Monthly Archives: October 2023

2023-10-29: News Headlines

Editor (2023-10-29). Oct 29, 2023. Ripple — Grateful Dead Cold Blooded Killers and their Cheerleaders, by Craig Murray Iran-Russia Set a Western Trap in Palestine, by Pepe Escobar SC: Western Media 'Cancel' the Ukr Conflict as Palestinian Genocide Exposes Their Lies and Fake News The Myth of The Moral Army: Israel's Military Killed Many of Its Own Citizens With Tanks, Missiles Exterminate All the Brutes, by Chris Hedges Biden's Support for Israeli Assault on Gaza Could Make Him Complicit in Genocide, by Jake Johnson Is Hamas a Radical Palestinian Group? by Karl Sanchez Israel Cut Off Gaza's Communications Because Murdere…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-10-29). Palestine: History Will Not Forgive the Indifferent, and We Will Not be Among Them. Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez Flames and smoke billow out from bombarded buildings during Israeli airstrikes on the Gaza Strip on 9 October. Sixty-three years ago, in a historic speech before the United Nations General Assembly, the historic leader of the Cuban Revolution, Fidel Castro Ruz, said and I quote: "Wars, since the beginning of humanity, have…

Chicago Alba Solidarity, Orinoco Tribune. (2023-10-29). Medea Benjamin Reveals Details Of Visit To Venezuela's Diplomat Alex Saab. Activist and founder of the CODEPINK women's group, Medea Benjamin, stated that the Venezuelan diplomat Alex Saab, kidnapped by the United States, "has a commitment to himself, to his dignity, to his honor and his major commitment is with the Venezuelan people." | Benjamin, who had the opportunity to visit the special envoy in the Miami federal prison recently, commented on her impressions during the most recent webinar of Hands Off Venezuela, organized by the Venezuela Solidarity Campaign of the Fire This Time Movement of Canada. | Medea Benjamin highlighted that Saab remains "firm, with his head held high."

Jeremy Kuzmarov (2023-10-29). Widening the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: Yellow Journalism Stoking Potential War on Iran.

Pavel López Lazo (2023-10-29). National Ballet of Cuba: 75 Years of Miracle. Havana, Oct 29 (Prensa Latina) The greatness of the National Ballet of Cuba (BNC) stood out in the gala ceremony for its 75th anniversary, with the performance of young ballet dancers and acclaimed professionals under the BNC founders ¥ symbolic gaze.

teleSUR (2023-10-29). Cuban President Rejects Israel's Genocide against Palestinians. Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel condemned on Saturday the relentless Israeli bombardments against the population in the besieged Gaza Strip during the last three weeks. | RELATED: | In statements to national television, Díaz-Canel rejected the genocide, the destruction of homes, hospitals and civilian infrastructure perpetrated by the Israeli occupation forces in Palestinian territory. | He pointed out that suc…

scorinoco (2023-10-29). Venezuela's Oil Production Will Increase After Sanctions Eased, Energy Policy Expert Says. The United States implemented a partial and temporary lifting of the illegal sanctions imposed on Venezuela, after the signing of agreements between the Venezuelan government and a sector of the opposition in Barbados. | The Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) of the US Treasury Department issued an order specifically aimed at relaxing the coercive measures applied against Petróleos de Venezuela (PDVSA) since 2019. | Over two-thirds of these general licenses, as Washington calls them, are directed at the oil and gas sector of Venezuela, which has been seriously harmed by the unilateral coercive measures that…

Staff (2023-10-29). Venezuela's Vice President Calls Out President of Guyana for Beating Drums of War. Venezuelan Vice President Delcy Rodríguez said that the president of Guyana, Irfaan Ali, is beating the drums of war and is threatening the peace of Latin America and the Caribbean, violating CELAC declaration of the region being a zone of peace. | At an event in El Valle parish of Caracas on Saturday, October 28, the Venezuelan Vice President said that the Guyanese president has turned his back on the negotiations mandated by the 1966 Geneva Agreement on the Essequibo territorial dispute. Instead he is following verbatim the plan made by ExxonMobil to sow confrontation between Venezuela and Guyana. | Rodríguez f…

