2022-08-24: News Headlines

Anonymous103 (2022-08-24). Iran Can Supply Europe With Energy If Sanctions Are Lifted But Cannot Fully Replace Russia. southfront.org An Iranian crude oil supertanker anchored off Singapore. IMAGE: REUTERSTrade routes make Iranian energy alternative an unfeasible option. | Written by Ahmed Adel, Cairo-based geopolitics and political economy researcher | As Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Nasser Kanani Chafi said, Tehran can partially make up for the shortfall in the world energy market caused by the crisis surrounding the conflict in Ukraine. The fuel-energy crisis concerns Europe first, especially with countries that have rejected Russian oil and…

Staff (2022-08-24). Video del gol del PSG en el que Messi realiza asistencia prodigiosa a Mbappé se vuelve viral. cubadebate.cu El París Saint-Germain (PSG) arrancó con todo la defensa de su título en la Ligue 1 con tres triunfos al hilo con tres goleadas y 17 tantos a favor. Este domingo vapuleó 7-1 al Lille de visitante y desde el arranque controló el partido con el segundo gol más rápido en la historia del campeonato francés.

Dave DeCamp (2022-08-24). Gantz Heads to US, Says Israel Will Do 'Everything It Can' to Stop Iran Deal. news.antiwar.com Israeli Defense Minister Benny Gantz said Tuesday that Israel would do "everything it can" to influence the US against reviving the Iran nuclear deal, known as the JCPOA, and announced that he was traveling to the US later this week. "The State of Israel is not opposed to agreements in general, but it is opposed …

____ (2022-08-24). U.S. has waged 400 wars since its founding in 1776: study. ecns.cn A recent study shows that by 2019, the United States has engaged in almost 400 wars across the world since its founding in 1776, Iran's Press TV has reported.

Ted Kelly (2022-08-24). Bradford Gamble, liberated activist and prison whistleblower. workers.org When Bradford Gamble died, he was surrounded by his family. The 65-year-old had been imprisoned for nearly a lifetime — 46 years — before he learned he was dying of cancer. With the help of activists on both sides of the prison walls, Gamble fought relentlessly to win his freedom. . . . |

Staff (2022-08-24). Venezuela's Central Bank: Economy Grew 17% in First Quarter of 2022. orinocotribune.com Tuesday, August 23, the president of the Central Bank of Venezuela (BCV), Calixto Ortega, reported that Venezuela achieved an economic growth of 17.04% in the first quarter of 2022. | From Miraflores Palace in Caracas, during the National Council for Productive Economy, Ortega announced that economic growth is estimated to reach 18.07% for the second quarter, with preliminary figures only considering the private non-oil sector. | Likewise, Ortega reported that Venezuela has four quarters of continuous double-digit economic growth. With 14.5% for the third quarter of 2021, 19.07% for the fourth quarter of 2021, jo…

Speaking Up (2022-08-24). Students Affected by Abortion Restrictions Are Acting. indybay.org Peninsula Youth Activists in San Mateo on August 20…

Staff (2022-08-24). Headlines of Iran's Persian dailies on August 24. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Aug. 24 (MNA) — Mehr news agency takes a look at headlines of Iran's Persian-language dailies on Wednesday, August 24.

Staff (2022-08-24). Mali calls for boosting economic, scientific coop. with Iran. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Aug. 24 (MNA) — Hailing Iran's status in regional and international political equations, the Malian interim President called for strengthening the economic, commercial, and scientific cooperation between Tehran and Bamako.

Staff (2022-08-24). Front pages of Iran's English dailies on August 24. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Aug. 24 (MNA) — Here are the front pages of Iran's English language dailies on Wednesday, August 24.

Staff (2022-08-24). Army joint military drone drills kick off. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Aug. 24 (MNA) — Islamic Republic of Iran Army started large-scale drone drills across the country with the participation of different units of the Army.

Staff (2022-08-24). Army stages large-scale drone drills across Iran. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Aug. 24 (MNA) — Islamic Republic of Iran Army started large-scale drone drills across the country with the participation of different units of the Army.

Staff (2022-08-24). US says it has carried out strike in Syria's Deir ez-Zur. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Aug. 24 (MNA) — While all parties to the JCPOA are waiting for the US answer to the draft agreement proposed by Europeans, the US military has claimed that it has targeted Iran's allies in the Deir ez-Zur of Syria.

