Staff (2023-03-22). Andrew Bacevich on China's Rise as Global Superpower & Decline of U.S. Empire After Iraq Invasion.
Chinese President Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin have declared a "new era" in Chinese-Russian relations after meeting in Moscow earlier this week. The two leaders reportedly discussed China's 12-point proposal to end the war in Ukraine, with Putin stating that China's plan could be the basis for a peace agreement. Though he has not yet met with Xi himself, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has recently also expressed a willingness to consider China's peace plan. For more, we speak to Andrew Bacevich, co-founder of the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft,…
Natalia Marques (2023-03-22). Thousands demonstrate in front of White House to demand an end to the US war machine.
This story originally appeared in On March 18, on the eve of the 20th anniversary of the 2003 US invasion of Iraq, over 2,500 people representing over 200 organizations gathered in front of the White House to protest the latest war drive: the escalation and prolongation of the war in Ukraine. | The Iraq invasion and the…
Orinoco Tribune 2 (2023-03-22). NATO Bombed Libya to 'Protect Civilians' 12 Years Ago. This Led to Thousands of Deaths and a Country in Ruins. By Moussa Ibrahim — Mar 18, 2023 | The Western war machine only served its own interests in destroying a nation that could liberate Africa | On the 19th of March 2011, the NATO bloc began a violent 8-month long military onslaught of Libya, a sovereign African-Union founding member state, which had enjoyed four decades of stability, prosperity and one of the highest Human Development Index (HDI) scores in all of Africa. | NATO's justification for the aggressive and bloody attack was the now-infamous "protection of civilians" doctrine, formalized under UN Security Council Decree No. 1973. The French Air Force,…
Richie Merino (2023-03-22). 'Feed the people, not the U.S. war machine!'.
Richie Merino, an organizer with the International Action Center and the United National Antiwar Coalition, gave this talk at the March 18 antiwar demonstration in Washington, D.C. Merino, a writer for Workers World newspaper, is a proud public school teacher in the South Bronx, New York. Richie Merino leads chants . . . |
Anita Waters (2023-03-22). Centro Fidel Castro Ruz — Havana's new museum dedicated to Cuban Revolutionary leader's life.
HAVANA—Throughout his life, Cuban revolutionary Fidel Castro famously rejected any public display of himself as the center of a cult of personality. He declared that he wanted no statues, no monuments. Amid the various Che Guevara T-shirts available at tourist markets across Cuba, none depict Fidel. After his death in 2016, officials grappled with the …
Staff (2023-03-22). President Maduro Leads New Corruption Investigation, Special PSUV Meeting.
On Monday, Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro chaired a meeting with the national leadership of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) from the Humboldt Hotel, at the Waraira Repano National Park in Caracas, to report on the events developing in recent hours in which the National Anti-Corruption Police arrested various officials, businesspersons, deputies, and presidents of institutions for their alleged involvement in corruption. President Maduro asked the Venezuelan people to give him their full support "in these difficult, bitter, but necessary, unavoidable hours of the fight against mafias and corrup…
Staff (2023-03-22). Andrew Bacevich on China's Rise as Global Superpower & Decline of U.S. Empire After Iraq Invasion.
Chinese President Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin have declared a "new era" in Chinese-Russian relations after meeting in Moscow earlier this week. The two leaders reportedly discussed China's 12-point proposal to end the war in Ukraine, with Putin stating that China's plan could be the basis for a peace agreement. Though he has not yet met with Xi himself, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has recently also expressed a willingness to consider China's peace plan. For more, we speak to Andrew Bacevich, co-founder of the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft,…
Natalia Marques (2023-03-22). Thousands demonstrate in front of White House to demand an end to the US war machine.
This story originally appeared in On March 18, on the eve of the 20th anniversary of the 2003 US invasion of Iraq, over 2,500 people representing over 200 organizations gathered in front of the White House to protest the latest war drive: the escalation and prolongation of the war in Ukraine. | The Iraq invasion and the…
Orinoco Tribune 2 (2023-03-22). NATO Bombed Libya to 'Protect Civilians' 12 Years Ago. This Led to Thousands of Deaths and a Country in Ruins. By Moussa Ibrahim — Mar 18, 2023 | The Western war machine only served its own interests in destroying a nation that could liberate Africa | On the 19th of March 2011, the NATO bloc began a violent 8-month long military onslaught of Libya, a sovereign African-Union founding member state, which had enjoyed four decades of stability, prosperity and one of the highest Human Development Index (HDI) scores in all of Africa. | NATO's justification for the aggressive and bloody attack was the now-infamous "protection of civilians" doctrine, formalized under UN Security Council Decree No. 1973. The French Air Force,…
Richie Merino (2023-03-22). 'Feed the people, not the U.S. war machine!'.
