Monthly Archives: March 2023

2023-03-21: News Headlines

Fight Back (2023-03-21). Milwaukee Anti-war Committee rallies for peace in Ukraine, against U.S. war machine. Milwaukee, WI – In solidarity with the protest in Washington D.C. on March 18 that saw organizers from all over the country descend on the capital, the Milwaukee Anti-War Committee (MAC) hosted a rally downtown to demand peace in Ukraine and reflect on the 20th anniversary of the U.S. invasion of Iraq. Despite the frigid weather, members from the MAC, Milwaukee Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression, and Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO) came together to speak on the need to end imperialism and touched on the destructive history of U.S. economic and military interventions abroad. | The event o…

Vanessa Phipps (2023-03-21). Thousands march in Washington, D.C. to launch new movement against U.S. empire. Thousands of anti-war protesters gathered in Lafayette Park, in front of the White House.

____ (2023-03-21). Same As With "Iranian" Drones.

Marc Steiner (2023-03-21). Before the Black Panther Party, there was the Lowndes County Freedom Organization. Early in 1966, the people of Lowndes County, Alabama formed an all-Black, independent political organization called the Lowndes County Freedom Organization (LCFO). Organized with the support of activists from the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC), the LCFO fought the disenfranchisement of Black voters against the palpable threat of white violence. The LCFO was a crucial chapter in the early history of Black Power, providing not only the blueprint for Kwame Ture's theory of Black Power but also the black panther imagery that would inspire Huey P. Newton and Bobby Seale to form the Black Panthe…

_____ (2023-03-21). The United States' New Yemen Strategy. The US appears to be pursuing an old policy of plundering natural resources in Yemen, where the same Americans have been responsible for the civil war for over a year. This is what the commander of the United States Naval Forces Central Command (NAVCENT), the United States Fifth Fleet, and the Combined Maritime Forces (CMF) […] | –°–æ–æ–±—â–µ–Ω–∏–µ

Andy Kroll (2023-03-21). A Highway to Peace or a Highway to Hell? In April 1953, newly elected President Dwight D. Eisenhower, a retired five-star Army general who had led the landings on D-Day in France in June 1944, gave his most powerful speech. It would become known as his "Cross of Iron" address. In it, Ike warned of the cost humanity would pay if Cold War competition led to a world dominated by wars and weaponry that couldn't be reined in. In the immediate aftermath of the death of Soviet dictator Josef Stalin, Ike extended an olive branch to the new leaders of that empire. He sought, he said, to put America and the world on a "highway to peace." It was, of course, never…

Fight Back (2023-03-21). Milwaukee Anti-war Committee rallies for peace in Ukraine, against U.S. war machine. Milwaukee, WI – In solidarity with the protest in Washington D.C. on March 18 that saw organizers from all over the country descend on the capital, the Milwaukee Anti-War Committee (MAC) hosted a rally downtown to demand peace in Ukraine and reflect on the 20th anniversary of the U.S. invasion of Iraq. Despite the frigid weather, members from the MAC, Milwaukee Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression, and Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO) came together to speak on the need to end imperialism and touched on the destructive history of U.S. economic and military interventions abroad. | The event o…

Vanessa Phipps (2023-03-21). Thousands march in Washington, D.C. to launch new movement against U.S. empire. Thousands of anti-war protesters gathered in Lafayette Park, in front of the White House.

____ (2023-03-21). Same As With "Iranian" Drones.

Marc Steiner (2023-03-21). Before the Black Panther Party, there was the Lowndes County Freedom Organization. Early in 1966, the people of Lowndes County, Alabama formed an all-Black, independent political organization called the Lowndes County Freedom Organization (LCFO). Organized with the support of activists from the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC), the LCFO fought the disenfranchisement of Black voters against the palpable threat of white violence. The LCFO was a crucial chapter in the early history of Black Power, providing not only the blueprint for Kwame Ture's theory of Black Power but also the black panther imagery that would inspire Huey P. Newton and Bobby Seale to form the Black Panthe…

