2023-04-30: News Headlines

Anonymous103 (2023-04-30). War Crimes In Bakhmut: Ukrainians Blow Up Houses With Civilians. southfront.org

the Odessa Solidarity Campaign, Popular Resistance. (2023-04-30). Statement On The Ninth Anniversary Of The Odessa Massacre. popularresistance.org Each year, the Odessa Solidarity Campaign has promoted actions on May 2 to mark the date in 2014 when a right-wing mob led by openly fascist organizations murdered at least 42 anti-fascists at the House of Trade Unions in Odessa, Ukraine. | The Odessa Massacre took place just a few months after the violent coup that replaced a pro-Russian president with a pro-U.S. one. Not surprisingly, the U.S. was heavily involved in promoting the coup. | Today Ukraine has an authoritarian government that openly collaborates with neo-Nazi organizations, incorporating them into its military and promoting the memory of Ukrainian…

Rick Rozoff (2023-04-30). Estonia: NATO absorbs national forces on Russia's northwest border. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com NATOMultinational Corps NortheastApril 27, 2023 Estonia transfers its newly established Division to Multinational Corps Northeast On April 26-27, Lieutenant General Jàºrgen-Joachim von Sandrart, Commander Multinational Corps Northeast (MNC NE), visited Estonia. While in Tallinn and Tapa, he met with the Estonian Division's leadership and NATO's Allies and Partners. The establishment of a new divisional structure …

Mitchell Plitnick (2023-04-30). Israel Says It Should Mediate Peace in Sudan, the Sudanese People Disagree. truthout.org Last Monday, Israel offered to mediate the conflict between the leaders of Sudan's two warring factions: army chief and de facto ruler of the country, Gen. Abdul Fattah al-Burhan and Rapid Support Forces (RSF) head Gen. Mohamed Hamdan Dagalo, known as Hemedti. Israel is in a good position to act as mediator between the two power-grabbing generals, as they have built strong relationships with both… |

ecns.cn (2023-04-30). China sends navy vessels to evacuate nationals from Sudan. ecns.cn Two Chinese navy vessels successfully evacuated Chinese and foreign nationals from the conflict-plagued African nation of Sudan on Thursday.

Anonymous103 (2023-04-30). In Video 18+: Close Range Fire In Bakhmut Trenches. southfront.org

Anonymous103 (2023-04-30). War Crime: Ukraine Uses Chemical Weapons In Bakhmut. southfront.org

Larry Johnson (2023-04-30). A Weekend Wrap Up — China, Ukraine and Other Items of Interest. sonar21.com I usually try to drill down on one issue. Not today. There are several items that may not warrant a full article but merit your attention and commentary. CHINA and…

Anonymous103 (2023-04-30). Shaping A 21st-Century World Order: The Nation-State VS The Civilizational State. southfront.org Illustrative Image | Written by James M. Dorsey | US President Joe Biden positions the Ukraine war as a battle between autocracy and democracy. That reduces what is at stake in the war. The stakes constitute a fundamental building block of a new 21st-century world order: the nature of the state. | Russia's invasion of Ukraine represents the sharp end of the rise of a critical mass of world leaders who think in civilizational rather than national terms. They imagine the ideational and/or physical boundaries of their countri…

Anonymous103 (2023-04-30). Four Civilians Killed By Ukrainian Shelling In Russian Bryansk Region. southfront.org Click to see full-size image | On the night of April 30, the Armed Forces of Ukraine shelled the the Russian village of Suzemka in the border Bryansk region. The Governor of the region reported that a civilian house was destroyed and set on fire as a result of the attack. | As a result of the shelling, a family died in the house. On the eve, a woman was celebrating her birthday and welcomed several guests in her house. At night, her house was hit. The second floor of the house and the sauna located nearby were destro…

_____ (2023-04-30). What China Is Really Playing at in Ukraine. strategic-culture.org Beijing is fully aware the NATO proxy war against Russia in Ukraine is the un-dissociable double of the U.S. war against its Belt and Road Initiative. | Imagine President Xi Jinping mustering undiluted Taoist patience to suffer through a phone call with that warmongering actor in a sweaty T-shirt in Kiev while attempting to teach him a few facts of life — complete with the promise of sending a high-level Chinese delegation to Ukraine to discuss "peace". | There's way more than meets the discerning eye obscured by this spun-to-death diplomatic "victory" — at least from the point of view of NATOstan.

