Daily Archives: February 14, 2022

2022-02-14: News Headlines

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2022-02-14). Ukraine: The Tip of the Spear for the Imperialist Project. libya360.wordpress.com Ajamu Baraka Azov Battalion volunteers in Kyiv, Ukraine / credit: EPA/TASS/Sergey Dolzhenko Editor's Note: This is based on a presentation the author gave during a February 6 webinar, "U.S./NATO Aggression at the Russian Border. No War with Russia." The event was a conversation between Russian, Ukrainian and U.S. activists the United National Antiwar Coalition had organized. We have serious…

Staff (2022-02-14). Headlines for February 14, 2022. democracynow.org High-Level Diplomatic Talks Continue as U.S. Warns Russia Could Invade Ukraine at Any Time, Canadian Police Clear Trucker Convoy from Ambassador Bridge as Protests Spread to More Countries, Pfizer's Vaccine for Under 5s on Hold; Study Finds Even Mild COVID Cases Up Risk of Heart Disease, Afghan Central Bank, Aid Groups Condemn U.S. Move to Seize and Redirect Billions in Afghan Assets, Honduran Court Releases Environmental Activists Who Protested Open-Pit Mining Project, Deforestation in Brazilian Amazon Reached Record Levels Last Month, U.S. Judge Restores Protections for Gray Wolves; Australia Declares Koa…

Janet Parker (2022-02-14). Socialists announce WA candidates. greenleft.org.au Climate activists Petrina Harley and Alex Salmon will run for the Socialist Alliance in the WA Senate while Sam Wainwright will run in the House of Representatives seat of Fremantle. Janet Parker reports.

Staff (2022-02-14). Conviasa Announces Direct Flights from Tehran to Caracas. orinocotribune.com Venezuela's national airline is ready to start direct flights between Caracas and Tehran in March 2022. The flights will benefit tourists, commerce, and industry. | Ramón Velázquez, Venezuelan vice minister for air transport and president of the Venezuelan national airline, Conviasa, announced direct flights between Tehran, Iran, and Venezuela's capital. The announcement occurs in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, which remains relatively controlled in both countries, due to the approach of each country's government. | In an exclusive interview for HispanTV, Velázquez said that "joining Tehran with Caracas is a…

Staff (2022-02-14). Iran shares progress on nuclear negotiations. rt.com Tehran says Vienna talks have not reached a dead end | The success of the nuclear talks in Vienna depends on the willingness of the Western parties to come to an agreement, a spokesman for the Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs told the press on Monday. | "Our distance from the agreement is inversely proportional to the will of the Western and American sides. The higher the will of the Americans, the lower our distance from reaching an agreement," Saeed Khatibzadeh stated. | Read more | | He…

TASS (2022-02-14). UK foreign secretary, Israeli top diplomat discuss Ukrainian issue. tass.com The sides also discussed Iranian nuclear deal…

Jesús Rodríguez-Espinoza (2022-02-14). Cuban Band Buena Fe Postpones Concerts in Canada Defending Cuban Vaccines. orinocotribune.com Caracas, February 13, 2022 (OrinocoTribune.com)—Kawsachun News posted a video on its YouTube channel from the world renowned Cuban duo Buena Fe (with English subtitles) where the two singers explain the reason behind the cancellation of their concerts that were supposed happen this year across various Canadian cities. | Buena Fe is a Cuban pop band formed in Guantánamo in 1999, with strong Trova influence, which is a style of Cuban popular music dating back to the 19th century. Its core members consist of Israel Rojas and Yoel Martínez Rodríguez, who in just ten years have released 10 albums, the most recen…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2022-02-14). Venezuela: Civilian-Military Unity, Deepening of People's Power and Integral Development are Guarantees to Consolidate Victory against TANCOL at the Border. libya360.wordpress.com In the CRBZ we fully support the statements made recently by the Minister of Defense Vladimir Padrino, when he informed the country about the balance of the Operation Bolivarian Shield "Vuelvan Caras" that has been executed in Apure, specifically on the border with Colombia, against the Colombian Armed Terrorist groups (Tancol). It is necessary to…

William Briggs (2022-02-13). The United States, war on two fronts and loss of empire. greenleft.org.au The propaganda war against China and Russia got a whole lot worse in the past week. The very real danger of war either in our region, or in Europe, was made abundantly clear, argues William Briggs.

sputniknews (2022-02-13). Several UN Staff Abducted in Yemen's Abyan Province – Reports. sputniknews.com MOSCOW (Sputnik) – Six UN workers have been kidnapped in southern Yemen, the Yemen Press Agency (YPA) reports.

