2024-03-13: News Headlines

People's Dispatch. (2024-03-13). Activists Push Palestine To The Front Line Of The Oscars. popularresistance.org "The Palestinian protests shut down the Oscars tonight!" shouted actor and activist Mark Ruffalo on the red carpet, on the way to the 2024 Academy Awards ceremony on the night of March 10. "Humanity wins!" he said, raising his fist. | Indeed, right outside where A-list celebrities were gathered for Hollywood's most important awards ceremony, a massive crowd was taking to the streets of Los Angeles, shouting "while you're watching, bombs are dropping!" and holding banners with slogans such as "No awards for genocide."

ANIS SHIVANI (2024-03-13). The State of the Union is Warlike and Getting Worse. counterpunch.org The SOTU spectacle served its purpose. The warmongers shilling for the liberal establishment were reassured that their figurehead president was strong and vigorous, up to the challenge of fighting wars and demonizing immigrants and supporting genocide. Joe still has it in him to be the standard-bearer of the empire, the sigh of relief went up everywhere in the dinosaur media, he can take the fight to

ANDY (2024-03-13). Sunday 3/17: Ceasefire Postcards to Congress Pop-Up. indybay.org Heyma Yemeni Coffee at 1122 University Ave in Berkeley…

albawaba (2024-03-13). Italian destroyer downs drones over Red Sea water. albawaba.com ALBAWABA- The Italian Foreign Minister announced that the destroyer "Caio Duilio" intercepted and shot down two drones over the Red Sea. These unmanned aircraft were reportedly targeted by Yemen's Houthi group, who declared their support for Gaza and imposed restrictions on vessels heading to or from Israel until the Gaza siege is lifted and humanitarian aid allowed.Notably, the US and UK launched intensive airstrikes against Houthi-controlled areas in Yemen, yesterday. These airstrikes resulted in civilian casualties, with 11 Yemeni civilians killed and numerous others injured.The airstrikes targeted port cities…

infobrics (2024-03-13). New Brics Members Could Provide Much-needed Vehicle Currency. infobrics.org Saudi Arabia and UAE most likely contenders…

Robert Inlakesh, MintPress News. (2024-03-13). DoD Covered-Up Deaths Of US Special Forces Soldiers In Iranian Strike. popularresistance.org The United States government covered up the cause of death of two U.S. military personnel killed in Iranian retaliatory strikes on Ain Al-Asad, a U.S. military base in Western Iraq, in January 2020, following the assassination of Iranian General Qassem Soleimani by the United States, according to claims made to MintPress News by a source close to the family of the deceased soldiers. | On January 3, 2020, then-U.S. President Donald Trump signed off on the 'targeted assassination' of General Qassem Soleimani of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) 's Quds Force, sparking a round of Iranian retaliatory strik…

Editor (2024-03-13). Sexism and the system: Women speak out. mronline.org For International Women's Day, Counterfire asked women activists their views on the state of the struggle for women's liberation. We are publishing a selection of answers over the weekend.

Mark Magnier (2024-03-13). Pentagon needs to become more nimble to counter China threat, US lawmakers are told. scmp.com Experts issue warnings about the Chinese military build-up in the western Pacific and about expanded ties between China, Russia, Iran and North Korea.

Staff (2024-03-13). Venezuela Enforces Airspace Ban on Argentina in Response to EMTRASUR Boeing 747 Robbery. orinocotribune.com Caracas ( On Tuesday, March 12, Vene…

Hannah Davenport (2024-03-13). Campaigners build cemetery outside Parliament warning 'cold homes cost lives'. leftfootforward.org Activists have constructed a cemetery outside the Houses of Parliament this morning drawing attention to the thousands of avoidable deaths in the UK due to fuel poverty and cold homes. | Hundreds of headstones made of insulation boards were put up in Victoria Tower Gardens along with an eight metre long funeral wreath with the message 'Cold Homes Cost Lives', as activists accused the government of failing on energy efficiency policy. | The protest, staged by Greenpeace UK activists, came as new analysis by the environmental campaign group found 58 people have died every day during winter due to cold homes over…

Phil Pasquini (2024-03-13). Activists Confront Lawmakers and AIPAC Members on Gaza. indybay.org In an action welcoming AIPAC to Congress for their lobbying efforts, human rights activists including members of Code Pink and others continued their weeklong "Flood Congress for Palestine" campaign by greeting AIPAC and Congress members outside of the Capitol, in the street and today, inside the Rayburn Congressional Office Building.

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2024-03-13). CELAC Should Revisit Its Position on Haiti. orinocotribune.com By Mona Péralte — Mar 6, 2024 | The Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) was founded in Caracas, Venezuela in December 2011 as an alternative to the Washington, DC-based Organization of American States (OAS), formed in 1948 to be a Cold War chariot. Cuba characterizes the OAS as Washington's "Ministry of Colonial Affairs, " which expelled the socialist nation in 1962. | "As the years go by, CELAC is going to leave behind the old and worn-out OAS," then Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez said at the 33-member alliance's inaugural ceremonies. | "It's the death sentence for the Monroe Doctrine…

aa.com.tr (2024-03-13). Protests persist about sales of Palestinian property in synagogues in US, CanadaListed sale locations were in illegal Jewish settlements according to international law, says US peace activist

english.ahram.org.eg (2024-03-13). Israel's war of wordsColonialism has always employed words and concepts alongside weapons and money to subjugate people. The White Man's Burden of spreading civilisation among the brutes is a case in point. With the rise of the Zionist project at the height of this colonial era in the late 19th century, its pioneers borrowed colonial terminology.