David Finkel (2023-04-30). From Ukraine to Palestine: The Poisons of Denialism. internationalviewpoint.org "The left must not be diverted: First and foremost in Ukraine and Palestine, the struggle is about the rights of peoples and nations, and the poisonous consequences when those rights are denied." | – | / | <...

_____ (2023-04-30). Investigation Details How Gas Industry Exploited Ukraine War to Boost LNG Expansion. strategic-culture.org In what it calls "one of the most blatant examples of the 'shock doctrine,'" a new Greenpeace report released today reveals how the gas industry took advantage of Russia's invasion of Ukraine to lock Europe and the U.S. into building new liquefied natural gas (LNG) infrastructure that threatens the well-being of both frontline communities and the entire planet.

Tim Donaghy, Greenpeace. (2023-04-30). Report: US Liquefied Gas Flooding Europe. popularresistance.org The oil and gas industry has moved quickly to take advantage of the disruptions caused by Russia's invasion of Ukraine. In 2022, a surge of shipments of liquefied natural gas (LNG) from the United States was redirected to Europe in order to replace Russian pipeline gas and secure supplies for the European winter. By taking advantage of this short-term energy crisis, the industry has also secured financing and begun construction on numerous LNG terminals on both sides of the Atlantic that are designed to operate for decades to come.

Anonymous103 (2023-04-30). Military Situation In Syria On April 30, 2023 (Map Update). southfront.org Click to see full-size image | On April 29, Russia reported that Idlib militants violated the ceasefire regime in Greater Idlib 3 times: 1 — in Idlib province, 2 — in Latakia province; | On April 29, Zhai Jun, the Special Envoy of the Chinese Government to the Middle East met with Syrian President, Bashar Al-Asad, in Damascus and discussed bilateral relations between the two countries; | Iran's President, Ebrahim Raisi will travel to Syria on May 3 to meet with Syrian officials, according to…

Anonymous669 (2023-04-30). Russian Lancet Drones Decimate Five More Howitzers Of Kiev Forces (Videos). southfront.org MOSCOW REGION, RUSSIA — JUNE 25, 2019: A ZALA Lancet-3 attack drone developed by Kalashnikov Concern on display at the Army 2019 International Military Technical Forum at Patriot Park. Marina Lystseva/TASS | The Russian military continues to hunt down Ukrainian howitzers in the special operation zone with Lancet loitering munitions. | Between April 28 and 30, videos surfaced online showing recent Lancet strikes against an American-made M777 towed 155 mm howitzer, a Soviet-made 2A36 Giatsint-B to…

Anonymous103 (2023-04-30). Military Situation In Donbass On April 30, 2023 (Map Update). southfront.org Click to see full-size image | A warehouse of artillery ammunition of the 54th mechanized Brigade and the command post of the 81st Ukrainian airmobile brigade of the AFU were destroyed near Belogorovka in the LPR; | An echelon with up to 200 tons of ammunition for the AFU was destroyed at the railway station near Kramatorsk in the DPR, according to the Russian Defense Ministry; | Russian forces struck Ukrainian positions near Ugledar; | Clashes between Russian forces and the…

Anonymous103 (2023-04-30). BREAKING: Russian Massive Strikes Hit Ukrainian Military In Dnepropetrovsk Region. southfront.org Click to see full-size image | Russian forces have launched another massive attack on Ukrainian military facilities far from the front line. So far, Russian strikes have been reported in the city of Pavlograd in the Ukrainian Dnipropetrovsk region. | Russian missiles and kamikaze UAVs were reportedly used for the attack. | According to preliminary reports, at least eight explosions have already thundered in the city. The targets were reportedly the warehouses and in the industrial zone. Damage to trains and railway…

Anonymous669 (2023-04-30). Kalibr-Armed Frigate To Lead Russian Force In Mediterranean Sea. southfront.org Admiral Gorshkov Russian frigate, 10 July 2018. Source: the Russian Ministry of Defense. http: //–º—É–ª—å—Ç–∏–º–µ–¥–∏–∞.–º–∏–Ω–æ–±–æ—Ä–æ–Ω—ã.—Ä—Ñ/multimedia/photo/gallery.htm?id=59002@cmsPhotoGallery | The Admiral Gorshkov frigate o…

