Monthly Archives: March 2022

2022-03-29: News Headlines

Editor (2022-03-29). Re-visiting Russiagate in light of the Ukraine war. A lot of anti-empire commentary is rightly going into criticizing how the Obama administration paved the way to this conflict in Ukraine with its role in the 2014 coup and support for Kyiv's war against Donbass separatists.

Staff (2022-03-29). Saudis heavily bomb Yemen's Al Hudaydah. TEHRAN, Mar. 29 (MNA) — A Yemeni source said Tuesday that the Saudi coalition has violated the ceasefire in Yemen 115 times in Yemen's Al Hudaydah during the past 24 hours.

Yoselina Guevara (2022-03-29). Chevron in Venezuela: Oil Truths and Facts Amid Russia-Ukraine Confrontation. By Yoselina Guevara — Mar 25, 2022 | On Thursday, March 24, various news outlets published the false news that the oil company Chevron had received a special license from the US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken to continue operating in Venezuela. Obviously this is not true. The truth is that according to

TASS (2022-03-29). UN calls for investigation into reports about torture of prisoners of war in Ukraine. It is important that any ill treatment that may happen is stopped immediately, Head of the United Nations Human Rights Monitoring Mission in Ukraine Matilda Bogner said…

TASS (2022-03-29). NATO took steps affecting Russia's security before Moscow's operation in Ukraine – Kremlin. The situation is quite concerning, Peskov said…

Juan Cole (2022-03-29). How Israel's Indiscriminate bombing of Gaza Endangers its Precious Hellenistic and Roman Archeological Heritage. Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) — The Palestinian Gaza Strip doesn't stay on the world's mind the way some besieged cities in Ukraine do right now, but it is also surrounded, besieged, and blockaded by Israeli forces. This blockade is illegal in international law, since Israel is recognized as the Occupying authority over Gaza, which it …

Dave DeCamp (2022-03-29). Biden Appears to Reveal the US Is Training Ukrainian Troops in Poland. President Biden appeared to reveal on Monday that the US is training Ukrainian troops in Poland. Biden made the comments when trying to explain a recent gaffe. In Poland on Friday, President Biden told members of the 82nd Airborne Division that Ukrainians were "stepping up" against the Russian assault and said, "You're going to see …

East Bay CodePink (2022-03-29). Saturday 4/2: Yard Sale Benefits: Yemeni, Afghan, Haitian Refugees. McGee St (corner of Hearst), Berkeley, CA…

Staff (2022-03-29). Iran welcomes Yemeni peace initiative. TEHRAN, Mar. 29 (MNA) — Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Saeed Khatibzadeh said Tuesday that the Yemeni peace initiative could pave the way for the war on Yemen to come to an end.

Kamal Iranidoost (2022-03-29). Ukrainian president calls West sanctions on Russia "passive" TEHRAN, Mar. 28 (MNA) — Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said in his most recent national address that western countries' "passive" sanctions cannot stop Russia.

Staff (2022-03-29). Jóvenes jueces se reunirán el próximo sábado en Villa Clara. El próximo sábado 2 de abril, en Villa Clara, una representación de jóvenes jueces del sistema de tribunales sostendrá un encuentro con Rubén Remigio Ferro, presidente del Tribunal Supremo Popular, donde también participarán otros directivos de esa institución y representantes de las organizaciones juveniles del país.

Staff (2022-03-29). Iran FM departs for China to attend Afghanistan meeting. TEHRAN, Mar. 29 (MNA) — Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian on Tuesday departed for China to attend the third meeting of Afghanistan's Neighboring Countries.

Staff (2022-03-29). Iran condemns Israeli regime meeting with 4 Arab states, US. TEHRAN, Mar. 29 (MNA) — Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Saeed Khatibzadeh condemned the Israeli regime's meeting in occupied Palestine and called it a betrayal to the Palestinian liberation cause.

Staff (2022-03-29). Briefing on Iran's daily developments. TEHRAN, Mar. 29 (MNA) — The following are the Islamic Republic of Iran's latest developments in the last 24 hours.

Staff (2022-03-29). Qatar says regional dialogue between Iran, PGCC essential. TEHRAN, Mar. 29 (MNA) — Qatari Foreign Minister Mohammed bin Abdulrahman bin Jassim Al Thani stressed the need for holding regional dialogues between Iran and Persian Gulf Cooperation Council to resolve mutual issues and concerns.

