Monthly Archives: November 2023

2023-11-29: News Headlines

Editor (2023-11-29). Nov 29, 2023. Guantanamera | Playing For Change | Song Around The World 'The Horror! The Horror!', Revisited in Palestine, by Pepe Escobar War Is Not Abstracted Anymore, by Caitlin Johnstone Understanding the U.S. War Industry w/Christian Sorensen (Video) Operation Ongoing Bullshit, by Bill Astore JFK's Fight to Stop WW3 and America's Tragic Slide into Empire — Cynthia Chung Video The Magician's Hat, and the Great Simulacrum of Palliative Balm, by Alastair Crooke Banned Books, by Craig Murray Step Closer to Victory in Gaza: Burns' 'Expansive Deal' Could Only Mean One Thing, by Baroud, Rubeo…

infobrics (2023-11-29). Russian aircraft for Iran and multipolarity. Attacking Iran seems to be a very tempting prospect for Washington DC, as it would effectively "kill two birds with one stone" by making both SCO and BRICS+ look "weak" and unable (or even unwilling) to defend their new members. The US very likely believes this could be a deadly blow to the rapidly emerging multipolar world that will inevitably dismantle the existing "rules-based world order".

WSWS (2023-11-29). Why have right-wing forces attacked Adania Shibli's novel Minor Detail? After the outbreak of the new Israeli war against Palestinians a number of critics discovered antisemitism in the book and denounced Shibli as a Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions activist.

Ben Becker, PSL Central Committee (2023-11-29). State repression won't succeed at intimidating the Palestine solidarity movement. The PSL condemns the heavy-handed wave of repression that U.S. authorities are using to try and intimidate and silence activists nationwide.

Peoples Dispatch (2023-11-29). Community organizations in the UK step up solidarity with Palestine by blockading arms supply companies. Activists from the British tenants' union and housing rights platform ACORN organized blockades in front of the offices of three arms companies that are involved in supplying arms to Israel…

Javier Arana Villasusa (2023-11-29). Performance of Cuba's National Hotel-Capri Hotel Praised. Havana, Nov 29 (Prensa Latina) On the 66th anniversary of the inauguration of the NH-Capri Hotel in Havana, tourism authorities have praised the performance of this establishment, which has a long history and great attractions for guests from all over the world.

WSWS (2023-11-29). Palestinian student Hisham Awartani issues powerful statement following Vermont shooting. Prior to the reading of Awartani's statement at his vigil, Brown University President Christina Paxson was booed off the podium by students for refusing to endorse a ceasefire in Palestine and the divestment of Brown from war profiteers.

teleSUR, lfb, JCM (2023-11-29). Irán adquiere aeronaves militares modernas de Rusia. El acuerdo para la venta de aeronaves fue firmado en marzo de este año luego de que la ONU levantara el embargo sobre la compra de armas convencionales en octubre de 2020.

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2023-11-29). Presidente de Brasil arriba a Arabia Saudita. Lula da Silva había informado que se encontraba "de camino a Riad, capital de Arabia Saudita, para una serie de agendas de interés nacional".

teleSUR, JCM (2023-11-29). Venezuela afirma que defensa del Esequibo es asunto de unidad nacional. La vicepresidenta Ejecutiva de Venezuela, Delcy Rodríguez, afimó que Guyana debe regresar a la mesa de negociación, está contemplada en la carta de Ginebra.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-11-29). Continúa cierre de campaña Venezuela Toda. Es una batalla por la vida lo que tenemos en frente, es una batalla para que nuestros hijos se sientan orgullosos de lo que estamos haciendo en estos días.

teleSUR, YSM (2023-11-29). Venezuela registra incremento económico durante los últimos nueve trimestres. El mandatario destacó que los índices productivos se han evidenciado en los distintos rubros del país, y aseguró que el crecimiento es una tendencia que se mantiene.

teleSUR- hvh, JCM (2023-11-29). Venezuela y Belarús instalan Comisión Conjunta de Alto Nivel. La comisión basada en una hoja de ruta de 10 años fue instalada durante el encuentro "Geopolítica de Paz e Integración".