Anonymous669 (2023-04-30). Russian Pilots Attempted To 'Dogfight' U.S. Fighter Jets Over Syria: Air Force. southfront.org File image. | Russian pilots have begun buzzing American fighter jets over Syria in an apparent attempt to start a dogfight, United States Air Forces Central (AFCENT) commander Lieutenant General Alexus Grynkewich told the publication Defense One on April 29. | According to the commander, Russian pilots are "increasingly bellicose" in their approach and "aggressively maneuvering, almost like they're trying to dogfight."Our protocols would say we're supposed to stay … several mile…

thecommunists (2023-04-30). The quiet revolution: peace breaking out all over the middle east. thecommunists.org After half a century of failed 'peace initiatives', 'road maps', 'deals of the century' and 'shuttle diplomacy', peace appears to be breaking out all over the middle east — without any help at all from Uncle Sam. It seems that the biggest contribution to peace that can be made by the United States is via …

John Perry, Jill Clark-Gollub, Council on Hemispheric Affairs. (2023-04-30). Nicaragua: A History Of US Intervention And Resistance. popularresistance.org The latest book by labor and human rights attorney, Daniel Kovalik, Nicaragua: A History of US Intervention and Resistance (2023, Clarity Press, 292 pages), is a worthy addition to the author's collection of works on countries targeted by US imperialism, such as Venezuela, Russia, and Iran. While giving readers a thoughtful and much fuller picture than one can glean from the corporate media, this volume tells an engaging tale based on personal experience and extensive research. | Dan Kovalik's love for Nicaragua is not only palpable, but very important in the telling of his story from a perspective shared by many…

Marjorie Cohn (2023-04-30). Biden Hypocritically Slams Arrest of US Journalist in Russia But Pursues Assange. truthout.org May 3, 2023, will mark the 30th anniversary of World Press Freedom Day, which the United Nations established to remind governments about the need to respect their commitment to freedom of the press. But as the Biden administration proclaims the centrality of press freedom globally, its hypocrisy in pursuing journalist and publisher Julian Assange is stunning. The Biden administration recently… |

ecns.cn (2023-04-30). Rehearsal of Victory Day parade held in Moscow. ecns.cn Russia will hold military parades to commemorate the 78th anniversary of the Soviet victory in the Great Patriotic War on May 9.

Jesús Inojosa (2023-04-30). Venezuela Requests Chile and Peru Respect for Migrants' Human Rights, Negotiates for Repatriation Flights. orinocotribune.com

Kerry Smith (2023-04-30). Palestinian trade unions call for worldwide action to end Israeli apartheid. greenleft.org.au Palestinian trade unions are urging the international labour movement to take action in support the Palestinian-led movement against Israeli occupation, colonisation and apartheid, reports Kerry Smith.

ecns.cn (2023-04-30). Workers honored with May 1 Labor Medals. ecns.cn China honored 1,035 workers with National May 1 Labor Medals on Thursday for their outstanding work performance and contributions to the nation's manufacturing and industrial development.

Anonymous669 (2023-04-30). Senior ISIS Leader Killed In Turkish-Occupied Northern Syria Town — Reports. southfront.org Click to see full-size image. Via Twitter. | Early on April 29, a senior commander of ISIS was reportedly killed in the northern Syrian town of Jindires, which is occupied by the Turkish military and its proxies. | Some Syrian activists said that the commander was killed when his hideout was hit by a drone strike, suggesting that the United States-led coalition was behind the assassination. However, other activists said that the commander blew himself up after Turkish special force…

Dave DeCamp (2023-04-30). Israeli Airstrikes Hit Syria, Three Civilians Reported Wounded. news.antiwar.com Israeli airstrikes hit targets near the western Syrian city of Homs early Saturday morning. According to the Syrian news agency SANA, three civilians were wounded in the strikes. A civilian fuel station caught fire and a number of tankers and trucks burned as a result of the strike. "The Israeli enemy carried out an air …

Monisha Rios, Black Agenda Report. (2023-04-30). The Toxic Legacy Of US Foreign Policy In Vieques, Puerto Rico. popularresistance.org Puerto Ricans had no say in the U.S. war of conquest with Spain over its colonial possessions or in the Treaty of Paris that dictated they were to become the property of a new empire. The United States acted according to a well-crafted strategic narrative of white saviorism and American exceptionalism without concern for the people whose land it stole. It wanted to further its control to the south and east via its expansionist foreign policy — and it needed to extend military power beyond its violently acquired borders to do so; the Monroe Doctrine of 1823, known as the cornerstone of U.S. foreign policy, p…

