2023-12-25: News Headlines

People's Dispatch. (2023-12-25). 78 Palestine Solidarity Activists Face Charges For Civil Disobedience. popularresistance.org 78 Palestine solidarity activists are facing charges following a mass civil disobedience action staged on November 16, in which protesters shut down San Francisco's Bay Bridge in solidarity with Palestinians in the Gaza Strip. | Over 150 demonstrators blocked the Bay Bridge on November 16, while US President Joe Biden was in San Francisco for the APEC Summit. Several activists blocked the bridge with cars, and, highlighting their commitment, proceeded to throw their keys into the San Francisco Bay. | Protesters are facing charges ranging from unlawful public assembly, false imprisonment, refusing to comply with a…

Gabriel Aguirre (2023-12-25). Venezuela Now Has A WBW Chapter For Peace/ Venezuela Ya Tiene Un Capítulo Para La Paz. worldbeyondwar.org By Gabriel Aguirre, World BEYOND War, December 24, 2023 | As World BEYOND War continues to grow in Latin America, on December 21st a new chapter was created in Venezuela. The activity took place at the Nucleus of Endogenous Francisco de Miranda-Tócome, in the Sucre municipality of the city of Caracas. | The event to launch the chapter was part of a conference called "Venezuela Territory of Peace", in which various members of the chapter, activists, and people interested in contributing to the work of peace and against war participated in-person and virtually. | The event began around 3: 00 p.m. local time in Ca…

greenleft.org.au (2023-12-25). Housing activists organise national day of action for public housing, rent controls. greenleft.org.au

CodePink Hayward (2023-12-25). Thursday 12/28: Hayward: Ceasefire for the Children of Palestine. indybay.org At 5 Flags location corner of Main Street and D St, near the Kabob restaurant in Hayward…

CodePink Hayward (2023-12-25). Thursday 12/28: Ceasefire for the Children of Palestine. indybay.org At 5 Flags location corner of Main street and D st, near the Kabob restaurant in Hayward…

Free Palestine! (2023-12-25). Sunday 12/24: Watsonville: Don't Feed the War Machine! indybay.org 1992 Main St, Watsonville…

en.mehrnews.com (2023-12-25). Yemeni parliament says US responsible for Gaza genocideThe Yemeni parliament has condemned the US support for the Israeli regime in its war on Gaza, holding Washington responsible for the war and genocide in the Palestinian territory.

_____ (2023-12-25). Can the US-led Maritime Force Stop Yemen's Houthi Attacks During Gaza War? transcend.org 19 Dec 2023 – The Houthis say they won't stop attacking ships unless Israel stops its attacks on Gaza. So far, the shipping industry doesn't appear convinced the task force can halt them.

_____ (2023-12-25). Yemen's Houthis in Defense of Gaza. transcend.org 21 Dec 2023 – Zionazis massacre children, women, babies, elderly journalists and doctors without showing the slightest sign of humanity. 70 days have passed since the massacre started on 7 Oct and at least 25 thousand Palestinians were killed by the Israeli army, at least 22 thousand of them civilians, and most of the civilians children and babies.

teleSUR, jaa, JDO (2023-12-25). Yemen denuncia ataque a dron de reconocimiento por parte de EE.UU. telesurtv.net Mediante un comunicado, el funcionario señaló que efectivos de EE.UU. en el mar Rojo abrieron fuego indiscriminadamente contra el avión no tripulado.

presstv.ir (2023-12-25). 'Burning battlefield': Yemen warns US Red Sea militarization endangers maritime navigation. presstv.ir Yemen warns that the Red Sea will become a "flaming battleground" if the US and its allies stick to their "aggressive behavior" and fuel tensions in the strategic maritime route.

en.abna24.com (2023-12-25). Pro-Palestinian demonstrations held in ItalyFabio Marcelli, an Italian university professor, and lawyer, told the Iran Press: "In the past two months, more than 20,000 people have been massacred in the Gaza Strip, and the killing of Palestinians and the hunger and thirst of the people of Gaza continue, and we are protesting the genocide of the Palestinian people by the regime."

