Monthly Archives: March 2023

2023-03-09: News Headlines

Editor (2023-03-09). "The End Of America's Empire Is HERE" | Chris Hedges Interview. Chris Hedges and Russel Brand discuss the parallels between the Iraq & Ukraine Wars, and how America is pushing Russia & China together as they escalate the Ukrainian conflict.

Staff (2023-03-09). EU steps up "war economy" to rush arms to Ukraine. Defense PostMarch 8, 2023 EU Eyes 'War Economy' in Push to Rush Ammo to Ukraine EU defense ministers will discuss Wednesday plans to raid their stockpiles to rush one billion euros' worth of ammunition to Ukraine and place joint orders for more to ensure supplies keep flowing. *** Ministers meeting with their Ukrainian counterpart Oleksiy …

ANSWER Coalition Bay Area (2023-03-09). Saturday 3/18: Peace in Ukraine! Fund people's needs, not the war machine! 24th & Mission Bart…

Editor (2023-03-09). "The End Of America's Empire Is HERE" | Chris Hedges Interview. Chris Hedges and Russel Brand discuss the parallels between the Iraq & Ukraine Wars, and how America is pushing Russia & China together as they escalate the Ukrainian conflict.

Staff (2023-03-09). EU steps up "war economy" to rush arms to Ukraine. Defense PostMarch 8, 2023 EU Eyes 'War Economy' in Push to Rush Ammo to Ukraine EU defense ministers will discuss Wednesday plans to raid their stockpiles to rush one billion euros' worth of ammunition to Ukraine and place joint orders for more to ensure supplies keep flowing. *** Ministers meeting with their Ukrainian counterpart Oleksiy …

ANSWER Coalition Bay Area (2023-03-09). Saturday 3/18: Peace in Ukraine! Fund people's needs, not the war machine! 24th & Mission Bart…

Labor Video Project (2023-03-09). The Fukushima Catastrophe Continues 12 Years After The Meltdowns. March 11 is the 12th anniversary of the Fukushima earthquake and meltdown of three reactors. The disaster continues and the melted nuclear rods still remain in the broken reactors and have to be cooled by water which then becomes radiated. Two activists talk about the present situation after 12 years.

DXE (2023-03-09). Protestors Call on Merced DA to Prosecute Cruelty at Foster Farms Not Animal Rescuers. Citing practices that cause prolonged, terrifying, and painful deaths at Foster Farms' killing facility, activists call for corporate accountability…

Fight Back (2023-03-09). Hundreds gather to stop Cop City, police arrest activists for "domestic terrorism" Atlanta, GA – Hundreds gathered in the Atlanta Forest over the March 5-6 weekend to demand justice for Manny "Tortuguita" Paez, and that the Atlanta forest be saved,and Cop City not be built. The events over the weekend included a two-day music festival and a protest inside the Atlanta Forest. Georgia law enforcement agencies ended the music festival early by arresting and charging 22 attendants with domestic terrorism charges. | The music festival and protest were part of a week of action against the proposed Cop City development. Saturday featured local musical acts such as rapper Zach Fox and hardcore band Sym…

Staff (2023-03-09). Colombian Foreign Minister Received by Caracas to Strengthen Bilateral Ties. This Tuesday, March 7, the president of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, received Colombian minister of foreign affairs, àÅlvaro Leyva Durán, at Miraflores Palace in Caracas, to continue strengthening bilateral ties that have dramatically improved since the inauguration of Colombian President Gustavo Petro. | The meeting aimed to strengthen bilateral relations and review the strategic cooperation agenda between both nations. On August 29, Caracas and Bogotá re-established their diplomatic ties, after Colombian President Gustavo Petro came to power after three years of constant rupture and aggression by Iván Duque…

Staff (2023-03-09). Four Years After Attack That Left Venezuela in Darkness. This Tuesday, March 7, marked the fourth anniversary of the attack against Venezuela's electrical grid that left 80% of the national population in the dark. This unprecedented act of sabotage was perpetrated around 4 p.m. on the day, the time when most Venezuelans were on their way home after a regular work day. | The transport and telephone platforms consequently fell, preventing communication and disrupting networks between citizens, and banking transactions and electronic payments were similarly affected. In short: a low blow to the daily life of a population already heavily hit by the US-led "regime change" c…

Staff (2023-03-09). Autoridades no reportan nuevos casos de gripe aviar en Zoológico de La Habana. De acuerdo con una nota informativa de la entidad, perteneciente al Ministerio de la Agricultura (Minag), actualmente la situación se encuentra bajo control, y se continúa trabajando en acciones recuperativas que una vez concluidas permitirán dar por finalizada la campaña de control sanitario en la referida instalación.