Staff (2022-03-29). Falla eléctrica provocó incendio en base de transporte en La Habana del Este. El pasado sábado 26 de marzo, alrededor de las 15: 00 horas, se produjo un incendio en el área de paralización del parqueo de una base de la Empresa Transporte Escolar, ubicada en el municipio Habana del Este. A partir de las investigaciones preliminares, se pudo conocer que el hecho ocurrió por una falla eléctrica, mientras se trabajaba en la reparación de un ómnibus.

Staff (2022-03-29). El tiempo: Tarde cálida y escasas lluvias. Amanecerá con sol y algunas nubes en la mitad oriental, con poca nubosidad en el resto del país. Desde el final de la mañana estará parcialmente nublado en algunas localidades, prácticamente sin lluvias.

Staff (2022-03-29). Chapeando: El macabro juego a que "todos se van" (+ Podcast). "Todos se van" es la matriz sobre la que se construye el juego macabro que usa a los emigrantes como carnada y alimenta el negocio de los odiadores en las redes sociales. Con el cierre del consulado en La Habana, el gobierno estadounidense obliga a los potenciales migrantes cubanos a usar costosas vías y los más que riesgosos caminos de la ilegalidad.

Staff (2022-03-29). Cuba participará con 18 judocas en Panamericano de Lima, Perú. Un total de 18 atletas se anuncian por Cuba para el Campeonato Panamericano y de Oceanía Sénior de Judo, previsto en Lima, Perú, del 15 al 17 de abril próximo. Por la Isla aparecen registrados nueve por cada sexo entre los 237 de 25 países , de acuerdo con la página oficial de la Federación Internacional de Judo (IJF, por sus siglas en inglés).

Staff (2022-03-29). Jefe de delegación rusa califica de "constructiva" nueva ronda de diálogos entre su país y Ucrania (+ Video). Las delegaciones de Rusia y Ucrania desarrollaron una nueva ronda de diálogos en Turquía, de alrededor de tres horas de duración. Entre los principales resultados destaca la decisión de reducir drásticamente la actividad militar en dirección a Kiev y Chernígov y una posible reunión entre Putin y Zelenski de forma simultánea con la negociación de un tratado de paz.

Staff (2022-03-29). Observatorio Ambiental Costatenas: Ciencia fuera de la gaveta. Para los trabajadores del observatorio ambiental Costatenas, la existencia del cambio climático es un hecho indiscutible. Se trata de alrededor de 30 profesionales con diferentes capacidades, que buscan respuestas a algunos de los problemas más acuciantes de la región matancera con vistas a transformar su realidad.

Staff (2022-03-29). Cuba reporta 621 nuevos casos de COVID-19, ningún fallecido y 852 altas médicas. Al cierre de este lunes 28 de marzo, Cuba reportó 621 nuevos casos de COVID-19, ningún fallecido y 852 altas médicas, informó este martes el Ministerio de Salud Pública (Minsap) en su parte diario. Al final de la jornada se encontraban ingresados 8 400 pacientes: 4 588 sospechosos, 25 en vigilancia y 3 787 confirmados (casos activos).

Staff (2022-03-29). Define el MES prioridades de la educación superior para este año, con la participación de Díaz-Canel. Este lunes, en la reunión de balance anual del Ministerio de Educación Superior (MES) el presidente de la República Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez instó a la participación activa de profesores y estudiantes en los procesos universitarios para fomentar una cultura inclusiva y democrática, en aras de alcanzar la mayor justicia social.

Staff (2022-03-29). Metáfora de la isla en fuga y otros mitos (anti)cubanos. Hoy hay coros en el metaverso entonando baladas nostálgicas sobre la emigración cubana. Politizando. Se asume el asunto como un indicador del fracaso del modelo socialista; como una derrota de la sociedad de la que, se presume, la gente o escapa, o se exilia. Tenemos el derecho a migrar y lo ejercemos. No es correcto justificar la decisión maldiciendo al país.

Staff (2022-03-29). La vasta red internacional a cargo de la propaganda de guerra ucraniana. Desde que comenzó la ofensiva rusa dentro de Ucrania, el ejército ucraniano ha cultivado una imagen de un pequeño ejército valiente que enfrenta al Goliat ruso. Para reforzar la percepción del temple militar ucraniano, Kiev ha producido un flujo constante de sofisticada propaganda dirigida a agitar el apoyo público y oficial de los países occidentales.

Staff (2022-03-29). Inversión trocada en "negocio flaco" En la CPA Victoria de Girón, una aspiración colectiva se ha trocado en "negocio flaco": se paga dinero sin crear valores. Si todas las tuberías de plástico y los demás elementos del sistema de riego, comprados hace cuatro años, estuvieran instalados, en lugar de obtener 400 quintales de la fruta, como sucedió en 2021, la producción podría ser cerca de cuatro veces más.

