Daily Archives: February 17, 2022

2022-02-17: News Headlines

Juan Cole (2022-02-17). Conflict with Russia is Raising your Gasoline Bill; an Electric Car is the Answer. juancole.com Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) — Reporters pressed White House spokesperson Jen Psaki on Wednesday about the likelihood that any Russian military engagement in Ukraine will raise petroleum prices further. Ensuing US sanctions on Russia would keep some of its petroleum off the market, as has already happened to Iran, at a time when demand is …

Roger D. Harris (2022-02-17). With Its Doomsday Clock at 100 Seconds to Midnight, The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists Calls for Escalating US Aggression Against Russia. orinocotribune.com By Roger D. Harris — Feb 14, 2022 | The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists emerged after World War II as a voice for peace by some of the scientists who developed the then ultimate weapon of mass destruction. Now, its mission has drifted into being an echo chamber for the US imperial project urging President Biden to take even more destabilizing actions against Russia. | Dropping the A-bombs | By the time that the scientists at the top-secret Manhattan Project had developed the atomic bomb and the US military had worked out the logistics for deploying it, World War II was for all intents and purposes over. By…

Zahra Mirzafarjouyan (2022-02-17). Venezuela to expand military cooperation with Russia: Maduro. en.mehrnews.com Venezuela will expand cooperation with Russia in the military sphere to defend peace and its sovereignty, Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro said on Wednesday.

Ahmed Abdulkareem (2022-02-17). As US Renews Support for Saudi War in Yemen, Civilian Death Toll Nearly Doubles. mintpressnews.com "The civilian death toll in Yemen has almost doubled since the United Nations rights body dissolved its monitoring mechanism in the war-torn country." — Norwegian Refugee Council Report…

Anand Naidoo (2022-02-17). The Heat: Yemen crisis — 21 million people need humanitarian aid. america.cgtn.com The Yemen conflict intensifies with no end in sight.

Staff (2022-02-17). Islamic Revolution emerged victorious via people presence. en.mehrnews.com The Leader of the Islamic Revolution said that the Islamic Revolution of Iran emerged victorious through the presence of the people and not guns and political measures.

Zahra Mirzafarjouyan (2022-02-17). Front pages of Iran's English dailies on February 17. en.mehrnews.com Here are the front pages of Iran's English language dailies on Thursday, February 17.

Jason Ditz (2022-02-17). Israel Attacks Syrian Army Base Near Damascus. news.antiwar.com On Wednesday night, Speculatively, Israeli media are saying Iranian troops might sometimes use that base. Israel, as usual, isn't commenting on why they're attacking Syria, however. | Indications are that the base sustained damage, and some damage was done in the town of Zakiya. There have been no reports of any casualties. | Interestingly, there was no…

teleSUR, hvh, JDO (2022-02-17). Venezuela rechaza la política de bloqueo de EE.UU. contra Cuba. telesurtv.net El Convenio Integral de Cooperación entre Venezuela y Cuba ha permitido fortalecer la cooperación en diversos sectores.

Staff (2022-02-17). Presidente de Duma Estatal rusa realizará visita oficial a Cuba. cubadebate.cu El presidente de la Duma Estatal (Cámara Baja del Parlamento) de Rusia, Viacheslav Volodin, realizará visitas oficiales a Cuba y Nicaragua el 23 y 24 de febrero. El político ruso mantendrá conversaciones con dirigentes de La Habana y Managua sobre la cooperación entre los países, así como se dará continuación al desarrollo del diálogo interparlamentario.

Staff (2022-02-17). Fidel sobre Almeida: Tuve el privilegio de conocerlo (+ Fotos). cubadebate.cu En el 95 aniversario del natalicio del Comandante de la Revolución Juan Almeida Bosque, Cubadebate y el sitio Fidel Soldado de las Ideas compartimos algunas fotografías poco conocidas de su vida revolucionaria.

