Daily Archives: November 15, 2023

2023-11-15: News Headlines

Editor (2023-11-15). Israeli nuclear arsenal major threat to stability amid Gaza war: Iran. mronline.org Iran's envoy to the United Nations calls on the IAEA and the UNSC to take immediate action to avert any potential threats posed by the Israeli entity.

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-11-15). Why the US Needs This War in Gaza. libya360.wordpress.com Pepe Escobar Washington needs to win its Gazan war against Iran because it failed to win its Ukrainian war against Russia. The Global South was expecting the Dawn of a New Arabian Reality. After all, the Arab street — even while repressed in their home nations — has pulsed with protests expressing ferocious rage against…

Alina Ramos Martin (2023-11-15). Cuban General Prosecutor concludes visit to Russia. plenglish.com Moscow, Nov 15 (Prensa Latina) A delegation headed by Cuba's general attorney , Yamila Peña, ended a successful visit to Russia, the ambassador of the Caribbean nation, Julio Garmendía, told Prensa Latina.

Alina Ramos Martin (2023-11-15). US returns 60 irregular migrants to Cuba. plenglish.com Havana, Nov 15 (Prensa Latina) The U.S. Coast Guard (SGC) returned to Cuba 60 irregular migrants who had left the country illegally by sea, the Ministry of the Interior (MININT) informed.

Ultimas Noticias, Orinoco Tribune. (2023-11-15). Kellogg's Initiates Lawfare Against Venezuelan Workers. popularresistance.org The British company Kellogg Latin America Holding Company Limited has launched a fresh legal offensive against Venezuela by filing an investment arbitration claim with the International Center for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) based in Washington DC. | As reported by the Ibero-American Arbitration Center's magazine, the claim was filed on November 9, 2023, and the multinational corporation is invoking the Venezuela — United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Bilateral Investment Treaty of 1995. | In 2018, the company unilaterally ceased operations, abruptly leaving over 500 workers jo…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-11-15). US Blows Off the Whole World to Punish Cuba. libya360.wordpress.com Ann Garrison Cuban journalist Liz Oliva Fernandez When oppressed people get organized, the US gets angry. It's been punishing the people of Cuba since 1962. On November 2, the UN General Assembly voted overwhelmingly for a resolution calling on the US to lift the trade embargo against Cuba that President John Kennedy imposed in 1962. The US…

Israel Shahak (2023-11-15). "Greater Israel": The Zionist Plan for the Middle East. globalresearch.ca When viewed in the current context, the war on Iraq, the 2006 war on Lebanon, the 2011 war on Libya, the ongoing wars on Syria and Iraq, the war on Yemen, must be understood in relation to the Zionist Plan for the Middle East…

Michael Arria (2023-11-15). Columbia student groups form coalition to counter crackdown on Palestine activism, demand divestment from Israel. mondoweiss.net More than 40 Columbia University student groups have formed a coalition to demand the school divest from Israeli apartheid. The move comes just days after the university suspended Students for Justice in Palestine and Jewish Voice for Peace from campus.

Staff (2023-11-15). Rabbis for Ceasefire: Jewish Leaders Organize to Halt Israel's Bombardment of Gaza. democracynow.org We speak to Rabbi Alissa Wise, an organizer with Rabbis for Ceasefire and the founding co-chair of Jewish Voice for Peace's Rabbinical Council, about Tuesday's "March for Israel" in Washington, D.C., that was covered widely by the mainstream media and platformed antisemitic Christian Zionists. Wise sees a deep connection between Jewish religious principles and anti-Zionist activism and says accusations that anti-Zionists are antisemitic are a cynical strategy used to "shield Israel from accountability." She says Israel cannot be uniquely exempt from political and humanitarian c…

James North (2023-11-15). Benjamin Netanyahu is using Joe Biden, and it could well cost Biden his presidency. mondoweiss.net Benjamin Netanyahu is using Joe Biden to drag the U.S. into a larger conflict with Iran, which will ultimately cost Biden his presidency.

Roselena Ramirez (2023-11-15). The Wayuu People's Struggle for Clean Drinking Water in the Guajira Peninsula. america.cgtn.com The Guajira peninsula, facing the Caribbean Sea, is shared by Colombia and Venezuela. It is also home to the Way indigenous people, who are the largest indigenous group in both countries. The Wayuu face numerous challenges, but one of their main struggles is the lack of access to clean drinking water. In this report, Toby Muse tells the story of the Wayuu and their difficulties.

Ana Perdigón (2023-11-15). Venezuela at the International Court of Justice to Defeat Guyana's Judicial Colonialism. orinocotribune.com Venezuelan Vice President Delcy Rodríguez announced that Venezuela arrived at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) to defeat Guyana's claim over Essequibo, which she referred to as an act of "judicial colonialism." At a press conference from The Hague this Tuesday, November 14, Rodríguez described Guyana's attempt to cancel Venezuela's consultative referendum on Essequibo as an "atrocity." | "We have come to defeat Guyana's claim of judicial colonialism by instrumentalizing this Court to stop the unstoppable: that on December 3, Venezuelans vote in our consultative referendum," said Delcy Rodríguez. | She not…

John Feffer (2023-11-15). How long can America maintain a war economy? nationofchange.org The major challenge for the United States is the perennial trade-off between guns and butter.