Staff (2022-03-29). Augurios para abril: Insuficientes lluvias y temperaturas por encima de la media. Desde Casablanca han advertido que los totales de precipitación estarán por debajo de la media histórica en la región occidental del país —desde Pinar del Río hasta Matanzas y en la Isla de la Juventud— en abril venidero. Mientras, las lluvias en el centro y el oriente estarán en el extremo inferior de la norma y los valores mínimos y máximos de la temperatura se ubicarán por encima de lo habitual.

Staff (2022-03-29). Hoy en la Mesa Redonda: Conversando con la ministra de Comunicaciones. Los avances de las telecomunicaciones en el país, las prioridades y los desafíos del sector en el año actual, serán temas de análisis en la Mesa Redonda de este martes con la participación de la Ministra de Comunicaciones Mayra Arevich Marín.

Staff (2022-03-29). Despiden a General de Brigada Rafael Moracén en la necrópolis Cristóbal Colón. En el Panteón de los Veteranos de la necrópolis "Cristóbal Colón", en La Habana, el pueblo cubano, familiares, combatientes de las Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias y el Ministerio del Interior, despidieron al General de Brigada Rafael Moracén Limonta, Héroe de la República y revolucionario internacionalista, fallecido el viernes.

Staff (2022-03-29). Las 3 del día: øQué fue noticia este 28 de marzo? (+ Podcast). Este lunes 28 de marzo retomamos nuestro podcast informativo Las 3 del día. Manténgase conectado que ya comenzamos este resumen radial, en tan solo cinco minutos. Conocerá novedades de salud, cultura, política, del mundo deportivo, entre otras sorpresas. Dele play al debate.

Staff (2022-03-29). øPor qué actualizar el Código Penal y cuáles son las novedades de esa norma legislativa? El pasado 16 de marzo, la Asamblea Nacional del Poder Popular publicó el proyecto del Código Penal, con el objetivo de incentivar las opiniones de la población y las instituciones para la modificación y el perfeccionamiento de esta nueva disposición jurídica. Sobre el contexto en el cual se decide actualizar dicha norma, los principales cambios y novedades, Cubadebate conversó con Otto Eduardo Molina Rodríguez, presidente de la Sala de lo Penal del Tribunal Supremo Popular.

Staff (2022-03-29). Venezuela: Subsidized Gasoline to be Purchased via Patria System. As of April 2, the ability to purchased subsidized gasoline in cash will be eliminated, and Venezuelans will only be able to pay through the BiopagoPDV system, in order to optimize the fuel marketing system and streamline service at gas stations. | "This payment in bolívars, which is currently Bs 0.11 per liter [about 5% of the price of international gasoline], will be made, as of April 2, 2022, in advance, at the time of receiving the allocation of subsidized gasoline," announced the official outlets of the Patria System, Venezuela's national identification system. Each owner of a vehicle registered in the Patri…

TASS (2022-03-29). Developers unveil pilot version of Russian alternative to Instagram. Rossgram users will be able to upload photos and videos from their smartphones, as well as videos from other platforms such as YouTube, Dailymotion and Vimeo…

TASS (2022-03-29). No free gas supplies for Europe, Kremlin spokesman says. No payment, no gas, the Kremlin spokesman emphasized…

_____ (2022-03-28). Russia's Invasion Of Ukraine Signifies The End Of An Era Of Unipolar American Power. While the U.S. may still be powerful militarily and able to coerce allies in South America, the almost sole domination which the U.S. exercised with great glee after the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 is coming to an end. The Russian operation in Ukraine is not the cause of this shift, but it is certainly speeding it up. For years, the world has watched as the U.S. and NATO expanded up to Russia's borders, and even beyond to places like Colombia; bombed and invaded one nation after another (e.g., Serbia, Iraq (twice), Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Somalia, Yemen) at will and with complete impunity; and flaunte…

_____ (2022-03-28). Caravans Show That The World Stands With Cuba. The world is living in uncertain times. The Western powers, led by the United States, insist on escalating tensions in Eastern Europe over an regional conflict that should have nothing to do with them. Unbridled hatred is spreading through social networks as never before, towards Russia, Russians, and anyone who is not on Washington's side in defending its "world order". | The White House and its allies announced a battalion of sanctions against Moscow for the war in Ukraine and deployed thousands of NATO troops across the region, threatening to bring the planet to the brink of a nuclear catastrophe. Their obedie…

Ann Brown (2022-03-28). Bishop Talbert Swan: Joe Biden Deported 30,000 Haitians But Welcomes 100,000 Ukrainians. The White House has announced that the U.S. will welcome 100,000 Ukrainians who have fled their country due to the Russian invasion, which was launched on Feb. 24. While the gesture could be viewed as humanitarian, some see it as a political move. The U.S. is more invested in the European country of Ukraine than, …

Antonio C.S. Rosa (2022-03-28). Putin's Invasion of Ukraine. 3 Mar 2022 – To a hammer, everything looks like a nail. To an empire, everything looks like a crisis to justify a multi-trillion-dollar military-industrial-security complex as dictatress of the world. The crisis du jour for the American empire is Russia's aggression against Ukraine.