Staff (2022-02-17). Preside Díaz-Canel asamblea de balance del PCC en el municipio Holguín. cubadebate.cu Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, Primer Secretario del Comité Central del Partido y presidente de Cuba, preside la asamblea de balance de esta organización política en el municipio de Holguín, última a esta instancia que se desarrolla en el oriental territorio. En este espacio se evalúa el estado de implementación y cumplimiento de lo dispuesto en el octavo Congreso.

Staff (2022-02-17). Reconoce presidente cubano trabajo de la Fiscalía General de la República. cubadebate.cu Un reconocimiento por la manera en que se crecieron el pasado año y la exhortación a seguir perfeccionando su labor en 2022, hizo el Primer Secretario del Comité Central del Partido y Presidente de la República, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, a las trabajadoras, trabajadores y dirigentes de la Fiscalía General de la República (FGR).

teleSUR- lvm -HIM (2022-02-17). Cuba rechaza ante la ONU bloqueo económico y político de EE.UU. telesurtv.net Ya desde abril de 2019 hasta marzo de 2020, el bloqueo había causado pérdidas a Cuba en el orden de los 5.5 billones de dólares…

Staff (2022-02-17). Cuba reporta 733 nuevos casos de COVID-19 y cinco fallecidos. cubadebate.cu Cuba confirmó al cierre de este miércoles 733 casos positivos a la COVID-19, cinco fallecidos y 924 altas médicas, informó en su reporte habitual el Ministerio de Salud Pública (Minsap).

Staff (2022-02-17). El desborde virtual del Departamento de Estado y su oficina en La Habana. cubadebate.cu En los últimos meses ha sorprendido tanto a los cibernautas cubanos, como a los diplomáticos extranjeros residentes en Cuba, la manera desembozada en que tanto el Departamento de Estado desde Washington, como su embajada en La Habana, han incorporado a su rutina diaria al emisión de juicios y opiniones sobre la realidad interna cubana, que publican y reiteran sin ningún pudor.

Staff (2022-02-17). En Zona de Arte, Gastón Joya: "Me inspiro en el paisaje humano" (+ Video). cubadebate.cu Gastón Joya Perellada se ha robado el show en la escena musical cubana con su virtuosismo en el contrabajo. Es un joven soñador, amante del jazz y de las raíces afrocubanas. Con este talentoso instrumentista conversamos esta semana en Zona de Arte, un espacio de Cubadebate TV.

Staff (2022-02-17). Marrero Cruz: Para lidiar con éxito en la economía internacional hay que negociar y hacerlo bien. cubadebate.cu Cuba no está encerrada en una burbuja, como economía abierta, estamos expuestos a las leyes del mercado y a las consecuencias de cualquier error que cometamos, por lo tanto tenemos que aprender a negociar, y a hacerlo bien, alertó el miembro del Buró Político y Primer Ministro, Manuel Marrero Cruz.

Staff (2022-02-17). Segunda edición de Biblioteca Abierta tendrá lugar el sábado 26 de febrero. cubadebate.cu La segunda edición de Biblioteca Abierta será el sábado 26 de febrero, a partir de las 8: 30 a.m. Durante toda la jornada la institución funcionará de una manera diferente a su labor cotidiana, para explicar a los interesados, mediante visitas guiadas, las funciones, usos y formas de inscripción de la Biblioteca, sus características y tesoros bibliográficos.

Jesús Rodríguez-Espinoza (2022-02-17). Alex Saab Defense: Venezuela Knew about DEA Meetings — Conflicting Lawyer Strategies. orinocotribune.com Caracas, February 16, 2022 ( The journalist, notorious for his US Department of State and US security apparatus connections, posted a "sealed" document from February 2021 by the US District Court from the Southern District of Florida, mentioning an alleged c…

Andreína Chávez Alava (2022-02-17). Venezuela: Thirty years since the seeds of the Bolivarian Revolution were planted. greenleft.org.au Hugo Chávez broke into Venezuela's political scene 30 years ago this month at the head of a civilian-military rebellion. Andreína Chávez Alava takes a look at the roots of the Bolivarian Revolution.

teleSUR, mcs, JL (2022-02-17). Venezuela y Rusia potencian acuerdos estratégicos bilaterales. telesurtv.net El presidente Maduro precisó que el mapa de cooperación entre ambas naciones fue construido en aras de propiciar el desarrollo.