Greg Wilpert, Venezuelanalysis. (2023-04-30). One Of Venezuela's Fifth Republic's Most Important Women: Tibisay Lucena. popularresistance.org Few women — if any — in Venezuela's "Fifth Republic" (as the Chávez and post-Chávez era is known) left as significant a mark on the country's history as Tibisay Lucena, who died of cancer on April 12, 2023, at the age of 63. Her main accomplishment was that during the 14 years as president of Venezuela's National Electoral Council (CNE), she fundamentally reformed the country's electoral system to make it one of the most fraud-proof systems in the world. | I first met Tibisay in 1997, well before Chávez became president of Venezuela, while she was studying for an M.A. and Ph.D. in sociology at the New…

_____ (2023-04-30). Reminder: The Media Once Bashed Trump for Transgressing the One-China Policy the U.S. Now Spits on. strategic-culture.org

ecns.cn (2023-04-30). Xi presides over meeting on economic work. ecns.cn Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, on Friday presided over a meeting of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee to analyze current economic situation and economic work.

Dave DeCamp (2023-04-30). US Reaffirms It Will Go to War If Philippine Boats Come Under Attack in the South China Sea. news.antiwar.com The State Department has reaffirmed that an attack on a Philippine vessel in the South China Sea will invoke the US-Philippine Mutual Defense Treaty following a near miss between Chinese and Philippine coast guard vessels in the disputed waters. The stand-off took place on April 23 when Manila says a larger Chinese ship blocked a …

Dave DeCamp (2023-04-30). Iran's Tanker Seizure Came After the US Stole a Shipment of Iranian Oil. news.antiwar.com Iran's recent seizure of a US-bound oil tanker came after the Biden administration forced a tanker carrying Iranian oil to deliver the cargo to the US instead of China, Financial Times reported Friday. Using the pretext of sanctions enforcement, the US Justice Department seized the tanker Suez Rajan with a court order with the cooperation …

channelnewsasia (2023-04-30). Chinese man who reported on COVID-19 to be released after 3 years. channelnewsasia.com

channelnewsasia (2023-04-30). Philippine leader travels to US to bolster ties amid China tensions. channelnewsasia.com

channelnewsasia (2023-04-30). China manufacturing activity unexpectedly cools in April. channelnewsasia.com

channelnewsasia (2023-04-30). China non-manufacturing activity expands more slowly in April – official PMI. channelnewsasia.com

channelnewsasia (2023-04-30). Chess-China's Ding Liren defies odds to become world champion. channelnewsasia.com

ecns.cn (2023-04-30). Tibet enjoys social stability, ethnic solidarity and religious harmony: FM spokeswoman. ecns.cn China's Tibet Autonomous Region enjoys social stability, economic development, ethnic solidarity and religious harmony. People there lead a happy life and historic progress has been made in the human rights cause, Foreign Ministry spokeswoman said on Friday.

ecns.cn (2023-04-30). Limiting exports to China in the name of reducing dependency is not constructive: FM spokeswoman. ecns.cn Economic and trade cooperation is mutually beneficial, and China is an important market for semi-conductors, said Mao Ning, a spokeswoman for the ministry, at the daily news briefing.

ecns.cn (2023-04-30). China firmly rejects U.S. law enforcement agencies over the indictment of Chinese police: FM spokesperson. ecns.cn China firmly rejects U.S. law enforcement agencies over the indictment of Chinese police and has lodged stern representation and strong objection with the U.S. side through diplomatic and law enforcement channels, Chinese FM spokesperson Mao Ning said on Thursday.

ecns.cn (2023-04-30). China's high speed railway the most comfortable in the world, says former UN official. ecns.cn After taking China's high-speed rail, former UN Environment Executive Director and Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations Erik Solheim indicated that there is no more wonderful way of traveling than going by Chinese high-speed rail, adding that it's the most comfortable train in the world.

ecns.cn (2023-04-30). Xiamen plans to ban pedestrians from using their mobile phones while crossing the road. ecns.cn In mid-April, the draft regulation on zebra crossing safety management in Xiamen Special Economic Zone was submitted to the 12th meeting of the Standing Committee of the 16th Xiamen Municipal People's Congress in east China's Fujian Province.

ecns.cn (2023-04-30). China seeks border situation with India under 'regular control'. ecns.cn State Councilor and Defense Minister Li Shangfu met with his Indian counterpart Rajnath Singh in New Delhi on Thursday, as he called on both sides to promote the China-India border situation to "be under regular control at an early date".