middleeasteye.net (2024-03-13). War on Gaza: Decades of colonialism led to Israel's genocidal moment Amid the clamour of dehumanisation, Palestinians, like all colonised peoples, have been stripped of the rights to ontological resistance and self-defence. Palestinian life has come into conflict with white supremacy and the West's desire to atone for its own antisemitism and the genocide of European Jews.

truthout.org (2024-03-13). The Genocide in Gaza Is Filling Our Beautiful Month of Ramadan With Dread Ramadan is a beautiful month of fasting and prayer focused on humility and kindness, but in Palestine this holy month has been repeatedly weaponized against us — the Israeli military has shown a pattern of targeting Palestinians, and especially Palestinian Muslims, during this month

aa.com.tr (2024-03-13). US-based Jewish Voice for Peace sees progress on Gaza Officials from the US-based anti-Zionist Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP) organization, who have participated in hundreds of pro-Palestinian protests in New York, notably at the Statue of Liberty and Grand Central Station, spoke to Anadolu

newsweek.com (2024-03-13). China, Russia, Iran Join Forces for War Games Amid US-Houthi Clashes As the United States continues to conduct strikes against rebels targeting commercial vessels off the coast of the Arabian Peninsula, the naval forces of China, Russia and Iran have entered nearby waters to conduct joint exercises and showcase their maritime military prowess.

external-content.duckduckgo.com (2024-03-13). 404 Not Found

Danaka Katovich (2024-03-13). We Need Feminism Free of Condescension. counterpunch.org *The following is from a speech given by CODEPINK co-director, Danaka Katovich, gave at Palestinian Feminist Collective's International Working Women's Day Vigil for Palestine on Friday March 8th* I was three years old when CODEPINK was founded, by women I still interact with on a daily basis. So I've been able to hear what sort

Staff (2024-03-13). US Intelligence Recognizes President Maduro Is 'Unlikely to Lose' in Venezuela's Upcoming Elections. orinocotribune.com Caracas ( The unclassified

teleSUR, SH (2024-03-13). Canciller venezolano denuncia vinculación de EE.UU. en planes magnicidas. telesurtv.net El canciller Yván Gil alertó que los comentarios del alto funcionario del gobierno de EE.UU. deja al desnudo las implicaciones de su país en el plan de magnicidio en contra del mandatario venezolano.

teleSUR, JCM (2024-03-13). Venezuela veta su espacio aéreo a Argentina hasta que compense daños. telesurtv.net La denuncia está relacionado al caso del avión de Emtrasur secuestrado en Argentina, a pedido de Estados Unidos, y las acciones diplomaticas de Buenos Aires contra Caracas.

teleSUR, SH (2024-03-13). Presidente venezolano lidera octavo aniversario de los CLAP. telesurtv.net El presidente Maduro destacó que ante las acciones de la oposición, su gobierno garantizó el acceso a los alimentos de la mayoría de los venezolanos.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2024-03-13). Presidente de Bolivia se reúne con líderes del Grupo de Puebla. telesurtv.net El mandatrio Arce sostuvo un encuentro con la vicepresidenta de Venezuela, Delcy Rodríguez.

teleSUR, dcdc, YSM (2024-03-13). Rusia, China e Irán realizan maniobras marítimas conjuntas. telesurtv.net Según el Ministerio de Defensa ruso, los buques de las armadas realizan estas acciones para "fortalecer la seguridad de la actividad económica marítima".

english.almanar.com.lb (2024-03-13). New IRGC Warships Participate in Iran-China-Russia Naval Drill. english.almanar.com.lb The new warships of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) have participated in a joint naval drill in the Indian Ocean. Naval forces from Iran, Russia, and China have jointly launched the ongoing drill, known as "Marine Security Belt 2024". Martyr Mahmoudi warship, Martyr Soleimani combat patrol vessel, Martyr Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis warship, Martyr Tavvasoli …

newarab (2024-03-13). US sanctions affiliates to Iran-backed group in Bahrain. newarab.com The United States on Tuesday imposed sanctions on four individuals in Iran for aiding the Bahrain-based, U.S.- The sanctions were imposed

newarab (2024-03-13). Iran, Russia and China in Gulf of Oman joint naval drill. newarab.com China, Iran and Russia have begun a joint naval drill in the Gulf of Oman, a crucial waterway near the mouth of the Persian Gulf, officials said Tuesday. | Footage aired by Chinese state television and a video released by the Russian navy showed the ongoing drill, known as "Marine Security Belt 2024". | China sent the guided-missile destroyer Urumqi and the guided-missile frigate Linyi to the exercise. Russia's forces are being led by the Varyag, a Slava-class cruiser. | More than 20 ships, support vessels and combat boats from the three countries, as well as naval helicopters, are involved in the exercise.

presstv.ir (2024-03-13). Yemen strikes container ship in Red Sea, says will intensify retaliation in Ramadan. presstv.ir The Yemeni Armed Forces vow to ramp up pro-Palestine operations in the Red Sea area during Ramadan.

presstv.ir (2024-03-13). 'Disaster of the century': Iran urges intl. community to stop Israeli genocide, starvation in Gaza. presstv.ir Iran's FM says the continuation of the Israeli regime's war in the Gaza Strip in the fasting month of Ramadan sounds the alarm about the most unprecedented disaster of the century.

presstv.ir (2024-03-13). Hundreds of Yemenis hold military parade in Sanaa. presstv.ir Houthi loyalists hold a military parade in the Yemen.

presstv.ir (2024-03-13). Iran says IAEA must observe impartiality in its reports on Iran. presstv.ir Iran calls on the IAEA to observe impartiality in its reports on the country's nuclear activity.

presstv.ir (2024-03-13). Iran, Russia, China kick off joint naval drills in Sea of Oman. presstv.ir Naval forces from Iran, Russia and China have started a joint exercise in the Sea of Oman.

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