WSWS (2022-02-16). Biden's Russia speech: Hypocrisy, lies and warmongering. wsws.org On Tuesday, the day before the United States claimed Russia would launch a full-scale invasion of Ukraine, US President Joe Biden gave a speech in which he doubled down on his threats of a "bloody, destructive war" despite the fact that no Russian invasion was forthcoming.

WSWS (2022-02-16). Defend the Coventry bin workers from Labour's strike-breaking! wsws.org Starmer even took time out from his warmongering visit to NATO to endorse the clampdown by Coventry's Labour council, demonstrating that the wardrive against Russia will be accompanied by class war at home.

_____ (2022-02-16). 'Operation Cyclone — Ukraine Edition' The Real plan? popularresistance.org For almost three months, the Western mainstream media, in a move not dissimilar to its previous assertions that Saddam Hussein had the capability to launch WMDs within 45 minutes, or that Iran was building a nuclear bomb, has repeatedly claimed that Russia is planning an 'imminent' invasion of its Western neighbour Ukraine — under the rule of the successive US-EU friendly governments of Petro Poroshenko and Volodymyr Zelensky since the 2014 Euromaidan, a CIA and MI6-orchestrated regime change operation launched in response to then-Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych's November 2013 decision to suspend an…

A Guest Author (2022-02-16). Ukraine crisis: who fabricates a war, and how? workers.org By Sergio Rodriguez Gelfenstein The author is a Venezuelan international relations expert, who was previously Director of the International Relations of the Presidency of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, his country's ambassador to Nicaragua and an advisor for international politics for TELESUR. Translation: United World International, edited by John Catalinotto. . . . |

Jeff Adams (2022-02-16). Los Angeles activists join national day of action to say "No war with Russia" liberationnews.org On Feb. 5, members of several progressive organizations based in the Los Angeles area joined with over 50 cities in a nationwide day of action. Demonstrators and speakers were united around a singular message: "No war on Russia!" The demonstration took place outside of the Wilshire Federal Building in Los Angeles, which sits across the street from the Los Angeles National Cemetery. The bodies of thousands of veterans of America's imperial wars are buried here, with undoubtedly more joining their ranks if the U.S. march to war against Russia continues.

In Defense of Liberation! (2022-02-16). Morning Commute 2-16-2022. anchor.fm In this episode I talk about Paul Robeson and the important role that he and plenty of other activists play throughout the 30s, 40s, and 50s. I also talk to different forms of intelligence and espionage that was used to investigate and harass as well as abuse many organizers and activists since then, and continues to this day. I also talk about ongoing peoples movements across the world and how we must align ourselves with them, I talked briefly about the character of the trucker convoy, and other things as well. Let me know what you think!

Staff (2022-02-16). NZ protests swell, defying police ultimatum. rt.com Anti-vaccine mandate demonstrators have ignored a warning from the authorities to leave voluntarily | Hundreds of protesters defied a police ultimatum to leave the area around Wellington's 'Beehive' parliament on Wednesday, with the crowd continuing to swell. The authorities have described the ongoing demonstration as "orderly." | Inspired by the 'Freedom Convoy' in Canada, activists have blocked several roads in the capital with trucks, vans and motorcycles for nine days. Protesters have also been camping on the grounds outside the distinctive parliament building. | Had a bird's eye view of the protest in Wel…