Staff (2023-10-29). Venezuela's Vice President Calls Out President of Guyana for Playing War Drums. Venezuelan Vice President Delcy Rodríguez said that the president of Guyana, Irfaan Ali, is playing war drums and is threatening the peace of Latin America and the Caribbean, violating CELAC declaration of the region being a zone of peace. | At an event in El Valle parish of Caracas on Saturday, October 28, the Venezuelan Vice President said that the Guyanese president has turned his back on the negotiations mandated by the 1966 Geneva Agreement on the Essequibo territorial dispute. Instead he is following verbatim the plan made by ExxonMobil to sow confrontation between Venezuela and Guyana. | Rodríguez further…

teleSUR, JCM (2023-10-29). Venezuela respalda a la ONU para que Israel cese hostilidades en Gaza. "Cese ya el asesinato de niños palestinos, de mujeres palestinas, cese ya esta política de exterminio", señaló la vicepresidenta ejecutiva Delcy Rodríguez..

teleSUR, hvh, JDO (2023-10-29). Venezuela insta al diálogo a Guyana en diferendo por Esequibo. Caracas resaltó que el mandatario guyanés, Irfaan Ali, muestra una conducta guerrerista y contraria al Acuerdo de Ginebra de 1966.

teleSUR, jaa, JGN (2023-10-29). Comandante Camilo Cienfuegos: a 64 años de su desaparición física. Camilo Cienfuegos fue uno de los líderes de la trascendental invasión del Oriente al Occidente junto a Ernesto Che Guevara.

teleSUR, SH, JGN (2023-10-29). øCómo Venezuela logra la eliminación del analfabetismo. La Unesco reconoció el 28 de octubre del año 2005 la labor del Gobierno venezolano, y dos años más tarde el país suramericano fue declarado territorio libre de analfabetismo.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-10-29). Colombia es el nuevo rey del béisbol panamericano. Venció 9-1 a Brasil en la final. A continuación se ubicaron México, Panamá, República Dominicana, Cuba, Venezuela y Chile.

teleSUR, MS (2023-10-29). Díaz-Canel rechazó el genocidio de Israel sobre Palestina. El presidente de Cuba rechazó los bombardeos, agresiones, abusos y genocidio del Estado sionista de Israel sobre el pueblo palestino.

Cynthia Papermaster (2023-10-29). Fasting for Gaza Ceasefire at Nancy Pelosi's doorstep. CODEPINK and World Beyond War are sponsors of a fast for a ceasefire in Gaza, for the love of the children of Gaza. We are asking Nancy Pelosi to call for a cease fire and de-escalation, per 80% of Democrat voters and HR 786. We are asking Biden to support a ceasefire and to stop spending our $ on weapons for the Israeli military to use against civilians in Palestine. (2023-10-29). Israel wouldn't dare commit genocide in Gaza if not for US support: Iran. Nasser Kan'ani says Israel would not dare commit so many crimes and genocide against Palestinians in the Gaza Strip if it weren't for the United States' support. (2023-10-29). Israel committing 'flagrant genocide' in Gaza: Iran. 70 percent of casualties in Gaza have been children, women, and the elderly. (2023-10-29). Iran, Saudi FMs urge end to Israel's Gaza bombardment. Israel has been pounding the besieged territory from the ground, sea and air over the past 23 days. (2023-10-29). We won't accept ignoring genocide against Palestinians: Cuban president. The Cuban President blamed Israel and the US for 75 years of occupation and violating the 'inalienable' rights of the Palestinians. (2023-10-29). Iran: Muslim world can help stop Israel's war machine, genocide in Gaza. The death toll since the start of the Israeli carnage on October 7 has reached 7,650. (2023-10-29). 'Zionists' crimes in Gaza exposed moral decline of US, other supporters of apartheid regime'. Iran says the Israeli regime's brutal and relentless crimes in Gaza have exposed the moral decline of the regime's supporters, including the US. (2023-10-29). 'Israel's failed ground invasion 2nd victory for resistance after Operation al-Aqsa Storm'. Iran's president says Israel's defeat in its ground invasion of the besieged Gaza Strip is another victory for the Palestinian resistance groups. (2023-10-29). 'Israel's failed ground invasion, 2nd victory for resistance after Operation al-Aqsa Storm'. Iran's president says Israel's defeat in its ground invasion of the besieged Gaza Strip is another victory for the Palestinian resistance groups. (2023-10-29). Saudi Arabia condemns Israeli ground operations in Gaza, calls for immediate truce. Saudi Arabia has condemned any ground invasion of Gaza Strip by Israel, calling on the international community to immediately secure a ceasefire in the besieged enclave.

