Monthly Archives: March 2023

2023-03-07: News Headlines

ANSWER Coalition Bay Area (2023-03-07). Saturday 3/18: Peace in Ukraine! Fund people's needs, not the war machine! 24th & Mission Bart…

Staff (2023-03-07). Rosneft's CEO in Caracas to Strengthen Venezuela — Russia Oil Production. Caracas, March 6, 2023 (—On Monday, March 6, Venezuela and Russia agreed to outline a joint work agenda to increase crude oil production and advance new business opportunities. This took place during a meeting in Caracas between Venezuelan Minister of Oil Tareck El Aissami and Russia's Rosneft CEO Igor Sechin. | This information was released by Minister El Aissami on social media. While in Caracas, Igor Sechin was also participating in the commemoration events marking the 10th anniversary of Hugo Chávez's death. | "Cooperation in the energy field with the Russian Federation is broad and d…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-03-07). Hugo Chávez didn't die, he multiplied! March 5 marked ten years since the passing of Commander Hugo Chávez, former president of Venezuela and the father of the Bolivarian Revolution. Chávez was Venezuela's president from February 2, 1999, until his death on March 5, 2013. | Chávez inaugurated a new period in Venezuela's history. Through his comprehensive and inclusive social and economic policies, he brought back dignity and pride to the Venezuelan people and transformed the social reality of the country. He forged important projects for Latin American unity and integration such as the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC), the Boli…

A Guest Author (2023-03-07). Puerto Rico is Not for Sale activists confront Luis Miranda Jr. on his backing for PROMESA. By Puerto Rico is Not for Sale Contact Lorraine Liriano (347) 228-2214 Article from on a press release published March 2, 2023. Manhattan, New York — At a forum March 1 at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York (CUNY), longtime political and nonprofit operative Luis . . . |

Staff (2023-03-07). Confidence in Chávez Remains Unshaken (+Polls). Ten years after the passing of Commander Hugo Chávez, the Venezuelan people maintain their confidence in Chávez. Chávez leads approval ratings and voting intentions in Venezuela according to a recent survey that shows his current approval at 56% and intention to vote at 48.49%. | "Today, Chávez exceeds the approval ratings and voting intention of all politicians in this country," said President Nicolás Maduro during an event with international guests commemorating 10 years since Chávez's death. | President Maduro referred to the results of a survey published on social media by polling firm Polianalitica, a new po…

DXE (2023-03-07). Protestors Call on Merced DA to Prosecute Cruelty at Foster Farms Not Animal Rescuers. Citing practices that cause prolonged, terrifying, and painful deaths at Foster Farms' killing facility, activists call for corporate accountability… (2023-03-07). SubMedia: 'Cop City' Faces Resistance in Atlanta. Video report from sub.Media on ongoing resistance to the 'Cop City' project in so-called Atlanta, GA. On March 5th, during the week of action in defense of the Weelaunee Forest and against cop city, activists held forest defense workshops and a music festival attended by over 800 people. That evening a large crew of forest…

Staff (2023-03-07). Talk World Radio: Isaac Evans-Frantz on Ending War in Yemen.

americanthinker (2023-03-07). An American Tourist in Iran — Crazy, Right? No, not crazy at all. Let me explain.

Roger D. Harris (2023-03-07). The Havana Syndrome Case Cracked. Even before the attack on the homeland of the weather balloons, the Havana Syndrome tested America's mettle. The Havana Syndrome was first reported in Cuba in 2016. The mysterious malady initially afflicted US embassy staff in Havana, especially those attached to intelligence missions. It then spread to Canadian embassy officials. The sudden headaches, debilitating dizziness, …

Franco Vielma (2023-03-07). Venezuela's Economy in 2023: Growth, Devaluation and Wages. The Venezuelan economy has evolved favorably since the last quarter of 2021, breaking with the recession of previous years. Since then, it has shown growth indicators that have remained stable. | The national economy, as a whole, showed an increase in GDP (gross domestic product) of more than 15% in 2022, as noted by President Nicolás Maduro recently, the largest increase registered on the continent during the past year. | But this strong trend, according to several private firms, may have slowed down by the end of 2022 and the beginning of this year, as a new cycle of devaluations has intensified, bringing wages…

