Monthly Archives: November 2023

2023-11-23: News Headlines

M. K. Bhadrakumar (2023-11-23). US Embarks On Proxy War Against Iran. By M.K. Bhadrakumar — Nov 20, 2023 | A massive US naval deployment in a wide arc of the so-called Greater Middle East is under way — stretching from Crete in the Eastern Mediterranean, into the Red Sea and the Bab el Mandeb and into the Gulf of Aden and all the way into the Gulf of Oman. This deterrent display may transform as large scale offensive operations and aims to rework the geopolitical alignments and bring them back to the traditional grooves of intra-regional rivalries in the Gulf region. | Ship spotters first said that as of Thursday, the aircraft carrier USS Dwight D. Eisenhower and its es…

Alessandro Pagani (2023-11-23). Rusia, China e Irán, constructores de un mundo multipolar. China es el primer socio comercial de Irán, absorbe gran parte de las exportaciones de crudo de Teherán. El pasado mes de diciembre China importó más de 1,2 millones de barriles diarios, un 130% más que los volúmenes del mismo…

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2023-11-23). Venezuela envía a Bolivia 46 expertos para mitigar incendios. Este nuevo destacamento se suma a los 30 especialistas que se dirigieron a Bolivia para asistir de manera solidaria a la población boliviana.

teleSUR, YSM (2023-11-23). Presidente Maduro destaca que el 3 de diciembre marcará un precedente en la historia de Venezuela. "Venezuela está reclamando sus derechos históricos, jurídicos, de la Guayana Esequiba que nos dejaron los libertadores y los libertadoras de nuestra Patria", manifestó.

teleSUR, MS (2023-11-23). Venezuela consigue su cuarta medalla de oro en los Parapanamericanos. La venezolana Lisbeli Vera se proclamó como campeona parapanamericana en los 200m T46.

teleSUR, JCM, MER (2023-11-23). Venezuela rechaza arbitrariedades contra la Vinotinto en Perú. En un mensaje en la red social X, antes Twitter, el canciller Yvan Gil, rechazó una nueva arbitrariedad del Gobierno peruano contra los venezolanos.

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2023-11-23). Arriba a Venezuela selección de fútbol La Vinotinto. En horas de la mañana, a través de un comunicado oficial la Federación Venezolana de Fútbol condenó las agresiones sufridas ayer por el equipo y afición. (2023-11-23). President Raeisi: Israel fell short of all of its goals in Gaza. President Ebrahim Raeisi says the Israeli regime has fallen short of realizing all of the goals that it had sought by launching its ongoing war against Gaza. (2023-11-23). Yemen forces launch 'cruise missile attack' against occupied territories. Yemen's Armed Forces announce launching yet another attack against the occupied territories in support of Palestinians. (2023-11-23). Time not on Israel's side if Gaza war drags on: Iran FM. Iran's FM says six weeks of heroic resistance of the oppressed Palestinian people in Gaza has proved that time is not on Israel's side. (2023-11-23). Iranian FM meets Palestinian resistance leaders to discuss Gaza war, truce deal. The Iranian foreign minister discusses the Israeli onslaught on the besieged Gaza Strip and the four-day truce in the territory with high-ranking Palestinian resistance figures. (2023-11-23). Arab states seek extension of Gaza truce; Israel vows to resume war. Arab states say a temporary truce between Israel and Palestinian resistance movement Hamas should become a first step toward a full cessation of hostilities.

2023-11-23 10:35:28 | 10:35 EST | rz | 14 | 0 | 0 | 12 | 0 

2023-11-21: News Headlines

Orinoco Tribune. (2023-11-21). US Escalates Essequibo Dispute By Militarizing Guyana. The government of Guyana is trying to militarize the country with the help of the United States. This escalation serves the interests of oil company ExxonMobil which intends to appropriate the oil and gas resources of the Essequibo region disputed between Venezuela and Guyana. | The Guyanese press recently reported that a "ceremony of incorporation" of the patrol vessel GDFS Berbice (1039) into the Guyanese Coast Guard took place after the vessel arrived in the country. The patrol ship, built by US-based naval manufacturer Metal Shark Boats, sailed from Louisiana, United States, to the naval station Ramp Road Rui…

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2023-11-21). Yemeni Armed Forces Capture Israeli Ship in Red Sea: Exclusive. The Yemeni Armed Forces detain an Israeli cargo ship in the Red Sea in the latest escalation against the Israeli occupation in light of its genocide in Gaza. | The Yemeni Naval Forces managed to capture an Israeli ship in the depths of the Red Sea, sources familiar with the matter told Al Mayadeen on Sunday. | Reportedly, 52 people aboard the Israeli ship, presumably a vehicle carrier, were detained, Al Mayadeen's sources added, revealing that the Yemeni Armed Forces were working on revealing their identities and nationalities. | The ship is called the Galaxy Leader. It is Bahamian-flagged but owned by an Israeli…

teleSUR, JCM, MER (2023-11-21). Simulacro electoral por el Esequibo rompió récord de participación popular. Anunció que este lunes el CNE brindará información pormenorizada de los resultados de esta jornada.