2023-10-30 00:43:49 | 00:43 EST | rz | 27 | 0 | 0 | 25 | 0 

2023-10-13: News Headlines

Staff (2023-10-13). Headlines for October 13, 2023. U.N. Warns of "Devastating Humanitarian Consequences" as Israel Orders 1.1 Million to Evacuate Gaza, Israel Fires White Phosphorus in Lebanon and Gaza, Iran's Foreign Minister Meets Lebanese Leaders, Warns Israel Could Face "Other Fronts", Hamas Says 13 Hostages Captured in Israel Have Died in Gaza Airstrikes, Pentagon Chief Lloyd Austin Says U.S. Won't Place Conditions on Weapons to Israel, Western Governments Ban Palestinian Solidarity Demonstrations, Competing Pro-Israel and Pro-Palestine Demonstrations Raise Tensions on College Campuses, Rep. Scalise Drops Bid to Become Hou…

Editor (2023-10-13). Oct 13, 2023. An Cailin Alainn — Sibéal The geopolitics of Al-Aqsa Flood, by Pepe Escobar The God of War Consumes All, by Bill Astore Biden Invokes Mystery Evil to Cover Up U.S. Criminal Responsibility, by Finian Cunningham People Have A Serious Case Of 9/11 Brain Right Now, And It's Scary, by Caitlin Johnstone Jewish Voice for Peace: The Root of Violence is Oppression The New Gaza Generation: Rising Against Desperation and Defying Israel, by Ramzy Baroud Day Six: Mass Displacement; Thousands Dead, Wounded; Resistance Continues — Palestine Chronicle Report from Gaza: fears that Israeli army is…

Elliot Murphy (2023-10-13). Conflict in the Gulag Archipelago. Israel-Palestine is one of those issues that looks like it has a simple solution, but the more you read about it the more complex you realize the situation is — but then if you read even more about it you conclude that it does have a simple solution after all. Iran-backed Hamas is resisting the

Luis Linares Petrov (2023-10-13). Iran calls for an end to the Israeli aggression against Gaza. Beirut, Oct 13 (Prensa Latina) The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Iran, Hossein Amir Abdollahian, called on the Islamic governments to declare their support for the end of the Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip.

Luis Linares Petrov (2023-10-13). Cuba displayed at ECLAC progress made in gender equality. Hernández participated in the Sixty-fifth meeting of the Presiding Officers of the Regional Conference on Women in Latin America and the Caribbean, which took place at the headquarters of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) in Chile. | The delegate reported in an interview with Prensa Latina that Cuban women currently hold 55.7 percent of the seats in Parliament. "In Cuba, we have three autonomies: economic, physical and decision-making," she said. | She also recalled Cuba ¥s national program for the advancement of women aimed at promoting their empowerment, and also the proto…

Luis Linares Petrov (2023-10-13). Cuba ¥s products present at China trade fair. Aner Pérez, general director of the Coratur Representative Office in China, commented in statements to Prensa Latina that goods, such as coffee, honey and rum were very well received at the event. | Henan is one of the Chinese provinces most committed to the development and incorporation of international products, hence the importance of participating in this fair, he explained, and emphasized that Cuba promotes a series of products, which Chinese consumers can find on China's digital trade platform, specifically under the "Excelencias de Cuba" section. | "We have worked with interested marketers, we have…

Luis Linares Petrov (2023-10-13). Millions of US citizens calls Biden to lift the blocade against Cuba. Boston, USA, Oct 13 (Prensa Latina) If President Joe Biden spoke on behalf of the people of the United States, he would lift the blockade of Cuba and eliminate the designation of Cuba as a country sponsoring terrorism, activist Cheryl LaBash affirmed.