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2023-03-07). Hugo Chávez: A World-Historical Leader. By DSA International Committee — Mar 5, 2023 | The ten-year anniversary of the passing of President Hugo Chávez of Venezuela reminds us what an important leader the world lost on March 5th, 2013. | When Chávez became president in early 1999, he initially espoused a "third way" type of liberal social democracy. However, his efforts to actually reform Venezuela moderately — against the will of the country's ruling elite — brought him into an outright confrontation with this elite. This radicalized Chávez, particularly after the 2002 coup attempts. By late 2005, he openly declared the Bolivarian rev…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-03-07). Daily Round-up Venezuela marks 10 years of Hugo Chavez's death & other stories. In today's episode we look at Venezuela marking 10 years of Hugo Chavez's death, Tunisians protest against economic decline, Syria condemns US military's official visit to occupied Syrian territory, and thousands continue protests over train crash in Greece.

Staff (2023-03-07). Escalada en el Morro, un domingo de adrenalina. El Castillo de los Tres Reyes del Morro es uno de los lugares del país, junto a Viñales, la Escalera de Jaruco y Bosque de La Habana, donde se puede practicar la escalada deportiva. Vencidos mis primeros miedos miré hacia arriba. øSeremos capaces de llegar tan alto? Y no, al menos aquí no fui capaz, pero fui valiente y escalé hasta que mis pies comenzaron a temblar.

teleSUR -JCM (2023-03-07). China e Irán a favor de una solución al acuerdo nuclear. "China siempre ha sostenido que restablecer la implementación completa y efectiva del PAIC es el camino correcto para resolver el problema nuclear iraní", subrayó Mao Ning.

Staff (2023-03-07). Canciller de China advierte a EEUU sobre consecuencias de política de "confrontación maliciosa" El ministro de Relaciones Exteriores de China, Qin Gang, declaró este martes en rueda de prensa en Pekín que la política estadounidense hacia el país asiático "se ha desviado por completo del camino sensato y racional" y advirtió que "si sigue acelerando por el camino erróneo" podría haber "conflicto y confrontación".

teleSUR, JGN (2023-03-07). Cuba destaca importancia de Tratado Internacional sobre Biodiversidad Marina. Cuba "tuvo el honor de representar al G-77 + China. Se logró mantener la unidad del Grupo hasta el final del proceso, lo que permitió alcanzar resultados favorables", dijo Rodríguez.

teleSUR- hvh, JCM (2023-03-07). Líder supremo iraní condena envenenamiento de estudiantes. "Si se prueba que los estudiantes fueron envenenados […] eso es un crimen grande e imperdonable", señaló Ali Jamenei.

Staff (2023-03-07). Del horario de verano y el tiempo cronológico. El horario de verano, cuando se adelantan una hora lo relojes, persigue un mayor aprovechamiento de la luz , en un momento del año en que se transita naturalmente a un periodo cuando amanece más temprano y oscurece más tarde y por ende aumenta la cantidad de horas de Sol.

Staff (2023-03-07). Las 3 del día: A solo horas del Clásico Mundial y las noticias del 6 de marzo (+ Podcast). Apenas faltan unas horas para que comience el V Clásico Mundial de Béisbol, el cuál se extenderá hasta el 21 de marzo.Sobre las expectativas de Cuba para el evento y la preparación realizada, hablaremos en Las 3 del día.Luego, pasamos al habitual resumen informativo. Acompáñanos.

Staff (2023-03-07). Presidente del Congo llama a Francia y Europa a tratar diferente y respetar a àÅfrica. ´Esto debe cambiar, la forma en la que Europa y Francia nos trata. Debéis comenzar a respetarnos y ver a àÅfrica de un modo distinto. Tenéis que dejar de tratarnos y hablarnos con tono paternalista. Debéis respetar a àÅfrica ª. Esta ha sido la dura respuesta del presidente de la República Democrática del Congo, Félix Tshisekedi, durante la rueda de prensa que mantuvo la semana pasada con el presidente francés, Emmanuel Macron…

Staff (2023-03-07). Meta planea nueva ola de miles de despidos, según reporte de prensa. Meta, empresa matriz de Facebook, Instagram y WhatsApp, planea eliminar miles de empleos en los próximos días, en una nueva ronda de despidos solo meses después de que la compañía redujera más de 11 000 puestos de trabajo, en medio de una ola que involucra a otras grandes compañías del sector tecnológico como Microsoft, Amazon, Dell, Google y Twitter.