Anonymous Contributor (2022-02-13). Midwestern Solidarity: A Report on Autonomous Action for Amir Locke from Chicago. itsgoingdown.org Report back on recent autonomous march in solidarity with Amir Locke in so-called Chicago. On Friday, February 11, a small group of activists organized an emergency autonomous action in solidarity with the people of Minneapolis. We rallied and swiftly took the streets despite an obscene show of force from Chicago police. Amir Locke was murdered by…

_____ (2022-02-13). Shell Needs To Be Dismantled — Here's How. popularresistance.org It has been a turbulent year for the oil and gas giant Shell. | Last May, Dutch courts ruled that Shell must drastically reduce its carbon emissions. In October, ABP, a major shareholder, divested from the company. The following month, the firm announced plans to move its headquarters from the Hague to London and drop its iconic prefix, 'Royal Dutch' (the company is now just Shell plc). And, in recent weeks, it has come under fire for its mammoth 14-fold increase in quarterly profits, having made $16.3bn ( £12bn) pre-tax profit in the last quarter of 2021, while gas prices surged across Europe. | Now, as Sh…

Anonymous669 (2022-02-13). Saudi-led Coalition Attack On Houthi-Held Harad In Northwestern Yemen Is Going Nowhere (Video). southfront.org File image. | The Saudi-led coalition's large-scale attack on the city of Harad in the northwestern Yemen province of Hajjah has been going nowhere. | Harad, one of the key cities held by the Houthis (Ansar Allah), is located less than 15 kilometers away from al-Tuwal border crossing with Saudi Arabia. | The attack on Harad began in the first week of February. Forces from the Yemeni Armed Forces (YAF) 5th Military District, which was trained and equipped by the Saudi-led coalition, have been leading the attack.

Anonymous103 (2022-02-13). Military Situation In Yemen On February 13, 2022 (Map Update). southfront.org Click to see full-size image | The Liaison and Coordination Officers' Operations Room (loyal to Ansar Allah) reported 290 ceasefire violations in al-Hudaydah in the past 24 hours; | On February 12, warplanes of the Saudi-led coalition conducted 7 airstrikes on the Sanaa district; | On February 12, warplanes of the Saudi-led coalition conducted 4 airstrikes on the Saada province; | On February 12, warplanes of the Saudi-led coalition conducted 16 airstrikes on the Haradh district; | On February 13, clas…

Nauman Sadiq (2022-02-13). Will Iran Strike at Global Oil Supply if Russia Invades Ukraine? dissidentvoice.org Following Russia's troop build-up along Ukraine's borders portending imminent invasion, Houthi rebels in Yemen backed by Iran, which is Russia's most dependable regional ally in the decade-long Syrian conflict, have significantly escalated missile strikes on the oil-rich Gulf States with a nod of approval from the Kremlin in order to take pressure off Russia in …

Staff (2022-02-13). Record-breaking oil exports sign of maximum pressure failure. en.mehrnews.com Iranian Government Spokesman Ali Bahadori Jahromi said that record-breaking Iranian oil exports is a sign of the failure of the US maximum pressure.

Staff (2022-02-13). Cubanos residentes en el exterior: Poniéndole corazón a Cuba. cubadebate.cu La historia de Javier es solo una entre tantas que evidencian el aporte de los cubanos residentes en el exterior a su Patria frente a la pandemia, contexto en el que las medidas de asfixia económica, comercial y financiera impuestas a Cuba por EE.UU. se han reforzado, y han obstaculizado la adquisición de insumos y materiales médicos. Al comentar a Cubadebate sobre el trabajo de la organización, Javier rememora las múltiples actividades que se coordinan para unir a más de 300 connacionales que viven y trabajan en el gigante asiático.

Staff (2022-02-13). Yaniela Forgas se lleva la corona del Campeonato Femenino Nacional de Ajedrez. cubadebate.cu La corona del Campeonato Femenino Nacional de Ajedrez pertenece desde hoy a la Maestra Internacional Yaniela Forgas (Santiago de Cuba), quien ha estado participando en estos eventos desde muy joven, de ahí que la victoria es muestra de su crecimiento constante detrás de los tableros.