Benjamin Norton (2022-03-28). Many Global South countries blame US/NATO for Ukraine war, not Russia. While Western powers impose sanctions on Russia, many countries in the Global South blame the US and NATO for the Ukraine war, such as South Africa, Iran, Venezuela, Cuba, Nicaragua, North Korea, and Eritrea. Dozens more remain neutral.

Antonio C.S. Rosa (2022-03-28). The Impact of Ukraine on Yemen. 22 Mar 2022 – The People of Yemen Suffer Atrocities, Too – The Western economic war on Russia over Ukraine is having a spillover effect on the forgotten war in Yemen. The ghastly blockade and bombardment of Yemen, led by Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, is now entering its eighth year.

Antonio C.S. Rosa (2022-03-28). Ukraine Déjà Vu 1984: Political Egocentrism, Nuclear Narcissism and Political Maturity. 25 Mar 2022 – In 1984 I went to the USSR with the Association of Humanistic Psychology as a citizen diplomat during the height of the Soviet-American nuclear arms race. That was the good old days when Reagan called the USSR "the Evil Empire." I put aside my shyness to become a speaker for Physicians for Social Responsibility on the psychology of the arms race.

Rick Rozoff (2022-03-28). African nations condemn Ukraine's recruiting mercenaries for "international legion" Deutsche WelleMarch 28, 2022 Ukraine's bid to recruit fighters from Africa sparks uproar Nigeria, Senegal and Algeria have criticized Ukraine's efforts to enlist international fighters as it resists the Russian invasion. Analysts say those who have responded to the call need to reconsider. Russia's war on Ukraine is barely two weeks old, but Kyiv is …

Project Censored (2022-03-28). Special Guests Tracy Rosenberg, Sue Buske, and Simki Kuznick. Looking ahead to the upcoming annual conference of the Alliance for Community Media West, Mickey speaks with two long-time activists in the community-media movement- Sue Buske and Tracy Rosenberg; they…

Staff (2022-03-28). Charleroi activists commemorate Land Day, call for freedom for Georges Abdallah. On Wednesday, 30 March, Palestinians will commemorate the 46th Land Day. The annual commemoration of Land Day symbolizes the rootedness of Palestinians in their land. 30 March 1976 was a moment of unprecedented protest against expropriations of Palestinian land in the Galilee, in occupied Palestine '48. Palestinian citizens of the Israeli state organized nationally to put up …

Steve Sweeney (2022-03-28). Greek workers and peace activists rally in 'people's port' of Piraeus. Greek workers and peace activists staged a mass anti-war rally as the French aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle arrived in the port of Piraeus in Athens on March 24. The protest, backed by the Greek Committee for International Detente and Peace and the Panhellenic Union of Merchant Marine Engineers, was organized under the slogan "No …

Anonymous103 (2022-03-28). Military Situation In Yemen On March 28, 2022 (Map Update). Click to see full-size image | The Liaison and Coordination Officers' Operations Room (loyal to Ansar Allah) reported 185 ceasefire violations in al-Hudaydah in the past 24 hours; | On March 14, warplanes of the Saudi-led coalition conducted an airstrike on the Qatabar district; | On March 14, warplanes of the Saudi-led coalition conducted 3 airstrikes on the Khab and Shaaf district; | On March 14, warplanes of the Saudi-led coalition conducted an airstrike on the Wadi district. | MORE ON THE TOPIC:

Staff (2022-03-28). Aggressors will regret if they miss ceasefire opportunity. TEHRAN, Mar. 28 (MNA) — Ansarullah leader stressed that the only way to stop Yemeni attacks is to end the aggression and siege on the country and warned the aggressors that they will regret it if they miss the opportunity to end the conflict.

Staff (2022-03-28). Saudis violate ceasefire in Yemen 185 times in one day. TEHRAN, Mar. 28 (MNA) — Saudi coalition forces have violated the three-day ceasefire declared by the Yemeni forces 185 times in the past 24 hours in al-Hudaydah province, local Yemeni media have reported.