Staff (2023-03-07). Vaticano y Grecia firman acuerdo para retorno de piezas del Partenón. La firma de un acuerdo entre la Santa Sede y Grecia este martes para la devolución de tres fragmentos de esculturas del Partenón que han estado por dos siglos en la colección de los Museos del Vaticano, es un paso que podría aumentar la presión en casos similares como el de las esculturas del templo ateniense que expone el Museo Británico desde el siglo XIX.

teleSUR, MER (2023-03-07). Continúan homenajes al comandante Hugo Chávez en Venezuela. El mandatario destacó que el pueblo venezolano ha cumplido el juramento al comandante Hugo Chávez de nunca fallarle.

Staff (2023-03-07). UNE prevé afectación máxima de 250 MW en horario diurno y 653 MW en pico nocturno este martes. Para este martes, la Unión Eléctrica prevé afectaciones durante el horario diurno por déficit de capacidad, con un máximo de 250 MW. En la hora pico, una disponibilidad de 2 277 MW y una demanda máxima de 2 860 MW, para un déficit de 583 MW. De mantenerse las condiciones previstas, la UNE pronostica una afectación de 653 MW en ese horario.

Staff (2023-03-07). Llegó el insomnio: Girasoles contra tulipanes, Yariel vs Tom de Blok. En Taichung se celebra este miércoles (desde las 11 de la noche del martes, hora de Cuba) el primer partido del V Clásico Mundial entre Cuba y Países Bajos. La historia de estos torneos favorece a los europeos frente a los cubanos, con tres éxitos (6-2 y 7-6 en el 2013; 14-1 en el 2017) y un revés (2-11 en el 2006). Sacarnos la espina de Países Bajos puede ser decisiva en la aspiración de avanzar a la próxima fase.

Staff (2023-03-07). Mediación y solución de conflictos, perspectiva cubana. La Mediación es el procedimiento estabilizador de la "contienda" a nivel particular y social; la relación familiar (de primera prioridad para la sociedad), conyugal, comunitaria, laboral, etc., encuentran en ella la solución pacífica de sus contradicciones.

José A. Amesty R. (2023-03-07). Venezuela — øEs errada la gestión económica de la Revolución Bolivariana? Desde varios sectores de la oposición y desde sectores a favor del gobierno venezolano, incluyendo desde medios de comunicación, han proliferado muchos puntos de vista en relación a la política económica de la revolución bolivariana, algunos a favor y otros…

Staff (2023-03-07). Qué trae la prensa cubana, martes 7 de marzo de 2023.

Staff (2023-03-07). Tasas vigentes en el mercado cambiario cubano este 7 de marzo. Con el objetivo de mantener a sus lectores informados, Cubadebate comparte las tasas de cambio para diferentes divisas extranjeras vigentes este martes 7 de marzo de 2023 en el mercado cambiario del país.

2023-03-07 23:51:03 | 23:51 EST | tr | 32 | 0 | 0 | 30 | 0 

2023-03-06: News Headlines

____ (2023-03-06). The Empire Gives People the Illusion of Fighting the Power without Ever Endangering Real Power. 26 Feb 2023 – For what's probably the first "anti-war" protest of their lives, US liberals gathered at the Lincoln Memorial to condemn the leader of a government thousands of miles away joined by empire managers like Samantha Power who spoke at the rally opposing Russian warmongering at the capital of the most warlike nation on the planet.

Staff (2023-03-06). Headlines for March 6, 2023. Nations Reach Historic Agreement to Protect High Seas, Iran and IAEA Agree to Strengthen Cooperation in Hopeful Sign for Nuclear Talks, Outrage Mounts over Mysterious Poisoning of Iranian Schoolgirls, U.N. Expert Says Taliban Attacks on Women and Girls Could Be Crime Against Humanity, Ex-Pakistan PM Imran Khan Evades Arrest, Huge Blaze in Cox's Bazar Rohingya Refugee Camp Destroys Thousands of Homes, Shell Pipeline Kills 12 in Nigeria; Massive Lawsuit Targets Shell's Operation in Niger Delta, U.K. Cracks Down on Refugee Rights in Right-Wing Effort to "Stop the Boats", Shahida Raza, Pakista…

