2023-03-08: News Headlines

ANSWER Coalition Bay Area (2023-03-08). Saturday 3/18: Peace in Ukraine! Fund people's needs, not the war machine! indybay.org 24th & Mission Bart…

WSWS (2023-03-08). Top US military officials visit Middle East to ratchet up conflicts with Iran and Russia. wsws.org Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin's visit to Iraq on the eve of the 20th anniversary of the 2003 US invasion amounted to a return to the scene of a world-historic crime.

Anonymous Contributor (2023-03-08). Temporary Occupation in NYC Calls for Divestment from 'Cop City' in Atlanta, GA. itsgoingdown.org Report back from solidarity action in NYC calling for divestment from the Atlanta Police Foundation (APF). In solidarity with Defend the Atlanta Forest, the WDS-NYC is calling for Banyan Street Capital, the real estate firm that owns 191 Peachtree Towers, to end their lease agreement with the Atlanta Police Foundation (or the APF)*. During lunch…

Yves Engler (2023-03-08). Curious Case of "Mandela's Lawyer" Illustrates Media Bias. dissidentvoice.org The story is not about Irwin Cotler lying. It's about the media embracing a biographical detail because they support the US empire and Zionism. Seven years ago, the South African ambassador to Venezuela Pandit Thaninga Shope-Linney stated plainly that "Irwin Cotler was not Nelson Mandela's lawyer." Three years later Max Blumenthal pointed out that "in …

Labor Video Project (2023-03-08). The Fukushima Catastrophe Continues 12 Years After The Meltdowns. indybay.org March 11 is the 12th anniversary of the Fukushima earthquake and meltdown of three reactors. The disaster continues and the melted nuclear rods still remain in the broken reactors and have to be cooled by water which then becomes radiated. Two activists talk about the present situation after 12 years.

Misión Verdad (2023-03-08). Venezuela: The Void of Opposition Pre-Election Promises. orinocotribune.com By Misión Verdad — Mar 7, 2023 | On October 22, 2023, the primary elections of the Democratic Unitary Platform, a block that groups together Venezuelan opposition political parties and organizations, will be held. It is difficult to predict what the results will be. It is also difficult to take for granted that the event will conclude with the selection of a candidate for the next presidential elections, to be held on an undetermined date in 2024. | What is clear is that there are many who aspire to win the opposition primaries. In this very "competitive" situation, everyone has displayed their best versions…

DXE (2023-03-08). Protestors Call on Merced DA to Prosecute Cruelty at Foster Farms Not Animal Rescuers. indybay.org Citing practices that cause prolonged, terrifying, and painful deaths at Foster Farms' killing facility, activists call for corporate accountability…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-03-08). Brazilian government orders investigation into undeclared jewelry gifted to Bolsonaro's wife. peoplesdispatch.org A former government official tried to bring undeclared jewelry amounting to USD$3.2 million into the country, a gift from the Saudi Arabian government to Bolsonaro's wife…

Roger D. Harris (2023-03-08). Havana Syndrome Case Cracked. orinocotribune.com By Roger D. Harris — Mar 6, 2023 | Even before the attack on the homeland of the The Havana Syndrome was first reported in Cuba in 2016. The mysterious malady initially afflicted US embassy staff in Havana, especially those attached to intelligence missions. It then spread to Canadian embassy officials. The sudden headaches, debilitating dizziness, and hearing excruciatingly painful sounds struck both at work and at home. Oddly, the Cubans themselves appe…

Carlos Aznarez (2023-03-08). Venezuela: Missing Hugo Chávez. orinocotribune.com By Carlos Aznárez — Mar 5, 2023 | Ten years have already passed without Comandante Hugo Chávez and his overwhelming drive to explain to the people what the Revolution to be built is all about. Yes, the Revolution with capital letters, which is not the same as appealing to the reformist or social-democratic shortcuts to which some try to accustom us. Because if there is something that Chávez became clear, it is that for any society to grow seriously, develop, and generate a dignified life for its people, attitudes or possibilities are not enough: it is necessary to turn everything upside down and generate a d…

Misión Verdad (2023-03-08). Venezuela: The Void of Opposition Pre-Election Promises. orinocotribune.com By Misión Verdad — Mar 7, 2023 | On October 22, 2023, the primary elections of the Democratic Unitary Platform, a block that groups together Venezuelan opposition political parties and organizations, will be held. It is difficult to predict what the results will be. It is also difficult to take for granted that the event will conclude with the selection of a candidate for the next presidential elections, to be held on an undetermined date in 2024. | What is clear is that there are many who aspire to win the opposition primaries. In this very "competitive" situation, everyone has displayed their best versions…

