Monthly Archives: November 2023

2023-11-19: News Headlines

mforinoco (2023-11-19). The Other War: Why Israel is Desperate to Crush Resistance in The West Bank. By Fayha Shalash — Nov 14, 2023 | With the intensification of its aggression against the Gaza Strip for nearly a month and a half, Israel is also escalating its attacks against the Palestinian refugee camps in the northern occupied West Bank. | Every week, the Israeli army storms the Jenin camp under the pretext of targeting Palestinian fighters. In the process, however, it deliberately sabotages the infrastructure and destroys its landmarks in an attempt to pressure the popular incubator of the resistance there. | What is also striking is that Israel targets armed fighters through drone bombing, a method th…

Jonathan Cook, Consortium News. (2023-11-19). The War Machine Wants You To Condemn Hamas. However counter-intuitive it may sound, there are three good grounds — ethical ones, at that — for refusing to join in the chorus of condemnation of Hamas' actions on Oct. 7. | That isn't the same as condoning what Hamas did. It is clear the group carried out war crimes that day — not least by attacking civilians and taking them as hostages. | But there is an important distinction to be made between recognising that crimes were committed and colluding in an act of condemnation that has been openly politicised, and continues to be politicised, to justify harming Palestinian civilians.

midwesternmarx (2023-11-19). Israeli War Crimes and Propaganda Follow US Blueprint. By: MEDEA BENJAMIN AND NICOLAS DAVIES. The wars and the killing go on, day after day, year after year, out of sight and out of mind for most Americans. ​We have both been reporting on and protesting against U.S. war crimes for many years, and against identical crimes committed by U.S. allies and proxies like Israel and Saudi Arabia: illegal uses of military force to try to remove enemy governments or "regimes"; hostile military occupations; disproportionate military violence justified by claims of "ter …

Maximillian Alvarez, The Real News Network. (2023-11-19). Meet The Activists Fighting Zionism With Direct Action. With each passing day, more Israeli bombs are falling on Gaza. Over a million Palestinians have been displaced from their homes. The world is bearing witness to a genocidal military campaign to clear out Gaza once and for all. As leaders in the West continue to stand by Israel's outrageous crimes, activists and people of conscience around the world are using direct action to take matters into their own hands and disrupt the war machine themselves. Palestine Action is one such group that is strategically targeting direct disruptive actions at production sites of Elbit Systems Ltd. and its subsidiaries. Elbit Syste…

Michael Arria, Mondoweiss. (2023-11-19). Students Form Coalition To Counter Crackdown On Palestine Activism. More than 40 Columbia University student groups have formed a coalition to demand that the school divest from Israeli apartheid. | The launch of Columbia University Apartheid Divest (CUAD) comes shortly after the administration suspended the groups Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) and Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP) from campus. The coalition was announced on Tuesday night, at a protest that drew hundreds of faculty and students. | In addition to the divestment demand, CUAD (which includes Columbia Law Students for Palestine, Sunrise Columbia, and Young Democratic Socialists of America) is also calling for a…

midwesternmarx (2023-11-19). From Gaza and Cuba, they ask—are you human like us?: The Forty-Fifth Newsletter (2023). By: Vijay Prashad. Rachid Koraichi (Algeria), One Plate, from A Nation in Exile, c. 1981. ​Dear friends,Greetings from the desk of Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research.More than 10,000 Palestinians have been killed by Israeli armed forces in Gaza since 7 October, nearly half of them children, according to the most recent report by spokesperson for the Gaza Ministry of Health Dr Ashraf Al-Qudra. Over 25,000 others have been injured, with thousands still buried under the ru …

Alison Avigayil Ramer (2023-11-19). Bassem and Ahed Tamimi are in Israeli prison because they stand for Palestinian freedom. I have known the Tamimi family for 13 years and have seen how Israel systematically targets non-violent activist and movements. Ahed and Bassem Tamami are currently being detained because they stand for Palestinian freedom.

Jacob G. Hornberger (2023-11-19). Xi Jinping Is Right About the U.S. Empire.

