Daily Archives: July 2, 2022

2022-07-02: News Headlines

Staff (2022-07-02). Recibe Díaz-Canel a activistas estadounidenses. cubadebate.cu El presidente Miguel Díaz-Canel dialogó este viernes con los intelectuales estadounidenses Vijay Prashad y Manolo de los Santos, sobre aspectos teóricos y experiencias de los movimientos sociales y países en el camino al socialismo. Además, recibió en el Palacio de la Revolución, en esta capital, a ambos activistas de visita en la isla.

Staff (2022-07-02). Powerful earthquakes hit Southern Iran, leaving 44 injured. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Jul. 02 (MNA) — At least five people are dead and scores of others injured after multiple powerful earthquakes struck Iran's southern province of Hormozgan early on Saturday.

Shotgun Players (2022-07-02). Saturday 7/23: Ashby Stage Indigenous Land Acknowledgement Mural Unveiling. indybay.org Ashby Stage | 1901 Ashby Ave | Berkeley, CA 94703…

Michael Petrelis (2022-07-02). Friday 7/1: Speakout: Cordileone at Mission Dolores. indybay.org Mission Dolores Basilica | 16th and Dolores Streets…

Staff (2022-07-02). Arqueólogos descubren cabeza perdida de estatua de Hércules en un naufragio de 2 000 años. cubadebate.cu El hallazgo ocurrió mientras se sumergían en aguas marinas buscando esponjas naturales. El sitio resultó ser uno de los más intrigantes para los arqueólogos subacuáticos. Desde entonces ha fascinado a la comunidad científica y reavivado el interés de la población griega por la arqueología marina.

Staff (2022-07-02). Implementan en Guantánamo servicio de traslado de equipaje sin acompañante. cubadebate.cu El traslado de equipajes sin acompañantes hacia destinos provinciales es un nuevo y sui generis servicio que comenzó a prestar la Unidad Empresarial de Base àìmnibus Nacionales, en Guantánamo. El servicio se presta en las rutas interprovinciales hacia Santiago de Cuba, Cienfuegos, Santa Clara, Matanzas y Sancti Spíritus.

Sohil Pothiawala, Rhian Miranda, Ian Civil (2022-07-02). [Clinical Picture] Not all post-traumatic swellings are haematomas: be alert to a Morel-Lavallée lesion. thelancet.com A 34-year-old man was brought to our Emergency Department after a truck ran over the right side of his body while he was out walking. He had no medical history.

Khubaka, Michael Harris (2022-07-02). Friday 7/29: Stolen Legacy: California Pioneers of African Descent. indybay.org Leidesdorff Street | Financial District…

Staff (2022-07-02). Grupo Temporal de Trabajo de La Habana analiza servicios básicos e inicio del verano. cubadebate.cu Con un sentido homenaje a la trayectoria revolucionaria del General de División Luis Alberto López Callejas, fallecido en la mañana de este viernes, se inició la sesión del Grupo Temporal de Trabajo (GTT) de La Habana, que chequeó el comportamiento de los servicios básicos y el aseguramiento para el inicio oficial del verano.

Staff (2022-07-02). Front pages of Iran's English dailies on July 2. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Jul. 02 (MNA) — Here are the front pages of Iran's English language dailies on Saturday, July 2.

Peter Maiden (2022-07-02). Abortion Rights Rally in Fresno June 28. indybay.org People protested the anti-abortion Supreme Court decision at Fresno City Hall on Tuesday, June 28.

Staff (2022-07-02). Protests erupt in US over fatal Police shooting of Black man. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Jul. 02 (MNA) — Angry activists on Friday rallied in the city of Akron in the northern United States following yet another police shooting death of a Black man earlier this week.

Staff (2022-07-02). Puertorriqueños solidarios con Cuba reconocen a Díaz-Canel. cubadebate.cu La XXXI Brigada de Solidaridad Puerto Rico-Cuba Juan Rius Rivera entregó este viernes su medalla de la victoria al presidente de Cuba, Miguel Díaz-Canel, a los cinco luchadores antiterroristas y el independentista boricua àìscar López. Al recibir el lauro López dijo que Cuba y Puerto Rico definitivamente tienen que ser de un pájaro las dos alas.