Anonymous103 (2023-04-30). Military Situation In Yemen On April 30, 2023 (Map Update). southfront.org Click to see full-size image | The Liaison and Coordination Officers' Operations Room (loyal to Ansar Allah) reported 105 ceasefire violations in al-Hudaydah in the past 24 hours; | On April 30, a civilian was seriously wounded as a result of the Saudi artillery attack on the border areas of Shada district; | On April 29, the British Navy forces killed a member of the Yemeni Coast Guard on the coast of Al-Mahra province in the Ras Fartak area; | On April 28, three boats carrying four passengers raided…

Anonymous669 (2023-04-30). Syrian, Arab Foreign Ministers To Hold Talks In Jordan. southfront.org Syria flag (flickr). | Foreign ministers of Syria, Egypt, Iraq, Saudi Arabia and Jordan are set to meet on May 1 in the Jordanian capital of Amman to continue consultations on Syria's return to the Arab League, the Jordanian Foreign Ministry announced on April 30. | The meeting follows a similar gathering held in the Saudi city of Jeddah early this month and "builds on the contacts that these countries made with the Syrian government", Sinan Majali, a spokesman for the ministry, said. | S…

Francisco Dominguez (2023-04-30). The Monroe Doctrine: 200 Years Too Long. orinocotribune.com By Francisco Dominguez — April 19, 2023 | In December 2023, the infamous Monroe Doctrine will be 200 years old. For some people, the name refers simply to a long and complex foreign policy document with constitutional status, but it is far more than that. | In his seventh annual message to Congress, US President James Monroe used six minutes of his hour-long speech to espouse his future plan for the continent, then in the midst of a war of liberation from Spanish colonial domination. This six-minute vision became known as the Monroe Doctrine. | By 1823 most of Latin America had successfully declared independ…

Susie Day (2023-04-30). Remembering Akbar, Iran, and Other Gnarly Things Like Revolution. counterpunch.org

Cynthia Papermaster (2023-04-30). Friday 4/28: Cancelled! Film Premiere "SF Rage Against the War Machine", Berkeley. indybay.org East Bay Media Center, 1939 Addison St., Berkeley…

John Quelch (2023-04-30). Anti-war protesters keep up the pressure on Richard Marles. greenleft.org.au Retired Lt Col Lance Collins, a former second in charge of the Australian Army Intelligence Division, said Australia's military integration into the US war machine had grown in recent years. John Quelch reports.

Ana Luisa Brown (2023-04-30). Cuba to host 19th Ernest Hemingway International Colloquium. plenglish.com Havana, Apr 30 (Prensa Latina) The 19th Ernest Hemingway International Colloquium will be held from May 3 to 5 at the Universal Art Building of the National Museum of Fine Arts, within the framework of the First International Congress on Cultural Heritage.

channelnewsasia (2023-04-30). Four missing after dive boat sinks at Philippine reef. channelnewsasia.com

scorinoco (2023-04-30). Has Nicolás Maduro Become a Neoliberal? orinocotribune.com By Thierry Deronne — Apr 28, 2023 | In various sectors of the Venezuelan opposition, in the mainstream media or in the usual middle-class "political science trotskyist" circles, a new chant is circulating. The slow exit from the Western blockade is due to the fact that Nicolas Maduro has finally "embraced capitalism" or "taken a neoliberal turn." For Alberto Barrera Tyszka of the New York Times (1), neoliberalism is even the economic arm of Maduro's "dictatorship." | The "evidence" varies: from images of posh neighborhoods in Caracas with ostentatious stores, restaurants and luxury casinos, to job offers on…

Franco Vielma (2023-04-30). Latest Updates on Venezuela's Economic Dynamics. orinocotribune.com By Franco Vielma — Apr 28, 2023 | Venezuela's economy has continued to grow during 2023, but at a much slower pace compared to the first quarter of 2022. | Economic activity continues to have crude oil production as a key indicator. During 2023, the production of barrels has grown by only 5%, and part of this increase is due to the joint work of Petróleos de Venezuela SA (PDVSA) with the US multinational Chevron under the joint venture scheme. | This means that the general oil activity and the various projects of PDVSA remain stagnant, largely due to the operational shortcomings caused by the blockade agains…

teleSUR, nama, JDO (2023-04-30). Arriban a Arabia Saudita cerca de 1.900 evacuados desde Sudán. telesurtv.net Fuentes saudíes cifran en 4.879 las personas que habrían abandonado Sudán usando los mecanismos ofrecidos por Riad.

teleSUR, SH (2023-04-30). Demandan garantías para venezolanos varados entre Perú y Chile. telesurtv.net El canciller venezolano, indicó que ha establecido contactos con las cancillerías Perú y Chile para permitir que los venezolanos puedan ser repatriados.

