Daily Archives: March 23, 2023

2023-03-23: News Headlines

Joe Piette (2023-03-23). Protests denounce U.S.-NATO wars. workers.org Washington, D.C. Over 2,500 antiwar activists converged in front of the White House on March 18. The main demand of the action was to put an end to the U.S./NATO proxy war against Russia in Ukraine. Coalitions representing the most active antiwar and anti-imperialist movements cooperated to organize this countrywide . . . |

_____ (2023-03-23). Putin and Xi Standing Firm on the Right Side of History. strategic-culture.org The world is changing before our eyes. Western imperialist regimes are being exposed for the warmongers they are, and a new multipolar order of partnership and peace is emerging. | The historic summit this week between the Russian and Chinese leaders provoked paroxysms of angst in the Western media. President Vladimir Putin's hosting of China's Xi Jinping in Moscow was presented as the "world's two most prominent autocrats" purportedly establishing a hostile "anti-West axis". | The American and European media — slavishly echoing the talking points of their imperialist regimes — were in hyper-bogeyman…

Betsey Piette (2023-03-23). Philly activists sue cops over 2020 attacks, win $10 million. workers.org Philadelphia At a press conference at the Paul Robeson House on March 20, attorneys representing 343 plaintiffs announced a $9.25 million settlement with the City of Philadelphia. The agreement stems from rampant police brutality in 2020 against demonstrators protesting the Minneapolis Police Department murder of a Black man, George Floyd. . . . |

Staff (2023-03-23). Headlines for March 23, 2023. democracynow.org On World Water Day, U.N. Warns 2 Billion Lack Safe Drinking Water, California Storms Kill Five, Swamp Thousands of Acres of Farmland and Spawn Rare Tornadoes, Kremlin Warns U.K. and Its Allies Against Supplying Ukraine with Depleted Uranium, CodePink Activists Disrupt Blinken's Senate Testimony, Call for Diplomacy Over Wars, Russia Raids Homes of Workers from Banned, Nobel Peace Prize-Winning Organization, Ex-Russian President Says Russia Could Bomb International Criminal Court, U.N. Calls for Intervention in Haiti After Gang Violence Claims Hundreds of Lives, Powerful Earthquake Kills at Least 19 People in…

Consortium News. (2023-03-23). Iraq Invasion, AUKUS Blasted In Rousing Sydney Rally. popularresistance.org A week after Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese agreed in a meeting in San Diego with President Joe Biden and British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak to spend A$368 billion to buy nuclear submarines from the two countries, anti-war activists met in a sweltering Sydney town hall on Sunday on the 20th anniversary of the start of the war against Iraq to hear why the submarine deal is a disaster for Australia that must be stopped. | Greens Party Senator David Shoebridge, former foreign minister Bob Carr, retired diplomat Alison Broinowski and Colin Powell's former chief of staff, Lawrence Wilkinson (via video hook…

Editor (2023-03-23). The British empire: culture war and actual war. mronline.org The flurry of criticism and counter-outrage over the classical colonial era is no mere academic matter, warns ANDREW MURRAY: what is being debated is whether fresh imperial slaughter can be sold to the public.

Kenny Stancil (2023-03-23). Senior Climate Activists Stop Dirty Banks. indybay.org "We will not go to our graves quietly knowing that the financial institutions in our own communities continue to fund the climate crisis," said longtime environmentalist Bill McKibben.

Rohima Miah (2023-03-23). United States: Thousands rally for peace and against US imperialism. greenleft.org.au Rohima Miah reports from Washington DC that on the 20th anniversary of the United States invasion of Iraq, thousands of peace and antiwar activists rallied in the nation's capital under the banner Fund People's Needs, Not the War Machine!

Robert J. Burrowes (2023-03-23). Rage Against the War Machine: What Rage? 'When will they ever learn?'. globalresearch.ca

Staff (2023-03-23). Jorge Rodríguez: Investigation Against Corruption Just Beginning (+Parliamentary Immunity Lifted). orinocotribune.com The president of Venezuela's National Assembly (AN), Jorge Rodríguez, reported that the authorities have arrested 19 people within the framework of the Nicolás Maduro administration's anti-corruption drive. This was announced this Tuesday, March 21, during a session in Parliament, where Rodríguez further proposed a revision of anti-corruption laws to make them more severe. | "This investigation is just beginning and it is an exemplary response that will not [just] remain in words, since the law will apply to anyone who is involved," Rodríguez stated. "I propose that the internal policy commission of the AN engage…

Staff (2023-03-23). Venezuela and Sahrawi Arab Republic Sign Cooperation Agreements. orinocotribune.com Venezuela and the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic have committed to cooperation agreements in different strategic areas, in order to strengthen relations between the nations. The signing took place this Tuesday, March 21, at Miraflores Palace in Caracas, after a meeting between the president of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, and his Saharawi counterpart, Brahim Ghali. | During the signing, 11 memorandums of understanding were agreed to, wherein all projects have an action plan that will be executed between 2023 and 2025. A number of the agreements are listed below: | A memorandum on university education, signed b…

teleSUR, MER (2023-03-23). EE.UU. expresa apoyo a lucha anticorrupción del Gobierno venezolano. telesurtv.net La declaración ocurre luego que el Gobierno venezolano informara sobre el desarrollo de una investigación en el marco de la lucha contra la corrupción.

teleSUR, MER (2023-03-23). Venezuela rechaza uso político de mecanismos de DD.HH. telesurtv.net El Gobierno venezolano expresó que Misión de Determinación de Hechos pretende seguir tergiversando la realidad con falsas matrices mediáticas.

Staff (2023-03-23). Las 3 del día: Los retos de la economía en Cuba para 2023 y las noticias de este 22 de marzo (+ Podcast). cubadebate.cu Bienvenidos a Las 3 del día. Hoy la periodista Ana àÅlvarez Guerrero les estará comentando, como cada miércoles, las principales noticias de la jornada. Póngase los audífonos o suba el volumen a su altavoz y acompáñenos en este resumen informativo del 22 de marzo en formato podcast.

Staff (2023-03-23). øCómo y qué se tiene en cuenta para elegir nuestros candidatos a diputados a la ANPP? (+Video). cubadebate.cu En la Mesa Redonda de este miércoles, se explicó cómo se eligen los candidatos a diputados de la Asamblea Nacional del Poder Popular y el papel de las organizaciones de masas en el buen funcionamiento del proceso electoral. Para ello se contó con la presencia de Leovanis àÅvila Góngora, miembro del secretario nacional de la CTC y Yamila Sarduy Martínez, miembro del Buró Nacional de la Sección Nacional de la ANAP.

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