2022-06-04: News Headlines

Pratik Chakrabarti (2022-06-04). [Perspectives] Health as activism: rethinking social medicine in India. thelancet.com The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed deep problems and inequities in India's health infrastructure, which has suffered from decades of underinvestment. But the pandemic also galvanised a wide range of community participation. Non-governmental organisations (NGOs), volunteers, and health-care workers arranged for the supply of oxygen, helped register people for vaccination, ran vaccination camps, and visited communities and schools to speak about the virus and precautions. Notably, many local women, who trained as accredited social health activists (ASHAs), took part in these efforts.

Staff (2022-06-03). President Maduro Visits Socialist Commune in Caracas. orinocotribune.com This Wednesday, June 1, within the framework of the Communal Homeland Plan, Venezuela's President Nicolás Maduro and various ministers visited the Altos de Lídice Socialist Commune in Caracas, where they held discussions regarding the productive development of Venezuela's communes. The head of state took a tour of the socio-productive areas of the community and met with cooperative members, entrepreneurs, and community producers. | "I want to be more and more connected with the reality of the neighborhood, with the reality of the people," President Maduro said. "For that, I created the 1àó10 System of Good…

Staff (2022-06-03). Venezuela's Army Disables 17th Colombian Narco-Jet of 2022. orinocotribune.com Operation Relámpago del Catatumbo continues to destroy illegal facilities used by Colombian narco-terrorist groups. | On Wednesday, June 1, using fighter planes, the Comprehensive Aerospace Defensive System of the Bolivarian National Armed Force (FANB) disabled an illegal aircraft of armed Colombian drug traffickers (TANCOL). This marked the 17th Colombian narco-jet downed by Venezuelan authorities in 2022 alone. | The operation took place in the Rómulo Gallegos municipality of Apure state. The information was released by the Operational Strategic Commander of the Bolivarian National Armed Force (CEOFANB), Doming…

TeleSUR, lvm, MER (2022-06-03). FANB de Venezuela desmantela 257 estructuras de grupos armados. telesurtv.net También fueron decomisados 24.700 cartuchos, 880 cargadores nuevos, 55 morteros improvisados y 19 granadas.

TeleSUR, SH (2022-06-03). Venezuela responsabiliza al capitalismo del cambio climático. telesurtv.net La vicepresidenta venezolana, instó a los asistentes a la Reunión Internacional Estocolmo+ a tomar acciones responsables para la preservación del planeta.

TeleSUR, MA, JGN (2022-06-03). El legado revolucionario de Raúl Castro en Cuba. telesurtv.net Raúl Castro fue el más fiel de los compañeros de su hermano, el líder histórico de la Revolución Cubana, Fidel Castro, a quien secundó en todas las fases de la lucha revolucionaria.

TeleSUR -ysm -HIM (2022-06-03). Cuba en alerta ante peligro de intensas lluvias. telesurtv.net Se pronostican fuertes marejadas al sur del Occidente y Centro, y los vientos serán del sudeste al sur con rachas superiores en áreas de chubascos y lluvias.

Staff (2022-06-03). Iran ready to send humanitarian aid to Kenya, African states. en.mehrnews.com Iranian Foreign Minister told his Kenyan counterpart that Tehran is ready to send humanitarian aid including medical assistance such as vaccines to Kenya and the African Continent.

Staff (2022-06-03). Sanctions being used as method of war against civilians. en.mehrnews.com Iran's permanent ambassador to the United Nations called on the UN Security Council to hold certain states responsible for using economic sanctions as a method of war against other countries' civilian populations.

Staff (2022-06-03). Veteran Iranian actor Mehdi Sabbaghi passs away at age of 71. en.mehrnews.com The prominent Iranian theater and cinema actor Mehdi Sabbaghi passed away Thursday evening at the age of 71.

Staff (2022-06-03). US, E3 to push for anti-Iran resolution at IAEA BoG meeting. en.mehrnews.com The US State Department said on Thursday that the US will work closely with its allies and partners and the IAEA board to push for an anti-Iran resolution at the board meeting next week.

Kamal Iranidoost (2022-06-03). Kuwait seizes Iranian boat with three sailors. en.mehrnews.com Kuwaiti authorities have said they have seized an Iranian boat and arrested three people, media have reported.

Staff (2022-06-03). President Raeisi's visit to East Azarbaijan province. en.mehrnews.com Iranian President Seyyed Ebrahim Raeisi visited the East Azarbaijan Province in northwest Iran Thur. as part of his regular visits to provinces to listen to people's grievances and follow up on projects implementation.

Caitlin A. Johnstone (2022-06-02). Empire solves Ukraine's Nazi problem with a logo change. mronline.org "The Azov Battalion has removed a neo-Nazi symbol from its insignia that has helped perpetuate Russian propaganda about Ukraine being in the grip of far-right nationalism," The Times informs us.