Staff (2023-04-30). Asistirán a FITCuba casi 400 turoperadores españoles. cubadebate.cu El aeropuerto de Barajas era este domingo un hervidero con la presencia de 389 agentes de viaje españoles, que tomarán parte en una convención y en la Feria de Turismo de Cuba, según informa la agencia Prensa Latina. Participarán en una convención hasta el 7 de mayo y asistirán también a la mayor bolsa de turismo de la isla caribeña.

Staff (2023-04-30). Cuba recibe a más de mil extranjeros para las actividades por el 1ro de Mayo. cubadebate.cu La solidaridad, la lucha contra el bloqueo económico, comercial y financiero de Estados Unidos y el reclamo de la eliminación de la nación caribeña de la lista países que supuestamente patrocinan el terrorismo, son motivaciones que aúnan a representantes de sindicatos foráneos y movimientos de respaldo a la isla.

Staff (2023-04-30). Cambio de tiempo en el occidente. cubadebate.cu Estará parcialmente nublado durante la madrugada y se nublará desde la mañana en la región occidental, con chubascos, lluvias y tormentas eléctricas, las que disminuirán desde la tarde en Pinar del Río. En el resto del archipiélago amanecerá con poca nubosidad y estará parcialmente nublado la tarde, con aisladas lluvias en la región central, siendo escasas en el resto del país.

Staff (2023-04-30). Unión Eléctrica prevé afectaciones de 180 MW en el horario pico. cubadebate.cu Se estima para la hora pico una disponibilidad de 2640 MW y una demanda máxima de 2750 MW, para un déficit de 110 MW, por lo que de mantenerse las condiciones previstas se pronostica una afectación de 180 MW en este horario.

Staff (2023-04-30). Fiscalía presenta más de 5 mil pruebas contra Keiko Fujimori. cubadebate.cu La fiscal adjunta del Equipo Especial del caso Lava Jato, Paulina del Rocío Roque, ha presentado de manera oral unas 5.900 pruebas que propone utilizar en el juicio contra Keiko Fujimori, la actual líder de Fuerza Popular, así como 49 coacusados, por un delito de lavado de activos.

Staff (2023-04-30). La Tira de los Lectores: Una foto en mi trabajo. cubadebate.cu Hace unos días la convocamos y hoy regresa La Tira de los Lectores, dedicada a los puestos de trabajo. Recuerda que puedes comunicarte con nosotros a través del correo comentacubadebate@gmail.com o mediante nuestros perfiles en redes sociales.

Staff (2023-04-30). Colombia no participará en la Serie del Caribe 2024. cubadebate.cu Colombia no tendrá representante en la próxima Serie del Caribe, que se disputará en Miami, Estados Unidos a principios de 2024, debido a las exigencias económicas de los organizadores. Aunque Colombia y Panamá estuvieron asistiendo en calidad de invitados a las pasadas ediciones de la Serie, ahora les exigen $200.000 dólares para participar.

Staff (2023-04-30). V Juegos del ALBA: Gana Venezuela y Cuba queda segunda. cubadebate.cu El anfitrión Venezuela ganó este sábado los V Juegos Deportivos del ALBA, con 255 preseas de oro, 254 de plata y 226 de bronce, seguida por Cuba (76-65-53) y la nación invitada Rusia (30-22-9), en ese orden, certamen multidisciplinario que reunió a 3 500 atletas de 11 países en 33 deportes. Por Cuba, participaron 263 deportistas, la mayoría jóvenes, en 22 disciplinas.

Staff (2023-04-30). Roki Sasaki iguala récord de velocidad en Liga Japonesa de Béisbol con Shohei Ohtani. cubadebate.cu El pitcher japonés Roki Sasaki, en su último juego, igualó un récord impresionante en la Liga Japonesa de Béisbol. Durante la quinta entrada del partido entre los Chiba Lotte Mariners y Orix Buffaloes, Sasaki lanzó una recta que llegó a 165 km/h, empatando la marca de Shohei Ohtani. El bateador rival apenas pudo conectar un débil foul hacia atrás.