Staff (2022-08-24). Otra fórmula para endulzar el amargo sabor del café. cubadebate.cu Sus defensores sostienen que no hay nada más dulce que un café amargo. Con el aumento sustancial del precio de compra, a los productores ciertamente les sabe más dulce. A quienes de verdad les sabe amargo es a las empresas procesadoras, pues esa medida les ha generado pérdidas, que habrán de compensar de una manera inusual.

Staff (2022-08-24). España: El precio de la electricidad alcanza un nuevo máximo con 436,25 euros/MWh. cubadebate.cu El precio promedio de la luz para los clientes de tarifa regulada vinculados al mercado mayorista volverá a subir el miércoles, con un repunte del 19,4% con respecto a este martes, para situarse en los 436,25 euros por megavatio hora (MWh), registrando así un nuevo máximo desde la entrada en vigor del tope al gas.

TeleSUR -HIM (2022-08-24). Venezuela exhibe mayor crecimiento económico de Latinoamérica. telesurtv.net El país suramericano refleja cuatro trimestres en línea de crecimiento económico sostenido con dobles dígitos, el mayor de forma sostenida en América Latina.

Staff (2022-08-24). Realizan donativo de piel en Colombia para afectados por incendio en Matanzas. cubadebate.cu El gobierno de Colombia y el de su capital donaron este martes a Cuba en gesto solidario, tres mil centímetros cuadrados de piel para ayudar en la recuperación de pacientes afectados por el incendio en la ciudad de Matanzas. La ministra de Salud recordó que siempre el pueblo y gobierno cubanos han tenido una solidaridad respetuosa con Colombia.

Staff (2022-08-24). Por primera vez, una ley que protege nuestros datos personales. cubadebate.cu En Pinar del Río cada día más crecen los casos de estafa y fraude asociados con el uso de tarjetas bancarias, luego de que los titulares de cuentas ofrecen sus datos personales a extraños, vía internet o por teléfono, con el fin de concretar algún negocio que rara vez termina con éxito.

Staff (2022-08-24). El tiempo: Calor, chubascos y tormentas eléctricas en la tarde. cubadebate.cu Amanecerá parcialmente nublado en zonas de la costa norte y con poca nubosidad en el resto del país. Desde el final de la mañana estará parcialmente nublado y se nublará en la tarde con algunos chubascos y tormentas eléctricas, principalmente en localidades del interior.

TeleSUR, hvh, JCM (2022-08-24). Federación de Mujeres Cubanas celebra su aniversario 62. telesurtv.net Díaz-Canel señaló que la FMC es "impulsora del impresionante avance de la mujer cubana, con la guía de Vilma y de Fidel"´.

Staff (2022-08-24). Inicia en Camagàºey venta de divisas a la población. cubadebate.cu En las sucursales de Cadeca de las calles República y Maceo, de la ciudad de Camagàºey, comenzó en esta provincia el proceso de venta de divisas a la población, como parte de la implantación paulatina de un mercado cambiario en Cuba.

Staff (2022-08-24). Teoría del dominó: el siguiente argumento (falaz) de la propaganda occidental y sus medios de desinformación. cubadebate.cu Uno de los argumentos de la propaganda occidental sobre la guerra en Ucrania es este: es fundamental combatir a Rusia en Ucrania porque la invasión de Ucrania es el primer paso de un proyecto imperialista ruso, destinado a reconstituir las fronteras de la URSS o del Imperio zarista y difundir el "autoritarismo" donde hoy hay "democracia".

TeleSUR- lvm- JL (2022-08-24). Venezuela propondrá a Colombia crear una gran zona para desarrollo económico binacional. telesurtv.net "Sería un área económica de prueba la cual pudiéramos replicar hacia otras zonas", subrayó el mandatario venezolano.

Staff (2022-08-24). Petro cumple: Barrida y purga en las fuerzas de seguridad colombianas. cubadebate.cu Nunca antes en la historia colombiana se había visto una barrida de generales tan grande como la que acaban de hacer el Presidente Gustavo Petro y su ministro de Defensa, Iván Velásquez. De la Policía salieron 24 generales; en el Ejército, 16 tienen que colgar el uniforme; seis en la Fuerza Aérea e igual número en la Armada.