_____ (2022-02-16). Activists Protest 'Cop City' In Atlanta. popularresistance.org In September 2021, the Atlanta City Council voted to approve the new police training facility for the Atlanta Police Department. The Atlanta Police Foundations, who are largely sponsoring the $90 million dollar project, have referred to the planned facility as a new "Public Safety Training Center." Activists in the Atlanta area have dubbed it "Cop City" and have been protesting for months to stop the project. | On Saturday (February 12), the small area of the Intrenchment Creek trailhead was filled with protestors, there to express their opposition to Cop City. The project — which has the support of Governo…

_____ (2022-02-16). Fossil Fuel Industry Doesn't Create As Many Jobs As It Says It Does. popularresistance.org For years now, any discussion about climate action or the need to move off fossil fuels has run headlong into a familiar quandary: The industries fueling the climate crisis create good jobs, often in areas of the country where finding work that can support a family is incredibly difficult. | This leaves activists gesturing towards well-intentioned goals like a "just transition," a promise that likely rings hollow for workers and many labor unions because it's hard to see where this has actually happened‚Äâ—‚Äâeven though, by every measure, we need to create some real polici…

Joe Piette (2022-02-16). Philadelphia: protest caravan targets jails. workers.org WW PHOTO: Joe Piette Incarcerated people in Philadelphia's jails — 90% awaiting trial while not convicted of any crime — are suffering from horrible jail conditions. In response, family members and community activists drove at least 50 vehicles in a Feb. 12 caravan to highlight this city's crisis. Organized by . . . |

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2022-02-16). How to Withstand the Neo-Fascists Conquest of Power. libya360.wordpress.com Kali Akuno Sandra Sellars/Richmond Free Press Thousands of demonstrators crowd Bank Street in Downtown, waving flags and signs during the Lobby Day rally by gun rights activists at the State Capitol on the Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday. It is my honest assessment that as of this writing we have a little less than two…

Peoples Dispatch (2022-02-16). Land rights activists in Thailand face prosecution for sit-in protest in Bangkok. peoplesdispatch.org A total of 16 activists have received summons for participating in a two-week long protest in Bangkok for land rights and the rights of the Indigenous Bang Kloi community…

_____ (2022-02-16). Protesters Highlight Warren's Hypocrisy On The War In Yemen. popularresistance.org On Friday, February 11th antiwar groups United Against War and Militarism, Veterans for Peace, and Massachusetts Peace Action protested at Elizabeth Warren's office in Boston to demand that she invoke a War Powers Resolution to end US involvement in the nearly 7 year-long proxy war in Yemen. While Warren has expressed nominal opposition to US involvement and voted for a War Powers Resolution while Trump was in office, she has refused to take any concrete action since Biden was elected. All the while, the US and regional and global powers continue to treat Yemen as a battleground in which to contend for power, pro…

Dave DeCamp (2022-02-16). In Bahrain, Israel's Bennett Stresses Cooperation Against Iran. news.antiwar.com Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett made his first official trip to Bahrain and said from the Gulf country on Tuesday that both countries In an interview with Bahraini media, Bennett said Israel and Bahrain deal with "great security challenges that stem from the same source, the Islamic Republic of Iran." Bennett said Israel fights "Iran and its proxies every day" and will help its "friends" in the region. | Since Israel and Bahrain normalized relations in 2020, the two countries have taken steps to forge military ties, part of Is…

teleSUR (2022-02-16). Caravan in Solidarity With Cuba To March in Seattle Streets. telesurenglish.net On February 27, caravans will march in Seattle streets demanding the lifting of the U.S. blockade against Cuba and to show solidarity with the Caribbean Island. | RELATED: | "Help us spread that it is time to stop punishing the Cuban people for making a revolution. Amid the Covid-19 pandemic, it is more important than ever to stop smothering the people of the island," stated the call for the caravans. | The initiative…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2022-02-16). Settler-Colonialism is an Inevitable Incubator for Fascism. libya360.wordpress.com Rainer Shea It's ironic that U.S. patriots are the most insistent in claiming that China is headed for collapse. Not only is this narrative totally detached from China's increasingly prosperous actual conditions, but it's ignorant to just how long Chinese civilization has been here. This is in contrast to the makeshift settler colony that was…