Elsy Fors Garzon (2023-11-19). Resistance in Yemen will continue until aggression on Gaza ends. Beirut, Nov 19 (Prensa Latina) The member of the Political Bureau of the Ansar Allah movement of Yemen, Muhammad Al-Bukhaiti, reaffirmed today the continuity of actions until the end of Israeli aggression, the pan-Arab channel Al Mayadeen reported here.

Elsy Fors Garzon (2023-11-19). Cuba mourns the death of essayist Natalia Bolívar. The Cuban Institute of Cinematographic Art and Industries (ICAIC) today mourned the death of Natalia Bolívar in social networks. The ICAIC regretted her demise and says the documentary that bears her name, made by Ernesto Daranas in 2019 is a tribute from Cuban cinema. | The Palomas Project also expressed its condolences on social networks for the death of the writer, painter, anthropologist and ethnologist, dead at 89 years of age. | This project highlighted her contributions to the research of African roots and their influence on national culture and history and noted that "they will remain an essential legacy…

Elsy Fors Garzon (2023-11-19). Cubans abroad for contributing to national development. Havana, Nov 19 (Prensa Latina) Cubans residing abroad expressed here today their interest in contributing to the economic development of their country of origin through the implementation of commercial and investment projects.

Elsy Fors Garzon (2023-11-19). International workshop on sustainability in the province of Cuba. Sancti Spíritus, Cuba, Nov 19 (Prensa Latina) Directors and specialists from the José Martí University (Uniss), of this central province of Cuba, with its counterparts of Germany, concluded today a Regional Workshop on Sustainability in academic training .

Elsy Fors Garzon (2023-11-19). Peru highlights the validity of human rights in Cuba. Lima, Nov 19 (Prensa Latina) The recent election of Cuba as a member of the UN Human Rights Council is due to the validity of these on the Island, Peruvian analysts agreed in pointing out in a forum on the matter.

Elsy Fors Garzon (2023-11-19). You are children of Cuba, VP affirmed to Ethiopian graduates. Addis Ababa, Nov 19 (Prensa Latina) You are also children of Cuba even if you were not born there and I am grateful that you have brought together other friends to the solidarity movement in Ethiopia, said today the Cuban vice president, Salvador Valdés Mesa. (2023-11-19). (W.E. Talk) Pedro Antonio Valdes-Sosa:'Coming to China as though I had increased my life for many years'. As one of the most famous scientists in Cuba, Professor Valdes-Sosa is continuously making contributions to brain science by a joint group of global scientists sharing data of brain under the BRI.

Elsy Fors Garzon (2023-11-19). CNE of Venezuela extends voting hours in electoral simulation. Caracas, Nov 19 (Prensa Latina) The National Electoral Council (CNE) of Venezuela extended the voting hours in the electoral simulation of the consultative referendum on December 3 for the defense of Guayana Esequiba.

Misión Verdad (2023-11-19). US Escalates Essequibo Dispute by Militarizing Guyana. The government of Guyana is trying to militarize the country with the help of the United States. This escalation serves the interests of oil company ExxonMobil which intends to appropriate the oil and gas resources of the Essequibo region disputed between Venezuela and Guyana. | The Guyanese press recently

Staff (2023-11-19). Venezuela and Colombia To Work Together on Migration and Illegal Mining Issues. Venezuela and Colombia reach a number of agreements on various issues of common interest, including combating illegal mining in the Amazon rainforest and how to attend to migration. The agreements were reached on Saturday, November 18, during the bilateral meeting between Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro and his Colombian counterpart Gustavo Petro in Miraflores Palace, Caracas. This is the fourth bilateral meeting between the two leaders since Petro took office in August last year. | "Now much more can be done at the level of economy, trade, integration and tourism," President Maduro said after the meeting, no…