Margaret Kimberley (2022-06-02). Mass shootings, Empire, and racist, copaganda dog whistles. mronline.org Two mass shootings in quick succession brought out the worst in Americans. The anger and grief were followed by the usual lies and pretense that violence here is somehow mysterious. Political leaders advocate state violence all the time, calling for new victims to be created here and around the world.

Jason Ditz (2022-06-02). UN: 'Positive Indications' in Talks on Extending Yemen Truce. news.antiwar.com On the last day of the current two-month ceasefire in Yemen, the UN is reporting that the talks on an extension are showing " There's no firm indication that extension is final, though it's clearly close. The pro-Saudi Presidential Leadership Council of Yemen is reportedly setting…

Jason Ditz (2022-06-02). Former IAEA Inspector Wrongly Claims Iran Breakout Time Is 'Now Zero'. news.antiwar.com Continuing fear-mongering around Iran's nuclear program with seemingly deliberately misleading claims, former IAEA inspector David Albright has claimed the This is a step up from previous claims, equally wrong, that Iran is "weeks away" from breakout. In both cases, the claims are wildly misleading, as Iran has no weapons-grade uranium at all, and never made an attempt to…

Staff (2022-06-02). Venezuela's Economy Grows by Double Digits in 1st Quarter of 2022. orinocotribune.com During the first quarter of 2022, Venezuela has registered economic growth above double digits, says Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro. | This Tuesday, May 31, President Maduro said "Venezuela has witnessed a growth in the double digits in the first quarter of 2022, it is encouraging news," during the first episode of a new livestream initiative broadcast via TikTok, Instagram and Facebook, called 3R.Live. | The president, accompanied by Vice President Delcy Rodríguez, stressed that according to the Economic Intelligence Bulletin, there is evidence of an improvement in the indicators, an increase in the real ec…

Staff (2022-06-02). Venezuela's Parliament to Investigate Human Rights Violation of Venezuelan in the Netherlands. orinocotribune.com Venezuela's National Assembly (AN) will investigate a human rights violation of a Venezuelan citizen residing in the Netherlands, said the first vice president of Venezuela's AN, Iris Varela. Varela's statement was made in parliament, during the presentation of a video revealing the abuse of power by the Dutch police. | "He went out…

Manolo De Los Santos (2022-06-02). Cuba's non-alignment: A foreign policy of peace and socialism. mronline.org In Cuba, 'non-alignment' has never meant being neutral, and has always meant being opposed to attempts to divide humanity, writes MANOLO DE LOS SANTOS…

Staff (2022-06-02). Iran, Azerbaijan to boost gas trade. en.mehrnews.com Iranian Minister of Oil referred to two billion cubic meters of Turkmenistan gas swap to the Republic of Azerbaijan via Iran's territory, announcing the gas transmission volume is to double.

Staff (2022-06-02). 'Hello Commander' become social phenomenon: report. en.mehrnews.com The epic song "Hello Commander" has become a social phenomenon that has penetrated beyond the borders of Iran and is spreading in many Arab and Islamic countries.

Staff (2022-06-02). Iran, Singapore FMs discuss bilateral ties, intl. issues. en.mehrnews.com Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian in a phone call held talks with his Singaporean counterpart, Vivian Balakrishnan, on regional and international issues, as well as bilateral ties.

Staff (2022-06-02). White House Black aids exodus shows racial discrimination. en.mehrnews.com Secretary-General of Iran's High Council for Human Rights has said that the exodus of African American staffers from the White House shows the existing systemic racism in American society.

Staff (2022-06-02). Iran, European countries discuss Syria. en.mehrnews.com Iranian Foreign Minister's Senior Advisor for Special Political Affairs Ali Asghar Khaji held a meeting with Special Representatives of Norway and Italy in Syrian Affairs.

Staff (2022-06-02). Iran, Iraq discuss fighting against global epidemics. en.mehrnews.com The Iranian Health Minister Bahram Einollahi met and held talks with Sayyid Ammar al-Hakim, the leader of the Iraqi National Wisdom Movement.

Staff (2022-06-02). Iran deputy FM holds talks with Norwegian officials in Oslo. en.mehrnews.com Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister for Political Affairs Ali Bagheri Kani on Thursday held talks with senior Norwegian officials in Oslo.

Staff (2022-06-02). Iran oil minister meets Kazakhstan energy minister in Baku. en.mehrnews.com Iranian Oil Minister, Javad Owji, met with Kazakhstan Energy Minister, Bulat Aqchulaqov, on Thursday on the sidelines of Baku Energy Forum.

Staff (2022-06-02). Iran records the first day of no Covid deaths. en.mehrnews.com After 2 years and 100 days of the Corona pandemic in the country, Iran recorded a day without Covid deaths.

Staff (2022-06-02). Sanctions couldn't hinder Iran's oil industry progress. en.mehrnews.com Iranian Oil Minister said | that those who imposed sanctions think they can impede Iran's development and progress through the terroristic tool of sanction while it is a double-edged sword with which they have to grapple.

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