Antonio C.S. Rosa (2022-03-28). Yemen: The Largest Humanitarian Crisis That No One Discusses. 21 Mar 2022 – The media rarely reports on Yemen and most journalists likely would not be able to recognize Yemen's flag. The public does not discuss or shed tears for the people of Yemen who live in unfathomable conditions because they are not a piece of the larger agenda and no one can profit off of their suffering at this time.

Abdul Rahman (2022-03-28). Seven years of Saudi atrocities on Yemen. The war in Yemen, backed by the US and the UK, has caused the death of over 110,000 people and completely destroyed the Arab world's poorest country. Around two-third of its total population of nearly 30 million is now dependent on some kind of international humanitarian aid…

2022-03-29 20:34 | 16:34 EST | jz | 52 | 0 | 16 | 34 | 0 

2022-03-28: News Headlines

Antonio C.S. Rosa (2022-03-28). Ukraine Déjà Vu 1984: Political Egocentrism, Nuclear Narcissism and Political Maturity. 25 Mar 2022 – In 1984 I went to the USSR with the Association of Humanistic Psychology as a citizen diplomat during the height of the Soviet-American nuclear arms race. That was the good old days when Reagan called the USSR "the Evil Empire." I put aside my shyness to become a speaker for Physicians for Social Responsibility on the psychology of the arms race.

Antonio C.S. Rosa (2022-03-28). Putin's Invasion of Ukraine. 3 Mar 2022 – To a hammer, everything looks like a nail. To an empire, everything looks like a crisis to justify a multi-trillion-dollar military-industrial-security complex as dictatress of the world. The crisis du jour for the American empire is Russia's aggression against Ukraine.

Antonio C.S. Rosa (2022-03-28). The Impact of Ukraine on Yemen. 22 Mar 2022 – The People of Yemen Suffer Atrocities, Too – The Western economic war on Russia over Ukraine is having a spillover effect on the forgotten war in Yemen. The ghastly blockade and bombardment of Yemen, led by Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, is now entering its eighth year.

East Bay CodePink (2022-03-28). Saturday 4/2: Yard Sale Benefits: Yemeni, Afghan, Haitian Refugees. McGee St (corner of Hearst), Berkeley, CA…

Antonio C.S. Rosa (2022-03-28). Yemen: The Largest Humanitarian Crisis That No One Discusses. 21 Mar 2022 – The media rarely reports on Yemen and most journalists likely would not be able to recognize Yemen's flag. The public does not discuss or shed tears for the people of Yemen who live in unfathomable conditions because they are not a piece of the larger agenda and no one can profit off of their suffering at this time.

Staff (2022-03-28). Saudis violate ceasefire in Yemen 185 times in one day. TEHRAN, Mar. 28 (MNA) — Saudi coalition forces have violated the three-day ceasefire declared by the Yemeni forces 185 times in the past 24 hours in al-Hudaydah province, local Yemeni media have reported.

Staff (2022-03-28). Aggressors will regret if they miss ceasefire opportunity. TEHRAN, Mar. 28 (MNA) — Ansarullah leader stressed that the only way to stop Yemeni attacks is to end the aggression and siege on the country and warned the aggressors that they will regret it if they miss the opportunity to end the conflict.

Staff (2022-03-28). Iran, Armenia discuss expanding coop. in energy field. TEHRAN, Mar. 28 (MNA) — Iranian Oil Minister Javad Owji on Monday met with the advisor to the Armenian prime minister on bilateral cooperation in the field of energy.

Staff (2022-03-28). Iran junior beach handball team win Asian C'ships. TEHRAN, Mar. 28 (MNA) — Iran's junior beach handball won the Asian championship after defeating Pakistan and gaining its fifth consecutive victory.

teleSUR, ats, JGN (2022-03-28). Conozca diez curiosidades sobre el prócer Francisco de Miranda. La figura de Francisco de Miranda constituye una de las más representativas de los ideales independentistas venezolanos.

Kamal Iranidoost (2022-03-28). UAE minister says energy market needs Russian oil. TEHRAN, Mar. 28 (MNA) — The United Arab Emirates energy minister Suhail al-Mazrouei said on Monday that Russian oil is needed by energy markets and no producer can substitute its production.

Kamal Iranidoost (2022-03-28). Kharrazi calls for guarantees, lifting of bans before deal. TEHRAN, Mar. 28 (MNA) — An advisor to Iran's Leader Kamal Kharrazi said Monday that issues of assurances and lifting of sanctions need to be resolved on the part of the United States before any deal in the Vienna talks.

