Daily Archives: January 11, 2022

2022-01-11: News Headlines

Project Censored (2022-01-11). American Exception: Empire and the Deep State with Aaron Good and David Talbot. projectcensored.org Mickey presents a discussion between political scientist Aaron Good and author David Talbot on the subject of the assassinations of John and Robert Kennedy. This conversation is excerpted from a…

Staff (2022-01-11). President Daniel Ortega Inauguration: International Delegations Arrive in Nicaragua. orinocotribune.com Delegations from at least 21 countries, including heads of state and foreign ministers, attended today's inauguration of Daniel Ortega as president of Nicaragua. | President of Cuba, Miguel Díaz-Canel, was the first of world leaders and high-level personalities to arrive in Managua to attend the swearing-in ceremony of Daniel Ortega as president, after he was re-elected on November 7 with more than 76% of the vote. | Upon his arrival at the Augusto C. Sandino international airport, the Cuban president affirmed that this victory has enormous significance for the forces of the left and progressive governments in La…

Medea Benjamin (2022-01-11). The US Drops an Average of 46 Bombs a Day While Grandstanding for Peace. truthout.org The Pentagon has finally published its first Over…

Staff (2022-01-11). UAE-affiliated forces camp targeted by missile in S Yemen. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Jan. 11 (MNA) — The UAE-affiliated forces camp was targeted by a ballistic missile in the Nokhan district on the eastern outskirts of Ataq in Shabwah province in Yemen.

Staff (2022-01-11). 20 years of Gitmo an affront to 'all humanity,' never-charged ex-prisoner tells RT. rt.com Yemeni man who was thrown into notorious US prison in his late teens and spent over 14 years there pleads for its belated shutdown | The abuses and injustices committed at Guantanamo Bay military prison hurt not only people locked up there, but the world in general, former prisoner Mansoor Adayfi believes. He spoke to RT as the jail turned 20. | Adayfi was one of hundreds of Muslim men sent to the infamous US offshore detention facility under the George W. Bush administration only to be held for years without trial and subjected to torture and other forms of degrading treatment. | "As prisoners, we lost years…

Zahra Mirzafarjouyan (2022-01-11). Regional trips take place to strengthen neighborhood policy. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Jan. 11 (MNA) — Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian said that his two-day regional trip to Oman and Qatar is to strengthen the neighborhood policy of the Iranian administration.

Marzieh Rahmani (2022-01-11). P4+1, US hold meeting in Vienna to discuss proposed drafts. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Jan. 11 (MNA) — Russia's top negotiator in Vienna talks said that the P4+1 group has held a meeting with the US in the absence of Iran to discuss the proposed drafts.

Morteza Ahmadi Al Hashem (2022-01-11). Front pages of Iran's English dailies on January 11. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Jan. 11 (MNA) — Here are the front pages of Iran's English language dailies on Tuesday, January 11.

Morteza Ahmadi Al Hashem (2022-01-11). Briefing on Iran's daily developments. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Jan. 11 (MNA) — The following are the Islamic Republic of Iran's latest developments in the last 24 hours.

Marzieh Rahmani (2022-01-11). Headlines of Iran's Persian dailies on January 11. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Jan. 11 (MNA) — Mehr News Agency takes a look at the headlines of Iran's Persian-language dailies on Tuesday, January 11.

Zahra Mirzafarjouyan (2022-01-11). Iran, Cuba stress strengthening ties to counter US sanctions. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Jan. 11 (MNA) — In a meeting with the Cuban president, the Iranian Vice-President for Economic Affairs Mohsen Rezaei stressed the need to strengthen bilateral relations to counter Washington's sanctions.

Prensa Latina (2022-01-11). Expertos de ONU condenan abusos en ilegal base de Guantánamo. peoplesworld.org NACIONES UNIDAS, 10 ene (Prensa Latina) Un grupo de expertos en derechos humanos de la ONU condenó hoy los abusos cometidos en la cárcel de la Base Naval de Guantánamo, territorio que ocupa de forma ilegal Estados Unidos en Cuba. Por medio de un comunicado, los relatores independientes del organismo multilateral señalaron que en la …

Staff (2022-01-11). Autoridad electoral de Nicaragua juramenta a Daniel Ortega para nuevo periodo presidencial. cubadebate.cu La presidenta del Consejo Supremo Electoral de Nicaragua entregó este lunes a Daniel Ortega y a Rosario Murillo las credenciales como presidente y vicepresidenta para un nuevo periodo al frente del Ejecutivo de esa nación. Entre otros temas abordados en su intervención, Ortega reiteró el reclamo de cese de la política de bloqueo y sanciones contra Cuba y Venezuela.

