2020-03-11: Social Media Postees

Please be social by posting these 'POSTEES' on social media!

Saudi Arabia's Brave Women Pull Back the Curtain on Crown Prince MBS
Medea Benjamin | mintpressnews.com | 2020-03-11
The case of Al-Hathloul and the other women's rights activists on trial in Saudi Arabia is a tremendous embarrassment for MBS, who has been putting an enormous effort into convincing his Western allies that he is a reformer and that the Kingdom is becoming more liberal.

Saudi's Brave Women Pull Back the Curtain on Crown Prince MBS
Medea Benjamin | globalresearch.ca | 2020-03-11
Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman (MBS), Saudi Arabia's 34-year-old de facto ruler, was on a tear. He arrested members of his own royal family and initiated an oil price war with Russia that has sent the price …

Saudi's Brave Women Pull Back the Curtain on Crown Prince MBS
Medea Benjamin | globalresearch.ca | 2020-03-11
Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman (MBS), Saudi Arabia's 34-year-old de facto ruler, was on a tear. He arrested members of his own royal family and initiated an oil price war with Russia that has sent the price …

Wisconsin FRSO celebrates International Women's Day in Milwaukee
Fight Back | fightbacknews.org | 2020-03-11
Milwaukee, WI

US activists call for election monitors as elitist Joe Biden keeps advancing
Peter Bolton | thecanary.co | 2020-03-11
Former vice president Joe Biden has just had another good night in the Democratic Party primary race. It looks increasingly likely that he will take the nomination to face Donald Trump in November rather than progressive challenger Bernie Sanders. But one group of activ…

'Breaking the Silence' documents testimonies of Israeli veterans of Palestinian Occupation
Cathy Deppe | peoplesworld.org | 2020-03-10
Testimonies of Israeli veterans who served in the Occupied Palestinian territories take us out of our comfort zones. The documentary Breaking the Silence does that by highlighting the voices of these soldiers turned activists. The film title is taken from the name of the organization they established to transmit what they have seen and experienced …

Activists Call for Health Measures to Prevent Coronavirus at Immigrant Jails
Staff | truthout.org | 2020-03-10
As the world responds to the COVID-19 outbreak, we look at how the Trump administration's immigration policies may put everyone at risk. We go to Seattle, Washington, not far from the Life Care Center in the suburb of Kirkland, which was the epicenter of the U.S. coronavirus outbreak. In nearby Tacoma, Washington, our guest says she saw posters in English only when she went to visit immigrants held in the Northwest Detention Center, which is run by private prison company GEO Group. We speak with…

Afghanistan peace prospects 'slim' without women's participation: Hillary Clinton
news.un.org | 2020-03-10
There can be no sustainable peace in Afghanistan if women are not at the negotiating table, former United States Secretary of State Hillary Clinton told ambassadors and activists at UN Headquarters on Tuesday.

Climate activists victorious after using a necessity defense
Amanda Mills | nationofchange.org | 2020-03-10
"Zenith Energy Corporation, and the city's inability to shut it down, is…

Grayzone y CODEPINK exigen a la OEA observadores electorales internacionales de emergencia en la primaria presidencial demócrata de 2020
The Grayzone | thegrayzone.com | 2020-03-09
The Grayzone y CODEPINK hacen un llamado a la Organización de los Estados Americanos (OEA) a proporcionar observadores electorales internacionales…

The Grayzone and CODEPINK demand emergency OAS election observers in 2020 Democratic presidential primary
The Grayzone | thegrayzone.com | 2020-03-09
The Grayzone and CODEPINK call on the Organization of American States (OAS) to provide emergency international election observers in the…

Amid COVID-19 constraints, UN women's commission meets to push gender equality forward
news.un.org | 2020-03-09
Despite constraints imposed by the new coronavirus disease, activists for gender equality gathered at UN Headquarters on Monday for the latest session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW), to reinforce the message that women's rights are human rights.

Activists rally for detained Tamil family
pip.hinman | greenleft.org.au | 2020-03-06
Refugees & migrants Chris SleeIssue 1256 Australia Tamil asylum seekers Home to Bilo MelbourneMarch 6, 2020Refugee rights ca…

Syria war update: Turkey's Erdogan invades Idlib, invokes re-establishment of Ottoman Empire
Anya Parampil | thegrayzone.com | 2020-03-05
Red Lines host Anya Parampil speaks with Mohammad Marandi, a professor at the University of Tehran. He discusses his recent…

Rebels continue disruptions
pip.hinman | greenleft.org.au | 2020-03-05
Climate crisis Zebedee ParkesIssue 1256 Australia Extinction Rebellion climate emergencyMarch 5, 2020Extinction Rebellion activists are continuing to cause disruption around Australia.

Can the World's Second Superpower Rise From the Ashes of Twenty Years of War?
Medea Benjamin | zcomm.org | 2020-03-02
If there is a lesson for peace-loving Americans in the Obama and Trump presidencies, it is that we cannot just walk out of the voting booth and leave it to a champion in the White House to end our wars and bring us peace. In the final analysis, it really is up to us…

Weekend Read: 55 years after 'Bloody Sunday,' voting rights are still under attack
splcenter.org | 2020-02-28
When they looked over the steel-arched crest of the Edmund Pettus Bridge in 1965, the voting rights activists knew there would be trouble.

Emails Reveal Identity of Longtime White Nationalist Propagandist as Onetime Conservative Insider
Hannah Gais | splcenter.org | 2020-02-28
Months before the "alt-right" became a household name, the nebulous band of white power activists seized upon their digital prowess to popularize a slur that would soon become a mainstay in the Republican infighting that defined the 2016 presidential election.