Staff (2022-07-02). Yamila González: Otra cubana en la CEDAW. cubadebate.cu Justo al cierre de junio de 2022, cuando esta doctora en Ciencias Jurídicas acaba de ser elegida, en representación de Cuba, como integrante del Comité de supervisión de la CEDAW por los próximos tres años, entre sus primeras reflexiones públicas hubo una suerte de viaje a la semilla.

Staff (2022-07-02). Nadadores cubanos acumulan seis títulos en Juegos de Guadalupe. cubadebate.cu Otra gran cosecha de medallas (3-2-4) recogieron este viernes los nadadores cubanos que asisten a los I Juegos del Caribe de Guadalupe 2022, en una jornada fresca, lluviosa e intensa vivida en la Piscina Intercomunal de Abymes. En este momento, Cuba acumula 18 medallas en la lid de ondinas y tritones, repartidas en 6-5-7.

Staff (2022-07-02). Refinería de petróleo espirituana amplía sus producciones. cubadebate.cu Para imponerse a las limitaciones económicas que atraviesa el país, acentuadas por el bloqueo, la refinería de petróleo Sergio Soto, en Cabaiguán, ha buscado una fórmula poco común: acudir al ingenio colectivo para diversificar sus producciones. En todo el proceso lo más importante han sido las modificaciones tecnológicas.

SCOTUS ruled wrongly (2022-07-02). People pour into Federal Bldg Plaza to Express their Outrage on Day of Decision. indybay.org Protesters spilled into the streets on June 24 soon after the much anticipated Supreme Court decision on Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization was announced.

Staff (2022-07-02). Headlines of Iran's Persian dailies on July 2. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Jul. 02 (MNA) — Mehr News agency takes a look at headlines of Iran's Persian-language dailies on Saturday, June 2.

Staff (2022-07-02). El barrio, pieza clave en el diagnóstico y solución de los problemas. cubadebate.cu En la noche del jueves 30 de junio se produjo en la Sala Amistad un intercambio entre los factores de la base del Consejo Popular Abel Santamaría y el primer secretario del PCC en Villa Clara, Osnay Miguel Colina Rodríguez. Uno de los temas más debatidos fue el otorgamiento de las tarjetas de abastecimiento a las familias que no disponen de ella…

Staff (2022-07-02). Ricardo Alarcón y Juan Vela, presidentes presentes en el pase de lista del centenario de la FEU (II). cubadebate.cu Como prometí voy con la segunda parte de esta publicación, ahora con la intención de rendir homenaje al querido compañero Juan Vela Valdés, que falleció el pasado 27 de abril, tres días antes que Ricardo Alarcón. Además, propondré los temas que abordaré, en artículos dedicados al centenario de la FEU, desde julio a diciembre en que se combinen remembranzas con el análisis de asuntos actuales.

Jason Ditz (2022-07-01). Iran Remains Hopeful on Nuclear Talks. news.antiwar.com The Qatar-hosted Iran nuclear talks lasted only part of a day, and fell apart with the US is pessimistic as ever, and Iranian officials say that the talks fell apart because the

____ (2022-07-01). War not a solution to solve problems between Russia, Ukraine. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Jul. 01 (MNA) —Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian in a telephone conversation with his Ukrainian counterpart Dmitry Kuleba said that Iran does not consider war as a suitable solution to solve problem between Russia and Ukraine.

Miko Peled (2022-07-01). Every Bullet Has anewsauthor">: Impunity for Israeli Crimes Against Palestinian Human Rights Defenders. mintpressnews.com The lives of Palestinians, be they unarmed activists or fighters, be they children, women, men, or the elderly, are only worth the price of the bullet that carries their name. And while we will talk and write about the next Palestinian who is killed for a few days, their children will remain orphans for life.