Staff (2022-03-28). Iran, Qatar stress expanding Tehran-Doha relations. TEHRAN, Mar. 28 (MNA) — On the sidelines of the Doha Forum in Qatar, the head of Iran's Strategic Foreign Relations Council Seyed Kamal Kharrazi met and held talks with the Qatari Foreign Minister Mohammed bin Abdulrahman bin Jassim Al Thani.

Staff (2022-03-28). Falakol Aflak Castle in Khorramabad. TEHRAN, Mar. 28 (MNA) — The ancient castle of Falak al-Aflak, as a world architectural masterpiece, was included in the list of 5 most visited historical monuments in Iran.

Staff (2022-03-28). Briefing on Iran's daily developments. TEHRAN, Mar. 28 (MNA) — The following are the Islamic Republic of Iran's latest developments in the last 24 hours.

teleSUR, JDO, JL (2022-03-28). Irán culpa a EE.UU. por falta de avances en diálogo sobre PAIC. Canciller iraní subraya que para su país la máxima prioridad es que la Casa Blanca levante las medidas restrictivas unilaterales.

Kamal Iranidoost (2022-03-28). Iran FM responds to Nowruz message of Slovakian counterpart. TEHRAN, Mar. 28 (MNA) — In response to a congratulatory message from foreign minister of Slovakia, Iran's Hossein Amir Abdollahian expressed hope for expansion of bilateral relations with the European country.

Kamal Iranidoost (2022-03-28). CODA wins best picture at 2022 Oscars. TEHRAN, Mar. 28 (MNA) — Pioneering family drama CODA has gone from a low budget festival film to best picture at the Oscars, marking a milestone as AppleTV+ becomes the first-ever streamer to win the award, media have said.

Staff (2022-03-28). Arriba Estados Unidos a un millón de muertos por COVID-19. øQué se ha aprendido de tan descomunal catástrofe? (II). Estados Unidos no ha prestado la requerida atención a que su propio país llegó a una cifra de muertes que supera a sus caídos en todas las guerras extranjeras de su historia, incluyendo las Guerras Mundiales I y II. Esta ignominiosa cifra de muertes, símbolo del fracaso de la más grande potencia mundial de defender a su propio pueblo, no es más que otra estadística, completamente opacada por la avalancha desinformativa sobre la "agresión" rusa en Ucrania.

Staff (2022-03-28). Alemania deniega apoyo al bloqueo a suministros energéticos rusos. El representante del Gobierno alemán, Stefen Hebestreit, negó este lunes el apoyo a la introducción de un bloqueo a los suministros energéticos rusos. Según fuentes oficiales, ese país importa de Rusia el 55% de su gas y el 42% de su petróleo y carbón. "Actualmente no hay otra forma de asegurar el suministro de Europa", dijo este mes el canciller, Olaf Scholz.

Staff (2022-03-28). El tiempo: Escasas lluvias y tarde ligeramente cálida. Amanecerá con poca nubosidad en gran parte del país. Desde el final de la mañana estará parcialmente nublado en algunas localidades con escasas lluvias.

Staff (2022-03-28). Ucrania: El Ministerio de la Verdad (+ Video). En torno a la guerra en Ucrania, los medios y gobiernos occidentales nos prohíben leer otro libro que el escrito por la OTAN. Vivimos un macartismo en estado puro. Una Dictadura Global. Frente a la que será imprescindible organizar la resistencia.

teleSUR, JDO, JL (2022-03-28). Caravanas solidarias exigen fin del bloqueo de EE.UU. a Cuba. Hubo acciones en Canadá, Bolivia, Finlandia, Panamá, México, Eslovaquia, Belice, Bahamas, El Salvador, Brasil y EE.UU.

Staff (2022-03-28). Big Pharma vs. Little Cuba: por qué los cubanos confían en las vacunas y cómo están ayudando a vacunar al mundo. Las vacunas cubanas contra la Covid-19 han sido acreedoras de la "Medalla de los Inventores de la Organización Mundial de la Propiedad Intelectual (OMPI); reconocimiento que recibirán este lunes. Como homenaje a nuestros científicos y al pueblo que ha acompañado este logro de la ciencia cubana, Cubadebate tradujo y reproduce este artículo publicado en The Conversation y escrito por una investigadora canadiense.

Staff (2022-03-28). Continuaremos creando y venciendo. Cuando el sol abrasa y los cangilones de una guardarraya mellan los deseos de andar, o la noche avanza mermando las fuerzas, verlo incansable y minucioso atiza la voluntad de quienes le rodean; creo que ni él mismo es consciente de cuánto confirma las palabras de Díaz-Canel el día en que asumió la dirección de este territorio: "a Santiago no puede dirigirlo cualquiera".