_____ (2023-03-21). The United States' New Yemen Strategy. The US appears to be pursuing an old policy of plundering natural resources in Yemen, where the same Americans have been responsible for the civil war for over a year. This is what the commander of the United States Naval Forces Central Command (NAVCENT), the United States Fifth Fleet, and the Combined Maritime Forces (CMF) […] | –°–æ–æ–±—â–µ–Ω–∏–µ

Andy Kroll (2023-03-21). A Highway to Peace or a Highway to Hell? In April 1953, newly elected President Dwight D. Eisenhower, a retired five-star Army general who had led the landings on D-Day in France in June 1944, gave his most powerful speech. It would become known as his "Cross of Iron" address. In it, Ike warned of the cost humanity would pay if Cold War competition led to a world dominated by wars and weaponry that couldn't be reined in. In the immediate aftermath of the death of Soviet dictator Josef Stalin, Ike extended an olive branch to the new leaders of that empire. He sought, he said, to put America and the world on a "highway to peace." It was, of course, never…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-03-21). Daily Round-up Anti-war demonstrations held to reject US warmongering, militarism & other stories. In today's episode, we bring you stories of an anti-war mobilization in the US, negotiations on the transitional government in Sudan, a planned strike by Palestinian prisoners, and a march in Mexico on the anniversary of the nationalization of oil resources…

Staff (2023-03-21). Venezuela: Public Ministry Appoints Prosecutors for New Anti-Corruption Investigation, Deputy Hugbel Roa Arrested.

Staff (2023-03-21). Venezuela's Oil Minister Resigns Amid New Anti-Corruption Investigation.

Staff (2023-03-21). La vergàºenza del #TeamAsere. Me quedo con la vergàºenza de Armando Johnson… con su humildad, con su timidez, con ese nudo en la garganta que le impidió hablar en el recibimiento que les hicieran en el aeropuerto José Martí de La Habana. Me quedo con su imagen escondida en la foto colectiva… Los grandes no necesitan protagonismo. Lo tienen porque sí.

Staff (2023-03-21). Clásico Mundial de Béisbol: Japón deja al campo a México 6-5 en una semifinal de infarto (+ Tuit y Videos). En un emocionante juego de semifinales del Clásico Mundial de Béisbol, Japón logró clasificar a la final tras vencer 6-5 a México. En el final del noveno inning, Japón se encontraba en desventaja con un marcador de 4-5. Shohei Ohtani encendió el rally en el noveno inning con un doble, y Munetaka Murakami conectó un poderoso batazo contra la cerca que remolcó dos carreras para la goma y dejó al campo a México.

Staff (2023-03-21). Clásico Mundial de Béisbol: Japón deja al campo a México 6-5 en una semifinal de infarto (+ Video). En un emocionante juego de semifinales del Clásico Mundial de Béisbol, Japón logró clasificar a la final tras vencer 6-5 a México. En el final del noveno inning, Japón se encontraba en desventaja con un marcador de 4-5. Shohei Ohtani encendió el rally en el noveno inning con un doble, y Munetaka Murakami conectó un poderoso batazo contra la cerca que remolcó dos carreras para la goma y dejó al campo a México.

Staff (2023-03-21). Las 3 del día: Actuación de Cuba en el Clásico Mundial y las noticias de esta jornada (+ Podcast). Estados Unidos superó ampliamente este domingo a Cuba catorce carreras por dos en el partido semifinal del Quinto Clásico Mundial de Béisbol. Aunque la última imagen que deja el equipo cubano ante la afición es este dispar marcador de 14-2, es de destacar que culminó cuarto en esta edición, y tras 17 años regresó a planos estelares en el béisbol mundial.

teleSUR, MER (2023-03-21). Respaldan lucha anticorrupción del Gobierno venezolano. Diosdado Cabello afirmó que en la Revolución Bolivariana no hay espacio para corruptos.

teleSUR, MER (2023-03-21). Presidente venezolano: hemos asumido una posición frontal en lucha contra la corrupción. El jefe de Estado pidió su apoyo al pueblo venezolano en esta batalla contra la corrupción.