Staff (2022-08-24). Cuba alcanza su segundo éxito en Copa Panamericana de Voleibol. cubadebate.cu La selección cubana logró su segundo triunfo en la XIX Copa Panamericana Femenina de Voleibol de Hermosillo 2022, al derrotar al débil conjunto de Nicaragua en parciales corridos de 25-7, 25-11 y 25-14 en solo 57 minutos.

Staff (2022-08-24). Cuba Joven, nuevo espacio digital de Cubadebate iniciando su año 20. cubadebate.cu Cubadebate estrena hoy su subdominio Cuba Joven, una sección que creamos hace algunos años y retomamos en octubre del 2021, para experimentar, hablar ligero pero tocar temas profundos y conectar entre nosotros mismos. En http: //cubajoven.cubadebate.cu podrás acceder a este espacio hecho por jóvenes. Es nuestro primer regalo a los lectores en el inicio del año 20 de nuestra publicación digital.

TeleSUR-mcs- JL (2022-08-24). Colombia dona piel para pacientes quemados del incendio en Cuba. telesurtv.net De acuerdo a las autoridades sanitarias, los órganos fueron extraídos de donantes colombianos respetando los protocolos de seguridad y calidad para asistencia médica y quirúrgica de los damnificados.

Staff (2022-08-24). Hoy en la Mesa Redonda, Situación del Sistema Eléctrico Nacional. mesaredonda.cubadebate.cu El ministro de Energía y Minas Liván Arronte Cruz y directivos de la Unión Eléctrica comparecerán este miércoles en la Mesa Redonda para actualizar información sobre la situación del sistema eléctrico nacional.

TeleSUR, JCM (2022-08-24). Muere Fruto Vivas, arquitecto de obras emblemáticas de Venezuela. telesurtv.net Falleció a los 94 años José "Fruto" Vivas. Uno de los arquitectos más importantes del país cuya obra se encuentra plasmada en todo el territorio nacional.

_____ (2022-08-23). Disaster In Cuba Highlights Biden's Disastrous (And Illegal) Foreign Policy. popularresistance.org On August 5, lightning caused a fire at an oil supertanker base in Matanzas, Cuba. The fire caused the collapse of three large oil tanks, killed 16 people and wounded 146 people. Immediately, friendly nations sent aid, including $70 million in oil from Russia, but the United States only provided technical advice to the neighboring Caribbean nation that has been crippled by six decades of the US' economic blockade. Clearing the FOG speaks with Arturo Lopez-Levy of the Council on Hemispheric Affairs about the fire, the Biden administration's continuation of Trump's policies in Cuba and the campaign to change that,…

Anonymous103 (2022-08-23). Military Situation In Syria On August 23, 2022 (Map Update). southfront.org On August 23, Russia reported that Idlib militants violated the ceasefire regime in Greater Idlib 2 times: 1 &#1 ; in Aleppo province, 1 &#1 ; in Latakia province; | On August 23, an IED explosion targeted Russian military patrol in Maalaqa area in Qunaitra province; | On August 23, an Iranian military adviser lost his life in Syria, according to Iranian officials. The reason for his death was not announced; | On August 22, Russian warplanes attacked positions of Turkis…

Staff (2022-08-23). Revived nuclear deal 'closer now than it was two weeks ago'. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Aug. 23 (MNA) — The US State Department spokesperson says that the US is still conducting consultations on European Union's presented proposal, adding that some divisions remain between the United States and Iran.

Dave DeCamp (2022-08-23). US Official Says Nuclear Deal Closer After Iran Made Concessions. news.antiwar.com A US official told Reuters on Monday that an agreement to revive the Iran nuclear deal, known as the JCPOA, is closer now since Tehran has conceded on some of its key demands. The official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, said that Iran dropped its demand to lift the designation of the Islamic …

WSWS (2022-08-23). Release students detained under Sri Lanka's anti-terror laws! wsws.org The detention of student activists under the draconian Prevention of Terrorism Act is part of President Wickremesinghe's broad class-war assault on the working class and the poor.