Staff (2023-11-19). Venezuela and Colombia Sign Agreements on Migration and Illegal Mining Issues. Venezuela and Colombia signed a number of agreements on various issues of common interest, including combating illegal mining in the Amazon rainforest and how to attend to migration. The agreements were signed on Saturday, November 18, during the bilateral meeting between Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro and his Colombian counterpart Gustavo Petro in Miraflores Palace, Caracas. This is the fourth bilateral meeting between the two leaders since Petro took office in August last year. | "Now much more can be done at the level of economy, trade, integration and tourism," President Maduro said after the meeting, no…

mforinoco (2023-11-19). Dancing in The Streets: When Salsa's Clave Was The Pulse of The Movement (Pt. 1). By Javier Guerrero — Nov 12, 2023 | Note: This is the first in a two-part series on the history and politics of Salsa in celebration of the 50th anniversary of the famous Fania All-Stars concert, "Live at Yankee Stadium." | Introduction | A crowd of 40,000 fans rushed onto the field of old Yankee Stadium in August 1973, but it wasn't caused by a Yankee win (the team had a horrible season that year and could barely sell seats). No, what propelled the crowd across the carefully-drawn baseball diamond and immaculate grass, up to the vibrating stage, was a world-historic conga duel between Afro-Cuban percussioni…

WSWS (2023-11-19). How the US funds its Israeli attack dog. The genocidal offensive against Gaza is being wholly funded by Washington in furtherance of broader war aims targeting Iran.

teleSUR, dcdc, JCM (2023-11-19). Fuerzas Armadas de Yemen capturan barco israelí en el Mar Rojo. Destacaron que continuarán llevando a cabo operaciones militares contra el enemigo israelí hasta que cese la agresión contra la Franja de Gaza.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-11-19). Irán llama a países musulmanes a boicotear y romper lazos con Israel. El líder de Irán ha subrayado que "el régimen sionista es un símbolo de discriminación racial. Los sionistas se consideran a sí mismos una raza superior y, al resto de la humanidad, seres de raza inferior.

teleSUR, JGN (2023-11-19). Cubanos realizan Cantata por Palestina ante genocidio israelí. En forma previa, Díaz-Canel se reunió en el Palacio de la Revolución con 144 jóvenes de Palestina que estudian Medicina en esta nación caribeña.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-11-19). Simulacro de consulta sobre el Esequibo supera expectativas. Esta jornada contará con 2.322 mesas habilitadas y se desarrollará para que los ciudadanos se familiaricen con el proceso.

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2023-11-19). Llaman a participar en simulacro de referendo sobre el Esequibo en Venezuela. El Consejo Nacional Electoral de Venezuela (CNE) anunció el 3 noviembre que el día 19 se realizaría el simulacro del referéndum consultivo.

teleSUR, JCM, MER (2023-11-19). CNE venezolano extiende horario del simulacro del referéndum sobre el Esequibo. Esta jornada cuenta con 2.322 mesas habilitadas y se desarrolla para que los ciudadanos se familiaricen con el proceso.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-11-19). Presidente de Venezuela recibe a su homólogo colombiano Gustavo Petro. El mandatario colombiano se reunirá con su colega venezolano Nicolás Maduro para tratar temas de migración, transición energética y cambio climático.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-11-19). Presidente de Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, recibe a su homólogo colombiano Gustavo Petro. El mandatario colombiano se reunirá con su colega venezolano Nicolás Maduro para tratar temas de migración, transición energética y cambio climático.

teleSUR, lfb, JDO (2023-11-19). Sesiona en Cuba conferencia sobre nación y emigración. Los delegados de la reunión reflexionan e intercambian sobre importantes temas de la nación, basados en el respeto irrestricto a la soberanía e independencia de la patria.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-11-19). Venezuela y México pasaron a octavos de final del Mundial Sub 17. Los octavos de final se jugarán desde el lunes 20 de noviembre al miércoles 22 del mismo mes.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-11-19). Venezuela y Colombia fortalecen sus lazos de paz y fraternidad. Concluye reunión de trabajo entre los presidentes Nicolás Maduro y Gustavo Petro. Venezuela ofrecerá a Colombia el apoyo necesario para el proceso de paz.

Phil Pasquini (2023-11-19). Women Visit U.S. Senators in Seeking a Ceasefire in Gaza. Activists visited the Hart Senate Office Building calling on women senators to support a ceasefire in Gaza.

