2020-04-14: Social Media Postees

Please be social by posting these 'POSTEES' on social media! (Copy the text of the postee below, then paste it on social media and the story images will also appear.)

Sanders Formally Capitulates to Corporatist-Warmonger Biden
Stephen Lendman | globalresearch.ca | 2020-04-14
There never was any doubt. In 2016, Sanders capitulated to unfit to serve Hillary. | History repeated on Monday as expected. Biden's agenda since the 1970s matches Hillary's with a gender difference. | It's much the same as Trump's with a party …

As Turkey Bombs Syria, Activists Urge Trader Joe's to Drop Turkish Goods
Staff | truthout.org | 2020-04-14
In solidarity with the people residing in North and East Syria, groups across the U.S. are asking the multibillion-dollar grocery chain Trader Joe's to de-shelve products from its Turkish suppliers. Rojava solidarity groups, organizing under a coalition hashtag of #TJsBoycottTurkey, launched a "Trader Joe's Boycott Turkey" petition. The coalition also scheduled a communications zap that encourages a coordinated flurry of emails and phone calls to corporate headquarters for Wednesday, April 15 and T…

Tunisian political activists condemn US sanctions on Iran
en.mehrnews.com | 2020-04-14
TEHRAN, Apr. 14 (MNA)

A Victory for the Fogeys: Bernie Sanders Drops Out
Binoy Kampmark | dissidentvoice.org | 2020-04-10
Champagne corks will be popping in the Trump Empire for good reason. Whatever happens come November, the exit of Senator Bernie Sanders from the US presidential race will be a relief. The fractured republic can be reassured that the Democrats have not moved on, stuck, as it were, in the glades of vengeful melancholia and …

Saudi's Brave Women Pull Back the Curtain on Crown Prince MBS
Medea Benjamin | zcomm.org | 2020-04-04
The bogus trial against Loujain al-Hathloul should compel governments around the world to put more pressure on the Saudis and demand al-Hathloul's immediate and unconditional release…