Fight Back (2022-07-01). Minnesota groups join global anti-NATO protests during the June NATO Summit. fightbacknews.org Minneapolis, MN – On June 28, over 60 people gathered alongside Washington Avenue outside of Senator Amy Klobuchar's Minneapolis office in solidarity with international protests against the NATO Summit in Madrid, Spain, where world leaders discussed the expansion of NATO, among other things. Rush-hour traffic honked in support as protesters chanted, "No war with Russia! Disband NATO now!" | "Yesterday the Spanish government prohibited protest against NATO in Madrid," announced Michael Livingston of Minnesota Peace Action Coalition (MPAC). "Being the free people that they are, the anti-NATO activists immediately g…

____ (2022-07-01). 13th govt. targets $20bn revenues out of regional transit. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Jul. 01 (MNA) — A member of Iranian Parliament's Economic Commission said that the government's goal of earning $20 billion from the regional transit is 'achievable'.

____ (2022-07-01). Iran's oil revenues exceed $25bn last year: OPEC. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Jul. 01 (MNA) — A report released by the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) indicates that Iran earned more than $25 billion in revenue from oil exports in 2021.

Dave DeCamp (2022-07-01). Iran Nuclear Deal Talks Could Resume After Biden's Mideast Trip. news.antiwar.com Bloomberg reported Friday that European officials expect EU-brokered efforts to revive the Iran nuclear deal will resume While the Biden administration doesn't appear willing to lift the necessary sanctions to revive the nuclear deal, known as the JCPOA, The EU medi…

Margaret Flowers (2022-07-01). Lessons from Colombia: A Victory for the People. orinocotribune.com By Margaret Flowers &#1 ; Jun 27, 2022 | On June 19, Colombians elected the first leftist president and the first Afro-Colombian vice president in history. This was possible, despite being in a repressive state, because of a strong national social movement that organized an effective national strike in the spring of 2021. Clearing the FOG speaks with Charo Mina Rojas, an Afro-Colombian human rights defender and leader in the 2016 peace process, about this victory, the obstacles they faced and how they will counter efforts by the wealthy class to prevent further progress. Activists in the United States have much t…

_____ (2022-07-01). There Are Hungry People There Are Hungry People. popularresistance.org The United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF) reports that, every minute, a child is pushed into hunger in fifteen countries most ravaged by the global food crisis. Twelve of these fifteen countries are in Africa (from Burkina Faso to Sudan), one is in the Caribbean (Haiti), and two are in Asia (Afghanistan and Yemen). Wars without end have degraded the ability of the state institutions in these countries to manage cascading crises of debt and unemployment, inflation and poverty. Joining the two Asian countries are the states that make up the Sahel region of Africa (especially Mali and Niger…

_____ (2022-07-01). There are Hungry People. There are Hungry People. popularresistance.org The United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF) reports that, every minute, a child is pushed into hunger in fifteen countries most ravaged by the global food crisis. Twelve of these fifteen countries are in Africa (from Burkina Faso to Sudan), one is in the Caribbean (Haiti), and two are in Asia (Afghanistan and Yemen). Wars without end have degraded the ability of the state institutions in these countries to manage cascading crises of debt and unemployment, inflation and poverty. Joining the two Asian countries are the states that make up the Sahel region of Africa (especially Mali and Niger…

Anonymous103 (2022-07-01). Why America's Nuclear Threat To Russia Now Is Bigger Than The Soviet Nuclear Threat To America Was In The 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis. southfront.org Written by Eric Zuesse During the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis, the central issue was how short America's available reaction-time to a…

_____ (2022-07-01). Studying The Venezuelan Approach To Learning. popularresistance.org The merits of the Bolivarian system are plain to see through the country having one of the highest educational progress rates in Latin America and a truly comprehensive system funded by the Venezuelan government led by the United Socialist Party of Venezuela. | In order to understand the Venezuelan education system, it is necessary to examine both its foundations and the reality of education under the illegal US sanctions. In the decades preceding the successful election of Hugo Chavez, education in Venezuela was not prioritized. | Governments effectively abandoned education in the rural and working-class areas f…