Hazel W (2023-11-19). "Stop Palestinian Genocide" banner dropped over Highway 101 overpass during APEC. As CEOs and heads of state gather for APEC, San Francisco activists had a message for them: end the genocide in Palestine… (2023-11-19). Iran: Israel attacks guardians of humanity by targeting aid workers. Israel has killed nearly 12,000 Palestinians, including over 4,000 children, in Gaza since October 7. (2023-11-19). Yemen army says will target all ships owned, operated by Israeli firms. The spokesman for the Yemeni Armed Forces says the military units will target all ships owned or operated by Israeli companies or carrying the Israeli flag. (2023-11-19). Yemeni forces seize Israeli ship in Red Sea, detain 52 crew onboard. The crew were under investigation and their nationalities were being verified by the relevant Yemeni agencies. (2023-11-19). Israel committing new war crimes against Palestinians amid global silence: Tehran. Iran's Foreign Ministry spokesman says Israel is committing fresh war crimes against Palestinians in the Gaza Strip amid the silence and inaction of the international community. (2023-11-19). Raeisi: A just world order will emerge from Palestinians' blood. Iran's President Ebrahim Raeisi says a just world order will emerge from the blood of the Palestinian people shed by Israel during its genocidal war on Gaza. (2023-11-19). Iran unveils Fattah-2 hypersonic missile. Iran's IRGC unveils the homegrown Fattah-2 hypersonic missile as well as other new military achievements. (2023-11-19). Iran's top medical association urges UN chief to stand with Gaza. Iran's top medical association urges UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres to prevent Israeli crimes in the Gaza Strip. (2023-11-19). Leader urges Muslim countries to cut political ties with Israel. Ayatollah Khamenei urges Muslim countries to temporarily sever political ties with Israel amid the regime's ongoing genocide in Gaza. (2023-11-19). Resistance calibrating pressure on Israel and backers: Iran FM. Iran's FM says regional resistance forces are calibrating their response to the crimes of Israel in Gaza. (2023-11-19). 'Stop killing innocent kids': Pro-Palestinians rally inside Amsterdam's Schiphol airport. Hundreds of pro-Palestine activists gathered at Amsterdam's Schiphol Airport to protest the ongoing war in Gaza. (2023-11-19). South Korean protesters display 2,000 shoes in solidarity with Palestinian victims. South Korean activists display 2,000 shoes in solidarity with Palestinian victims. (2023-11-19). Tens of thousands of Yemenis rally in support of Palestinians in Gaza. Tens of thousands of protesters demonstrate against the Israeli bombardment of the Gaza Strip in Yemen's capital Sana'a. (2023-11-19). Iranians rally in solidarity with Palestinians to condemn Israeli genocide. Iranians have held nationwide rallies in solidarity with Palestinians in the besieged Gaza Strip who have been under relentless Israeli attacks for weeks now. (2023-11-19). Iran: Israel laid bare criminal nature by killing Palestinian parliament speaker. Hamas has confirmed the death of Ahmad Bahar, 76, who was a member of the group's political bureau. (2023-11-19). 'Iran does not seek spread of Israel's war on Gaza, but US approach makes it possible'. Iran says it does not want further spread of the Gaza war in the region, but the US' support for Israel makes it possible.

2023-11-19 22:35:38 | 22:35 EST | rz | 55 | 0 | 0 | 53 | 0 

2023-11-17: News Headlines

WSWS (2023-11-17). Amid Israeli war on Gaza, Iran blocks IAEA nuclear inspectors. Workers and youth around the world protesting against Israel's onslaught on Gaza must oppose plans for imperialist attack on Iran, including potentially with nuclear weapons.

Brian Berletic (2023-11-17). BRIAN BERLETIC — Is the US Losing Control in the Middle East? Our guest today is Brian Berletic, a top-tier military and geopolitical analyst renowned for his comprehensive coverage of the Russia-Ukraine and Middle East conflicts. In our discussion, we delve into topics such as Yemeni missiles and drones, Hezbollah's anti-ship missile capabilities, the ongoing resistance in Iraq and Syria, and the recent US decision to maintain weapon supplies to Taiwan.