_____ (2022-08-23). Greater Peril, Greater Reward? A New Risk Assessment Tool For Activists. popularresistance.org In March 2019, following numerous community pleas to curb graft among local police that had fallen upon deaf ears, residents of Kyere, Uganda tricked a notoriously corrupt police officer into a bribery arrangement. They caught him red-handed. Emerging from their hiding places in a community market, they seized the officer and arrested him—a man who had often used the same power of arrest to extort from them! This effective sting operation occurred without any of the usual police brutality toward activists. | As democracy erodes at an Increasing Pace, slipping our species toward the normalization of authorit…

Anonymous103 (2022-08-23). Military Situation In Yemen On August 23, 2022 (Map Update). southfront.org The Liaison and Coordination Officers' Operations Room (loyal to Ansar Allah) reported 53 ceasefire violations in al-Hudaydah in the past 24 hours; | On August 22, Hassan al-Ba'aum, the head of the political office of the Southern Movement, declared "national reconciliation of the south" and joined the Southern Transitional Council led by Aidarus al-Zoubaidi; | On August 23, clashes between the UAE-backed forces and militants of the Islah Party continue in the Abr area;…

TeleSUR (2022-08-23). Iran Describes Western Sanctions as Having 'Failed'. telesurenglish.net "The West's nonsensical sanctions policy has failed, and nations will move forward with perseverance, stability, and self-confidence," Iranian Foreign Minister Hosein Amir Abdolahian said Tuesday after participating in the first Iran-Mali joint economic commission in Bamako, the capital of the African country. | RELATED: | The head of Iranian diplomacy has said that for years after the victory of the Islamic Revolutio…

Diegoramos718 (2022-08-23). Whose Rules? Our Rules! in the Rules-Based International Order. scheerpost.com Washington, D.C. (Nov. 23, 2005) &#1 ; An aerial view of the headquarters of the United States Department of Defense located between the Potomac River and Arlington National Cemetery. The Pentagon employs approximately 23,000 military and civilian personnel and is one the world's largest office buildings with three times the floor space of the Empire State Building in New York City. U.S. Navy photo by Chief Photographer's Mate Johnny Bivera (RELEASED) | " data-medium-file="https://i0.wp.com/scheerpost.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/US_Navy_051128-N-2383B-013_An_aerial_view_of_the_headquarters_of_the_United_…

_____ (2022-08-23). Progress in JCPOA Talks has not Diminished the Number of Those Opposing It. journal-neo.org The emergence of real signs of a possible settlement of the most acute crisis in the Middle East is linked to the possible signing of a Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) agreement on Iran's nuclear program, which is based on numerous compromises, could become a major victory for international diplomacy that guarantees Iran's non-nuclear …

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2022-08-23). Colombia and the Mythical Creation of Cuba as "State Sponsor of Terrorism" libya360.wordpress.com Gustavo A Maranges We recently published two articles called "Cuba and the Peace Talks between the ELN and the Colombian Government: New Opportunities vs. Old Obstacles," in which we referred to Cuba's commitment to peace in Colombia; something that former President Ivan Duque boycotted. At that time, we only had public information to justify our thesis…

Gustavo A. Maranges (2022-08-23). Cuba & Peace Talks Between ELN & Colombia: New Opportunities vs. Old Obstacles (Part 2). orinocotribune.com By Gustavo A. Maranges &#1 ; August 18, 2022 | Last week, it became public that the newly formed Colombian government and the National Liberation Army (ELN) will re-establish peace talks in the coming weeks. This statement was issued by Colombia's Foreign Affairs Minister Alvaro Leyva in Havana, the city where prior negotiations were taking place before they stalled. | Resuming peace negotiations is a strategic step for the new Colombian President Gustavo Petro, who declared his commitment to achieving "total peace" in the country. Colombia will rely on the trusted offices of Cuba and Norway, two countries that s…

Kwjorinoco (2022-08-23). Venezuela's Public Ministry Continues 'Pedophilia Is a Crime' Campaign. orinocotribune.com The attorney general of the Republic of Venezuela, Tarek William Saab, recently announced that the Public Ministry (MP) has started a social media campaign, "Pedophilia Is a Crime," which focuses on the need to confront pedophilia cases pre-emptively, using preventative measures and punishment. Currently there are more than 630 active cases of sexual aggression against children and minors in Venezuela. | "In 2022, from January until the 15th of August, we opened 632 cased which we could classify as sexual aggression against minors, cases of pedophilia," noted Saab during a virtual interview with the television pr…

Staff (2022-08-23). PSUV Organizes Almost 267,000 Peoples' Assemblies. orinocotribune.com On Monday, August 22, vice president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Diosdado Cabello, announced, that 266,927 assemblies were organized at the national level last weekend. | Cabello described the process, whereby the party's "street speakers" were renewed, as "extraordinary": | "Extraordinary process; beautiful. The 266, 927 assemblies throughout the country: this is said and written very quickly. The problem is to do it." | Cabello detailed how extraordinary actions were witnesses during the process, including a beautiful call in which the collective prevailed, to the widespread participation…

José Luis Granados Ceja (2022-08-23). Lula Promises Venezuela 'Respect' as Presidential Campaign Begins in Brazil. venezuelanalysis.com The leftist presidential candidate called Juan Guaidó an "imposter".