Pavel López Lazo (2023-12-25). Israeli strike in Syria kills top Iranian general. plenglish.com Sayyed Razi Mousavi, one of the top IRGC commanders in Syria, was killed on Monday. | He was responsible for coordinating the military alliance between Syria and Iran. | Mousavi "was killed during an attack by the Zionist regime a few hours ago in Zeinabiyah district in the suburbs of Damascus," Iran's official IRNA news agency reported, using a different name for Sayyida Zeinab south of the Syrian capital. | Iran's state television interrupted its regular news broadcast to announce that Mousavi had been killed, describing him as one of the most experienced IRGC advisers in Syria. | It said he had been "among tho…

teleSUR, JDO (2023-12-25). Cancilleres de Nicaragua e Irán respaldan causa palestina. telesurtv.net Subrayan la necesidad de materializar un Estado palestino independiente y soberano como solución de paz duradera en Oriente Medio.

teleSUR, jaa, JDO (2023-12-25). Irán llama al mundo a proteger al pueblo palestino de Israel. telesurtv.net El presidente de la nación persa lideró la conferencia internacional sobre Palestina en Teherán, en la cual participaron políticos e intelectuales de 69 países.

presstv.ir (2023-12-25). Europe must play 'decisive role' to end Israeli genocide in Gaza: Iran envoy. presstv.ir An Iranian diplomat says European countries must play a decisive role in putting an end to Israel's crimes and genocidal war in Gaza.

presstv.ir (2023-12-25). Iran FM: Afghanistan needs to take 'practical' actions to resolve issues. presstv.ir Iran's foreign minister calls for Afghanistan's practical actions to resolve the existing issues between the two countries.

presstv.ir (2023-12-25). Iran dismisses claims of involvement in targeting Israeli interests in region. presstv.ir The Pentagon has openly accused Iran of targeting ships amid the continuation of Israel's brutal attacks on Gaza.

presstv.ir (2023-12-25). In message to Pope, Raeisi hopes Gaza massacre would end in New Year. presstv.ir Iran's president expresses hope that the mass killing of people in Gaza would end in New Year.

presstv.ir (2023-12-25). 'US unilateralism crumbling; resistance pillar of region's security'. presstv.ir The Americans admit that a world order based on unilateralism is declining and they will not be able to impose their will on the world anymore, says Iran's deputy foreign minister for political affairs.

presstv.ir (2023-12-25). Iran Navy takes delivery of new homegrown cruise missiles, choppers. presstv.ir The Islamic Republic of Iran Navy takes delivery of new homegrown naval cruise missiles and advanced helicopters furnished with electronic warfare systems.

infobrics (2023-12-25). Agbiz Optimistic About Market Expansion to New Brics Members. infobrics.org With more countries to become members of the Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa (Brics) grouping, the South African agricultural industry will seek to deepen trade with these countries, particularly Saudi Arabia as a $20-billion importer of agricultural produce every year…

UMMID (2023-12-25). 'KSA Visa' to make Hajj, Umrah visa issuance simpler. ummid.com Saudi Arabia Tuesday December 19, 2023 launched a unified visa platform called 'KSA Visa' and accessible online via 'gov.sa' to make Hajj, Umrah and other visa application procedures simpler and easier.

ecsorinoco (2023-12-25). Cuba To Implement a Macroeconomic Stabilization Plan. orinocotribune.com On Thursday, Cuban Prime Minister Manuel Marrero presented the macroeconomic stabilization program that will be implemented to boost the Cuban economy in 2024. | This program includes measures aimed at increasing foreign exchange income by promoting exports of goods and services and increasing the participation of foreign investment, especially in the production of food and energy. | Cuban authorities will reduce tariffs on intermediate products and increase tariffs on final products to promote the competitiveness of local industries. | Among the measures to reduce the budget deficit, it is proposed to update fue…

teleSUR, SH (2023-12-25). Presidente Maduro afirmó que el 2024 será bueno para Venezuela. telesurtv.net El mandatario venezolano publicó un video exponiendo el crecimiento logrado en diversas áreas a pesar de las medidas coercitivas unilaterales impuestas por EE.UU.

Roger Harris (2023-12-24). How the Campaign to Free Political Prisoner Alex Saab Succeeded. counterpunch.org Alex Saab and President Maduro, Youtube screengrab. | Alex Saab was freed from US captivity in what Venezuelan Prof. Maria Victor Paez described as "a triumph of Venezuelan diplomacy." The diplomat had been imprisoned for trying to bring humanitarian supplies to Venezuela in legal international trade but in circumvention of Washington's illegal economic coercive measures, also known as sanctions. | To read this article, log in If you are logged in but can't read CP+ articles, ch…

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