Staff (2022-01-11). Las 3 del día: øQué particularidades ha tenido la conformación de equipos para la 61 SNB? (+Podcast). cubadebate.cu La serie nacional de béisbol número 61 se iniciará el 23 de enero en todo el país con la misma estructura de la anterior campaña. Desde la semana pasada se han ido conformando las nóminas. Para conocer más detalles tenemos en línea— vía WhatsApp— al comisionado nacional Juan Reinaldo Pérez. Acompáñenos en este swing informativo.

Amy Goodman (2022-01-11). Former Army Chaplain at Guantánamo Was Jailed There Himself. truthout.org Twenty years ago today, the U.S. military began imprisoning Muslim men at Guantánamo Bay in Cuba. We speak with the prison's former Muslim chaplain, James Yee, who was jailed and held in solitary confinement for 76 days after being falsely accused of espionage. All charges were eventually dropped, and he received an honorable discharge. Yee describes how boys as young as 12 to 15 years old were treated as enemy combatants on the prison complex and the widespread Islamophobia that put even Muslim Americans under…

Staff (2022-01-11). 2021, un año en el que Cuba reportó una alta actividad sísmica. cubadebate.cu Durante el año 2021, la actividad sísmica fue alta en Cuba, con 20 temblores perceptibles ocurridos principalmente en oriente, pero con reportes también en el centro y occidente del país, según los datos de la red de estaciones del Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Sismológicas (Cenais). La zona de Santiago-Baconao fue la más activa.

Staff (2022-01-11). Demandan justicia y reforma de agencias del orden en funeral de niña chilena muerta en operativo policial en EEUU. cubadebate.cu Familiares, amigos y defensores de los derechos civiles asistieron este lunes en Los àÅngeles al funeral de Valentina Orellana Peralta, quien murió por un disparo de un policía de la ciudad el pasado 23 de diciembre. El reverendo Al Sharpton pidió justicia para la adolescente chilena de 14 años y una reforma de las agencias policiales en EE.UU.

Staff (2022-01-11). Un campechano que dirige desde el Partido. cubadebate.cu Julio Bismar Hernández Vázquez, máximo dirigente político de La Sierpe, basa sus métodos de dirección en el vínculo abierto con el pueblo. Cuenta con simpatía cualquier historia. Tiene 47 años y es graduado de Medicina Veterinaria, una especialidad que no cambiaría por nada en el mundo y a la que aspira a regresar cuando deje su actual responsabilidad.

Staff (2022-01-11). Israel Rojas: Una pelea cubana por la inteligencia y el razonamiento (+ PDF). cubadebate.cu "Se está llegando a un punto en el que ya no es por lo que dices, sino por no decir nada. Por eso he alertado en mis redes sociales: 'Artista, creador, no creas que con no meterte estarás ileso; no, te va a llegar tu momento'", afirma el integrante de Buena Fe. "Que intenten matarte mediática y temporalmente no significa que puedan matarte (…) Te matan cuando te callas, cuando te logran transformar, cuando te logran confundir, cuando aprendes el discurso que quieren escuchar de ti".

Staff (2022-01-11). Boric anuncia que su gabinete será intergeneracional y de diversidad social. cubadebate.cu El presidente electo de Chile, Gabiel Boric, declaró este lunes que el gabinete que presentará antes de concluir enero será paritario, con representantes de varias generaciones "que están bregando por construir un país mejor" y con diversidad social. Boric asumirá su cargo el próximo 11 de marzo en sustitución de Sebastián Piñera.

Editor (2022-01-11). Cuba shows an alternative to Big Pharma hegemony through global solidarity. mronline.org Cuba puts people before profits — showing the world an alternative to the monopolistic practices of Big Pharma. It promotes a public health system, state-funded research and shows global solidarity through tech transfer and vaccine delivery to developing countries.

Staff (2022-01-11). AMLO contagiado nuevamente de covid-19, reporta "síntomas leves" cubadebate.cu El presidente de México, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, confirmó este lunes que ha contraído la covid-19 por segunda ocasión. "Informo a ustedes que estoy contagiado de #COVID19 y aunque los síntomas son leves, permaneceré en aislamiento y solo realizaré trabajo de oficina y me comunicaré de manera virtual hasta salir adelante", publicó en Twitter.

_____ (2022-01-10). US War Lobby Fuels Conflict In Russia, Ukraine, And Syria. popularresistance.org Douglas Macgregor, a retired US Army Colonel and former Pentagon senior advisor, analyzes the US-Russia standoff in Ukraine; the aftermath of the US withdrawal from Afghanistan; Trump's failure to act on 2016 campaign anti-interventionist rhetoric, only to surround himself with neocons; and the ongoing, overlooked US military occupation of Syria after the decade-long CIA dirty war. | "The Military Industrial Congressional Complex," Macgregor says, "seems to be more powerful than anyone who occupies the office of the presidency."ffice of the presidency."