Staff (2022-02-16). Medio siglo del Centro de Estudios Demográficos: La población como objeto y sujeto del desarrollo. cubadebate.cu Si hay un centro que ha realizado múltiples investigaciones sobre la población cubana de temas vitales para la sociedad como lo son la fecundidad, la mortalidad, el envejecimiento, las migraciones, la familia, los recursos laborales, el medio ambiente, el desarrollo local y las políticas de población y desarrollo, es el Cedem.

teleSUR- jaa -HIM (2022-02-16). Cuba presentará en marzo dossier de vacunas anticovid a la OMS. telesurtv.net El anuncio fue hecho por el funcionario cubano en rueda de prensa durante la convocatoria al Congreso Internacional Bio Habana 2022.

_____ (2022-02-16). The Persecution Of Alex Saab. popularresistance.org "It's not a crime to fulfill a diplomatic mission. It's not a crime to evade sanctions that are harming an entire country. It can't be illegal to help a people." Camilla Fabri Saab made these impassioned remarks when explaining the situation behind the illegal arrest and extradition – the kidnapping, in essence – of her husband, Venezuelan diplomat Alex Saab. | Alex Saab is virtually unknown in the United States, where he is currently languishing in a Miami prison, but he has been vital to Venezuela's ability to survive the brutal economic war being waged by the U.S. He is a political prisoner whose case has para…

Andreína Chávez Alava (2022-02-16). Venezuela: Alex Saab Trial Set as Lawyers Deny Cooperation with US Agencies. venezuelanalysis.com Saab's defense claimed the disclosure of meetings with US law enforcement officials proves the "weakness" of the charges against him.

gmsorinoco (2022-02-16). Venezuelan Cryptocurrency Petro Reaches Record High Value. orinocotribune.com The Venezuelan cryptocurrency Petro hit a record high on Tuesday, February 15, reaching a price of $57 in the principal currency exchange agencies in Venezuela. | With this new record, Petro has thus become a good protective measure to ward off inflation and protect the national currency, bolívar, and may have a positive impact on the economy of ordinary Venezuelans. | Feliz martes, iniciando la mañana con el Petro a 57.

Jesús Rodríguez-Espinoza (2022-02-16). Venezuela to Deepen Relations with Caribbean (+Petrocaribe). orinocotribune.com Caracas, February 15, 2022 ( During a farewell ceremony for the ambassador of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Andreas Wickham, President Maduro stressed the need to apply this strategy in order to deepen relations with th…

Staff (2022-02-16). Colombian President Duque in Desperation Mode, Begs EU to Pay for 'Venezuelan Migrants'. orinocotribune.com The president of Colombia, Iván Duque, asked the European Union (EU) to speed up the payment of donations to Colombia, supposedly destined to assisting Venezuelan migrants, although the majority of Venezuelan migrants in Colombia wonder where all these donations end up. This renewed plea occurred despite the fact that there are an increasing amount of Venezuelan migrants returning to Venezuela due to the terrible economic situation in Colombia, xenophobia, and concerns about their personal safety. This trend is also encouraged by the economic recovery in Venezuela. | "It is necessary to accelerate the disbursemen…

teleSUR, rp, JGN, SH (2022-02-16). Cinco canciones para celebrar al cantautor venezolano Alí Primera. telesurtv.net Este 16 de febrero se conmemoran los 37 años de la partida física del cantor popular venezolano Alí Primera, ocasión propicia para rendir homenaje a su legado cultural en América Latina.

Leonardo Flores (2022-02-16). U.S. kidnapped and imprisoned Venezuelan diplomat Alex Saab for buying food. mronline.org Venezuelan diplomat Alex Saab was essentially kidnapped by the United States because he was buying food for the government's CLAP food program, to feed the people of Venezuela.

2022-02-17 23:25 | 17:25 EST | jz | 49 | 0 | 25 | 22 | 0