Richie Merino, an organizer with the International Action Center and the United National Antiwar Coalition, gave this talk at the March 18 antiwar demonstration in Washington, D.C. Merino, a writer for Workers World newspaper, is a proud public school teacher in the South Bronx, New York. Richie Merino leads chants . . . |
Anita Waters (2023-03-22). Centro Fidel Castro Ruz — Havana's new museum dedicated to Cuban Revolutionary leader's life.
HAVANA—Throughout his life, Cuban revolutionary Fidel Castro famously rejected any public display of himself as the center of a cult of personality. He declared that he wanted no statues, no monuments. Amid the various Che Guevara T-shirts available at tourist markets across Cuba, none depict Fidel. After his death in 2016, officials grappled with the …
Staff (2023-03-22). President Maduro Leads New Corruption Investigation, Special PSUV Meeting.
On Monday, Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro chaired a meeting with the national leadership of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) from the Humboldt Hotel, at the Waraira Repano National Park in Caracas, to report on the events developing in recent hours in which the National Anti-Corruption Police arrested various officials, businesspersons, deputies, and presidents of institutions for their alleged involvement in corruption. President Maduro asked the Venezuelan people to give him their full support "in these difficult, bitter, but necessary, unavoidable hours of the fight against mafias and corrup…
Sue Bull (2023-03-22). No support for bigots, Socialist Alliance says. Attacks on LGBTIQ protesters outside a church where One Nation leader Mark Latham was speaking have alarmed many activists. Sue Bull reports.
WSWS (2023-03-22). Alberta's far-right Premier leads charge to criminalize pandemic public health measures. Since becoming Alberta's premier last fall, Danielle Smith has criminalized basic public health measures, and solidarized herself with anti-vaxxers, "Freedom" Convoy activists and other far-right elements who openly flouted anti-COVID measures.
Kenny Stancil (2023-03-22). Senior climate activists rally across US to 'stop dirty banks'. "We must break the big banks' addiction to Big Oil."
Staff (2023-03-22). Lula Reactivates 'More Doctors' Health Program in Brazil (+Venezuela Relations). In Brazil, president Luiz Inácio "Lula" da Silva reactivated the "More Doctors" program, a project promoted in 2013 under the administration of Dilma Rousseff. The government initiative aims to increase the number of doctors in small cities in the interior of the country. | On Monday, March 20, from the Planalto Palace, Brazil's head of state announced additional resources for the "More Doctors" program, which he said had been "extraordinarily successful" in the past, providing essential healthcare services for favela residents, those living in remote Amazonian municipalities, and residents of small and medium-si…
teleSUR, JDO (2023-03-22). Ayatola iraní responsabiliza a EE.UU. de conflicto en Ucrania. Seyed Ali Jameneí asegura que Washington provocó las hostilidades por su deseo de expandir la OTAN y beneficiar a su industria militar.
Staff (2023-03-22). Las lecciones de la guerra de Irak y el periodismo. La invasión de Irak hace ahora veinte años se produjo bajo unas premisas aceptadas por una parte importante de los medios de comunicación estadounidenses y europeos. Miles de voces periodísticas en 2003 dieron por buena la mentira de Washington y Londres que aseguraba la existencia de armas de destrucción masiva en poder de Hussein. EEUU había confeccionado una tesis con la que acusaba a Irak de ser una amenaza para el mundo e incluso de tejer alianzas con Al Qaeda.
Staff (2023-03-22). El tiempo: Chubascos y lluvias desde Camagàºey a Guantánamo. Estará nublado en zona de la costa norte desde Camagàºey hasta Guantánamo, con la ocurrencia de algunas lluvias, que en el horario de la tarde se extenderán a localidades del interior y sur de esta parte del país. En el resto del país estará parcialmente nublado con la ocurrencia de aisladas lluvias.
Staff (2023-03-22). Encabeza Inés María Chapman delegación cubana que participa en Conferencia sobre el Agua. Inés María Chapman, vice primera ministra de Cuba, llegó este lunes a Nueva York, Estados Unidos, al frente de la delegación cubana que participará en la Conferencia de las Naciones Unidas sobre el Agua 2023, del 22 al 24 de marzo, informa hoy la Cancillería. La Conferencia sobre el Agua se celebrará desde hoy, Día Mundial del Agua, y hasta el viernes.
teleSUR, JGN (2023-03-22). Presidente venezolano designa nuevo ministro de Petróleo. El Ministerio de Comunicación informó en un comunicado que Tellechea también se encuentra a cargo de la estatal Petróleos de Venezuela (Pdvsa).