Staff (2023-03-21). øRepresentan bien las empresas de la música en Cuba a sus artistas? (I). Cuba cuenta con 14 empresas provinciales y una municipal (Isla de la Juventud), dos centros provinciales, dos nacionales y seis agencias de representación artística. Esta estructura agrupa a 4 081 unidades artísticas (669 subvencionadas y 3 412 no subvencionadas) integradas por 21 335 artistas y personal de apoyo.

Staff (2023-03-21). Detienen a 19 ex altos funcionarios en República Dominicana por trama de corrupción. Durante una operación anticorrupción 19 colaboradores del expresidente de República Dominicana Danilo Medina fueron arrestados por desfalco millonario y lavado de activos. La operación fue llevada a cabo por la Procuraduría especializada de Persecución de la Corrupción Administrativa tras una compleja investigación.

Staff (2023-03-21). Venezuela se prepara para los V Juegos Deportivos del Alba. Los V Juegos Deportivos de la Alianza Bolivariana para los Pueblos de Nuestra América (Alba) se celebrarán en 19 instalaciones de los estados de Miranda, La Guaira y Caracas, en Venezuela. En los Juegos participarán 3 mil 500 atletas en 35 deportes, como el beisbol, boxeo, atletismo, ajedrez, taekwondo, natación y esgrima.

Staff (2023-03-21). Cuba y España, aliados importantes para el fortalecimiento de la actividad notarial. La voluntad de fortalecer las relaciones entre Cuba y España en el ámbito notarial, en particular en materia de capacitación e informatización, distinguió el encuentro del Primer Ministro cubano con miembros del Consejo General del Notariado Español.

Staff (2023-03-21). El pueblo estadounidense clama por la paz a dos décadas de la invasión a Iraq. Un fuerte reclamo de cese del militarismo y de la política de sanciones colmó este lunes las calles de Washington DC, donde miles de personas se congregaron para conmemorar el vigésimo aniversario de la invasión a Iraq liderada por EEUU. Los manifestantes portaron ataúdes envueltos en las banderas de los países invadidos en estas dos décadas de intenso belicismo.

2023-03-21 21:23:25 | 21:23 EST | jz | 28 | 0 | 0 | 26 | 0 

2023-03-20: News Headlines

Fight Back (2023-03-20). Detroit holds rally in solidarity with DC anti-war demonstration. Detroit, MI – In the early afternoon of March 18, braving the sub-freezing temperatures and biting wind, 40 activists gathered at Hart Plaza, in the heart of Detroit, to demonstrate against the U.S. escalation of its war against Russia in the Ukraine. The rally was in solidarity with the historic DC march occurring at the same date. | Several speakers tied the brutal U.S. invasion of Iraq, which began on this day 20 years ago, to the U.S. war in Ukraine, noting the chilling parallels between the two. | Movement elder Bill Meyer, representing the Michigan Peace Council, added his perspective to the event, saying…

____ (2023-03-20). Iranian president receives invitation from Saudi king to visit Riyadh: official. A senior Iranian political official said on Sunday that Saudi Arabia's king has invited Iran's president to visit Riyadh.

____ (2023-03-20). Iranian FM says to meet Saudi counterpart soon. Iranian foreign minister said on Sunday that he will meet his Saudi counterpart Prince Faisal bin Farhan Al Saud in the near future.

Fight Back (2023-03-20). Detroit holds rally in solidarity with DC anti-war demonstration. Detroit, MI – In the early afternoon of March 18, braving the sub-freezing temperatures and biting wind, 40 activists gathered at Hart Plaza, in the heart of Detroit, to demonstrate against the U.S. escalation of its war against Russia in the Ukraine. The rally was in solidarity with the historic DC march occurring at the same date. | Several speakers tied the brutal U.S. invasion of Iraq, which began on this day 20 years ago, to the U.S. war in Ukraine, noting the chilling parallels between the two. | Movement elder Bill Meyer, representing the Michigan Peace Council, added his perspective to the event, saying…

____ (2023-03-20). Iranian president receives invitation from Saudi king to visit Riyadh: official. A senior Iranian political official said on Sunday that Saudi Arabia's king has invited Iran's president to visit Riyadh.