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2023-11-21). Presidente de Venezuela recibe credenciales de embajadores. Nicolás Maduro precisó que recibió las cartas credenciales de Yacine Hadji para "avanzar en la consolidación de una nueva geopolítica mundial basada en la cooperación y la solidaridad".

teleSUR, YSM (2023-11-21). Presidente Maduro destaca participación del pueblo en simulacro electoral en defensa del Esequibo. El dignatario aseguró que los simulacros electorales constituyen una ventaja, y Venezuela es el único país del mundo que los realiza.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-11-21). Siria y Cuba rubrican acuerdo para la cooperación diplomática. La firma de los acuerdos bilaterales resulta de importancia para intercambiar experiencias en la cooperación en las esferas diplomáticas y profesionales entre las naciones.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-11-21). CNE de Venezuela ofrece balance del simulacro sobre consulta del Esequibo. El presidente del CNE, Elvis Amoroso, felicitó el civismo y la extraordinaria participación del pueblo en el simulacro electoral, rumbo al referendo consultivo sobre el Esequibo.

teleSUR, DRL (2023-11-21). Evacúan a decenas de bebés prematuros desde Gaza hacia Egipto. Desde el 11 de noviembre, cuando se acabó el suministro de combustible en Al Shifa, ocho bebés han muerto debido a la falta de electricidad para hacer funcionar las incubadoras.

Phil Pasquini (2023-11-21). Women Visit U.S. Senators in Seeking a Ceasefire in Gaza. Activists visited the Hart Senate Office Building calling on women senators to support a ceasefire in Gaza.

Hazel W (2023-11-21). "Stop Palestinian Genocide" banner dropped over Highway 101 overpass during APEC. As CEOs and heads of state gather for APEC, San Francisco activists had a message for them: end the genocide in Palestine… (2023-11-21). BRICS leaders to hold virtual meeting on Gaza upon Iran's proposal. As proposed by the Iranian president, the BRICS leaders will hold an emergency virtual meeting on Gaza genocide on Tuesday. (2023-11-21). Seizure of Israeli ship just the beginning of naval battle against regime, warns Yemen. A Yemeni official stresses that the recent seizure of an Israeli ship in the Red Sea is just the start of a series of retaliatory naval operations. (2023-11-21). Yemeni forces release video of seizing Israeli ship in Red Sea. Yemen's Armed Forces release a video showing their earlier capture of an Israeli ship in the Red Sea. (2023-11-21). 'Massacring kids no victory for defeated Israelis; Palestinians' triumph is near'. Iran's highest-ranking military commander says Israel's killing of innocent people in Gaza does not show the victory of the regime that has suffered defeat at the hands of the Palestinians. (2023-11-21). Iran Army chief: Enemies lined up in crosshairs; Air Force's readiness 'unprecedented'. The chief commander of the Iranian Army says the country's Armed Forces are powerful enough to stand up against any enemy and deal heavy blows to them. (2023-11-21). South Korean protesters display 2,000 shoes in solidarity with Palestinian victims. South Korean activists display 2,000 shoes in solidarity with Palestinian victims. (2023-11-21). Tens of thousands of Yemenis rally in support of Palestinians in Gaza. Tens of thousands of protesters demonstrate against the Israeli bombardment of the Gaza Strip in Yemen's capital Sana'a. (2023-11-21). All Israeli ships in Red Sea 'legitimate targets', Yemen warns. The Yemeni information minister in the National Salvation Government has stressed that all Israeli ships passing through the Red Sea are 'legitimate targets.' (2023-11-21). Raeisi: All countries must sever ties with Israel to force regime to end Gaza genocide. In a letter to the heads of 50 countries, the Iranian president says all governments should end commercial and political cooperation with Israel. (2023-11-21). 'World Children's Day big tragedy without practical steps to protect Palestinian children'. Iran urges international measures to protect the lives of Palestinian children in the Gaza Strip. (2023-11-21). 'Iran warned US resistance groups won't stay silent amid Gaza war; world wants ceasefire'. Iran says the resistance front has repeatedly warned the US and Israel that they will not sit idly by if the occupying regime continues its attacks against the people of Gaza. (2023-11-21). What Iran has to do for de-dollarization. Strengthening the national currency is one of the key pillars of de-dollarization because when the national currency is strengthened. (2023-11-21). World must recognize Palestinian children's right to live: Iran's rights chief. Iran's rights chief Gharibabadi says the world must act to protect the rights of children in Gaza. (2023-11-21). Iran raps UN Security Council for failing to call for ceasefire in Gaza. Iran slams the United Nations Security Council for failing to include a call for ceasefire in Gaza in its recent resolution.

2023-11-21 15:17:55 | 15:17 EST | rz | 26 | 0 | 0 | 24 | 0