Staff (2022-08-23). National Doctors' Day commemorated in Iran. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Aug. 23 – Iran marks August 23, the birth anniversary of Abu Ali Sina, aka Avicenna, as National Doctors' Day. The ceremony for paying tribute to the figure along with the graduation ceremony of several medical students was held in Hamadan.

Staff (2022-08-23). Iran, Tatarstan negotiate increased transit along INSTC. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Aug. 23 (MNA) — Iran and Tatarstan discussed increased transit along the International North-South Transport Corridor (INSTC).

____ (2022-08-23). Iran stresses enhancing coop. with Mali in all fields. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Aug. 23 (MNA) — Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian emphasized the need for strengthening and expanding cooperation with Mali in all areas.

Staff (2022-08-23). Front pages of Iran's English dailies on August 23. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Aug. 23 (MNA) — Here are the front pages of Iran's English language dailies on Tuesday, August 23.

Staff (2022-08-23). Justice must be expanded in sociey with Leader's help. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Aug. 23 (MNA) — In a ceremony held for renewing allegiance to the ideals of Imam Khomeini (RA), president Ebrahim Raeisi said that Iranian officials must make effort to expand justice in society with help of the Leader of Islamic Revolution.

____ (2022-08-23). Iranian army to launch joint drone military exercise tomorrow. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Aug. 23 (MNA) — The Deputy Chief of Iranian Army Force for Coordination Affairs Rear Admiral Habibollah Sayyari on Tuesday announced the launch of joint drone military exercise tomorrow.

Zahra Mirzafarjouyan (2022-08-23). Veteran voice actor Manouchehr Esmaeili passes away. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Aug. 23 (MNA) — Renowned Iranian voice actor Manouchehr Esmaeili passed away in Tehran on Monday night at the age of 83.

____ (2022-08-23). VIDEO: Iran, Mali ink MoU to strengthen coop. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Aug. 23 (MNA) — The Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) of the Joint Commission on Cooperation and the document to follow-up of the Joint Economic Commission of Iran and Mali was signed in Bamako on Tuesday.

____ (2022-08-23). Headlines of Iran's Persian dailies on August 23. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Aug. 23 (MNA) — Mehr news agency takes a look at headlines of Iran's Persian-language dailies on Tuesday, August 23.

____ (2022-08-23). Iran stun Japan at 2022 FIBA U18 Asian C'ship. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Aug. 23 (MNA) — Iran came back from deficit to beat Japan 68-66 here in the 2022 FIBA U18 Asian Championship on Tuesday.

Staff (2022-08-23). Exports of Iran's Golestan prov. up by %. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Aug. 23 (MNA) — As much as 144,000 tons of goods worth $85 million have been exported from Golestan province in the past five months of the year, an official said.

Staff (2022-08-23). Thanks to Fidel and Vilma, for the women that we are. en.cubadebate.cu They say that before Fidel, before 1959, Cuban women – like those of almost the whole world – were at best: an ornament in the home, and at worst: a servant with a load of domestic work not paid; transparent, anonymous, whose opinion on political or social issues was not considered. They say that they were obliged to have all their children procreated, because between the precepts of religions and the cost of an interruption of pregnancy, not even thinking about an abortion. They say that in a family when deciding the children who would go to school, the boys were chosen, because the females were needed in the ho…

Staff (2022-08-23). Iran stresses nuclear disarmament of US, pressure on Israel. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Aug. 23 (MNA) — Iran UN envoy Majid Takht Ravanchi called for a real commitment to nuclear disarmament by the United States and a Middle East free of nuclear weapons.

Staff (2022-08-23). "Iran Nevesht" stationary exhibition in Tehran. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Aug. 24 (MNA) — "Iran Nevesht" stationary exhibition kicked off on Tuesday morning, in the presence of the Iranian Minister of Education Yousef Nouri and Minister of Culture and Islamic Guidance Mohammad Mehdi Esmaeil at the Institute for the…

____ (2022-08-23). Iran para shooters claim two golds at Changwon 2022 World Cup. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Aug. 23 (MNA) — Iranian para shooters Nasrin Shahi and Mohammadreza Mirshafiei claimed two gold medals at the Changwon 2022 World Cup on Tuesday.