Ann Garrison, Black Agenda Report. (2023-11-17). US Blows Off The Whole World To Punish Cuba. On November 2, the UN General Assembly voted overwhelmingly for a resolution calling on the US to lift the trade embargo against Cuba that President John Kennedy imposed in 1962. The US and Israel were the only two nations to vote no, with Ukraine abstaining. Total dependence creates total compliance. | The US Treasury's Office of Foreign Assets Control records complex specifics of sanctions on Cuba. There are so many that they amount to a virtual blockade. | "You talk about sanctions," says Cuban journalist Liz Oliva Fernández, "you think 'OK, maybe the United States has one, two, or three sanctions on Cuba,' bu…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-11-17). Canada: Gusanos Cheer on Israel's Genocide and Police Repression at Home. Jack Dempster Millions of Canadian workers, young people, Arabs, and oppressed peoples have taken to the streets in opposition to this barbaric slaughter. There is a political synergy and harmony between various right-wing elements of diasporas within the Canadian state. The Israeli Zionists, Ukrainian Banderites, Iranian Pahlavists and anti-communist Cubans, Chinese and Vietnamese have common…

Codepink (2023-11-17). CODEPINK Launches International Campaign Urging ICC Investigation into Israel's Alleged War Crimes in Gaza. Since the commencement of Israel's military offensive after October 7, 2023, Gaza has been subjected to a series of war crimes and crimes against humanity. According to Article 5 of the Rome Statute, the ICC holds jurisdiction in cases where states are "unable" or "unwilling" to prosecute these offenses themselves. | The CODEPINK-led campaign cites a myriad of offenses, including continuous Israeli airstrikes on densely populated civilian areas, the bombing of hospitals, schools, and United Nations buildings, the imposition of a suffocating siege, forced displacement of the population, use of toxic gas, and the d…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-11-17). Solidarity activists to stage mass shutdowns for Palestine. On November 17, Palestinian and anti-imperialist organizations including the Palestinian Youth Movement, the People's Forum, the ANSWER Coalition, and National Students for Justice in Palestine have called on the Palestine solidarity movement to stage shut downs of "business as usual" in solidarity with Palestine. Across the globe, students will be walking out or occupying their universities, businesses will shutter, and activists will directly target the centers of power which enable Israeli genocide in Gaza. | Actions will be taking place around the world including in Zambia, Puerto Rico, Canada, South Africa,…

Ben Norton (2023-11-17). Why Does the US Support Israel? A Geopolitical Analysis With Economist Michael Hudson. A geopolitical analysis of why the United States so strongly supports Israel: Economist Michael Hudson discusses with journalist Ben Norton. | It is crucial to stress that Israel is an extension of U.S. geopolitical power in one of the most critically important regions of the world. | In fact, it was current If we look at the Middle East, I think it's about time we stop, those of us who support…

Natalia Marques (2023-11-17). Right-wing media claims Palestine solidarity activists in the US are influenced by foreign agents. FOX News and other outlets, following massive pro-Palestine demonstrations across the US, claim demonstrators are driven by foreign funds not "organic rage"

Zoe Alexandra (2023-11-17). International tribunal finds US blockade of Cuba in violation of international law. The International Tribunal Against the Blockade of Cuba took place in the Belgian capital on November 16 and 17 and heard from dozens of witnesses from European and Cuban civil society…

krish-rad_ind (2023-11-17). Cuba Demanded The Cessation Of Aggression Against Palestine.

Maximillian Alvarez (2023-11-17). Meet the activists fighting Zionism with direct action. With each passing day, more Israeli bombs are falling on Gaza. Over a million Palestinians have been displaced from their homes. The world is bearing witness to a genocidal military campaign to clear out Gaza once and for all. As leaders in the West continue to stand by Israel's outrageous crimes, activists and people of conscience around the world are using direct action to take matters into their own hands and disrupt the war machine themselves.

Staff (2023-11-17). Cop City Protest Tear-Gassed as Activists Face "Unprecedented" RICO & Domestic Terrorism Charges. Protesters in Atlanta held a week of action to stop the construction of the massive $90 million police training complex known as "Cop City" in the Weelaunee Forest. This comes as activists have been organizing for a citywide referendum on the project which officials have tied up in court. Meanwhile, 61 people facing RICO, or racketeering, and domestic terrorism charges appeared in court this month as the state tries to characterize them as "militant anarchists." We get an update from Kamau Franklin, founder of the Atlanta-based grassroots organizing collective Community Movement Builders,…

Unicorn Riot (2023-11-17). Pro-Palestinian Activists Take Over Amsterdam Central Station.