Ana Luisa Brown (2023-11-15). Antigua and Barbuda seeks closer ties with Saudi Arabia. plenglish.com Saint Johns, Nov 15 (Prensa Latina) The Prime Minister of Antigua and Barbuda, Gaston Browne, plans to cooperate with Saudi Arabia in areas such as education and health, according to the official's statements reproduced today by a local media.

Ileana Ferrer Fonte (2023-11-15). Cuba reaffirms its solidarity with Palestinian people. plenglish.com Geneva, Nov 15 (Prensa Latina) Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez reiterated on Wednesday Cuba's solidarity and support for the Palestinian people, during the fourth cycle of the United Nations Human Rights Council's Universal Periodic Review (UPR).

Ileana Ferrer Fonte (2023-11-15). Economists debate on globalization in a meeting in Cuba. plenglish.com Havana, Nov 15 (Prensa Latina) The 14th International Meeting of Economists on Globalization and Development Issues has on the table, this Wednesday, the analysis of the international crisis and its old and new consequences.

Ileana Ferrer Fonte (2023-11-15). Legal reforms strengthens human rights framework in Cuba, experts say. plenglish.com Geneva, Nov 15 (Prensa Latina) The deep and wide-ranging legal reform that took place in Cuba since 2018, strengthens the institutional framework for recognizing, promoting, and protecting human rights, Yuri Pérez, president of the Cuban Society of Constitutional and Administrative Law at the Jurists National Union.

Luis Linares Petrov (2023-11-15). Cuba denounces in Geneva that US blockade violates human rights. plenglish.com Geneva, Nov 15 (Prensa Latina) The United States blockade against Cuba is a massive, flagrant and systematic violation of human rights, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Cuba, Bruno Rodríguez, has stressed.

Luis Linares Petrov (2023-11-15). Globalization and development meeting held in Argentina. plenglish.com Buenos Aires, Nov 15 (Prensa Latina) Economists, researchers and analysts will participate in the International Meeting on Globalization and Development Problems to be held at the Cuban embassy in Argentina.

Luis Linares Petrov (2023-11-15). Human Rights Council member nations acknoledge Cuba's achievements. plenglish.com Geneva, Nov 15 (Prensa Latina) Almost a dozen countries recognized Cuba's efforts to promote and protect human rights during the fourth cycle of the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) of the Human Rights Council.

Elsy Fors Garzon (2023-11-15). Cuba for a humanistic and quality secondary education. plenglish.com Havana, Nov 15 (Prensa Latina) Basic secondary education in Cuba is distinguished by the implementation of an institutional curriculum with the particularities of each educational center, the national director of this education, Adalberto Revilla, highlighted today.

Staff (2023-11-15). Venezuela's Jorge Rodríguez: If EU Maintains Sanctions, It Cannot Be Invited to Observe Our Elections. orinocotribune.com Venezuela's National Assembly unanimously approved an agreement in repudiation of the decision of the European Union (EU) to extend the illegal, extortive unilateral coercive economic measures—euphemistically referred to as "sanctions"—applied by the US and its vassals against the Venezuelan people. | During an ordinary session this Tuesday, November 14, the president of Venezuela's National Assembly, Jorge Rodríguez, explained that the provisions established in the Barbados agreement have not been complied with, including the lifting of sanctions, for which he stressed that as long as there is a sing…

Alina Ramos Martin (2023-11-15). Venezuela considered illegal Guyana's announcement on the sea. plenglish.com Caracas, Nov 15 (Prensa Latina) Venezuela considered Guyana's announcement of the start of oil production by the Floating Platform for Production, Storage and Offloading, FPSO Prosperity, in the Payara oil field as contrary to International Public Law.

Ana Luisa Brown (2023-11-15). Venezuela recalled the 35th anniversary of Palestinian Independence. plenglish.com Caracas, Nov 15 (Prensa Latina) Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro today remembered the 35th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence of Palestine, which occurred, he said, being a victim of genocide.