DXE (2023-03-08). Protestors Call on Merced DA to Prosecute Cruelty at Foster Farms Not Animal Rescuers. indybay.org Citing practices that cause prolonged, terrifying, and painful deaths at Foster Farms' killing facility, activists call for corporate accountability…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-03-08). Brazilian government orders investigation into undeclared jewelry gifted to Bolsonaro's wife. peoplesdispatch.org A former government official tried to bring undeclared jewelry amounting to USD$3.2 million into the country, a gift from the Saudi Arabian government to Bolsonaro's wife…

Roger D. Harris (2023-03-08). Havana Syndrome Case Cracked. orinocotribune.com By Roger D. Harris — Mar 6, 2023 | Even before the attack on the homeland of the The Havana Syndrome was first reported in Cuba in 2016. The mysterious malady initially afflicted US embassy staff in Havana, especially those attached to intelligence missions. It then spread to Canadian embassy officials. The sudden headaches, debilitating dizziness, and hearing excruciatingly painful sounds struck both at work and at home. Oddly, the Cubans themselves appe…

Carlos Aznarez (2023-03-08). Venezuela: Missing Hugo Chávez. orinocotribune.com By Carlos Aznárez — Mar 5, 2023 | Ten years have already passed without Comandante Hugo Chávez and his overwhelming drive to explain to the people what the Revolution to be built is all about. Yes, the Revolution with capital letters, which is not the same as appealing to the reformist or social-democratic shortcuts to which some try to accustom us. Because if there is something that Chávez became clear, it is that for any society to grow seriously, develop, and generate a dignified life for its people, attitudes or possibilities are not enough: it is necessary to turn everything upside down and generate a d…

Staff (2023-03-08). El jefe de gobierno de la ciudad de Buenos Aires promete cerrar el Ministerio de la Mujer si es electo presidente. cubadebate.cu El alcalde de la ciudad de Buenos Aires, Horacio Rodríguez Larreta, aseguró que si llega a la Presidencia cerrará el Ministerio de las Mujeres, Géneros y Diversidad, por considerar que su existencia solo genera "más burocracia". El candidato realizó esa promesa justo el día previo al 8M, cuando se espera una jornada de lucha que tendrá repercusiones en el país suramericano.

Staff (2023-03-08). Las 3 del día: Entrevista al pelotero Yariel Rodríguez y las noticias del 7 de marzo (+ Podcast). cubadebate.cu Sean bienvenidos a las 3 del día, el podcast de Cubadebate que resume lo más importante que ha sido noticia hoy en Cuba y el mundo. Este 7 de marzo nos acompañan los periodistas Darío Extremera y Yilena Héctor. Comenzamos con dos noticias de nuestro gremio, después nos vamos al escenario internacional y cerramos el podcast con declaraciones del lanzador Yariel Rodríguez.

Staff (2023-03-08). Periodistas cubanos compartieron experiencias sobre modelos de gestión editorial y económica. cubadebate.cu La actividad, inscrita en la jornada de celebraciones por el Día de la Prensa Cubana, tuvo lugar en el Instituto Internacional de Periodismo José Martí y profundizó en las complejidades, claves y aciertos de concebir entornos mediáticos más cercanos a sus públicos y función social, a la vez que sostenibles desde la esfera económica y de contenidos.

Staff (2023-03-08). Argentina: 52 mujeres fueron asesinadas en el primer bimestre de 2023. cubadebate.cu Un total de 52 mujeres fueron asesinadas en Argentina en el primer bimestre de 2023, según un informe que publicó este lunes el Observatorio de Femicidios "Adriana Marisel Zambrano". El 37% de las víctimas tenía entre 19 y 30 años, y como consecuencia, 45 hijos quedaron sin madre, de los cuales el 58% son menores de edad.

Staff (2023-03-08). Díaz-Canel: Si no hay vinculación con la base no hay seguimiento a los problemas de la gente. cubadebate.cu Temas como el perfeccionamiento del sistema de trabajo del Gobierno, la implementación de la política de cuadros del Estado y el Gobierno, así como el comportamiento de la Economía al cierre del mes de enero estuvieron en la agenda de la más reciente reunión del Consejo de Ministros, encabezada por el Presidente de la República, y dirigida por el Primer Ministro.

teleSUR, MER (2023-03-08). Presidente venezolano recibe al canciller de Colombia. telesurtv.net El encuentro tuvo como objetivo afianzar las relaciones bilaterales y repasar la agenda de cooperación estratégica entre ambos países.

Staff (2023-03-08). Tapia Fonseca chequea la labor de las agencias transitarias. cubadebate.cu

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