Bennett Shoop (2023-11-17). Ceasefire vigil at DNC headquarters met with police violence. WASHINGTON—Over 11,000 candles representing the Palestinians killed so far during Israel's war on Gaza burned brightly Wednesday night outside the headquarters of the Democratic National Committee. They were lit by a group of predominantly Jewish protesters, organized by the groups Jewish Voice for Peace Action, If Not Now, and DSA, as part of an interfaith …

W. T. Whitney (2023-11-17). US Restricts Food Supplies in Dirty War on Cuba. The U.S. economic blockade of Cuba promotes food shortages and puts lives at risk. The U.S. public needs to know about, understand, and reject this blockade, its operation and impact. It's no small task. The blockade proceeds automatically and quietly; human suffering is hidden. Economic embargos are a form of war, writes commentator Nicholas Mulder, who adds that "voters

Ana Luisa Brown (2023-11-17). Brazilian university launches book ®Che Guevara the Minister ® (+Photo). Brasilia, Nov 17 (Prensa Latina) Under the premise that his revolutionary thought remains today the seed of actions, the book El Ministro Che Guevara, authored by Cuban professor Tirso Saenz, was presented at the University of Brasilia (UNB).

Javier Arana Villasusa (2023-11-17). Cuban table tennis player Yunier Fernandez is close to a medal (+Photos). Santiago de Chile, Nov 17 (Prensa Latina) The Cuban Yunier Fernandez took another important step towards the medals today by defeating Fernando Eberhardt from Argentina 3-0, in the second day of table tennis of the VII Parapan American Games Santiago 2023.

Democracy Now! (2023-11-17). Democracy Now! 2023-11-17 Friday. Headlines for November 17, 2023; Capitol Police Violently Break Up Jewish-Organized DNC Protest Calling for Gaza Ceasefire; Sharif Abdel Kouddous on the Targeting of Journalists & Israel's "Colonial Fantasy" to Depopulate Gaza; Cop City Protest Tear-Gassed as Activists Face "Unprecedented" RICO & Domestic Terrorism Charges | Headlines for November 17, 2023; Capitol Police Violently Break Up Jewish-Organized DNC Protest Calling for Gaza Ceasefire; Sharif Abdel Kouddous on the Targeting of Journalists & Israel's "Colonial Fantasy" to Depopulate Gaza; Cop City Protest Te…

Codepink (2023-11-17). CODEPINK Launches International Campaign Urging ICC Investigation into Israel's Alleged War Crimes in Gaza. THE HAGUE — In the wake of alarming statements by Israeli officials, including Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, which have been perceived as incitement to genocide in Palestine, CODEPINK and its international partners are spearheading a global letter-writing initiative calling for an investigation by the International Criminal Court (ICC) into Israel's actions in Gaza. Since the …

CODEPINK (2023-11-17). International Campaign Urging ICC Investigation Into Israel's Alleged War Crimes in Gaza.

Luis Linares Petrov (2023-11-17). Resistance in Lebanon, Iraq and Yemen supports Gaza. Beirut, Nov 17 (Prensa Latina) The Resistance in Lebanon, Iraq and Yemen maintain their actions against military positions of Israel and the United States in solidarity with the people of the Gaza Strip.

Ileana Ferrer Fonte (2023-11-17). Cuban film wins award at US festival. Washington, Nov 17 (Prensa Latina) The Cuban fiction film "Cuentos de un día más" (Tales of One More Day, 2021), directed by several independent filmmakers under the general direction of renowned film director Fernando Pérez, was awarded Best Acting in the United States.

Alina Ramos Martin (2023-11-17). Court rules that blockade on Cuba violates International Law. Brussels, Nov 17 (Prensa Latina) An international court, that for two days analyzed in this capital, the U.S. blockade against Cuba ruled that this policy violates International Law and universal norms for peaceful coexistence.

