Daily Archives: December 23, 2023

2023-12-23: News Headlines

People's Dispatch. (2023-12-23). Human Rights Groups Demand ICC Issue Arrest Warrants On Israeli Officials. popularresistance.org Hundreds of human rights organizations and activists issued a joint call on Wednesday, December 20 asking the International Criminal Court (ICC) to immediately issue arrest warrants for Israeli officials accused of being involved in the genocide of Palestinians in Gaza. | Addressed to Karim Khan KC, the ICC prosecutor, the letter underlines that the warrants are necessary to prevent the "continuing commission by Israeli officials of genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes against Palestinians." | The letter was written in support of the three Palestinian human rights groups, Al-Haq, Al-Mezan Center for H…

Mohamed Elmaazi (2023-12-23). Court victory for activists who disrupted Israel's weapons trade. electronicintifada.net Many allegations against the Elbit Eight have been rejected by a jury in a London trial.

Staff (2023-12-23). Landmark court cases sees Palestine Action's 'Elbit Eight' acquitted on 12 charges — but there's a catch. thecanary.co In a landmark case, eight Palestine Action activists who used direct action to shut down the Israeli weapons trade have been acquitted of a total 12 charges which included criminal damage, burglary and encouraging criminal damage. The trial, which commenced on 13 November, related to a series of actions taken during the first six months …

The Canary (2023-12-23). Landmark court cases sees Palestine Action's 'Elbit Eight' acquitted on 12 charges — but there's a catch. thecanary.co In a landmark case, eight Palestine Action activists who used direct action to shut down the Palestine Action: a landmark legal case: | Richard Barnard, co-founder of Palestine Action, was convicted by a 10-2 majority of one count…

greenleft.org.au (2023-12-23). Housing activists organise national day of action for public housing, rent controls. greenleft.org.au

Pressenza Athens (2023-12-23). PUMA withdraws its sponsorship of Israeli football. pressenza.com BDS achieved a major victory: PUMA was forced to drop its sponsorship of the Israel Football Association. | The Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (PACBI), a founding part of the BDS (Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions) movement, welcomes the news that PUMA will not renew its contract with the Israel Football Association (IFA). | PUMA has been the target of a global BDS campaign since 2018 for its support of Israeli apartheid that oppresses millions of Palestinians. The IFA runs and supports the maintenance of teams in illegal Israeli settlements on stolen Palestinian land. | Leak…

ecns.cn (2023-12-23). Comicomment | Surveillance Empire: U.S. unrestricted eavesdropping. ecns.cn The Section 702 of the U.S. Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), an important legal basis for U.S. intelligence authorities to eavesdrop on non-U.S. citizens overseas and step up international surveillance without authorization, will expire on December 31. The U.S. government is urgently seeking to renew this provision and extend its surveillance privileges.

Free Palestine! (2023-12-23). Sunday 12/24: Watsonville: Don't Feed the War Machine! indybay.org 1992 Main St, Watsonville…

news.yahoo.com (2023-12-23). Thousands rally in Yemen against US-led Red Sea operationOperation Prosperity Guardian, which has been initiated by the US, aims to boost the international military presence in the Red Sea following rocket and drone attacks on commercial shipping by the Houthis. | | The Houthis are attacking shipping they see as linked to Israel as part of efforts to support Hamas in the Gaza Strip.

boisestatepublicradio.org (2023-12-23). Why Houthis target shipsHouthi rebels in Yemen vow to continue attacking vessels passing through the Red Sea in response to Israel's war in Gaza.

Editor (2023-12-23). Biden Administration's Flawed Response to Yemen Attacks Increases Possibility of Regional War. scheerpost.com By Mitchell Plitnick / Mondoweiss Israel's war on the people of Gaza is gradually seeping out of Israel and Palestine and into the wider region as groups take action in support of the Palestinians. At first, the focus was on Israel's northern border with Lebanon, where exchanges between Israel and Hezbollah have, indeed, been slowly escalating. But …

Jake Johnson (2023-12-23). Biden Urged Not to Attack Yemen Over Houthi Blockade of Israel in Red Sea. truthout.org Dozens of anti-war organizations on Friday urged U.S. President Joe Biden to rule out any military escalation in Yemen as tensions in the Red Sea continue to rise following a series of Houthi attacks on shipping vessels. "While these attacks are concerning, expanding the war into Yemen will not resolve them and instead may dramatically worsen the threats to commercial shipping both in the Red Sea… |

Jane Cutter (2023-12-23). Who are the Houthis? liberationnews.org You may have seen the headlines: The Houthis, a Yemeni resistance group, have been attacking Israeli-linked ships going through the Red Sea in solidarity with the Palestinian people's struggle for liberation.