Staff (2022-03-28). Premios àìscar 2022: CODA se alzó con el gran premio. En una ceremonia de los àìscar llena de sobresaltos, CODA se alzó con el gran premio: el de mejor película. También se impuso en las otras dos categorías de los Premios de la Academia de las Artes y las Ciencias Cinematográficas de Estados Unidas en las que estaba nominada, la de mejor guion adaptado y la de mejor actor de reparto.

Staff (2022-03-28). Pensar y hacer con la verdad como pivote, desde la familia hasta el mundo globalizado en que vivimos. Cerramos el mes de marzo y con este el I Trimestre del 2022, con un ejercicio de pensamiento analítico y creativo, teniendo a la verdad como motivación, en tanto elemento indispensable para que cualquier obra humana pueda triunfar; desde la célula básica de la sociedad, hasta la sociedad global en la que vivimos. En particular se trata de un asunto de gran relevancia.

Staff (2022-03-28). Cinco preguntas sobre la NeuroEPO, el medicamento cubano para retardar el alzhéimer. Sobre la NeuroEPO, el fármaco neuroprotector que bajo el nombre de NeuralCIM investiga el Centro de Inmunología Molecular (CIM), qué significa este registro y los futuros pasos en su desarrollo clínico, Cubadebate conversó con el Doctor en Ciencias Kalet León Monzón, vicedirector primero del CIM.

Staff (2022-03-28). Cuba reporta 834 nuevos casos de COVID-19, una fallecida y 687 altas. Al cierre de este domingo 27 de marzo, Cuba reportó 834 nuevos casos de COVID-19, un fallecido y 687 altas. Actualmente hay 4 018 casos activos, informó este lunes el Mnisterio de Salud Pública (Minsap) en su parte diario.

Staff (2022-03-28). Las Reflexiones del Comandante en Jefe, 15 años después. Hace 15 años, Fidel nos sorprendía a todos, una vez más. El 28 de marzo de 2007 escribía la primera de sus Reflexiones. Golpeado por una enfermedad que puso en riesgo su vida, continuaba la batalla. Lo explicaría tres meses después, en su Reflexión sobre las reflexiones: "No inicié este trabajo como parte de un plan elaborado previamente, sino por un fuerte deseo de comunicarme con el protagonista principal de nuestra resistencia…".

Staff (2022-03-28). Disponible para consulta anteproyecto de Ley de la Expropiación por Razones de Utilidad Pública o Interés Social (+ PDF). La iniciativa, cuyo anteproyecto ha sido publicado en la web del MFP con la posibilidad de que la ciudadanía emita sus criterios, regula la expropiación por razones de utilidad pública o interés social como medio de actuación del Estado en favor de intereses colectivos, como forma de adquisición de bienes y derechos para el patrimonio estatal.

Staff (2022-03-28). Qué trae la prensa cubana, lunes 28 de marzo de 2022.

Staff (2022-03-28). Amplían en Ciego de àÅvila listado de productos regulados para la venta minorista. Un acuerdo del Consejo de Gobierno en Ciego de àÅvila busca poner coto al acaparamiento, reventa y especulación de artículos de primera necesidad, al incluir en la lista de productos regulados los pañales desechables, las toallitas húmedas y almohadillas sanitarias para la venta minorista en CUP de las cadenas de tienda Caribe y CIMEX.

Staff (2022-03-28). Esta tarde, Mesa Redonda "Comenzando la semana" La contienda electoral en Colombia será el tema inicial de la Mesa Redonda de este lunes, la cual contará también con una entrevista especial para el programa con la escritora y activista argentina Kari Krenn.

Staff (2022-03-28). Vale la pena… volver a escuchar: øEl que calla otorga? (+ Podcast). Una vieja sentencia dice que "el que calla otorga". øSerá que es así? øSerá que el silencio es siempre asentimiento? La experiencia no parece concordar totalmente con el precepto. øQué cree Ud.?