Alina Ramos Martin (2023-11-17). Cuba to host World Meeting of Dancers and Dance Academies. Havana, Nov 17 (Prensa Latina) The 17th World Meeting of Casino and Salsa Dancers and Dance Academies will be held in this capital from November 19 to 24, and will be dedicated to Enrique Jorrín.

Alina Ramos Martin (2023-11-17). Cuban music celebrates another Grammy for Omara Portuondo. Havana, Nov 17 (Prensa Latina) Famous Cuban singer Omara Portuondo has just won a Latin Grammy for Best Traditional Tropical Album and the Cuban Institute of Music (ICM) proclaimed that Cuban music is celebrating today.

Alina Ramos Martin (2023-11-17). Italian Culture Week begins in Cuba. Havana, Nov 17 (Prensa Latina) The 25th Week of Italian Culture in Cuba begins in this capital with a tribute to the centenary of the birth of journalist and writer Italo Calvino, and the 120th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the two countries.

Ana Luisa Brown (2023-11-17). Cuba: Microscope installed to study pollution by microplastics. Cienfuegos, Cuba, Nov 17 (Prensa Latina) Professionals from the Center for Environmental Studies (CEAC) in Cienfuegos, 250 kilometers east of Havana, have installed a Confocal Raman Microscopy, and are training the personnel who will operate it.

Elsy Fors Garzon (2023-11-17). Omara Portuondo wins Latin Grammy in Traditional Tropical category. Seville, Spain, Nov 17 (Prensa Laina) The Diva of the Buena Vista Social Club, Cuban performer Omara Portuondo, won the Latin Grammy 2023 in the category of Best Traditional Tropical Album for her album "Vida", produced by Guatemalan Gaby Moreno.

Ileana Ferrer Fonte (2023-11-17). Cuban Supreme Court president visits Luang Prabang province. Vientiane, Nov 17 (Prensa Latina) Cuban People's Supreme Court (TSP) President Rubén Remigio Ferro continues his three-day visit to Laos on Friday with a working visit to the Luang Prabang province.

Ileana Ferrer Fonte (2023-11-17). Heavy rains to persist until Saturday in eastern Cuba. Havana, Nov 17 (Prensa Latina) The National Forecast Center of the Cuban Institute of Meteorology (INSMET) informed that the heavy rains hitting Cuba's eastern region will continue on Friday and Saturday.

krish-rad_ind (2023-11-17). US Blows Off the Whole World to Punish Cuba.

Ana Perdigón (2023-11-17). President of Colombia Will Travel to Venezuela on Official Visit. The president of Colombia, Gustavo Petro, will be in Venezuela on an official visit this weekend, and will meet with his Venezuelan counterpart Nicolás Maduro. | Upon the completion og the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Leaders Summit, held in San Francisco, USA, the Colombian president will travel to Venezuela. This was announced on Wednesday, November 15, in an official statement of the Colombian government. | Petro is expected to arrive in Caracas on Friday, November 17. On Saturday he will meet with Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro as well as other authorities of the Venezuelan government. | "On…

Ariadna Eljuri (2023-11-17). Venezuela Rejects Israeli Entity's Position Against Latin American Countries Opposing Genocide. Venezuela has issued a condemnation of the statements and actions made by the president of the Israeli settler colonial entity, Isaac Herzog, who has made verbal attacks against different nations in Latin America and the Caribbean for their positions against the genocidal Israeli entity's attacks against Palestinians in Gaza. | During an

krish-rad_ind (2023-11-17). Venezuela Rejects Israeli Entity's Position Against Latin American Countries Opposing Genocide.

Ana Luisa Brown (2023-11-17). Judgment against the blockade of Cuba opens a new stage (+Photos). Brussels, Nov 16 (Prensa Latina) The ruling against the U.S. blockade of Cuba issued in the European Parliament by an international court opens a new stage of struggle against that policy, Cuban leader Fernando Gonzalez affirmed today.

teleSUR, lfb, JDO (2023-11-17). TSJ de Venezuela ampara realización de referendo sobre Esequibo. Alta corte ratifica el desconocimiento por parte de Venezuela del Laudo Arbitral de París de 1899. Subraya que solo reconocen con valor legal en cuanto a derecho internacional el Acuerdo de Ginebra de 1966.

teleSUR, rzr, SH (2023-11-17). EE.UU. ha deportado a más de 380.000 migrantes en siete meses. El gobierno estadounidense reanudó recientemente las deportaciones directas a Venezuela, para frenar la migración irregular.