teleSUR, jaa, YSM (2023-11-29). Presidente cubano arriba a Emiratos àÅrabes en visita oficial. Según el jefe de Estado cubano, el encuentro con funcionarios emiratíes tiene como propósito continuar fortaleciendo los lazos entre ambas naciones. (2023-11-29). Iran holds IAEA accountable for Israel's atomic threats: Nuclear chief. Iran's nuclear chief says the International Atomic Energy Agency bears responsibility for any nuclear accident caused by Israel amid the regime's repeated threats to use atomic bombs. (2023-11-29). Iran finalizes deal to receive Russian military aircraft: Report. Iran's Armed Forces have finalized arrangements for delivery of a number of advanced Russian-made aircraft. (2023-11-29). Actress Cynthia Nixon launches hunger strike calling for permanent ceasefire in Gaza. Cynthia Nixon, joined by state legislators and activists, launches a hunger strike calling for a permanent ceasefire in Gaza. (2023-11-29). Activists begin hunger strike outside White House demanding Gaza truce. Activists begin a hunger strike outside the White House calling for a permanent truce in Gaza. (2023-11-29). Iran urges UN to revive resolution equating Zionism with racism, racial discrimination. Iran calls on the UN to revive its 1975 resolution that described Zionism as a form of racism and racial discrimination. (2023-11-29). US, Israel 'main losers' of Gaza war, 'incapable' of eliminating Hamas: Iran. Iran's foreign minister says the US and Israel have failed to eradicate the Palestinian Hamas resistance group and lost their war on the besieged Gaza Strip. (2023-11-29). Iran: Afghanistan-like escape awaits US troops in Syria, Iraq. Major General Yahya Rahim Safavi says "escape" is the ultimate fate of US occupation forces in Syria and Iraq, as it was the case in Afghanistan. (2023-11-29). UN envoy: Iran's missile, space programs fully in compliance with international law. Iran's UN envoy says the country's missile and space programs are fully in compliance with its legitimate rights under international law. (2023-11-29). Iran calls on ICC to prosecute Israeli officials for war crimes in Gaza. Iran's FM has called on the ICC to establish a court to prosecute Israeli authorities for war crimes in the Gaza Strip. (2023-11-29). Iran warns US, Israel of 'harsh consequences' if war crimes continue in Gaza. The Iranian foreign minister warns the US and Israel that they will face 'harsh consequences' if they keep committing crimes in the Gaza Strip. (2023-11-29). Leader: Iran Navy's progress since 1979 revolution 'unbelievable, remarkable'. Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei hails achievements made by the Islamic Republic of Iran Navy after the 1979 Islamic Revolution as "remarkable and unbelievable."

2023-11-29 12:42:30 | 12:42 EST | rz | 27 | 0 | 0 | 25 | 0 

2023-11-28: News Headlines

Samuel Karlin, Left Voice. (2023-11-28). Jewish Voice For Peace Shuts Down The Manhattan Bridge. Israel's offensive on Gaza is on hold, but displays of solidarity with the Palestinian people continue. If this was not clear from the recent protests at the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, it should be following the latest display of civil disobedience organized by Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP). | On Sunday afternoon, November 26, more than 1,000 Jews and allies blocked the Manhattan Bridge from the Manhattan side, with many prepared to be arrested. The demonstration shut down traffic for more than three hours on one of the busiest travel days of the year. NYPD was seen recording the images of protesters, but did…

María Páez Victor, Orinoco Tribune. (2023-11-28). ExxonMobil's Land Grab. Attacks on Venezuela by the USA and its allies include 930 illegal sanctions that shut the country out from international finance blocking it from buying medicines, food or producing or selling its oil. Also there have been direct and indirect support for coup d'etat attempts, street violence leading to murders and injuries, cyberattacks on its electricity grid, sabotage of oil and infrastructure, financing criminal bands, corruption of officials, assassination attempt against the President and his cabinet, setting up a false presidency, appropriating CITGO oil company and billions of Venezuelan assets in banks,…

Editor (2023-11-28). ExxonMobil's land grab. In 2014/15, the most sinister and predatory oil corporation in the world, ExxonMobil-an avowed enemy of Venezuela-discovered oil in land and sea of the disputed territory.