____ (2022-08-23). Iran ready to facilitate private sector ties with Mali. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Aug. 23 (MNA) — Stressing the need for expanding interactions between economic activists of Iran and Mali, Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian said that Iran is ready to ease cooperation between private sectors of the two countries.

Staff (2022-08-23). No deal to be implemented before IAEA closes anti-Iran file. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Aug. 23 (MNA) — An adviser to the Iranian negotiating team in the Vienna talks reacted in a tweet to the alleged report of Westen media that Iran has dropped some of its demands in the negotiations.

Staff (2022-08-23). Iran IRGC general martyred in Syria. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Aug. 23 (MNA) — General Abolfazl Alijani, a member of the IRGC's Ground Forces, was martyred in Syria.

Staff (2022-08-23). Ship smuggling 147K liters of fuel seized in S Iran. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Aug. 23 (MNA) — Coast guards of Hormozgan province, seized a ship smuggling 147,800 liters of fuel on Qeshm Island, the Chief Justice of Hormozgan Province said.

Staff (2022-08-23). Resistance relying on Iran as major regional power. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Aug. 23 (MNA) — Iran is the major regional power on which all the Resistance movements and the downtrodden people in the region rely, Hezbollah Secretary-General Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah.

Staff (2022-08-23). Iran to launch several satellites into space by end of year. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Aug. 23 (MNA) — Hailing Iran's achievement in the field of the space program, the Iranian Defense Minister said that several satellites and satellite carriers are scheduled to be launched into space by end of the Iranian calendar year.

Staff (2022-08-23). Justice must be expanded in society with Leader's help. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Aug. 23 (MNA) — In a ceremony held for renewing allegiance to the ideals of Imam Khomeini (RA), president Ebrahim Raeisi said that Iranian officials must make effort to expand justice in society with help of the Leader of Islamic Revolution.

Staff (2022-08-23). Iran FM meets Malian counterpart in Bamako. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Aug. 23 (MNA) — Iranian Foreign Hossein Amir-Abdollahian met and held talks with his Malian counterpart.

____ (2022-08-23). Saudi-led coalition violates ceasefire in Yemen 132 times. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Aug. 23 (MNA) — The news sources on Tuesday morning reported that Saudi-led coalition has violated the ceasefire in Yemen 132 times in the past 24 hours.

Staff (2022-08-23). Raisi, cabinet members renew allegiance to Imam Khomeini. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Aug. 23 (MNA) — Iranian President Ebrahim Raeisi and the members of the cabinet attended the mausoleum of the Founder of the Islamic Republic in Iran, late Imam Khomeini (RA).

Staff (2022-08-23). Buque nicaragàºense Augusto César Sandino llegó a Cuba con cargamento de alimentos. cubadebate.cu El gobierno de Nicaragua donó a Cuba un nuevo cargamento de 35 contenedores de alimentos, destinado en esta ocasión a los damnificados del incendio de grandes proporciones que azotó a la occidental ciudad de Matanzas.

Staff (2022-08-23). FMC: Un espacio para todas las mujeres. cubadebate.cu De años difíciles, sueños y desafíos de una organización que cumple 62 años conversó con Cubadebate Teresa Amarelle Boué, secretaria general de la Federación de Mujeres Cubanas e integrante del Consejo de Estado de la República de Cuba.

TeleSUR (2022-08-23). Venezuelan Economy To Grow 18.7% Second Quarter: Central Bank. telesurenglish.net "The first estimate we have from the private sector is giving us a value of 18.7 percent growth," Ortega detailed during a broadcast of the state-owned Venezolana de Televisión channel. | At the same time, the president of the financial entity detailed that during the first quarter of the year, the growth was 17.4 percent and emphasized that it is the highest increase registered in Latin America. | RELATED: | For his part, Pre…

Kwjorinoco (2022-08-23). Rooftop Farming at 23 de Enero Building Set to Provide Christmas Bonanza. orinocotribune.com Thanks to an alliance formed by the National Institute for Training and Socialist Education (INCES), the Three Roots Foundation, and the Ministry of Urban Agriculture, the roof of the 23 de Enero National Bolivarian Educational Unit, located in the densely populated neighborhood of El Mirador, will be used to grow four thousand pepper plants to make hallacas, a traditional Venezuelan dish, this Christmas. | This information was provided by Edui Otai…