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2023-11-17). Pre-emptive Nuclear War: The Role of Israel in Triggering an Attack on Iran.

US Campaign for Palestinian Rights (2023-11-17). Jam the phone lines for Palestine on Friday, Nov. 17 at 12 noon ET / 9 am PT. Join USCPR on Friday, November 17 to mobilize our masses to take action to contribute to SHUT IT DOWN FOR PALESTINE. | Let's kick off the day with a strategic mobilization: Jamming Congress's phone lines together at 12pm ET / 9am PT, Friday, November 17. While activists across the country are protesting for Palestine, make sure the phones are ringing off the hook in the halls of Congress. | We want to make sure that Members of Congress hear our demands before they leave to head home for their extended holiday recess. Now, more than ever, as Israel is limiting fuel to almost none in Gaza, and arresting journalists… (2023-11-17). South Korean protesters display 2,000 shoes in solidarity with Palestinian victims. South Korean activists display 2,000 shoes in solidarity with Palestinian victims. (2023-11-17). Iran warns of 'unavoidable' regional conflict if Israel continues Gaza war. The Iranian foreign minister warns against unavoidable spread of Israel's war on Gaza. (2023-11-17). Iranian media condemn Israel's carnage in Gaza. Some 700 Iranian media slam Israel's unprecedented massacre of civilians and reporters in Gaza during its brutal attacks on the besieged Strip. (2023-11-17). Pro-Palestine activists shut down BAE factory in England. Pro-Palestinian protesters block the entrances to the UK's BAE Systems weapons factory, calling for an end to arms sales to Israel. (2023-11-17). Pro-Palestinian activists clash with police in Philippines. Pro-Palestinian activists in the Philippines clash with police officers. (2023-11-17). Risks and rewards of digital currency market in Iran. "Laws should protect user rights and accommodate the views of legislative and regulatory bodies at the same time. (2023-11-17). Attack on al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza clear example of war crimes: Iran. The spokesman for Iran's foreign ministry has condemned the Israeli attack on the al-Shifa hospital in Gaza as a "clear example" of war crimes. (2023-11-17). Iran: US ups intensity of Gaza war by supporting Israel; Palestinian resistance 'legitimate'. Iran considers the US to be culpable of increasing the intensity of the Israeli regime's ongoing genocidal war on the Gaza Strip. (2023-11-17). 'Stop killing innocent kids': Pro-Palestinians rally inside Amsterdam's Schiphol airport. Hundreds of pro-Palestine activists gathered at Amsterdam's Schiphol Airport to protest the ongoing war in Gaza. (2023-11-17). Iran not behind resistance front's decision to attack US interests: FM. Iran's foreign minister says the country has had no role in the recent attacks by resistance groups in Iraq and Syria on US-run bases. (2023-11-17). Israel's Western backers 'in no position' to preach about human rights: Iran. Iran's foreign ministry spokesman has censured certain Western countries for drafting and voting for an anti-Iran UN resolution. (2023-11-17). IRGC chief: Israel, US facing a 'quagmire' in Gaza. Chief commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Major General Hossein Salami says Palestinian youths are adapting to new reality in Gaza, where Israel and the US are facing a "quagmire". (2023-11-17). Gen. Qaani: 'Axis of Resistance' stays united with Gaza fighters. The head of the Quds Force of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) has assured the military wing of Hamas in the Gaza Strip of the solidarity of the "Axis of Resistance" with Palestinian fighters. (2023-11-17). Gen. Qaani: 'Axis of Resistance' united with Gaza fighters. The head of the Quds Force of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) has assured the military wing of Hamas in the Gaza Strip of the solidarity of the "Axis of Resistance" with Palestinian fighters. (2023-11-17). Iran FM warns of war escalation in 'frank' talks with French counterpart. Iran's Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian says he warned in a meeting with his French counterpart that if the situation in Gaza continues, any possibility is possible, including further expansion of the war.

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