2023-11-10: News Headlines

Kim Kelly, In These Times. (2023-11-10). The Next Target For Protests Against Israel: Ports. popularresistance.org About 100 protesters arrived at the Port of Tacoma at 5 a.m. on Monday determined to block any efforts to load cargo onto the Cape Orlando, a ship the activists thought could be transporting weapons to Israel. They chanted "Free, free Palestine!" and by 6 a.m. the group had grown by hundreds more. | "We are here today because we are blocking a military vessel that has come from the Oakland dock up to Tacoma," said Bissan Barghouti of the group Samidoun Seattle, according to The Seattle Times. | Guy Oron, a reporter with Real Change News, tweeted that "Protesters split up…

Larry Johnson (2023-11-10). A Condensed history of Israel. sonar21.com Consider this a public service. I am not pretending to be a scholar of Middle East history by any stretch. Yet, I'm pretty sure that the majority of people of all races and religions do not understand the 3023 year history of the lands now called Israel and Palestine. Guess which nation/ethnic group that had the longest rule over the region? If you guessed the Arab Muslims (521 years), give yourself a gold star. Second longest was Rome (454 years) followed by the Ottoman Empire (401 years). If you combine the time the Arab Muslims with the Turkish Muslims ruled the region you get a total of 922 years. | It…

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