Staff (2023-03-22). Japón se lleva su tercer título en el Clásico Mundial. El equipo de Japón venció a Estados Unidos en la final del Clásico Mundial de Béisbol 2023 con un marcador de 3 carreras por 2.El Clásico Mundial de Béisbol 2023 se llevó a cabo del 8 al 21 de marzo de 2023. Los partidos empezaron en Taichung y concluyeron en Miami con la fase final por el título.
Staff (2023-03-22). Teodoro Pérez, fundador del Inder, falleció a los 87 años de edad. Teodoro Pérez Martineaud, fundador del Inder y artífice de su desarrollo durante décadas de intensa labor, falleció hoy a los 87 años de edad a causa de una insuficiencia cardíaca. "Nos deja físicamente un guerrero incansable, entregado a plenitud a las muchas tareas asumidas", tuiteó el presidente del organismo deportivo, Osvaldo Vento Montiller.
Staff (2023-03-22). Inteligencia artificial: Medio chino estrena a una presentadora virtual de noticias. El medio de comunicación estatal chino People's Daily dio a conocer recientemente al nuevo miembro de su equipo de noticias. Se trata de Ren Xiaorong, una presentadora virtual impulsada por inteligencia artificial.
teleSUR, DRL (2023-03-22). Venezuela y Brasil afianzan vínculos diplomáticos bilaterales. A principios de marzo una delegación brasileña encabezada por Celso Amorim, asesor especial de la Presidencia y excanciller, viajó a Venezuela en la primera visita oficial de alto nivel en años.
Staff (2023-03-22). Las 3 del Día: Del candidato vacunal cubano contra el dengue y otras cuestiones (+ Podcast). Sean bienvenidos a Las 3 del Día, el podcast de Cubadebate donde se podrán enterar de las noticias más importantes de este 21 de marzo. Hoy nos acompañan Darío Extremera y Yilena Héctor en estos minutos de información.En esta ocasión centramos nuestro episodio en el candidato vacunal cubano contra el dengue. Además realizamos el habitual resumen noticioso de Las 3 del Día.
Staff (2023-03-22). Celebran expertos cubanos 20 años de esfuerzos para conservar la flora nativa. Sesionó hoy en La Habana la reunión conmemorativa por los 20 años del Grupo de Especialistas en Plantas Cubanas (GEPC). Esta agrupación de expertos nacionales y extranjeros pertenece a la Comisión para la Supervivencia de las Especies de la Unión Internacional para la Conservación de la Naturaleza y la han integrado especialistas de más de 30 instituciones.
Staff (2023-03-22). Dos miembros del Cuba en el Todos Estrellas del Clásico. El tercera base Yoán Moncada y el lanzador relevista Miguel Romero, integrantes de la selección nacional cubana, fueron seleccionados entre los integrantes del Todos Estrellas del V Clásico Mundial de Béisbol…
teleSUR- hvh, JCM (2023-03-22). Cuba denuncia hostilidad contra equipo de béisbol en EE.UU. En el encuentro "se produjeron lamentables y peligrosos incidentes en contra del equipo cubano", señaló la cancillería.
teleSUR, jaa, YSM (2023-03-22). Venezuela y República àÅrabe Saharaui firman acuerdos de cooperación. Fueron firmados entre las partes dos memorándums en el sector educacional, así como otros en la agricultura, la cultura, la pesca, medioambiente, entre otros sectores.
teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2023-03-22). Presidente Fernández anuncia regreso de Argentina a Unasur. Actualmente, Unasur está integrado por Guyana, Surinam, Bolivia, Venezuela y Perú.
teleSUR, dcdc, JCM (2023-03-22). Avanza candidato vacunal contra el dengue en Cuba. Con el candidato vacunal contra el dengue, Cuba pretende evitar la gravedad, incluso la sintomatología de la enfermedad.
teleSUR, MER (2023-03-22). AN aprueba proyecto de acuerdo en apoyo a lucha anticorrupción del Gobierno venezolano. El presidente del Parlamento venezolano acotó que, hasta el momento, hay 19 personas detenidas por hechos de corrupción.
Staff (2023-03-22). Venezuela: Asamblea Nacional aprueba proyecto en apoyo a lucha anticorrupción. La Asamblea Nacional (AN) de Venezuela aprobó este martes un proyecto de acuerdo en respaldo a la lucha contra la corrupción impulsada por el Gobierno del presidente Nicolás Maduro.