Fight Back (2022-07-01). Hope for Colombia: An interview with James Jordan about the election of Petro. fightbacknews.org On June 19, Gustavo Petro won the second round of the Colombian presidential election with over 50% of the vote. This is a historic victory because Colombia, unlike many other South American countries, including neighboring Venezuela, doesn't have a history of leftists winning office. | For more than 52 years now the U.S. has backed the wealthy Colombian oligarchy against revolutionaries of the FARC-EP (Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia – People's Army) and ELN (National Liberation Army) who are fighting for national liberation against U.S. imperialism. There was a brief negotiated peace in 1985 and le…

Staff (2022-07-01). The Truth About Venezuela's Boeing Cargo Plane Hijacked in Argentina (Interview). orinocotribune.com The grounding of a Boeing 747-300 of the Venezuelan cargo company Emtrasur and the court case initiated against its crew members by Argentinian authorities is a component of Venezuela's political persecution by the United States, since there are no legal or technical reasons for such measures. | This was one of the conclusions reached during an interview that Telesur journalist Madelein García and Venezuelan political analyst Miguel àÅngel Pérez Pirela held with the president of Emtrasur, Major César Pérez, and with one of the crew members in Argentina, Emtrasur's Finance Manager Mario Arraga. | In the cour…

Staff (2022-07-01). National Assembly of Venezuela Approves Special Economic Zones Law. orinocotribune.com This Thursday, June 30, the Venezuelan National Assembly unanimously approved the Special Economic Zones Bill on second discussion. | "It is approved by an evident qualified majority, consequently the Organic Law of Special Economic Zones is declared sanctioned and is immediately submitted to the Constitutional Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice, in accordance with the provisions of article 203 of the Constitution of the Republic, for the purposes of its analysis to be sent to the Executive and then it will be issued by the National Executive," said the president of the National Assembly, Jorge Rodríguez.

Staff (2022-07-01). Con Filo: Mi cuerpo, mi decisión (+ Video). cubadebate.cu Sobre las consecuencias de suprimir los derechos de las mujeres y los múltiples análisis que pueden hacerse alrededor del fenómeno se debatió este jueves en el programa Con Filo, que centró su atención, entre otros temas, en el cese del aborto como derecho constitucional en Estados Unidos.

____ (2022-07-01). Saudis violate ceasefire in Hudaydah over 40 times in a day. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Jul. 01 (MNA) — Saudi-led coalition has violated the ceasefire in Yemen's Al Hudaydah province 42 times in the past 24 hours.

Andrés Villena Oliver (2022-07-01). Bilderberg, la clase dirigente gestiona el nuevo desorden mundial. globalizacion.ca ´Las élites conspiran y Bilderberg es un fiel y ya casi folclórico testigo de ello. No obstante, el silencio creciente en torno a este club podría favorecer su carácter estratégico ª, opina Andrés Villena. | La claustrofobia ideológica acelerada por los confinamientos…

Staff (2022-07-01). Estudio: Ondas atmosféricas por erupción de enero en Tonga dieron la vuelta al mundo seis veces. cubadebate.cu La erupción del volcán Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha' apai, que en enero pasado se convirtió en una de las más potentes observadas durante la historia de la humanidad, generó ondas que dieron la vuelta al mundo seis veces y alcanzaron 100 kilómetros en la ionosfera. Fue "única en la ciencia observada", tanto en magnitud como en velocidad, según un estudio.

Staff (2022-07-01). Vale-No vale: Ahorro de recursos hidráulicos, reventa a precios abusivos y combustibles. cubadebate.cu Cubadebate continúa con su sección Vale-No vale para reconocer, una vez más gracias a los comentarios y correos de los lectores, todo aquello que vale porque mejora nuestras vidas, desarrolla el país o nos hace mejores ciudadanos, y señalar también todo lo que no vale y merece ser cambiado.

