2023-08-08: News Headlines

Ajamu Baraka, Black Agenda Report. (2023-08-08). War In Africa And War In The Americas. popularresistance.org The U.S. recently deployed troops to Peru to shore-up the coup in that country, followed by the deployment of troops to Ecuador and the bizarre AFRICOM plan to insert Kenya and Rwanda forces all the way from Africa to Haiti to support the illegitimate Ariel Henry puppet government in that nation. | This is madness, but desperate madness! | Experiencing their worst nightmare, the French are in the process of being expelled from their African empire. They have desperately drawn the line in Niger, where they had been forced to redeploy their troops after being expelled from Mali.

teleSUR (2023-08-08). Environmental Activists Condemn Fiji's Stance on Fukushima. telesurenglish.net Civil society organizations in Fiji are urging Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka to reevaluate his position regarding Japan's planned discharge of nuclear-contaminated wastewater from the crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant into the Pacific Ocean. | RELATED: | Rabuka recently expressed contentment with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)'s report on Japan's radioactive wastewater discharge plan.

ecns.cn (2023-08-08). Meeting sends positive signal amid conflict. ecns.cn The meeting of several national security advisers hosted by Saudi Arabia in Jeddah over the weekend to explore pathways to end the Russia-Ukraine conflict sends a signal that the world is witnessing a multipolar order characterized by more flexibility.

Juan M. Garcia (2023-08-08). Russia's avant-garde at Cuba's Museum of Fine Arts. plenglish.com Havana, Aug 8 (Prensa Latina) Pages of Russia's Avant-garde is an exhibition that is on display in the Audiovisual Hall of the National Museum of Fine Arts, in this capital, the institution announced on social networks on Tuesday.

Natalia Marques, People's Dispatch. (2023-08-08). World's Richest City Says 'No More Room' Left For Desperate Migrants. popularresistance.org For the first few days of August, migrants seeking asylum from around the world converged outside a hotel in Midtown Manhattan, waiting for shelter openings. Around 200 migrants coming from countries such as Mauritania, Ecuador, Chad, Venezuela, Burundi, Peru, and Colombia resorted to sleeping outside on the city streets as they were denied entry into the overcrowded hotel. The city cleared the migrants and moved them using MTA buses to different city shelters on August 3. | New York City has a unique "right to shelter" law, which means that the city is legally required to provide shelter to those who ask.

Oraily Madruga Rios (2023-08-08). Cuba and Venezuela to reaffirm PSUV-PCC relations (+Photo). plenglish.com Havana, Aug 8 (Prensa Latina) Cuba's Communist Party (PCC) and Venezuela's United Socialist Party (PSUV) strengthened on Tuesday relations after the signing of collaboration deals that formalize links between both organizations.

Oraily Madruga Rios (2023-08-08). Cuba and Venezuela to reaffirm PSUV-PCC relations. plenglish.com Havana, Aug 8 (Prensa Latina) Cuba's Communist Party (PCC) and Venezuela's United Socialist Party (PSUV) strengthened on Tuesday relations after the signing of collaboration deals that formalize links between both organizations.

teleSUR (2023-08-08). Strengthening Sovereignty to Protect the Amazon: VP Rodriguez. telesurenglish.net On Tuesday, Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro called upon the nations that comprise the Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization (ACTO) to establish a collaborative action plan to safeguard the Amazon forests and their natural resources. | RELATED: | "Through hard work, effort, and a concrete action plan ready for implementation, let's unite in reforestation, sanitation, and restoration of the Amazon, for the well-b…

Janna Corredor (2023-08-08). Venezuela's Red Cross Initiates Comprehensive Restructuring and Forms New Board. orinocotribune.com After initiating a comprehensive restructuring process, the Venezuelan Society of the Red Cross now has a 12-month period to elect new members for the institution. This decision comes in response to a ruling (No. 1057) issued by the Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ) on August 4, which ordered the dismissal of its current directors. | The broad restructuring order comes after the Attorney General of the Republic, Tarek William Saab, reported the opening of an investigation into the "alleged harassment and mistreatment" committed against volunteers and workers of the national Red Cross by the organization's president,…

Solidarity with Workers (2023-08-08). Palo Alto Starbucks Sees Customers Rise Up! indybay.org On a national day of action called by Starbucks Workers United, elder activists the Raging Grannies led a singalong…customers joined in.