MEE, agencies (2023-12-23). Yemen warring parties agree to implement new ceasefire: UN. middleeasteye.net Yemen warring parties agree to implement new ceasefire: UN | Roadmap to peace under UN auspices would include improving living conditions in Yemen and preparing for the resumption of an inclusive political process | Sat, 12/23/2023 – 16: 26 | Supporters of Yemen's Houthi rebels raise portraits of their leader Abdul Malik al-Houthi during a rally in the capital Sanaa on 3 June 2022 (…

noemail (2023-12-23). Yemen's warring parties commit to ceasefire steps – U.N. special envoy. devdiscourse.com The Saudi-backed Yemeni government and Iran-aligned Houthis have both committed to steps towards a ceasefire, the U.N. special envoy for Yemen said on Saturday. The Houthis, which control north Yemen, have been fighting against a Saudi-led military alliance since 2015 in a conflict that has killed hundreds of thousands and left 80% of Yemen's population dependent on humanitarian aid.

Staff (2023-12-23). Deputy Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov makes news. gilbertdoctorow.com This past week was quite dull for observers of Russian state television news and talk shows who are looking for dispatches bearing on international events. There was almost nothing about the Houthi (Yemen) attacks on vessels in the Red Sea, about Defense Secretary Austin's 'Operation Prosperity' naval force to secure shipping in the region, about …

presstv.ir (2023-12-23). Yemen attacks cripple Israeli port's operations: Report. presstv.ir Ansarullah's attacks reportedly cripple operations at the port of Eilat at the southern tip of the occupied Palestinian territories.

presstv.ir (2023-12-23). Yemen: Anti-Israel operations to intensify if Gaza aggression doesn't end. presstv.ir The Yemeni defense minister says the country's armed forces will intensify their strikes if Israel doesn't put an end to its military aggression and all-out blockade against Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.

presstv.ir (2023-12-23). Yemenis rally in solidarity with Palestine, vow to respond to any US aggression. presstv.ir Thousands of Yemenis have taken to the streets across the country to express solidarity with Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, vow to answer back any US strike.

presstv.ir (2023-12-23). More shipping firms avoid Red Sea despite US promises. presstv.ir More shipping firms have decided to avoid the Red Sea although the US has created a naval coalition purportedly aimed to safeguard shipping after Yemen's retaliatory attacks on Israel-linked vessels.

Paul Craig Roberts (2023-12-23). Washington & CNN Are Setting Up Iran for Attack. thealtworld.com The Hypocrisy of Washington and the presstitutes is outrageous. The lie machines are content with Washington supplying the bombs, missiles, and protection for Israel's Genocide of the Palestinians but sees evil in Iran helping the Houthis, the people on whom Washington sicced the Saudis. | Don't you just love the names Washington puts on its military operations. All the warships Washington has po…

Pavel López Lazo (2023-12-23). Egypt and Iran to discuss situation in Gaza. plenglish.com During a phone talk, the two leaders debated on the war in Gaza and "followed up on discussions to tackle down on outstanding issues between the two nations," an official statement said. | Raisi also congratulated El-Sisi on his victory in December ¥s elections. | The Egyptian leader on Friday also talked about Gaza with his French counterpart, Emmanuel Macron. | Both presidents agreed to work for a just solution to the Palestinian cause and urged for avoiding further escalation in the region. | In this regard, the two presidents insisted on solving the Palestinian issue in a sustainable manner by implementin…