Staff (2023-03-09). Condecoran a Luisa Campuzano Sentí con la Orden Félix Varela de primer grado. El acto, que tuvo lugar en la emblemática sala Che Guevara de Casa de las Américas, estuvo encabezado por la viceprimera ministra Inés María Chapman, el presidente de Casa, Abel Prieto, y contó con la asistencia de escritores, artistas, amigos y colegas de labor de la homenajeada.

Staff (2023-03-09). Cuba se honra con acoger el nuevo ciclo de diálogos entre el ELN y el gobierno colombiano, asegura Díaz-Canel. En su cuenta de Twitter, el mandatario señaló que "nuestro Gobierno se honra en aceptar la solicitud oficial del Gobierno de Colombia y del Ejército de Liberación Nacional (ELN), de celebrar en La Habana el Tercer Ciclo de la Mesa de Diálogos de Paz, y contribuir a alcanzar la anhelada paz para la hermana nación".

Staff (2023-03-09). Las 3 del día: Los desafíos que tienen las mujeres cubanas y las noticias de este 8 de marzo (+ Podcast). Bienvenidos a Las 3 del día, el podcast de Cubadebate donde le comentamos las principales noticias de la jornada. Hoy, 8 de marzo, celebramos el Día Internacional de la Mujer. Es un buen pretexto para replantearnos las estrategias en nuestra lucha por la igualdad, por más derechos y justicia. En Cuba, estamos bien encaminados en ese sentido, sin embargo, nos queda mucho por hacer.

Staff (2023-03-09). Ministerio de Economía y Planificación aprueba 101 nuevas mipymes. Son 22 las micro empresas, 59 las pequeñas empresas y 20 las medianas empresas privadas aprobadas en esta ocasión, y que se dedicarán a la reparación de ordenadores, servicios gastronómicos, transporte terrestre de pasajeros y elaboración de productos de panadería y textiles. entre otros.

teleSUR, MER (2023-03-09). Cuba será sede del tercer ciclo de diálogos de paz entre el Gobierno de Colombia y el ELN. El tercer ciclo dará inicio después de una pausa tras la clausura de las sesiones que se adelantan en Ciudad de México.

teleSUR, MER (2023-03-09). Mandatario venezolano sostiene reunión con delegación de Brasil. El presidente afirmó que están comprometidos con renovar los mecanismos de unión y solidaridad que garanticen el crecimiento y bienestar de Venezuela y Brasil.

Staff (2023-03-09). Punto Deportivo: øCómo le fue a Cuba en el debut ante Países Bajos? (+ Podcast). En el Clásico Mundial de Béisbol, Cuba debutó con derrota ante Países Bajos de cuatro carreras por dos, en un partido donde la ofensiva solo produjo tres jits, por siete los holandeses. Un análisis de lo ocurrido le proponemos en el Punto Deportivo. Déjenos saber también su opinión en los comentarios.

teleSUR, MER (2023-03-09). Presidente Maduro anuncia creación de Gran Misión Mujer Venezuela. El jefe de Estado venezolano resaltó la importancia de apoyar a las mujeres en todos los ámbitos para su desarrollo.

Staff (2023-03-09). Venezuela y Brasil sostienen reunión de alto nivel para impulsar relaciones bilaterales. El presidente de Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, sostuvo hoy miércoles una reunión de trabajo con el jefe de la Asesoría Especial de la Presidencia de Brasil, Celso Amorim, en el Palacio de Miraflores, sede del Gobierno nacional. A través Twitter, el jefe de Estado calificó como grato el encuentro.

Staff (2023-03-09). Nuevo accidente ferroviario en Estados Unidos provoca derrame de combustible. El descarrilamiento de un tren en Virginia Occidental, el tercero en cinco semanas en Estados Unidos, dejó a tres tripulantes heridos y un derrame de combustible, según información ofrecida por la compañía ferroviaria CSX. El accidente ocurrió debido a un choque contra un desprendimiento de rocas.