____ (2022-07-01). Iran nuclear talks likely to resume after Biden Mideast trip. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Jul. 01 (MNA) — Efforts to revive Iran nuclear deal, JCPOA, are likely to resume following US President Joe Biden's visit to the region this month, after an intense round of talks held in Qatari capital of Doha.

____ (2022-07-01). Iran, Pakistan emphasize developing media coop. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Jul. 01 (MNA) — Iranian Ambassador to Islamabad stressed the need to enhance bilateral cooperation in the field of media.

Staff (2022-07-01). Bomberos logran controlar el 90% del incendio registrado en el distrito de Machu Picchu. cubadebate.cu Tras tres días de luchar contra las llamas, bomberos forestales del Servicio Nacional de àÅreas Naturales Protegidas de Perú han logrado controlar cerca del 90 % de un incendio registrado en el distrito de Machu Picchu, informó este jueves el Ministerio de Cultura.

Ana Perdigón (2022-07-01). Court Case Concerning Stolen Venezuelan Gold Set to Resume. orinocotribune.com The trial regarding the fate of the Venezuelan gold seized in the United Kingdom (UK) will resume between July 13 and 18, at the High Court of London. | According to the British lawyer for the Venezuelan government, Richard Lissack, this new trial will determine the validity of the appointments of the board named by former deputy Juan Guaidó. | This is due to the fact that the Venezuelan Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ) invalidated the appointment of Guaidó's board, to which the UK responded by ordering an investigation over whether or not this decision should be accepted. If the appointments are found not to be va…

Anonymous669 (2022-07-01). Iranians Leak Info Of Over 300,000 Israelis After Hacking Travel Booking Websites. southfront.org Iranian hackers had attacked a number of Israeli travel booking websites and managed to obtain the personal information of over 300,000 Israelis, Israel's Privacy Protection Authority confirmed on June 30. | The cyber-attack, which took place two weeks earlier, targeted websites operated by Gol Tours LTD, a tourist company that owns more than 20 travel booking websites. The affected websites include: hotel4u.co.il, booking-hotels.co.il, booking-kibbutz.co.il, mlonot.co.il, noapass.co.il, gol.

Staff (2022-07-01). Cuba reporta 22 nuevos casos de COVID-19 e igual número de altas médicas. cubadebate.cu Al cierre del día de ayer, 30 de junio, se encuentran ingresados un total de 315 pacientes, sospechosos 196 y confirmados activos 119. En el día en Cuba para la covid-19 se realizaron un total de 2 430 muestras para la vigilancia, resultando positivas 22. El país acumula 13 964 854 muestras realizadas y 1 106 045 positivas. Se dieron 22 altas médicas.

Jon Wilson (2022-07-01). U.S. Communists observe drafting of Chile's new democratic constitution first-hand. peoplesworld.org This is the third installment in a series of articles about the visit of the Hello Comrade Project to Chile in the spring of 2022. Hello Comrade is a group within the International Department of the Communist Party USA, a solidarity movement bringing together members of the party in the United States with members of …

Kamal Iranidoost (2022-07-01). Iran still not optimistic about US removal of sanctions. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Jul. 01 (MNA) — A member of the Iranian Parliament's National Security and Foreign Policy Commission said while some hope to see US remove the sanctions, he is not too optimistic.

Staff (2022-07-01). Natación inaugura el medallero cubano en los I Juegos del Caribe. cubadebate.cu Como era esperado, la natación le dio a Cuba sus primeras medallas en los I Juegos del Caribe, que desde este martes vivieron su inauguración en Guadalupe. El primer título de la Mayor de Las Antillas lo aportó el jovencito Rodolfo Falcón Jr., gracias a un crono de 16: 01.05 en su prueba predilecta de los 1500m libres.

Staff (2022-07-01). Morales Ojeda recorre centros de interés económico y social de Pinar del Río. cubadebate.cu Roberto Morales Ojeda, miembro del Buró Político y secretario de Organización del Comité Central del Partido Comunista de Cuba, visitó la UEB Arturo Pérez Mayor del municipio de Pinar del Río donde se recuperan áreas ganaderas en desuso para fomentar la cría de ganado menor y otras especies, como parte de un recorrido por centros de interés económico y social.

