Monthly Archives: August 2021

2021-08-17: News Headlines

The Conversation (2021-08-17). As Afghanistan falls, what does it mean for the Middle East? By Tony Walker |- In the 19th century, the phrase "The Great Game" was used to describe competition for power and influence in Afghanistan, and neighbouring central and south Asia territories, between the British and Russian empires. Neither side prevailed in what became known as the "graveyard of empires". Two centuries later, an American superpower …

Jack Rasmus (2021-08-17). Afghanistan & the American Imperial Project. The US is pulling out because, for the first time since 1945, it has decided to cut its costs in less strategic areas in order to be able to finance the growing costs of empire elsewhere…

Riz Wakil (2021-08-17). Afghan-Australian: 'Democracy and safety not a priority for West'. The West was never in Afghanistan to bring democracy or assure safety for ordinary Afghans. Riz Wakil said the warmongers orchestrated not only the occupation of Afghanistan but many parts of the Middle East: Iraq, Syria and also Libya.

Aída Chávez (2021-08-17). West Virginia Activists Are Coming for Joe Manchin. West Virginia Activists Are Coming for Joe Manchin…

Editor (2021-08-17). 'We are in nobody's backyard': rejecting geopolitical and historical fatalism. The catch-phrases "transnational criminal organizations," "humanitarian assistance" and even "disaster relief operations" are worn-out euphemisms for the neo-colonial presence of the U.S. Empire and its European allies in Guyana and throughout the region.

_____ (2021-08-17). Calling Out The Greatest Culprit Behind The Climate Crisis. Abby Martin and Mike Prysner of The Empire Files are producing a new feature-length documentary that exposes the US military as "Earth's Greatest Enemy." Left out of the conversation about the climate crisis is the fact that even if every person, vehicle and factory stopped emitting carbon, as long as the US military continues on as it is, the earth will still be headed for disaster. Clearing the FOG speaks with war and climate journalist Dahr Jamail and Mike Prysner about the state of the climate crisis, the extent of environmental destruction caused by the military both in the United States and abroad and the n…

C.J. Atkins (2021-08-16). As U.S. empire falters, people of Afghanistan pay the price. The U.S.' war in Afghanistan—a war that never should have happened—is ending, finally. The chaotic imagery from Kabul flashed across the world's televisions and smartphones over the last 24 hours has captured the final moments of U.S. imperialism's longest military misadventure, the symbolic conclusion of an effort of conquest and control that was doomed from …

Andrea Germanos (2021-08-16). Flawed From the Start, Afghan War's Bitter End Was 'Inevitable'. "No one will look back through history with anything but shame and sorrow for the human suffering wrought and the repeated failures of the U.S. war machine."

Raouf Halaby (2021-08-16). Déjà Vu: Saigon, Vietnam, 1975; Kabul, Afghanistan, 2021. In addition to global warming (floods, fires, destructive storms, water shortages and water pollution) a pernicious COVID virus with all its offspring variants, a depressed economy, abuse of power, rabid racism, graft and corruption at all levels – Hubris and Arrogance, the afflictions to which all empires succumb, are America's tragic flaws.

Moderator (2021-08-16). Anti-War Voices Say Afghanistan Shows Need to Stop Any Further March to War. By Brett Wilkins / Common Dreams Amid the lightning collapse of Afghanistan's U.S.-backed government and the all-but-certain return of Taliban rule, anti-war activists on Monday stressed that diplomacy, not bombs or the military-industrial complex, is the only path to lasting peace. The stunning but predictable Taliban reconquest of Afghanistan marks the end of the nearly 20-year U.S. |

_____ (2021-08-16). What AIDS Activists Can Teach Us About The Covid Pandemic. While health advocacy organizations have urged the federal government to learn from the HIV/AIDS crisis to more effectively respond to the Covid-19 pandemic, both within America and abroad, many HIV/AIDS organizers argue that the government has now failed twice in its responsibility to the nation's‚Äâ—‚Äâand the world's‚Äâ—‚Äâmost vulnerable people.

Real Progressives (2021-08-16). What America's social justice activists can learn from past movements for civil rights. The challenging lesson from our history is that a deep well of strength and resilience are required for the long struggle to make equity and equality under the law a reality in the United States.

Moderator (2021-08-16). What the Classroom Didn't Teach Me About the American Empire. Perhaps even more relevant today than it was in 2008, when it was first published, is the remarkable Howard Zinn's writing on how, from his childhood in school to his years as a bombardier with the Eighth Air Force in the Second World War and beyond, he had to discover for himself that his country was an imperial power of the first order, another empire in a long history of them.

2021-08-18 01:40 | 21:40 EST | 13 | 0 | 7 | 6 | 0

2021-08-16: News Headlines

Raouf Halaby (2021-08-16). Déjà Vu: Saigon, Vietnam, 1975; Kabul, Afghanistan, 2021. In addition to global warming (floods, fires, destructive storms, water shortages and water pollution) a pernicious COVID virus with all its offspring variants, a depressed economy, abuse of power, rabid racism, graft and corruption at all levels – Hubris and Arrogance, the afflictions to which all empires succumb, are America's tragic flaws.