Staff (2023-08-08). Is Biden Risking War with Iran as U.S. Deploys Marines to Guard Commercial Ships in the Persian Gulf? democracynow.org In an escalation of tensions, the Biden administration has deployed thousands of U.S. Marines and sailors to the Middle East in order to deter Iran from seizing oil tankers and other commercial ships near the Strait of Hormuz. The move comes after the Navy said Iran tried to seize two commercial oil tankers in the Gulf of Oman last month, after seizing dozens more since 2019. Iran responded by equipping its Navy with drones and missiles. "It's really baffling to see why we're taking such immense risks that could bring the U.S. into war for achieving things that are of little value when it comes…

teleSUR (2023-08-08). US Anti-War Activists Urge to Reject New McCarthyism. telesurenglish.net On Monday, anti-war organizations across the United States issued an open letter to reject a trend that targets China and to call on people to reject what they call the "new McCarthyism." | RELATED: | "From The New York Times to Fox News, there's a resurgence of the Red Scare that once shattered many lives and threatened movements for change and social justice," said the letter titled "McCarthyism is back: Together we can stop it." | It warn…

Oraily Madruga Rios (2023-08-08). Cuban and Indian entrepreneurs to exchange mutual interests (+Photo). plenglish.com New Delhi, Aug 8 (Prensa Latina) Cuban and Indian entrepreneurs exchanged mutual interests in another progressive step towards routing new partnerships in the economic and trade relations between the two countries.

Oraily Madruga Rios (2023-08-08). Fidel Castro's image on Numismatic exhibition in Cuba (+Photos). plenglish.com Havana, Aug 8 (Prensa Latina) In homage to the historic leader of the Cuban Revolution Fidel Castro for his 97th birth anniversary on August 13, a Numismatic exhibition was opened on Tuesday at Havana ¥s Fidel Castro Memorial Center.

greenleft.org.au (2023-08-08). Visiting Cubans call for solidarity to break the US blockade. greenleft.org.au

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2023-08-08). Video: The EU is an Imperial Project? Is Brexit a Blow to the Oligarchs? Michel Chossudovsky and James Corbett. globalresearch.ca

Peoples Dispatch (2023-08-08). Warring parties in Yemen resume Oman-mediated peace talks to end the war. peoplesdispatch.org The peace talks had been suspended in July after the two sides could not reach an agreement on a number of economic and humanitarian issues…

Staff (2023-08-08). Talk World Radio: Remember the War on Yemen? Let's End It. davidswanson.org This week on Talk World Radio we're talking about Yemen with Arwa Mokdad, a peace advocate at Yemen Relief and Reconstruction Foundation.

Peoples Dispatch (2023-08-08). As thousands of US soldiers are deployed in West Asia, Iran urges respect. peoplesdispatch.org In a provocative move, the US announced deployment of 3,000 additional troops in West Asia on Monday, claiming alleged Iranian threat to ships in the region…

Amy Goodman (2023-08-08). Biden Escalates Tensions With Iran After Deploying Marines to Persian Gulf. truthout.org In an escalation of tensions, the Biden administration has deployed thousands of U.S. Marines and sailors to the Middle East in order to deter Iran from seizing oil tankers and other commercial ships near the Strait of Hormuz. The move comes after the Navy said Iran tried to seize two commercial oil tankers in the Gulf of Oman last month, after seizing dozens more since 2019. |

Ileana Ferrer Fonte (2023-08-08). Danish ultranationalist group steps up attacks on Quran. plenglish.com Members of Danske Patrioter (Danish Patriots) burned copies of the Muslim holy book in front of the embassies of Türkiye, Algeria, Pakistan, Iran and Indonesia in the capital Copenhagen. | The group also carried out a similar attack on Quran in the northern city of Aalborg and chanted Islamophobic slogans. | A Muslim woman got into an argument with them and was eventually taken away by the police. | Recent months have seen repeated acts of Quran burning or desecration or attempts to do so by Islamophobic figures or groups, especially in northern European and Nordic countries, drawing outrage from Muslim coun…

krish-rad_ind (2023-08-08). Thousands of US troops arrive in Persian Gulf in latest escalation with Iran. new.thecradle.co

ecns.cn (2023-08-08). Saudi Arabia taps Chinese tourists for growth amid wanderlust. ecns.cn Saudi Arabia, which launched its first direct flight to Beijing last week, said it hopes to welcome more than 4 million Chinese tourists by 2030 amid significant growth in its tourism sector.

Oraily Madruga Rios (2023-08-08). Construction works improve hospital services in Cuba. plenglish.com Matanzas, Cuba, Aug 8 (Prensa Latina) The execution of several construction works in different areas of the Faustino Perez Hospital in Matanzas province has improved services provided at the health care center.

Juan M. Garcia (2023-08-08). Cuban foreign minister congratulates ASEAN on its 56th anniversary. plenglish.com Havana, Aug 8 (Prensa Latina) Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez congratulated the member countries of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) on the bloc's 56th anniversary on Tuesday in an excellent atmosphere of relations with Cuba.