Unicorn Riot. (2023-03-06). 'Stop Cop City' Week Of Action Begins In Atlanta. Atlanta, Georgia — Atlanta-area forest defenders, community activists and their allies from around the country and the world are initiating a 'week of action' against a proposed 'Cop City' urban warfare campus and a movie industry facility that would demolish much of the largest urban forest in the country. | The upcoming week of protests and direct actions comes less than two months after Georgia State Patrol shot and killed Manuel 'Tortuguita' Terán in suspicious circumstances at a defense encampment near the proposed site on January 18, 2023. | The week of action is kicking off with a rally at Gresham Pa…

Carlos Aznárez, Resumen English. (2023-03-06). Venezuela: Missing Hugo Chávez. Ten years have already passed without Comandante Hugo Chávez and his overwhelming drive to explain to the people what the Revolution to be built is all about. Yes, the Revolution with capital letters, which is not the same as appealing to the reformist or social-democratic shortcuts to which some try to accustom us. Because if there is something that Chávez became clear in the heat of his practice, it is that for any society to grow seriously, develop and generate a dignified life for its people, it is not enough with cold cloths or attitudes of just possibilities, but it is necessary to turn everything upside do…

____ (2023-03-06). The Empire Gives People the Illusion of Fighting the Power without Ever Endangering Real Power. 26 Feb 2023 – For what's probably the first "anti-war" protest of their lives, US liberals gathered at the Lincoln Memorial to condemn the leader of a government thousands of miles away joined by empire managers like Samantha Power who spoke at the rally opposing Russian warmongering at the capital of the most warlike nation on the planet.

Staff (2023-03-06). Headlines for March 6, 2023. Nations Reach Historic Agreement to Protect High Seas, Iran and IAEA Agree to Strengthen Cooperation in Hopeful Sign for Nuclear Talks, Outrage Mounts over Mysterious Poisoning of Iranian Schoolgirls, U.N. Expert Says Taliban Attacks on Women and Girls Could Be Crime Against Humanity, Ex-Pakistan PM Imran Khan Evades Arrest, Huge Blaze in Cox's Bazar Rohingya Refugee Camp Destroys Thousands of Homes, Shell Pipeline Kills 12 in Nigeria; Massive Lawsuit Targets Shell's Operation in Niger Delta, U.K. Cracks Down on Refugee Rights in Right-Wing Effort to "Stop the Boats", Shahida Raza, Pakista…

Unicorn Riot. (2023-03-06). 'Stop Cop City' Week Of Action Begins In Atlanta. Atlanta, Georgia — Atlanta-area forest defenders, community activists and their allies from around the country and the world are initiating a 'week of action' against a proposed 'Cop City' urban warfare campus and a movie industry facility that would demolish much of the largest urban forest in the country. | The upcoming week of protests and direct actions comes less than two months after Georgia State Patrol shot and killed Manuel 'Tortuguita' Terán in suspicious circumstances at a defense encampment near the proposed site on January 18, 2023. | The week of action is kicking off with a rally at Gresham Pa…

Carlos Aznárez, Resumen English. (2023-03-06). Venezuela: Missing Hugo Chávez. Ten years have already passed without Comandante Hugo Chávez and his overwhelming drive to explain to the people what the Revolution to be built is all about. Yes, the Revolution with capital letters, which is not the same as appealing to the reformist or social-democratic shortcuts to which some try to accustom us. Because if there is something that Chávez became clear in the heat of his practice, it is that for any society to grow seriously, develop and generate a dignified life for its people, it is not enough with cold cloths or attitudes of just possibilities, but it is necessary to turn everything upside do…

Staff (2023-03-06). The Ineradicable Presence of the Chavista Ideal, 10 Years On. This Sunday, March 5, the president of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, reflected on the fact that it has been 10 years since the passing of Commander Hugo Chávez, and today there exists an ineradicable presence of his ideals, values and revolutionary struggle. | He stated: "10 years later, there has been no absence, only an ineradicable presence of his ideals, revolutionary drive and sworn commitment to advance the construction of a free, independent, sovereign and socialist homeland." | The Venezuelan president led the closure of the World Meeting for the Validity of the Boli…

Alex Bainbridge (2023-03-06). Climate strikers confront Woodside. Hundreds of climate strikers heard from First Nations leaders and climate activists before marching to the Woodside office in Perth, reports Alex Bainbridge.

____ (2023-03-06). Evil Empire: House Overwhelmingly Approves Resolution to Maintain Syria Sanctions after Earthquake. 1 Mar 2023 – The resolution received 51 cosponsors. It passed in a vote of 414-2. Only Reps. Thomas Massie (R-KY) and Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) voted against the measure.