Andrea Germanos (2021-08-16). Flawed From the Start, Afghan War's Bitter End Was 'Inevitable'. "No one will look back through history with anything but shame and sorrow for the human suffering wrought and the repeated failures of the U.S. war machine."

Moderator (2021-08-16). Anti-War Voices Say Afghanistan Shows Need to Stop Any Further March to War. By Brett Wilkins / Common Dreams Amid the lightning collapse of Afghanistan's U.S.-backed government and the all-but-certain return of Taliban rule, anti-war activists on Monday stressed that diplomacy, not bombs or the military-industrial complex, is the only path to lasting peace. The stunning but predictable Taliban reconquest of Afghanistan marks the end of the nearly 20-year U.S. |

_____ (2021-08-16). What AIDS Activists Can Teach Us About The Covid Pandemic. While health advocacy organizations have urged the federal government to learn from the HIV/AIDS crisis to more effectively respond to the Covid-19 pandemic, both within America and abroad, many HIV/AIDS organizers argue that the government has now failed twice in its responsibility to the nation's‚Äâ—‚Äâand the world's‚Äâ—‚Äâmost vulnerable people.

Real Progressives (2021-08-16). What America's social justice activists can learn from past movements for civil rights. The challenging lesson from our history is that a deep well of strength and resilience are required for the long struggle to make equity and equality under the law a reality in the United States.

Moderator (2021-08-16). What the Classroom Didn't Teach Me About the American Empire. Perhaps even more relevant today than it was in 2008, when it was first published, is the remarkable Howard Zinn's writing on how, from his childhood in school to his years as a bombardier with the Eighth Air Force in the Second World War and beyond, he had to discover for himself that his country was an imperial power of the first order, another empire in a long history of them.

_____ (2021-08-15). Despite Thousands of Protestors, Line 3 Almost Done. In the dense coniferous forests of northern Minnesota, they've shown up nearly every day to chain themselves to equipment and block traffic on roads, chanting "water is life." | Not a week has passed this summer that activists haven't used their bodies to stymie construction of Line 3, an oil pipeline that would deliver energy-intensive Canadian crude from the tar sands of Alberta to the Midwest. But those efforts don't appear to be stopping the project, which has steamrolled forward since obtaining its final permits late last year. | All but the Minnesota section of Enbridge Energy's 1,031-mile pipeline has been…

Staff (2021-08-15). Turkish LGBTQ Activists Counter Oppression With Art, Solidarity and Radical Hope. Activism came to Hazar Kolancalƒ± like a thunderstorm, at first a rumbling in the distance and then upon her all at once. The constant — and

Sumedha Pal (2021-08-15). India's New IT Rules Paving Way for Legitimised Surveillance. Image by As the Indian government is confronted with a global snooping scandal with over 300 journalists, politicians and bureaucrats on the list of those surveilled by the state, the Modi government had intensified its bid to rampage through the country's latest Internet Technology laws. | While the central government claims that the new laws are aimed at quelling the crisis of misinformation in the country by targeting sources, social media giants, alternative media platforms and privacy activists claim that the laws will bring them under direct…

_____ (2021-08-15). In Somalia, The US Is Bombing The Very 'Terrorists' It Created. This July, the Biden administration picked up where Trump left off and began bombing Somalia, a country with a gross domestic product of less than $6 billion and a poverty rate of 70 percent. But why? | The official reason provided by the Pentagon was that the Somali National Army needed air support in its operations to counter al-Shabaab. But the actual reason was that Somalia is geo-strategically important to US empire. | Successive US administrations have cycled through a myriad of excuses to either bomb the country or to arm its dictators: Cold War politics, "humanitarian intervention," anti-piracy, and more…

Maria Fernanda Barreto (2021-08-15). Juvenicide: A Crime of the Multidimensional War in Colombia. By María Fernanda Barreto — Aug 12, 2021 | At the beginning of the 1990s as the victor of the "cold war," which in reality had very hot expressions, the United States, having established itself since the second post-war period as the head of the capitalist empire, also consolidated itself as the greatest political and military power, and became the axis of the unipolar world. That had been the objective of the struggle against communism, which justified all wars in a supposed defense of peace that, it was said, only capitalism could sustain. | That was at least the idea that was sold to world public opinion,…

_____ (2021-08-15). Is It Time To Create A UN Political Body For Climate Change? United nations – As a wisecracking cynic once remarked: "The sun would never set on the British empire because God wouldn't trust an Englishman in the dark". Perhaps it was an uncharitable remark because most of the British colonies have long gone. | But when i quoted this witticism to a British journalist, he countered: "I am sure it was told by a Scotsman." | Since Scotland is not a colony, its demand for independence is not a matter of decolonization, which is virtually dead on the UN's political agenda. | The United Nations, at its very inception 76 years ago, created a Trusteeship Council, one of its main or…

2021-08-17 02:34 | 22:34 EST | 12 | 0 | 6 | 6 | 0