Staff (2023-04-30). Fitcuba 2023, vital para la recuperación paulatina del turismo. cubadebate.cu Previo al inicio de la Feria Internacional de Turismo, que sesionará del 1ro. al 5 de mayo próximo, el primer ministro chequeó este sábado las áreas que acogerán el evento, cuya inauguración coincide con el Día Internacional de los Trabajadores. Esta edición de la Feria estará dedicada a la cultura y el patrimonio, y ya han confirmado la asistencia más de 573 turoperadores internacionales.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-04-30). Clausuran en Venezuela los V Juegos Deportivos del Alba. telesurtv.net Entregan reconocimientos a las delegaciones de Venezuela, Cuba y Rusia, que ocuparon los primeros lugares de la competición.

Staff (2023-04-30). FC Barcelona golea al Betis y ratifica su candidatura al título de la Liga española. cubadebate.cu El FC Barcelona ratificó hoy su liderato en la Liga española de fútbol, luego de golear 4-0 a Betis. En el encuentro sobresalió el gol de Lewandowski, quien no anotaba en el Camp Nou desde el 19 de febrero contra el Cádiz. El equipo de Xavi ha sido el más regular del campeonato, los números no engañan. Tres derrotas en 32 partidos y sólo 11 goles en contra ratifican su calidad.

Staff (2023-04-30). Morales Ojeda llega a Ciudad Ho Chi Minh e inicia así su visita oficial a Vietnam. cubadebate.cu El miembro del Buró Político y secretario de Organización del Comité Central del Partido Comunista de Cuba (PCC), Dr. Roberto Morales Ojeda, inició hoy una visita oficial a Vietnam por Ciudad Ho Chi Minh, en el día de la victoria, a 48 años del Día de Liberación del Sur y Reunificación Nacional.

Staff (2023-04-30). Cuba y Rusia fortalecen lazos de cooperación. cubadebate.cu El mandatario cubano, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez recibió en la tarde de este sábado al presidente de la Duma Estatal de la Asamblea Federal de la Federación de Rusia, Viacheslav Volodin, quien realiza una visita oficial a nuestro país como respuesta a una invitación hecha por su homólogo Esteban Lazo Hernández. Volodin agradeció la deferencia del presidente cubano de sostener este encuentro.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-04-30). Destacan solidez de lazos bilaterales entre Irán e Iraq. telesurtv.net Presidente iraquí visita Teherán. Denuncian la presencia de fuerzas estadounidenses en Oriente Medio como una amenaza a la seguridad regional.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-04-30). Se posponen en Cuba actividades por el Día de los Trabajadores. telesurtv.net Inclemencias climatológicas obligan a aplazar la celebración del 1 de Mayo para el viernes 5, cuando los trabajadores realizarán sus desfiles y concentraciones.

Staff (2023-04-30). Evalúa ministro de Energía y Minas trabajos en empresa petrolera de Mayabeque. cubadebate.cu El ministro de Energía y Minas Vicente de la O Levy chequeó este sábado los trabajos realizados en la Empresa de Perforación y Extracción de Petróleo Occidente, ubicada en Santa Cruz del Norte, provincia Mayabeque. Sus yacimientos e instalaciones se encuentran en todas las provincias occidentales. Abarca desde Pinar del Río hasta los límites de Habana- Matanzas.

teleSUR, rzr, SH (2023-04-30). Bombardeo israelí deja tres heridos en la ciudad siria de Homs. telesurtv.net Israel lanzó varios misiles, de los cuales algunos fueron interceptados por las fuerzas antiaéreas del país árabe.

teleSUR, nama, JDO (2023-04-30). Recibe presidente de Cuba a titular de la Duma Estatal rusa. telesurtv.net Vicepresidenta del parlamento, Ana María Mari, recibió a la delegación rusa en el aeropuerto internacional José Martí.

Staff (2023-04-30). Abren las urnas para elecciones generales en Paraguay. cubadebate.cu Más de 4,7 millones de paraguayos están convocados este domingo a las urnas con dos opciones principales en la boleta: la propuesta de cambio de Concertación Nacional o sigue perpetuado el Partido Colorado, con casi 76 años en el poder.

Staff (2023-04-30). Qué trae la prensa cubana, domingo 30 de abril de 2023. cubadebate.cu

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