Chris Slee (2023-03-06). Hugo Chavez' legacy commemorated. Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez was a leader for Venezuela, Latin America and the whole world, a meeting to mark 10 years since his death, was told. Chris Slee reports.

Staff (2023-03-06). Bayamo, campeón de las Pequeñas Ligas del Béisbol de Cuba. La selección de Bayamo ganó este domingo el III Campeonato Nacional de las Pequeñas Ligas de Béisbol, y con ello el boleto para representar a Cuba en la Serie Mundial de la categoría, que tendrá lugar en Williamsport, Pensilvania, Estados Unidos, el venidero mes de agosto. Este es el máximo torneo de pelota para niños de ocho a 12 años.

teleSUR -JCM (2023-03-06). China e Irán a favor de una solución al acuerdo nuclear. "China siempre ha sostenido que restablecer la implementación completa y efectiva del PAIC es el camino correcto para resolver el problema nuclear iraní", subrayó Mao Ning.

Staff (2023-03-06). Raúl Castro ratificó acompañamiento permanente de Cuba a Venezuela (+ Video). Raúl Castro ratificó que el homenaje de Cuba y su pueblo a Chávez será acompañarlo y seguirlo siempre. En la clausura del Encuentro Mundial por la vigencia del Pensamiento Bolivariano del líder revolucionario, destacó que Chávez y sus compañeros de lucha estremecieron a nuestro continente e impactaron la historia contemporánea de nuestra América.

Staff (2023-03-06). Los conquistadores del ciberespacio.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-03-06). Presidente Luis Arce destaca legado del comandante Hugo Chávez. Arce, quien se encuentra en Caracas para rendir homenaje al presidente Chávez a diez años de su partida física, lamentó que Estados Unidos (EE.UU) continúe con la agresión a Venezuela.

Staff (2023-03-06). Comandante Hugo Chávez, líder de la Revolución Bolivariana. El legado del comandante Hugo Chávez, líder de la Revolución Bolivariana, sigue presente en el pueblo venezolano a diez años de su partida física.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-03-06). Presidente de Venezuela se reúne con líderes latinoamericanos. Viajaron a Caracas para asistir a los homenajes al comandante Hugo Chávez en ocasión del décimo aniversario de su partida física.

teleSUR, MER, SH (2023-03-06). Algunas frases para recordar el legado de Hugo Chávez. Hugo Chávez enfocó su agenda de gobierno en la atención al pueblo mediante diversos programas sociales, garantizando sus derechos e impulsando el desarrollo del país.

Staff (2023-03-06). Hora de predicción para el Clásico: Cuba quedará… Este 8 de marzo se inaugura el V Clásico Mundial con el duelo Cuba-Países Bajos (11: 00 p.m. del martes para nosotros). Toda la atención de los 20 equipos involucrados en cuatro grupos echará a andar y solo uno vestirá dorado el 21 de marzo. øQué nos depara cada llave? øQuiénes son algunos de los principales jugadores en esta cita? øEn cuál lugar quedará Cuba? Son algunas preguntas aperitivas para iniciar el debate.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-03-06). Rinden homenaje al Comandante Hugo Chávez en el Cuartel de la Montaña. Entre los líderes latinoamericano destacan Luis Arce, mandatario de Bolivia, Daniel Ortega, presidente de Nicaragua, Evo Morales, exmandatario de Bolivia, y Rafael Correa, exjefe de Estado de Ecuador.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-03-06). Nicolás Maduro encabeza homenaje de Nuestra América a Chávez. Líderes latinoamericanos asisten a conclusiones del Encuentro Mundial por la Vigencia del Pensamiento Bolivariano del Líder Revolucionario en el Siglo XXI.

Staff (2023-03-06). Cuba recibió casi medio millón de visitantes internacionales en los dos primeros meses de este año. Al cierre de febrero del presente año, las cifras preliminares acumuladas indican un 51% en relación a igual período de 2019, con el arribo de 489 000 visitantes foráneos a Cuba. La recuperación del turismo canadiense, principal mercado turístico de la isla alcanzó un 80% con respecto al año 2019 al recibir 252 650 turistas.

2023-03-06 12:39:18 | 12:39 EST | tr | 26 | 0 | 0 | 24 | 0