Democracy Now! (2023-11-28). Genocide in Gaza, Activists Shut Down Manhattan Bridge. Demonstrators Disrupt Macy's Parade Over Protest-Filled Weekend. In New York, over 1,000 peaceful protesters held a sit-in protest Sunday at the entrance to the Manhattan Bridge, halting traffic to downtown Brooklyn. Protesters, led by Jewish Voice for Peace, unfurled banners reading "Let Gaza Live" and "The Whole World Is Watching" as they sat in the roadway chanting, "Up with liberation! Down with occupation!" Their protest came three days after protesters disrupted the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade to demand an end to U.S. support for Israel's occupation and bombardment of Gaza. Protesters wore jumpsuits covered in fake blood and glued themselves to the street, briefly dis…

Kavitha Surana (2023-11-28). Anti-Abortion Groups Made Sure Abortion Ban Exceptions Didn't Happen. After the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, ending nearly 50 years of federal protection for abortion, some states began enforcing strict abortion bans while others became new havens for the procedure. ProPublica is investigating how sweeping changes to reproductive health care access in America are affecting people, institutions and governments. State Rep. Taylor Rehfeldt was speaking on the… |

Alina Ramos Martin (2023-11-28). Cuban Parliament calls for second ordinary session. The sessions will begin on December 20 of this year, starting at 9: 00 a.m. (local time), at the Convention Palace in the capital. | According to previous information, the provincial governments of Cienfuegos and Las Tunas, as well as the Ministry of Industry, in its capacity as an Agency of the Central State Administration, will render an account at the meeting of the Legislative Body. | In both territories, compliance with the objectives and goals of the Economy Plan and the State Budget Law will be evaluated, with emphasis on the performance of basic services to the population, such as health, education, trans…

Editor (2023-11-28). Cuba's economists committed to Che's example. On the eve of Economist's Day, it is important to review some aspects of Che's core ideas on the Political Economy of Socialism and especially when for some the solution to current problems is to completely free the market and reduce the role of the State in the economy.

Ana Perdigón (2023-11-28). Electricity Sabotage Alert in Venezuela Amid Essequibo Referendum. Venezuelan Vice President Delcy Rodríguez stated that state security agencies remain active to address any sabotage to the electrical system or the consultative referendum on Essequibo, to be held this Sunday, December 3. | This Monday, November 27, Rodríguez held a press conference after a meeting of the Council of Vice Presidents, where they reviewed all the aspects to be considered for the electoral event that will be held this weekend. | In her speech, Delcy Rodríguez sent a message to those who "are planning" to sabotage the National Electric Service (SEN) after reporting that national authorities are monito…

Ana Perdigón (2023-11-28). European Union Eases Some Illegal Sanctions Against Venezuela. The European Union (EU) agreed to relax some of the sanctions imposed on Venezuela, with the objective of " facilitating organizations to deliver humanitarian aid," in accordance with the recommendations of the United Nations. | The group currently consisting of 27 countries agreed to introduce exceptions to the asset freeze that the EU maintains against Venezuela, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Burundi, Guinea, Lebanon, Burma, Nicaragua, Tunisia, and Zimbabwe. | Referring to United Nations (UN) resolution 2664, passed in 2022, the EU can carry out financial transactions if the objective is to ensure humanitarian assist…

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2023-11-28). Listen to Caracas (Arguments on Essequibo). By Wayne Kublalsingh — Nov 25, 2023 | At a news conference on November 21, Dr Keith Rowley was asked by a journalist why Venezuela was at this time ramping up its claim to Essequibo. He replied that this journalist should know the answer to the question. And he looked forward to reading the journalist's answer to his own question. Yet, the answer is complex and far from obvious. Any presumption of obviousness is not good. Unwise. | On October 25, Caricom issued a statement on the "border dispute". It was "deeply disappointed and concerned at the decree and subsequent statements by Venezuela with respect to t…

teleSUR, lfb, JCM (2023-11-28). Irán adquiere aeronaves militares modernas de Rusia. El acuerdo para la venta de aeronaves fue firmado en marzo de este año luego de que la ONU levantara el embargo sobre la compra de armas convencionales en octubre de 2020.