Ana Perdigón (2023-11-15). Venezuela Recovers Right to Vote at UNESCO. orinocotribune.com Venezuela recovered its right to vote in the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). This was reported by the country's ambassador to the organization, Rodulfo Pérez. He highlighted that Venezuela's first vote was in defense of Palestine and in condemnation of the Israeli entity's aggression against the defenseless civilian population of Palestine. | "Justice for Palestine, cessation of aggression! 96 votes in favor, 8 votes against, 33 abstentions," wrote the Venezuelan diplomat on social media this Monday, November 13. | In January 2022, Venezuela lost its right to vote in the…

José A. Amesty R. (2023-11-15). Examen periódico universal a Cuba. globalizacion.ca El Examen Periodico Universal EPU, cuyas siglas en ingles son UPR, es un mecanismo del Consejo de Derechos Humanos CDH de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas ONU, acordando que cada estado Miembro (los 193 Estados) de las Naciones Unidas,…

teleSUR, dcdc, JCM (2023-11-15). Cuba acusa a EE.UU. de violar los DD.HH. con el bloqueo contra la isla. telesurtv.net El canciller cubano destacó que de 226 recomendaciones aceptadas en el EPU anterior, se han cumplido 215, el 95 por ciento, en tanto, aseguró el avance en los procesos de implementación de las 11 restantes.

teleSUR, JGN (2023-11-15). Cuba y EE.UU. analizan cumplimiento de acuerdos sobre migración. telesurtv.net El ministro de Relaciones Exteriores señaló que Cuba "instó a cumplir los acuerdos migratorios bilaterales en su integralidad y no selectivamente".

teleSUR, JGN (2023-11-15). Venezuela expone ante la CIJ argumentos para defender referendo sobre el Esequibo. telesurtv.net La vicemandataria Ejecutiva Delcy Rodríguez aseguró que el referendo consultivo sobre el Esequibo es un ejercicio de soberanía nacional.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-11-15). Presidente Maduro insta a incrementar difusión de la verdad sobre Guayana Esequiba. telesurtv.net "Venezuela hoy está en un debate muy importante para la creación de conciencia sobre el papel de los imperios en la historia de la humanidad", señaló el mandatario.

Pacifica's CRD (2023-11-15). Protests against AFL-CIO Support for Palestinian Genocide; No to APEC in San Francisco. indybay.org Pacifica's Capitalism, Race & Democracy covers Protests against AFL-CIO Support for Palestinian Genocide; No to APEC in San Francisco; Panama on Fire; US Blockade Strangling Cuba…

presstv.ir (2023-11-15). Iran warns against grave threat posed by nuclear-armed Israel to region. presstv.ir Iran's UN ambassador warns against the threat posed by Israel to regional stability as the illegitimate regime maintains a policy of deliberate ambiguity regarding its nuclear weapons.

presstv.ir (2023-11-15). Russia warns Israeli provocations may drag Iran, Hezbollah into Gaza war. presstv.ir Russia's Lavrov says Iran and Hezbollah are not willing to intervene in the Gaza war but may get engaged if provoked by Israel.

presstv.ir (2023-11-15). Israel intentionally using 'disproportionate force' in Gaza to deter Iran: Leaked memo. presstv.ir Israel is reportedly using "disproportionate force" against Palestinian civilians in an attempt to showcase its so-called "military force" to Iran and what it claims to be Iran's proxies.

presstv.ir (2023-11-15). Iran calls for 'immediate halt' to Gaza war, says 'no chance' for Israel's victory. presstv.ir The Iranian foreign minister calls for an immediate halt to Israel's bloody aggression against Gaza, stressing that the occupying regime has "no chance" to win the war.

presstv.ir (2023-11-15). Iran FM: US sending internationally-banned arms to Israel for Gaza war. presstv.ir Iran's FM slams the United States over supply of munitions prohibited by the international laws to Israel to be used in the Gaza war.

presstv.ir (2023-11-15). Attack on al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza clear example of war crimes: Iran. presstv.ir The spokesman for Iran's foreign ministry has condemned the Israeli attack on the al-Shifa hospital in Gaza as a "clear example" of war crimes.

presstv.ir (2023-11-15). Iran FM: UN Security Council has failed to avert tragedies in Gaza. presstv.ir Iran's FM says the UN Security Council has failed to prevent tragedies in the Gaza Strip.

presstv.ir (2023-11-15). Iran: US ups intensity of Gaza war by supporting Israel; Palestinian resistance 'legitimate'. presstv.ir Iran considers the US to be culpable of increasing the intensity of the Israeli regime's ongoing genocidal war on the Gaza Strip.

presstv.ir (2023-11-15). Iran: Israeli massacre of people in Gaza blatant violation of human rights, international law. presstv.ir Iran strongly condemns the massacre of Palestinians in Gaza by Israel as a violation of human rights and international law.

presstv.ir (2023-11-15). Pro-Palestine activists shut down BAE factory in England. presstv.ir Pro-Palestinian protesters block the entrances to the UK's BAE Systems weapons factory, calling for an end to arms sales to Israel.

presstv.ir (2023-11-15). Pro-Palestinian activists clash with police in Philippines. presstv.ir Pro-Palestinian activists in the Philippines clash with police officers.

presstv.ir (2023-11-15). Houthi calls on Arab, Muslim world to take clear stance against Israeli genocide in Gaza. presstv.ir Ansarullah's leader calls on Arab countries and the Muslim world to adopt a clear stance against Israel's ongoing atrocities in the Gaza Strip.

presstv.ir (2023-11-15). Tehran University offers grants to Palestinians after alumnus loses children in Gaza. presstv.ir An Iranian medical university unveils grant in memory of the slain children of a Palestinian alumnus.

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