Staff (2022-02-13). Rusia revela cómo surgió la "invasión rusa a Ucrania" cubadebate.cu Rusia ha sido objeto de un ataque mediático destinado a desacreditar sus demandas de garantías de seguridad, informó la cancillería rusa y aclaró que a finales de 2021 y principios de este 2022, Moscú estaba bajo ataques mediáticos sin precedentes, destinados a convencer a la comunidad global de que Rusia estaba planeando una invasión a Ucrania.

Staff (2022-02-13). Frank-Walter Steinmeier es reelegido presidente de Alemania. cubadebate.cu La Asamblea Federal de Alemania reeligió este domingo al actual presidente del país Frank-Walter Steinmeier para un nuevo periodo de cinco años al frente de la jefatura del Estado, un cargo representativo para el que contó con el apoyo de los principales partidos políticos.

Staff (2022-02-13). Activa nuevamente web de Resumen Latinoamericano Cuba. cubadebate.cu El sitio web de la corresponsalía en Cuba del periódico argentino Resumen Latinoamericano está de vuelta, trataron de borrarnos y solo lograron multiplicar la solidaridad y los lectores, afirmó este miércoles 9 de febrero Graciela Ramírez, su editora jefa. Volvemos al camino con la adarga al brazo, para multiplicar la verdad que pretenden silenciar, expresó.

Staff (2022-02-13). Trabajo a distancia: Mucho ruido y pocas nueces. cubadebate.cu Al parecer casi dos años no han sido suficientes para enderezar la implementación del trabajo a distancia en Ciego de àÅvila, que sigue "encasillado" en alternativa y no en solución, cuando se trata de prestar servicios y cumplir encargos productivos con eficiencia. Todavía persiste la idea de que la presencialidad es sinónimo de rendimiento.

Steve Lalla (2022-02-13). Attacks on Venezuela Harm Caribbean's Most Vulnerable (+Alex Saab). orinocotribune.com February 11, 2022 ( The US and its allies have waged a non-stop economic and informational war on Venezuela's Bolivarian Revolution since the election of Hugo Chávez in 1998. These attacks intensified in recent years with the imposition of unilateral coercive measures—euphemistically…

José Manuel Blanco Diaz (2022-02-13). Venezuelan Minister El Aissami Responds to Gustavo Petro's Anti-Venezuela Narrative. orinocotribune.com The Sectorial Vice President of Venezuela for Economy and Oil, Tareck El Aissami, has issued a stern response to Colombian presidential candidate Gustavo Petro, counteracting the latter's attacks on Venezuela's President Nicolás Maduro. | Through a thread in his Twitter account, El Aissami blasted Petro's recent remarks in which he had claimed that President Maduro "does not embrace democracy." | Minister El Aissami wrote in response, "From Colombia, the drunken voices of the cowardly left and the voices of the paramilitary right sing together in an out of tune chorus, meddling in our affairs and with our people.

Staff (2022-02-13). Youth Day in Venezuela: Chavista Call to Venezuelan Youth, Two Demonstrations in Caracas. orinocotribune.com During the celebration of Youth Day in Venezuela, on Saturday, February 12, President Nicolás Maduro made an emotional call to the revolutionary youth of the nation, and assured that he and the Bolivarian government are committed to the fight against corruption, bureaucratism and criminality. The president made these remarks in a meeting with young people in Caracas, who marched from Petare (east Caracas) to Miraflores (center) to celebrate Youth Day. | "I have come to ask you, the youth, for help in the fight against corruption, crime, and bureaucratism. A sour, bitter fight," said the president in his speech.

Mary Triny Mena (2022-02-13). COVID-19 vaccine boosters available in Venezuela. america.cgtn.com Venezuela has started administering booster vaccinations against COVID-19, as the country continues its efforts to keep the pandemic under control. For the boosters, Venezuela is using China's Sinopharm and Russia's Sputniklight vaccines. One of those getting a booster is Augusto Mancini. He went to a vaccination center in …

teleSUR (2022-02-13). Report: Argentine Army Planned an Invasion of Venezuela in 2019. telesurenglish.net In the investigation by Argentine journalist Horacio Verbitsky, it was revealed that in command of the operation was General Juan Martin Paleo, who at the time was commander of the rapid deployment force. | The new Chief of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the Argentine Armed Forces, Brigadier General Juan Martín Paleo, takes office in February 2020.

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