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2023-11-28). Presidente de Cuba confirma su asistencia a la COP28. Díaz-Canel asistirá a la COP28, que se desarrollará del 30 de noviembre al 12 de diciembre en Emiratos Árabes Unidos.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-11-28). Venezuela afirma que defensa del Esequibo es asunto de unidad nacional. La vicepresidenta Ejecutiva de Venezuela, Delcy Rodríguez, afimó que Guyana debe regresar a la mesa de negociación, está contemplada en la carta de Ginebra.

teleSUR, odr, JGN (2023-11-28). Venezuela condena ataque de Israel a aeropuerto de Damasco, Siria. Mediante un comunicado, el gobierno bolivariano denunció las acciones bélicas del domingo pasado, que inhabilitaron al Aeropuerto Internacional de Damasco.

teleSUR, YSM (2023-11-28). Presidente venezolano reitera llamado a votar en referéndum consultivo en defensa del Esequibo. El jefe de Estado indicó que Venezuela tiene un compromiso con la historia.

teleSUR, YSM (2023-11-28). Presidente venezolano reitera llamado a votar en referéndum en defensa del Esequibo. El jefe de Estado indicó que Venezuela tiene un compromiso con la historia.

teleSUR- hvh, JCM (2023-11-28). Venezuela y Belarús instalan Comisión Conjunta de Alto Nivel. La comisión basada en una hoja de ruta de 10 años fue instalada durante el encuentro "Geopolítica de Paz e Integración".

teleSUR- hvh, JCM (2023-11-28). Más de 356.000 efectivos vigilarán referendo sobre el Esequibo. Delcy Rodríguez realizó las declaraciones tras la reunión del Consejo de vicepresidentes junto con el Gabinete de Seguridad.

Angela (2023-11-28). Thursday 11/30: November Codepink Community Call. Zoom (Registration link is below)… (2023-11-28). Actress Cynthia Nixon launches hunger strike calling for permanent ceasefire in Gaza. Cynthia Nixon, joined by state legislators and activists, launches a hunger strike calling for a permanent ceasefire in Gaza. (2023-11-28). Iran warns US, Israel of 'harsh consequences' if war crimes continue in Gaza. The Iranian foreign minister warns the US and Israel that they will face 'harsh consequences' if they keep committing crimes in the Gaza Strip. (2023-11-28). Iran stresses sustainable security as new destroyer joins naval fleet. Iran's highest-ranking military commander stresses sustainable security as a new destroyer joins naval fleet. (2023-11-28). Iran naval forces 'frustrated' self-proclaimed maritime superpowers: IRGC cmdr. The IRGC Navy commander says his force along with the Iranian Army's naval division have "frustrated" those claiming to be maritime superpowers. (2023-11-28). Iran warns of Israel's plot to stoke tension in West Asia. Iran says Israel is responsible for the consequences of any increased tension in the West Asia region. (2023-11-28). Iran calls for Israel to be brought to justice for '4 core international crimes' in Gaza. An Iranian diplomat says Israel should be brought to justice for all four core international crimes it committed in Gaza. (2023-11-28). Iranian academics: Israel seeks genocide, extinction of Palestinians in Gaza. A group of Iranian academic figures and distinguished luminaries have officially condemned the Israeli regime's brutal aggression on the besieged Gaza Strip. (2023-11-28). UN envoy: Iran's missile, space programs fully in compliance with international law. Iran's UN envoy says the country's missile and space programs are fully in compliance with its legitimate rights under international law. (2023-11-28). Iran: International consensus exists on necessity of lasting ceasefire in Gaza. Iran's foreign minister says there exists an international consensus on the need for a lasting ceasefire in the Gaza Strip.

2023-11-28 16:36:08 | 16:36 EST | rz | 30 | 0 | 0 | 28 | 0