2023-03-09 04:21:47 | 04:21 EST | tr | 24 | 0 | 0 | 22 | 0 

2023-03-08: News Headlines

ANSWER Coalition Bay Area (2023-03-08). Saturday 3/18: Peace in Ukraine! Fund people's needs, not the war machine! 24th & Mission Bart…

WSWS (2023-03-08). Top US military officials visit Middle East to ratchet up conflicts with Iran and Russia. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin's visit to Iraq on the eve of the 20th anniversary of the 2003 US invasion amounted to a return to the scene of a world-historic crime.

Anonymous Contributor (2023-03-08). Temporary Occupation in NYC Calls for Divestment from 'Cop City' in Atlanta, GA. Report back from solidarity action in NYC calling for divestment from the Atlanta Police Foundation (APF). In solidarity with Defend the Atlanta Forest, the WDS-NYC is calling for Banyan Street Capital, the real estate firm that owns 191 Peachtree Towers, to end their lease agreement with the Atlanta Police Foundation (or the APF)*. During lunch…

Yves Engler (2023-03-08). Curious Case of "Mandela's Lawyer" Illustrates Media Bias. The story is not about Irwin Cotler lying. It's about the media embracing a biographical detail because they support the US empire and Zionism. Seven years ago, the South African ambassador to Venezuela Pandit Thaninga Shope-Linney stated plainly that "Irwin Cotler was not Nelson Mandela's lawyer." Three years later Max Blumenthal pointed out that "in …

Labor Video Project (2023-03-08). The Fukushima Catastrophe Continues 12 Years After The Meltdowns. March 11 is the 12th anniversary of the Fukushima earthquake and meltdown of three reactors. The disaster continues and the melted nuclear rods still remain in the broken reactors and have to be cooled by water which then becomes radiated. Two activists talk about the present situation after 12 years.

Misión Verdad (2023-03-08). Venezuela: The Void of Opposition Pre-Election Promises. By Misión Verdad — Mar 7, 2023 | On October 22, 2023, the primary elections of the Democratic Unitary Platform, a block that groups together Venezuelan opposition political parties and organizations, will be held. It is difficult to predict what the results will be. It is also difficult to take for granted that the event will conclude with the selection of a candidate for the next presidential elections, to be held on an undetermined date in 2024. | What is clear is that there are many who aspire to win the opposition primaries. In this very "competitive" situation, everyone has displayed their best versions…

DXE (2023-03-08). Protestors Call on Merced DA to Prosecute Cruelty at Foster Farms Not Animal Rescuers. Citing practices that cause prolonged, terrifying, and painful deaths at Foster Farms' killing facility, activists call for corporate accountability…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-03-08). Brazilian government orders investigation into undeclared jewelry gifted to Bolsonaro's wife. A former government official tried to bring undeclared jewelry amounting to USD$3.2 million into the country, a gift from the Saudi Arabian government to Bolsonaro's wife…

Roger D. Harris (2023-03-08). Havana Syndrome Case Cracked. By Roger D. Harris — Mar 6, 2023 | Even before the attack on the homeland of the The Havana Syndrome was first reported in Cuba in 2016. The mysterious malady initially afflicted US embassy staff in Havana, especially those attached to intelligence missions. It then spread to Canadian embassy officials. The sudden headaches, debilitating dizziness, and hearing excruciatingly painful sounds struck both at work and at home. Oddly, the Cubans themselves appe…

Carlos Aznarez (2023-03-08). Venezuela: Missing Hugo Chávez. By Carlos Aznárez — Mar 5, 2023 | Ten years have already passed without Comandante Hugo Chávez and his overwhelming drive to explain to the people what the Revolution to be built is all about. Yes, the Revolution with capital letters, which is not the same as appealing to the reformist or social-democratic shortcuts to which some try to accustom us. Because if there is something that Chávez became clear, it is that for any society to grow seriously, develop, and generate a dignified life for its people, attitudes or possibilities are not enough: it is necessary to turn everything upside down and generate a d…

Misión Verdad (2023-03-08). Venezuela: The Void of Opposition Pre-Election Promises. By Misión Verdad — Mar 7, 2023 | On October 22, 2023, the primary elections of the Democratic Unitary Platform, a block that groups together Venezuelan opposition political parties and organizations, will be held. It is difficult to predict what the results will be. It is also difficult to take for granted that the event will conclude with the selection of a candidate for the next presidential elections, to be held on an undetermined date in 2024. | What is clear is that there are many who aspire to win the opposition primaries. In this very "competitive" situation, everyone has displayed their best versions…