____ (2022-07-01). Iran calls on Iraqi govt. to pursue remaining Hajj affairs. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Jul. 01 (MNA) — While appreciating Iraqi officials' efforts to facilitate Iranian Hajj pilgrims' affairs, Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian asked the Iraqi government to pursue the remaining issues pertinent to Hajj affairs.

Staff (2022-07-01). Falleció el general de división Luis Alberto Rodríguez López-Calleja, miembro del Buró Político del PCC. cubadebate.cu Con profundo pesar informamos a nuestro pueblo que en las primeras horas de la mañana de este viernes 1 de julio, como resultado de un paro cardiorrespiratorio, falleció el general de división Luis Alberto Rodríguez López-Calleja, presidente ejecutivo del Grupo de Administración Empresarial de las Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias.

____ (2022-07-01). Iran, Russia emphasize enhancing trade-economic relations. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Jul. 01 (MNA) — Islamic Republic of Iran and Russian Federation stressed the need to increase bilateral relations in the fields of trade and economy.

____ (2022-07-01). Iran committed to a diplomacy to remove illegal sanctions. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Jul. 01 (MNA) — Iran's Ambassador and Permanent Representative to UN announced that Islamic Republic of Iran believes in multilateral diplomacy that would guarantee effective and verifiable removal of unlawful sanctions imposed against Iran.

Brett Wilkins (2022-07-01). As US Rolls Back Reproductive Rights, Sierra Leone Moves to Decriminalize Abortion. commondreams.org "I'm hopeful today's announcement gives activists in the U.S., and especially Black women given the shared history, a restored faith that change is possible and progress can be made."

TeleSUR, jaa, SH (2022-07-01). Nadador cubano gana primera presea de oro en Juegos del Caribe. telesurtv.net Esta presea dorada representa la primera para delegaciones cubanas en Juegos Multideportivos desde que Hanser García en 2014.

Staff (2022-07-01). Aerolínea OWG comenzó vuelos directos entre Canadá y Holguín. cubadebate.cu La aerolínea canadiense OWG comenzó a operar este 30 de junio vuelos directos entre Toronto y Montreal y el Aeropuerto Internacional Frank País, de la provincia de Holguín. Los nuevos itinerarios estarán en servicio hasta octubre próximo. Así llegan a 23 los arribos semanales de aeronaves extranjeras a la terminal aérea holguinera.

Anonymous669 (2022-07-01). Iran's Revolutionary Guard Deployed Air Defense Systems In Syria — Report. southfront.org Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) deployed air-defense systems in Syria as a part of a joint project with the Syrian Arab Army (SAA), al-Arabiya reported on July 1, citing Western intelligence sources. | According to the UAE-based news channel, the project is meant to protect IRGC assets in Syria from Israel's repeated aerial attacks. | Al-Arabiya said that the project is led by Farid Muhammad Thaqa'i, a senior officer of the IRGC Aerospace Forces. The officer visited the Syr…

Kamal Iranidoost (2022-07-01). Government backs youth's marriage: president Raeisi. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Jul. 01 (MNA) — The President issued orders to facilitate the payment of marriage loans to young people, to provide government facilities and cultural centers for young people to marry, as well as to hand over land and pay loans.

Staff (2022-07-01). Sincronizan termoeléctrica Guiteras con el sistema electroenergético nacional. cubadebate.cu La central termoeléctrica Antonio Guiteras, de Matanzas, sincronizó con el sistema electroenergético nacional (SEN) al final de la tarde de este jueves. Se informó que está generando de manera estable por encima de 140 MW y se prevé que aumente paulatinamente hasta llegar a los 240 MW.