Luis Linares Petrov (2023-10-13). Venezuela ratified its solidarity with the people of Palestine. Caracas, Oct 13 (Prensa Latina) The government of Venezuela ratified its vocation of solidarity with the people of Palestine and demanded compliance with the resolutions adopted by the United Nations, on the seventh day of attacks against the Gaza Strip.

teleSUR, jaa, YSM (2023-10-13). Vicepresidenta venezolana ratifica denuncia contra sanciones. La viceministra recordó que son 930 sanciones ilícitas contra Venezuela las que continúan entorpeciendo el desarrollo y la soberanía de la nación caribeña.

teleSUR, jaa, JGN (2023-10-13). Venezuela empata con Brasil en eliminatorias mundialistas. Chile aprovechó su localía y pudo sacar los tres puntos ante Perú por victoria de dos goles por cero. Argentina sacó sus tres puntos ante Paraguay.

teleSUR, lfb, JDO (2023-10-13). Irán despliega ofensiva diplomática en apoyo a Palestina. Canciller iraní visita Líbano y se entrevista con líder de Hizbullah. Por su parte, el secretario de Estado de EE.UU. se entrevistó en Jordania con autoridades palestinas.

teleSUR, YSM (2023-10-13). Conmemoran el Día de la Resistencia Indígena. Venezuela, Colombia, El Salvador y Paraguay rindieron homenaje a las luchas iniciadas en 1492 por los pueblos originarios en defensa de su cultura.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-10-13). Venezuela condena ataques de Israel a dos aeropuertos en Siria. Las fuerzas de Israel bombardearon de forma simultáneas los Aeropuertos Internacionales de Damasco y de Alepo en Siria.

teleSUR, DRL (2023-10-13). Inicia foro de Solidaridad con Cuba en EE.UU. Exigirán la exclusión de Cuba de la espuria lista de Países patrocinadores del Terrorismo. (2023-10-13). Iran's foreign minister meets Iraqi PM, talks Palestine developments. Hossein Amir-Abdollahian met with Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani in Baghdad. (2023-10-13). Iran: Fighting against Israel may expand to 'new fronts'. Iran says fighting against the Israeli regime, which has brought Gaza under an all-out war, may expand to new fronts. (2023-10-13). Iran: US 'cannot renege on agreement' to release $6 bln in Iranian assets. Americans know that they "cannot renege" on the agreement, Iran's mission to the UN says. (2023-10-13). Palestinian resistance to tap 'various capacities' if Israel continues crimes: Iran FM. Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian has warned that the Palestinian resistance groups will tap into their various capacities if the Israeli occupying regime pressed ahead with savagery in its barbaric onslaught against the besieged Gaza Strip. (2023-10-13). Raeisi: Israeli backers complicit in regime's crimes against Palestinians. Iran's president says supporters of Israel are complicit in all the regime's crimes against the Palestinian people. (2023-10-13). Iran FM: End to Israel's war crimes in Gaza top, foremost priority. The Iranian foreign minister urges an immediate end to Israel's war crimes against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip. (2023-10-13). Riyadh postpones normalization with Israel, engages with Iran amid Gaza war: Report. Saudi Arabia has reportedly delayed talks on normalization with Israel and is instead engaging Iran amid Israel's bombardment of the Gaza Strip. (2023-10-13). Iran, KSA: Israel, US inviting 'destructive insecurity' for Tel Aviv, allies. Iran and Saudi Arabia say Israel's crimes and the US's green light for them stand to invite "destructive insecurity" for the occupying regime and its supporters. (2023-10-13). Thousands of Tunisians express their solidarity with Palestinians. Thousands of unionists, representatives of civil society, political activists, lawyers, and high school students demonstrated in the center of Tunis in support of the Palestinian people. (2023-10-13). Raeisi: No new order will take hold in region until Palestinian rights upheld. Iranian President Ebrahim Raeisi says no new order will take hold in the region until the rights of Palestinian people are upheld. (2023-10-13). Iran says to continue space program under international law. Iran's permanent ambassador to the United Nations addressed the UN chief in a letter on Wednesday. (2023-10-13). Iran says has access to unfrozen funds in Qatar, rejects US reports. Iran rejects a report that says the country had been barred from accessing its $6 billion funds recently unfrozen and transferred to Qatari banks.

Javier Arana Villasusa (2023-10-12). Cuban delegation attends TTG Travel Experience 2023 in Italy. Rome, Oct 12 (Prensa Latina) A large Cuban delegation is participating in the 60th edition of TTG Travel Experience 2023, which opened on Wednesday, until October 13, in the city of Rimini, in the northern Italian region of Emilia Romagna.

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