english.almanar.com.lb (2023-12-23). Imam Khamenei Lauds "Unparalleled" Palestinian Resilience against Israeli Cruelty. english.almanar.com.lb Leader of the Islamic Revolution in Iran Imam Sayyed Ali Khamenei applauded on Saturday the Palestinian people for their resistance against the Israeli aggression, saying that the Palestinian greatest achievement in Gaza was infliction of disgrace on the US and Britain. In a meeting with thousands of people from the Iranian provinces of Kerman and …

tehrantimes.com (2023-12-23). Peaceful IranIn an analysis, the Iran newspaper discussed Iran's efforts to stop the Gaza war and wrote: The efforts to immediately stop the current war and evaluate new regional polarizations against the Zionist regime cannot be seen without Tehran's special actions.

MEE staff (2023-12-23). Iran: Swedish citizen to be executed 'shortly' says UN. middleeasteye.net Iran: Swedish citizen to be executed 'shortly' says UN | Rights groups warn that Ahmadreza Djalali could face death in retaliation for Swedish court upholding conviction of former Iranian official | Sat, 12/23/2023 – 14: 13 | Demonstrators hold posters with a portrait of Swedish-Iranian doctor and researcher Ahmadreza Djalali who is imprisoned and sentenced to death in Iran, during a protest claiming to…

presstv.ir (2023-12-23). Iran: UN resolution on more Gaza aid deliveries 'positive but insufficient'. presstv.ir Iran has welcomed the UN Security Council resolution for increased Gaza aid delivery, but said it is not enough to ease the misery of Palestinian people.

presstv.ir (2023-12-23). Iran to Russia: No compromise on territorial integrity. presstv.ir Hossein Amir-Abdollahian made the remark in a phone call with his Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov.

Brett Wilkins, Common Dreams. (2023-12-23). ICC Given Names Of 40 Israeli Officers To Investigate For War Crimes. popularresistance.org As the Palestinian death toll from Israel's obliteration of Gaza topped 20,000—mostly women and children—a U.S.-based advocacy group on Tuesday published a list of 40 Israeli military commanders it says are "prime suspects" for international war crimes investigation. | Democracy for the Arab World Now (DAWN), founded by Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi before his 2018 assassination, said it submitted a dossier on "the officers and commanders responsible for executing Israel's war in Gaza" to the International Criminal Court (ICC). | "These 40 IDF commanders who have been responsible for planning, orde…

UMMID (2023-12-23). 'KSA Visa' to make Hajj, Umrah visa issuance simpler. ummid.com Saudi Arabia Tuesday December 19, 2023 launched a unified visa platform called 'KSA Visa' and accessible online via 'gov.sa' to make Hajj, Umrah and other visa application procedures simpler and easier.

Staff (2023-12-23). Cuba y Arabia Saudita firman acuerdo para el desarrollo del fútbol en ambos países. cubadebate.cu Oliet Rodríguez, titular de la AFC, y Yasser Al-Misahel, presidente de la SAFF, llegaron a la rúbrica con el objetivo de consolidar y seguir desarrollando una estrecha relación de trabajo, compartir recursos y experiencias, y cooperar bilateralmente.

presstv.ir (2023-12-23). Almost all Saudi nationals oppose Arab ties with Israel, poll finds. presstv.ir A new survey has found that 96 percent of Saudi Arabian citizens want Arab countries to cut all types of ties with Israel in response to the occupying regime's war on Gaza.

Staff (2023-12-23). Israel amplía ofensiva en Gaza, mueren en un ataque 76 miembros de una familia. cubadebate.cu Israel continuó reforzando su ofensiva en Gaza, donde en un solo ataque murieron 76 miembros de una familia, luego de que el viernes el Consejo de Seguridad de la ONU aprobó una resolución que evitó pedir un cese urgente y sostenible de las hostilidades. La cifra de palestinos muertos superó los 20 000, y llegaron a 69 y 136 las de periodistas y trabajadores de la ONU fallecidos.

teleSUR, lfb, YSM (2023-12-23). Aprueban nueva ley de salud pública en el Parlamento cubano. telesurtv.net El proyecto fue aprobado tras un amplio debate sobre las necesidades que trajo el nuevo Código de las Familias en la Isla.

teleSUR, YSM (2023-12-23). Concluye segundo periodo de sesiones del Parlamento cubano. telesurtv.net El dignatario manifestó que en ocasiones no se menciona el bloqueo como un elemento esencial del conflicto entre Cuba y Estados Unidos.