Staff (2022-08-23). Las 3 del día: Homenaje a las mujeres cubanas y las noticias del 22 de agosto (+ Podcast). cubadebate.cu Dedicamos el habitual podcast Las 3 del día al aniversario 62 de la Federación de Mujeres Cubanas (FMC), este 23 de agosto. Nuestras mujeres cada día ganan mayor protagonismo en todos los ámbitos de la sociedad. Lo mismo la profesora, la deportista, la científica, la dirigente que la bailarina, la periodista o la ama de casa. Siempre tienen una historia que contar.

Staff (2022-08-23). Continúa recuperación en la zona industrial de Matanzas: Mayor daño medioambiental está en el suelo. cubadebate.cu El primer secretario del Comité Central del Partido y presidente de la República, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, continuó dando seguimiento a las labores de recuperación en la zona industrial de Matanzas.

Staff (2022-08-23). La mujer cubana y el lugar merecido (+ Video). cubadebate.cu Cuando se celebran 62 años de la fundación de la Federación de Mujeres Cubanas, Cubadebate hace un recuento de los logros de las mujeres a lo largo de la historia y plantea algunos de sus desafíos actuales, en una sociedad que ha evolucionado en aras de la inclusión, pero necesita perfeccionar ciertas demandas derivadas de las nuevas necesidades femeninas.

Staff (2022-08-23). Reanuda vuelos a Cuba la aerolínea TAAG-Líneas Aéreas de Angola. cubadebate.cu La aerolínea angolana TAAG-Líneas Aéreas anunció la reanudación de sus vuelos a Cuba, luego de una evaluación positiva sobre los negocios en las rutas intercontinentales que vinculan a América y Europa, en los cuales incluyeron a la Isla caribeña, entre los próximos destinos a retomar.

Staff (2022-08-23). Día negro en el mercado europeo de energía: El gas supera los 290 euros. cubadebate.cu Debido a la incertidumbre y a los temores que ha causado el anuncio de Gazprom, la principal compañía gasística rusa, sobre detener el bombeo para un mantenimiento en una turbina, los futuros del gas se elevaron más de un 17% y ha superado los 290 euros.

Staff (2022-08-23). Minsap informa fallecimiento de paciente diagnosticado de viruela símica en Cuba. cubadebate.cu Como se informó a nuestra población, el pasado 20 de agosto se diagnosticó el primer caso de Viruela Símica en Cuba: un paciente masculino, de nacionalidad italiana, de 50 años de edad, que arribó al país en calidad de turista el día 15 de agosto del presente año. Este paciente evolucionó rápidamente hacia la gravedad, encontrándose en estado crítico inestable desde el día 18 de agosto, falleciendo en la tarde del día 21.

Staff (2022-08-23). Propaganda y censura a ambos lados del Atlántico. cubadebate.cu La mentira y la desinformación puede estar en todas las posiciones políticas, en las que apoyan el relato oficial de la UE y en las que lo critican, en los países líderes de las políticas europeas, en las declaraciones de un portavoz de la Comisión Europea o del Departamento de Estado o en las de un representante de las potencias competidoras de la UE y EEUU por mercados o recursos. Y, por supuesto, pueden estar en las redes sociales y en un medio de comunicación extranjero, pero también en un medio mayoritario y "prestigioso" occidental, y hasta en el gabinete de prensa de un gobernante europeo o estadounidense.

TeleSUR, mcs, MER (2022-08-23). Arriba a Cuba ayuda humanitaria enviada desde Bolivia. telesurtv.net El canciller cubano precisó que el envío contiene alimentos, medicamentos e insumos médicos.

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2022-08-23). Venezuela's Road to Economic Recovery. libya360.wordpress.com Kawsachun News The following is a translation of a guest lecture delivered by Venezuela's Ambassador in Bolivia, César Trómpiz, at the UMSA university in La Paz. For 100 years, our natural market for oil exports had been the United States. In 2019, the US decided to stop buying oil from Venezuela for political reasons and…

Editor (2022-08-22). Fighting fire with solidarity. workers.org These are especially bitter days to be living in the United States for those of us who are communists, socialists, progressives, even those remotely left of center. The killing of Roe v. Wade and the state subjection of women and anyone who can get pregnant to the role of breeding . . . |

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