Staff (2022-01-10). As Djokovic Leaves Australian Detention Hotel, Refugees Held There Urge World Not to Forget Them. democracynow.org As an Australian judge allows unvaccinated tennis star Novak Djokovic to be released from immigration detention amid controversy over his COVID vaccine exemption, we look at how his case has intensified international scrutiny over Australia's inhumane treatment of refugees jailed in the same rundown hotel. "No one is telling us when we get out of this indefinite detention," says Mehdi Ali, an Iranian refugee currently detained by the Australian government at the Park Hotel in Melbourne. We also speak with former Australian soccer player Craig Foster, who advocates for asylum seekers.

Asa Winstanley (2022-01-10). Israel's Elbit sells UK arms factory targeted by activists. electronicintifada.net Hailing victory, Palestine Action vows to continue disruptions at other sites.

WSWS (2022-01-10). Canton, Ohio police, district attorney, blame victim after body camera footage confirms cop shot James Williams without warning. wsws.org In a Saturday protest, family members and activists demanded justice for Williams, who was murdered by a still-unnamed Canton police officer less than 10 minutes into the New Year.

Editor (2022-01-10). "20 Years of US Torture and Counting": Report Details Post-9/11 Abuse at Gitmo and Beyond. scheerpost.com Amnesty International activists dressed in orange jumpsuits and hoods, representing the 39 men still held in the Guantanamo Bay detention camp, marched from London's Parliament Square to Trafalgar Square on January 8, 2022. (Photo: Thomas Krych/SOPA Images/LightRocket via Getty Images) | By Jessica Corbett / A report released Sunday, nearly 20 years after the first prisoners arrived at Naval Station Guantánamo Bay, details "systematic abuses carried out by the United St…

Staff (2022-01-10). Anti-vax group decries new restrictions warning (VIDEO). rt.com Anti-lockdown protesters march through Copenhagen, Denmark | Black-clad activists marched through Denmark's capital Copenhagen on Sunday, decrying anti-Covid rules. The protest took place after the prime minister warned of new restrictions. | Protesters from the activist group Men in Black marched through central Copenhagen exactly one year after they held their first official demonstration in the city. The group promoted the march on social media as "democratic resistance to the epidemic law and the government's attack on our freedoms." | The activists carried a large banner reading "No to the epidemic law,"

Medea Benjamin (2022-01-10). Hey, Hey, USA! How Many Bombs Did You Drop Today? zcomm.org The U.S. and its allies have dropped 46 bombs and missiles per day on other countries for the past twenty years, all the while promoting the myth that U.S. militarism is a force for good in the world…

Morteza Ahmadi Al Hashem (2022-01-10). Amir-Abdollahian meets with Yemen chief negotiator in Muscat. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Jan. 10 (MNA) — Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian met and held talks with Chief Negotiator of Yemen's National Salvation Government Mohammed AbdulSalam in Omani capital Muscat on Monday evening.

Marzieh Rahmani (2022-01-10). Saudi fighters bomb Saada, Amran provinces of Yemen. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Jan. 10 (MNA) — Fighters of the Saudi-led coalition bombed various areas in the Yemeni provinces of Saada and Amran on Monday morning.

teleSUR, yart – (2022-01-10). Irán manifiesta descontento por las negociaciones en Viena. telesurtv.net El portavoz de la Cancillería reafirmó el deseo de Teherán de alcanzar un acuerdo sólido y confiable.

Staff (2022-01-10). Taliban hails talks with Iranian officials as 'constructive'. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Jan. 10 (MNA) — Taliban Deputy Spokesman Ahmadullah Wasiq said that the Taliban delegation's talks with Iranian officials in Tehran were "constructive".

Marzieh Rahmani (2022-01-10). Hatami to chair jury of Vesoul Film Fest of Asian Cinemas. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Jan. 10 (MNA) — Iranian prominent actress Leila Hatami will chair jury members of the 26th Vesoul International Film Festival of Asian Cinema in France.

Zahra Mirzafarjouyan (2022-01-10). Amir-Abdollahian departs for Muscat to meet Omani officials. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Jan. 10 (MNA) — Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian left Tehran for Muscat on Monday morning to meet with Omani officials.

Zahra Mirzafarjouyan (2022-01-10). Iran seeking stable, reliable agreement in Vienna. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Jan. 10 (MNA) — Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman said that Iran is seeking a stable and reliable agreement, and no agreement that does not have these two components is on the negotiating team's agenda.