Francisco Dominguez (2023-08-08). Maduro: A Decade Continuing Chávez's Socialist and Anti-Imperialist Struggle. orinocotribune.com By Francisco Dominguez — Aug 2, 2023 | The first part in a series examining the last decade in Venezuela under the leadership of Nicolás Maduro and how the country resisted relentless imperialist attacks | This year marks 10 years since Nicolás Maduro was elected president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. During this period, the people of Venezuela faced some of the biggest challenges in its history, with attacks being lodged in the political, communications, and economic spheres by right-wing actors domestically and abroad, notably US authorities. As former US president Donald Trump boasted "When I…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-08-08). Venezuela: The Decolonial Alternative. libya360.wordpress.com Cira Pascual Marquina and Ramón Grosfoguel Ramón Grosfoguel is a Puertorican intellectual recognized for his work on the decolonization of knowledge and power. In this exclusive interview, Grosfoguel talks about the living links between the colonial and the neocolonial systems, the problematic legacy of the colonial past in Venezuela's present, and US imperialism's neocolonialism in…

kwjorinoco (2023-08-08). Venezuela Reiterates Commitment to Protecting Amazon Rainforest. orinocotribune.com Just a day before the kickoff of a two-day Amazon summit to be held in the Brazilian city of Belém, Yván Gil, Venezuela's Minister of Foreign Affairs, reiterated Venezuela's commitment to working together with neighboring nations to protect the Amazonian rainforest, also known as the "lungs of the planet." | "With great expectations, we arrived in the Brazilian city of Belém do Pará where the Amazon summit will be held, resuming cooperation to protect the lungs of the planet and guarantee a safe Amazon of peace and belonging to all South Americans," Gil wrote in a post on the social media network X. | Con grandes…

Staff (2023-08-08). President Maduro Suspends Television Show Due to Health Issues. orinocotribune.com Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro announced that the 12th broadcast of his television show Con Maduro+, scheduled for this Monday, will be cancelled due to health problems. | This was announced on Monday, August 7, by President Maduro through his social media accounts. He explained that "due to medical advice, as a result of an otitis media, I have been forced to suspend my public agenda." | Hoy lunes

PNW Street Medics (2023-08-08). Protection for PNW Street Medics. indybay.org Resources and information to help street medics, activists, and anyone facing police brutality and harassment protect themselves against government spying, corruption, and abuse.

Cira Pascual Marquina (2023-08-08). Venezuela, the decolonial alternative: A conversation with Ramón Grosfoguel (Part I). mronline.org A distinguished author from the decolonial tradition discusses the relationship between colonialism and imperialism.

teleSUR, dcdc (2023-08-08). Venezuela insta declarar una emergencia regional en la Amazonía. telesurtv.net La cumbre de los presidentes que integran de la Amazonía arrancó este martes en el Centro de Convenciones, Sala Amazonía, en el estado de Pará, en el norte de Brasil.

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2023-08-08). El camino por delante: construir un movimiento mundial contra la "tiranía del coronavirus" globalizacion.ca La Toma de la Bastilla ocurrió en París en la tarde del 14 de julio de 1789. La Bastilla era una armería medieval, una fortaleza y una prisión política. Era el símbolo de la Autoridad Real bajo el reinado del…

Mirko C. Trudeau (2023-08-08). El corrupto senador Bob Menéndez arremete -otra vez- contra Venezuela. globalizacion.ca Con la llegada de Joe Biden a la Casa Blanca, el "demócrata" Robert (Bob) Menéndez, de 67 años -nacido en Cuba- fue nombrado nuevamente presidente del Comité de Relaciones Exteriores del Senado y está haciendo lo indecible para arreciar el…

teleSUR, hvh, JCM (2023-08-08). Irán convoca al embajador danés tras quema del Corán. telesurtv.net El Ministerio de Exteriores de Irán citó nuevamente al titular de la misión diplomática danesa en Teherán, Jesper Vahr.

teleSUR, nama, JCM (2023-08-08). Irán acusa a EE.UU. de exacerbar inestabilidad en el Mar Rojo. telesurtv.net La Marina de Estados Unidos confirmó nuevo despliegue militar de más de 3.000 militares en la región.

Ana Luisa Brown (2023-08-07). Afghanistan is among the most vulnerable countries to climate change. plenglish.com Kabul, Aug 8 (Prensa Latina) The deputy head of the National Environmental Protection Agency (NEPA), Zainul Abideen Abid, said that Afghanistan is globally the sixth most vulnerable country to the effects of climate change.

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