Staff (2022-07-01). Este sábado la sala polivalente "Ramón Fonst" acogerá feria deportiva. cubadebate.cu El proyecto de desarrollo local (PDL) Deporte Total convoca a su feria deportiva este sábado 2 de julio en la capitalina sala polivalente "Ramón Fonst" desde las 9: 00 de la mañana. Se podrá disfrutar de exhibiciones de masajes, bailoterapia, demostraciones de yoga, actividades infantiles y otras desarrolladas por los proyectos Vive Más, Molinos de Viento.

____ (2022-07-01). Tehran-Riyadh next meeting to be held at 'diplomatic level'. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Jul. 01 (MNA) — Unlike the previous five meetings between held between Iranian and Saudi officials, the next meeting between the two sides will be held at "diplomatic level", an Iraqi official was quoted as saying.

Kamal Iranidoost (2022-07-01). Iranian center to host seminar on threats against coop. in ME. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Jul. 01 (MNA) — An Iranian research center in cooperation with Tehran-based SBU university will host a conference virtually dubbed "New Transnational Threats Towards Regional Cooperation in the Middle East" on July 5.

Staff (2022-07-01). Archivo CD: CIGB, uno de los proyectos descomunales de Fidel. cubadebate.cu El Centro de Ingeniería Genética y Biotecnología de Cuba (CIGB), que arriba hoy a su aniversario 36, es una institución insigne de la ciencia, con grandes resultados y miles de calificaciones positivas. Para celebrar este aniversario, Cubadebate comparte un material sobre el vínculo estrecho de Fidel con la industria biotecnológica cubana.

Staff (2022-07-01). Se forma la tormenta tropical Bonnie: Debe aproximarse esta noche a las costas de Nicaragua. cubadebate.cu Durante la mañana de hoy la zona de bajas presiones ubicada al este de Nicaragua continúo organizándose mejor y se convirtió en una tormenta tropical nombrada Bonnie, segundo organismo tropical nombrado de la actual temporada ciclónica. En las próximas 12 a 24 horas continuará con similar rumbo, disminuyendo ligeramente su velocidad de traslación.

Staff (2022-07-01). Presentan anteproyecto de ley de la Contraloría General de la República. cubadebate.cu El anteproyecto de ley de la Contraloría General de la República (CGR) y del Sistema de Control Superior de los Fondos Públicos y de la Gestión Administrativa, fue presentado esta mañana en la sede de dicha institución en La Habana. La ley, que regulará las funciones constitucionalmente asignadas a la Contraloría General como órgano superior de fiscalización estatal.

Kamal Iranidoost (2022-07-01). West brought up PMD issue again in recent Doha talks: AEOI. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Jul. 01 (MNA) — The head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) Mohammad Eslami said that the Western side brought up the previously resolved Possible Military Dimensions (PMDs) in the recent Doha talks.

____ (2022-07-01). Iran seriously continuing talks to get sanctions removed. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Jul. 01 (MNA) — Iran's chief negotiator Ali Bagheri Kani is seriously continuing logical, reasonably and active talks and in complete coordination with him to get anti-Iran sanctions removed, Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian said.

Staff (2022-07-01). Radio Reloj: 75 años de información continua. cubadebate.cu Setenta y cinco años después de su fundación, Radio Reloj, una de las 100 emisoras que conforman el Sistema de Medios del Instituto Cubano de Radio y Televisión, sigue siendo el patrón oficial de tiempo e información para más de 11 millones de cubanos.

____ (2022-07-01). Global oil market needs a rise in Iran supplies: oil minister. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Jul. 01 (MNA) — Jeopardizing energy security and heightening market volatility have borne lose-lose outcomes for all players, Iranian Minister of Petroleum said on Friday, adding global oil market needs an increase in Iran oil supply.

____ (2022-07-01). Iran FM Amir-Abdollahian to visit Syria on Saturday. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Jul. 01 (MNA) — Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman on Friday evening announced that Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian will visit Syrian capital of Damascus on Saturday July 02 to discuss bilateral ties and issues of mutual interest.

2022-07-02 09:50 | 05:50 EST | jz | 73 | 0 | 51 | 20 | 0