Ramona Wadi (2022-03-28). The US Should Remember that Israel's Squatter-Settlements in Palestine are War Crimes. ( Middle East Monitor ) — US Ambassador to Israel, Tom Nides, engaged in further diplomatic contradictions, as he fluctuated between asserting the Biden administration's stance purportedly against Israeli settlement expansion, yet making concessions for earlier encroachment upon Palestinian land. "We can't do stupid things that impede us from a two-state solution," Nides reportedly told …

Editor (2022-03-27). The Uncivil War Between Nationalism and Internationalism. Illustration by By John Feffer / Once upon a time, the tutelary gods of nationalism and internationalism met for a chat. They had a superb perch above the clouds. From there, they could see everything happening on the Earth below and they set to arguing, as they so often did. | Sophia, the goddess of internationalism, began by proudly pointing to the accomplishments of humanity. "Behold the United Nations," she said, not for the first time. "See how all the peoples of the world…

Staff (2022-03-27). Iranian lawmakers condemn 7 yrs of Saudi crimes against Yemen. TEHRAN, Mar. 27 (MNA) — The lawmakers at the Iranian parliament condemned the crimes committed by the Saudi coalition against the Yemeni people and called for an end to the war on Yemen.

Anonymous103 (2022-03-27). Military Situation In Yemen On March 26, 2022 (Map Update). Click to see full-size image | On March 26, warplanes of the Saudi-led coalition conducted 2 airstrikes on the Haradh district; | On March 26, warplanes of the Saudi-led coalition conducted 2 airstrikes on the Jubah district; | On March 26, warplanes of the Saudi-led coalition conducted 2 airstrikes on the Saada district; | On March 26, warplanes of the Saudi-led coalition conducted 3 airstrikes on the Hazm district; | On March 26, warplanes of the Saudi-led coalition conducted 9 airstrike on the Sanaa pr…

Staff (2022-03-27). Yemen declares temporary cessation of attacks on S. Arabia. TEHRAN, Mar. 27 (MNA) — President of the Supreme Political Council of Yemen Mahdi al-Mashat Saturday announced a three-day cessation of attacks after a wave of drone and missile attacks hit targets across Saudi Arabia.

Staff (2022-03-27). Iran's non-oil foreign trade hits new record of $100 billion. TEHRAN, Mar. 27 (MNA) — Iran's Deputy Minister of Economy said that the country's non-oil foreign trade during the past Iranian year has reached $100 billion, indicating an increase of 38% compared to last year.

Staff (2022-03-27). US envoy says not confident Iran nuclear deal is imminent. TEHRAN, Mar. 27 (MNA) — US Special Envoy for Iran Robert Malley said on Sunday that he was not confident that a nuclear deal between Iran and other JCPOA parties was imminent after 11 months of talks in Vienna.

Kamal Iranidoost (2022-03-27). Iraqi parliament speaker's trip to Iran postponed. TEHRAN, Mar. 27 (MNA) — Iraqi Parliament Speaker Mohammed al-Halbousi's trip to Iran has been postponed due to certain legal and parliamentary considerations and the illness of the Iranian counterpart, local media in Iraq have reported Sunday.

Staff (2022-03-27). Iran FM congratulates Malawian counterpart on her appointment. TEHRAN, Mar. 27 (MNA) — Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian has in a message congratulated his Malawian counterpart Ms. Nancy Tembo on her appointment as the country's top diplomat.

Staff (2022-03-27). EU coordinator set to meet with Iranian FM. TEHRAN, Mar. 27 (MNA) — European Union's coordinator of the Vienna talks Enrique Mora is scheduled to meet and hold talks with the Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian in Tehran on Sunday.

Staff (2022-03-27). Resolving remaining issues in talks hinges on US decision. TEHRAN, Mar. 27 (MNA) — Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian told his Belgian counterpart that the Vienna talks have made progress, adding that resolving the remaining issues in the talks needs the decision on part of the US.

Staff (2022-03-27). Effective lifting of sanctions Iran's main priority in talks. TEHRAN, Mar. 27 (MNA) — Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian on Sunday held a meeting with the EU coordinator of the JCPOA Commission Enrique Mora in Tehran and discussed Vienna talks with him.

Kamal Iranidoost (2022-03-27). Iran reaches agreement with E3 in Vienna: Amir-Abdolahian. TEHRAN, Mar. 27 (MNA) — "We have reached an agreement with three European countries on a draft text that needs to be finalized," the Iranian FM said Sunday, while calling on Washington to take practical steps to lift the sanctions on Iran.

Staff (2022-03-27). Reaching agreement in Vienna needs US political determination. TEHRAN, Mar. 27 (MNA) — The head of Iran's Strategic Foreign Relations Council Seyed Kamal Kharrazi said that finalizing an agreement in Vienna negotiations depends on the US political will.

Marzieh Rahmani (2022-03-27). Kerman; a museum illustrating various periods of Iran history. TEHRAN, Mar. 28 (MNA) — Being home to seven UNESCO World Heritage sites, eye-catching gardens, and ancient monuments, Kerman city can be considered as a perfect museum illustrating various periods in Iranian history.

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