DXE (2023-03-08). Protestors Call on Merced DA to Prosecute Cruelty at Foster Farms Not Animal Rescuers. Citing practices that cause prolonged, terrifying, and painful deaths at Foster Farms' killing facility, activists call for corporate accountability…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-03-08). Brazilian government orders investigation into undeclared jewelry gifted to Bolsonaro's wife. A former government official tried to bring undeclared jewelry amounting to USD$3.2 million into the country, a gift from the Saudi Arabian government to Bolsonaro's wife…

Roger D. Harris (2023-03-08). Havana Syndrome Case Cracked. By Roger D. Harris — Mar 6, 2023 | Even before the attack on the homeland of the The Havana Syndrome was first reported in Cuba in 2016. The mysterious malady initially afflicted US embassy staff in Havana, especially those attached to intelligence missions. It then spread to Canadian embassy officials. The sudden headaches, debilitating dizziness, and hearing excruciatingly painful sounds struck both at work and at home. Oddly, the Cubans themselves appe…

Carlos Aznarez (2023-03-08). Venezuela: Missing Hugo Chávez. By Carlos Aznárez — Mar 5, 2023 | Ten years have already passed without Comandante Hugo Chávez and his overwhelming drive to explain to the people what the Revolution to be built is all about. Yes, the Revolution with capital letters, which is not the same as appealing to the reformist or social-democratic shortcuts to which some try to accustom us. Because if there is something that Chávez became clear, it is that for any society to grow seriously, develop, and generate a dignified life for its people, attitudes or possibilities are not enough: it is necessary to turn everything upside down and generate a d…

Staff (2023-03-08). El jefe de gobierno de la ciudad de Buenos Aires promete cerrar el Ministerio de la Mujer si es electo presidente. El alcalde de la ciudad de Buenos Aires, Horacio Rodríguez Larreta, aseguró que si llega a la Presidencia cerrará el Ministerio de las Mujeres, Géneros y Diversidad, por considerar que su existencia solo genera "más burocracia". El candidato realizó esa promesa justo el día previo al 8M, cuando se espera una jornada de lucha que tendrá repercusiones en el país suramericano.

Staff (2023-03-08). Las 3 del día: Entrevista al pelotero Yariel Rodríguez y las noticias del 7 de marzo (+ Podcast). Sean bienvenidos a las 3 del día, el podcast de Cubadebate que resume lo más importante que ha sido noticia hoy en Cuba y el mundo. Este 7 de marzo nos acompañan los periodistas Darío Extremera y Yilena Héctor. Comenzamos con dos noticias de nuestro gremio, después nos vamos al escenario internacional y cerramos el podcast con declaraciones del lanzador Yariel Rodríguez.

Staff (2023-03-08). Periodistas cubanos compartieron experiencias sobre modelos de gestión editorial y económica. La actividad, inscrita en la jornada de celebraciones por el Día de la Prensa Cubana, tuvo lugar en el Instituto Internacional de Periodismo José Martí y profundizó en las complejidades, claves y aciertos de concebir entornos mediáticos más cercanos a sus públicos y función social, a la vez que sostenibles desde la esfera económica y de contenidos.

Staff (2023-03-08). Argentina: 52 mujeres fueron asesinadas en el primer bimestre de 2023. Un total de 52 mujeres fueron asesinadas en Argentina en el primer bimestre de 2023, según un informe que publicó este lunes el Observatorio de Femicidios "Adriana Marisel Zambrano". El 37% de las víctimas tenía entre 19 y 30 años, y como consecuencia, 45 hijos quedaron sin madre, de los cuales el 58% son menores de edad.

Staff (2023-03-08). Díaz-Canel: Si no hay vinculación con la base no hay seguimiento a los problemas de la gente. Temas como el perfeccionamiento del sistema de trabajo del Gobierno, la implementación de la política de cuadros del Estado y el Gobierno, así como el comportamiento de la Economía al cierre del mes de enero estuvieron en la agenda de la más reciente reunión del Consejo de Ministros, encabezada por el Presidente de la República, y dirigida por el Primer Ministro.

teleSUR, MER (2023-03-08). Presidente venezolano recibe al canciller de Colombia. El encuentro tuvo como objetivo afianzar las relaciones bilaterales y repasar la agenda de cooperación estratégica entre ambos países.

Staff (2023-03-08). Tapia Fonseca chequea la labor de las agencias transitarias.

2023-03-08 17:41:25 | 17:41 EST | jz | 27 | 0 | 0 | 23 | 0