Staff (2022-01-10). Tehran province's exports up by 40% in 9 months. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Jan. 11 (MNA) — Head of Tehran's provincial industrial office said that during the first nine months of the year 1400 in Iranian calendar (March 21, Dec 21, 2021), Tehran's exports increased by 40% in comparison to the same period last year.

Staff (2022-01-10). Iran, UN stress development of environmental coop. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Jan. 10 (MNA) — Head of the Department of Environment of Iran stressed the need for environmental cooperation of the international community with the country.

Morteza Ahmadi Al Hashem (2022-01-10). Iran's Bagheri Kani meets Mora, Ulyanov in Vienna. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Jan. 10 (MNA) — Iran's chief negotiator Ali Bagheri Kani held talks with Deputy Secretary-General of European External Action Service Enrique Mora and Russia's envoy in Vienna talks Mikhail Ulyanov at Hotel Coburg on Monday evening.

David Swanson (2022-01-10). Talk World Radio: Robert Fantina on Iran and Non-Agreements. warisacrime.org AUDIO: Talk World Radio is recorded as audio and video on Riverside.fm, unless we can't get it to work and then it's recorded on Zoom. Here is this week's video and all the videos on Youtube. VIDEO: This week on Talk World Radio, we're talking about the difficulty the U.S. government has in ceasing to …

Marzieh Rahmani (2022-01-10). Headlines of Iran's Persian dailies on January 10. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Jan. 10 (MNA) — Mehr News Agency takes a look at the headlines of Iran's Persian-language dailies on Monday, January 10.

Morteza Ahmadi Al Hashem (2022-01-10). Pakistani publisher releases book on martyr Gen. Soleimani. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Jan. 10 (MNA) — Seyyed Hassan Reza Naghavi is a publisher who published a book entitled "School Soldier" which narrates about Iran's top general Martyr Lt. Gen. Qassem Soleimani who played a leading role in the fight against terrorism.

Zahra Mirzafarjouyan (2022-01-10). Front pages of Iran's English dailies on January 10. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Jan. 10 (MNA) — Here are the front pages of Iran's English language dailies on Monday, January 10.

teleSUR, yart – (2022-01-10). Irán manifiesta descontento por las negociaciones en Viena. telesurtv.net El portavoz de la Cancillería reafirmó el deseo de Teherán de alcanzar un acuerdo sólido y confiable.

Morteza Ahmadi Al Hashem (2022-01-10). Briefing on Iran's daily developments. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Jan. 10 (MNA) — The following are the Islamic Republic of Iran's latest developments in the last 24 hours.

Kamal Iranidoost (2022-01-10). FM Amir-Abdolahian holds meeting with Iranians in Muscat. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Jan. 10 (MNA) — Foreign Minister Amir-Abdolahian held a meeting with the Iranians residing in Oman on Monday evening.

Staff (2022-01-10). Entregan los Globos de Oro 2022. cubadebate.cu Los Globos de Oro fueron entregados este domingo sin glamour ni pomposidad, en medio de una tormentosa controversia que provocó que la ceremonia se celebrara en privado. La cadena NBC no transmitió la actividad, luego de señalamientos por falta de diversidad entre el jurado de la Asociación de Prensa Extranjera de Hollywood.

Staff (2022-01-10). Sesenta años con Cuba, por Cuba y para Cuba. cubadebate.cu Acunada en el vientre patriótico de la Revolución cubana, alimentada de su ideario de emancipación y justicia social, asociada a un centro de altos estudios que se pintaba de negro, de mulato, de campesino, de obrero haciendo suyo el devenir del proceso revolucionario, nació un 10 de enero de 1962 la entonces Escuela y hoy Facultad de Psicología de la Universidad de La Habana. Nacida con un doble vínculo de cubanía: nació en Cuba, y nació con Cuba.

teleSUR, HIM, JL (2022-01-10). Cuba supera el 86% de su población vacunada contra la Covid-19. telesurtv.net Hasta el 7 de enero las autoridades del Minsap señalaron que se han aplicado 31.344.582 dosis de los fármacos Soberana 02, Soberana Plus y Abdala.

Staff (2022-01-10). Sesenta años con Cuba, por Cuba y para Cuba. cubadebate.cu Acunada en el vientre patriótico de la Revolución cubana, alimentada de su ideario de emancipación y justicia social, asociada a un centro de altos estudios que se pintaba de negro, de mulato, de campesino, de obrero haciendo suyo el devenir del proceso revolucionario, nació un 10 de enero de 1962 la entonces Escuela y hoy Facultad de Psicología de la Universidad de La Habana. Nacida con un doble vínculo de cubanía: nació en Cuba, y nació con Cuba.

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