The United States tries to take advantage of the price Cubans are paying for the blockade and the pandemic. peoplesdispatch.org Cuban government officials and activists have reiterated their demand for an end to the blockade imposed by the US which over six decades has cost Cuba $147.8 billion in damages…

Jesus Rodriguez-Espinoza (2021-07-13). PSUV Expresses Solidarity with Cuba in Face of US Imperialist Aggression — Demonstration in Support of Cuba in Caracas. orinocotribune.com Caracas, July 12, 2021 (Special for OrinocoTribune.com)—The United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), in a public statement issued this Monday, July 12, expressed its solidarity with the people and government of Cuba, faced with a new onslaught by the US empire against the Cuban Revolution. | "We will accompany that brother people as another soldier to defeat the imperialist recolonizing plans with which they intend to overthrow the independence and sovereignty of our sister nation and establish, at an inopportune moment, the re-instatement of the nefarious Plan Condor that—violating democracy, inst…

Medea Benjamin (2021-07-13). The hidden hand of the US blockade sparks Cuba protests. peoplesdispatch.org In their frenzy over the protests in Cuba, US media and politicians have systematically overlooked the role played by US foreign policy in creating the difficult economic and social conditions on the island…

Seth Donnelly (2021-07-13). The Assassination of Jovenel Moise: What Next for Haiti? counterpunch.org Today, the people of Haiti are facing down the US-backed dictatorship of the ruling Haitian Tet Kale Party (PHTK) that came to power through the fraudulent election of Michel Martelly in 2010 and maintained its grip on power through the fraudulent election of Jovenel Moise in 2016, what Haitian activists refer to as electoral coup d'etats. Both elections were held under UN occupation and sponsored by the US government. As Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton detoured from her trip to the Middle East at the height of the Arab Spring uprising in Egypt and personally intervened to put Martelly into power. Similarly,…

Gideon Polya (2021-07-13). Ongoing Israeli Genocide of Palestinians. dissidentvoice.org The world needs to know the horrendous dimensions of the ongoing Palestinian Genocide, and of the gross Apartheid Israeli maltreatment of 5.2 million Occupied Palestinians and in particular of the 2 million inmates of the blockaded and bombed Gaza Concentration Camp. A numbers-based summary of these ongoing atrocities will strengthen global Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions …

Medea Benjamin (2021-07-13). The Afghan War Is Over, So What About Iraq and Iran? progressive.org It's time for President Biden to realize that the United States should stop invading and attacking other countries.

WSWS (2021-07-13). UK government refuses to reveal details of its support for the Saudi war machine. wsws.org The venal Saudi monarchy serves as a crucial custodian of Britain's geostrategic interests in the energy-rich region and a key partner in Washington and London's anti-Iranian axis.

GNAWNPIS (2021-07-13). The War Economy Must End. Where Do These Aegis Naval Destroyers Go? globalresearch.ca

Liberation staff-Ohio (2021-07-13). Ohio activists fight for unemployment benefits, housing for all. liberationnews.org On June 26, members of the Party for Socialism and Liberation from the Miami Valley and Columbus chapters came together outside the Ohio Statehouse to protest the end of Ohio's $300 pandemic unemployment subsidy.

Human Rights Watch (2021-07-13). Saudi Arabia: New Details of Alleged Torture Leaked. juancole.com ( Human Rights Watch ) — (Beirut) — New accounts have emerged of alleged torture of high-profile political detainees in Saudi prisons, Human Rights Watch said today. Saudi authorities failed to independently and credibly investigate allegations that Saudi authorities tortured Saudi women's rights activists and others detained in early 2018, including with electric shocks, beatings, …

Medea Benjamin (2021-07-13). America's Afghan War Is Over, So What About Iraq — and Iran? zcomm.org Let's hope Biden has learned another history lesson: that the United States should stop invading and attacking other countries…

Bernadette Smith (2021-07-13). Cashless debit card fast-tracks economic apartheid. greenleft.org.au Activists are continuing to organise against the cashless debit card, which is being rolled out in lower socio-economic communities. Bernadette Smith reports.

Liberation Staff (2021-07-12). Anchorage activists: 'Housing is a human right'. liberationnews.org Anchorage, like many cities across the west coast, has had an increasingly severe crisis of homelessness for the last decade, yet there has been little effort to address it until now.

Staff (2021-07-12). 'I got impeached twice, I became worse': Trump thrills supporters with outrage-packed speech at CPAC. rt.com In a speech to fans in Texas, Donald Trump repeated claims of election fraud and tirades against "cancel culture." He also uttered one phrase his opponents would likely agree with, saying he "became worse" after being impeached. | Trump took the stage in Dallas, Texas on Sunday night to close out the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), a yearly or twice-yearly gathering of politicians, activists and celebrities from the American right. The CPAC crowd is as friendly to Trump as crowds get, and the former president served them up his signature partisan jokes, rants and one-liners. | Also on rt.com

Staff (2021-07-12). Facing Threats Over Critical Race Theory, Educators Across the US Are Quitting. truthout.org As a right-wing fear campaign against the teaching of critical race theory (CRT) in schools across the country shows no signs of abating, several educators are leaving the profession to avoid facing the sometimes dangerous rage and rhetoric of conservative activists, who often demonstrate a total misunderstanding of CRT. |

Abdul Rahman (2021-07-12). Weathering attacks from Israel and allies, BDS movement stands firm in building Palestinian resistance. peoplesdispatch.org The Palestinian Boycott Divestment and Sanctions movement, which marked its 16th anniversary of July 9, has played a huge role in exposing and creating awareness about the apartheid policies of Israel…

Medea Benjamin, Nicolas J. S. Davies (2021-07-12). America's Afghan war is over, so what about Iraq—and Iran? nationofchange.org Let's hope Biden has learned another history lesson: That the United States should stop invading and attacking other countries.

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