____ (2023-03-20). Iranian FM says to meet Saudi counterpart soon. Iranian foreign minister said on Sunday that he will meet his Saudi counterpart Prince Faisal bin Farhan Al Saud in the near future.

Staff (2023-03-20). Prueba dinámica realizada este domingo arroja resultados satisfactorios. Autoridades del Consejo Electoral Nacional (CEN) evaluaron de muy positivos los resultados de la prueba dinámica realizada este domingo, en todo el país, como paso previo a las elecciones de los diputados a las Asamblea Nacional del Poder Popular, a celebrarse el próximo 26 de marzo. Explicó que el proceso corroboró también los aseguramientos y las comunicaciones.

Staff (2023-03-20). Pueblo cubano recibirá al equipo Cuba que participó en Clásico Mundial de Beisbol. Luego de ubicarse entre los cuatro grandes del V Clásico Mundial de Beisbol, el equipo cubano regresará este lunes a la patria.Se espera que la aeronave aterrice en el Aeropuerto Internacional José Martí al filo de las 6: 30 a. m., y que sobre las 8: 30 a. m. inicie un recorrido por la ciudad. El trayecto culminará en la Ciudad Deportiva, donde a las 10: 00 a. m. se producirá el recibimiento.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-03-20). PSUV apoya lucha contra corrupción del Gobierno de Venezuela. "Nuestra lucha contra la corrupción tiene que ser un sello inalterable de la conducta política que debe regir la acción cotidiana de los hombres y mujeres de la Revolución Bolivariana", indica el texto.

Staff (2023-03-20). Falcón Jr. gana oro en natación de aguas abiertas. El cubano Rodolfo Falcón Jr. redondeó su destacado desempeño al conquistar medalla de oro en los 10 kilómetros durante la segunda parada de la Serie Panamericana de Aguas Abiertas de 2023, con sede en Puerto Rico. Falcón Jr. marcó dos horas y dos minutos luego de liderar todo el tiempo. A pesar de la lesión en un hombro. A unos 10 segundos pasaron sus más cercanos rivales.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-03-20). Presidente saharaui inicia visita oficial a Venezuela. Se trata de la primera visita a la nación bolivariana de un jefe de Estado de la RASD. Prevé reunirse con su homólogo venezolano, Nicolás Maduro.

Staff (2023-03-20). Cuba cae en semifinales del Clásico Mundial de Béisbol y concluye cuarta. Estados Unidos superó ampliamente a Cuba catorce carreras por dos en el partido semifinal del Quinto Clásico Mundial de Béisbol, para convertirse así en el primer finalista del evento beisbolero, a la espera del ganador del encuentro entre Japón y México. El equipo cubano culminó cuarto en esta edición y este lunes se le organizará un cálido recibimiento, en la Ciudad Deportiva.

Staff (2023-03-20). Thalía Fuentes Puebla: "El periodismo es un privilegio"

Neil Clark (2023-03-19). The War on Yugoslavia 24 years Ago: Milosevic Exonerated by the ICTY, as the NATO War Machine Moves on. On the 24th of March 2023, the people of Serbia will be commemorating NATO's illegal and criminal invasion of Yugoslavia. | . | Twenty-four years ago in the early hours of March 24, 1999, NATO began the bombing of the Federal Socialist …

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-03-18). 12 Years Ago NATO Bombed Libya to "Protect Civilians", Leaving Tens of Thousands Dead and a Country in Ruins. Moussa Ibrahim The Western war machine only served its own interests in destroying a nation that could liberate Africa On the 19th of March 2011, the NATO bloc began a violent 8-month long military onslaught of Libya, a sovereign African-Union founding member state, which had enjoyed four decades of stability, prosperity and one of the…

2023-03-20 04:15:43 | 04:15 EST | tr | 17 | 1 | 1 | 17 | 0