Staff (2023-12-23). UNE prevé una jornada sin afectaciones por déficit de generación este sábado. cubadebate.cu En su parte diario para este sábado, la Unión Eléctrica informa que no se espera afectación en el horario del día, precisó la UNE. Para la hora pico, se estima una disponibilidad de 2 761 MW y una demanda máxima de 2 550 MW, para una reserva de 211 MW, por lo que de mantenerse las condiciones previstas no se pronostican afectaciones al servicio en este horario.

Staff (2023-12-23). Se imponen la voluntad de trabajar, el afán de avanzar, la disposición de perfeccionar y la convicción de que vamos a vencer. cubadebate.cu A las puertas de una conmemoración trascendente: la celebración del 65 aniversario del triunfo de la Revolución, Cuba despedirá el año con la alegría que ni los peores vendavales de la naturaleza o el Imperio han podido arrebatarnos. °Vamos a celebrar nuestra voluntad de cambiar lo que debe ser cambiado para mantener y superar las conquistas sociales que la Revolución convirtió en derechos del pueblo!

Staff (2023-12-23). Biden firma el presupuesto militar de EEUU que asciende a 886 000 millones de dólares. cubadebate.cu Este viernes el presidente de Estados Unidos, Joe Biden, firmó la Ley de Autorización de la Defensa Nacional para el año fiscal 2024 (NDAA, por sus siglas en ingles), que representa el presupuesto militar del país por valor de 886 000 millones de dólares. La NDAA destina 11 500 millones de dólares a disuadir a Pekín en la región y 800 millones para Ucrania.

Staff (2023-12-23). Ecuatorianos agradecen a México solidaridad con exvicepresidente Glas. cubadebate.cu En la noche de este jueves se supo que el exfuncionario pidió oficialmente asilo político a México mientras se encuentra en la legación diplomática luego de que la Fiscalía solicitara su comparecencia para investigaciones. También este jueves la Asamblea Nacional rechazó un nuevo enjuiciamiento penal contra el exvicemandatrio…

Staff (2023-12-23). Modo Van Van: Lo último que trae el tren de la música cubana. cubadebate.cu "Modo Van Van" se dedica especialmente al bajista, compositor y arreglista Juan Carlos Formell, miembro de esta familia de músicos, quien falleciera el 26 de mayo de 2023 en la ciudad de Nueva York, a consecuencia de un ataque cardíaco.

Staff (2023-12-23). Nota informativa del Ministerio de Trabajo y Seguridad Social. cubadebate.cu El Consejo de Ministros ha decidido disponer el receso laboral con pago del salario, el miércoles 3 de enero de 2024, como justo reconocimiento al esfuerzo realizado por nuestro pueblo en el año 2023 y con el objetivo de propiciar el descanso de los trabajadores.

Staff (2023-12-23). El tiempo: Algunas lluvias en zonas de la costa norte. cubadebate.cu Estará parcialmente nublado en gran parte del país, con nublados y aislados chubascos ocasionales en zonas de la costa norte. En el resto del territorio nacional las lluvias serán escasas.

Staff (2023-12-23). Qué trae la prensa cubana, sábado 23 de diciembre de 2023. cubadebate.cu

Staff (2023-12-23). PDVSA Grants License for Gas Exploration and Extraction in Dragon Field. orinocotribune.com Venezuelan national oil company Petróleos de Venezuela SA (PDVSA) and the oil companies National Gas Company of Trinidad and Tobago (NGC) and Shell signed an agreement for the exploration and extraction of non-associated gas in the Dragon Gas field, located in the Paria peninsula of Venezuela, days after US mainstream media reported a stalemate in PDVSA's negotiations with Shell. | The granting of the licenses was reported by the Office of the Vice Presidency of Venezuela on Thursday, December 21. "This is how the signing of an agreement between Venezuela and Trinidad and Tobago for the production and export of g…

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