2024-05-17: News Headlines

Orinoco Tribune. (2024-05-17). Washington Removes Cuba From List Of Countries Not Cooperating Fully Against Terrorism. popularresistance.org The US Department of State has announced that Cuba is no longer on their list of countries not fully cooperating against terrorism, which does not include the lifting of their illegal and unilateral sanctions against the Cuban people. | The cooperation against terrorism list, which the Department of State is required by law to provide to US Congress, is not the same as the State Sponsors of Terrorism list, according to a Department of State official announcing the decision this Wednesday, May 15. | Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez reported via social media that "the United States has just admitted what is k…

Joel Wendland-Liu (2024-05-17). 'Black Ghost of Empire: The Long Death of Slavery and the Failure of Emancipation'. peoplesworld.org When wealthy, Harvard-trained ultra-right Senator Tom Cotton described racial slavery as a "necessary evil" in 2020, he made two crucial admissions. First, the enslavement and consequent genocide of millions of Africans by Europeans and Euro-Americans between 1492 and the 1880s was a necessary feature for the development of capitalism (and consequent European and U.S. imperialism …

Joe Walsh (2024-05-17). Sinn Fein to Defy UK Ban on Israeli Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions and Attack Labour's 'do Nothing Position in the Face of Genocide'. bylinetimes.com

John Catalinotto (2024-05-17). Book launch shows hope for another and better world. workers.org "A Realistic Path to Peace: From Genocide to Global War … and How We Can Stop It," 2024 Edition, by Dee Knight, Solidarity Publications, Bronx, New York. Contact info@RealPathtoPeace.com New York City, May 9. Tonight, activists from the Bronx Anti-War Coalition helped launch the new edition of Dee Knight's book, . . . |

Melvin Goodman (2024-05-17). Friedman, Biden and US Weapons Sales to Israel. counterpunch.org In a long oped on Sunday titled "Biden's Error in Pausing Military Aid," Thomas Friedman buys into Israeli propaganda that describes Iran as an "existential threat," and harshly denigrates President Joe Biden for announcing a pause in U.S. weapons sales to Israel. Friedman is critical of Biden for announcing the pause in the transfer of

albawaba (2024-05-17). Hezbollah targets two Israeli military-industrial facilities. albawaba.com ALBAWABA- Lebanese Hezbollah fighters announced an air attack using drones targeted industrial facilities belonging to the Israeli Ministry of War. The attack focused on the "Elbit" military industries company and the "David Cohen" factory in "Tel Hai" (north of Kiryat Shmona). The David Cohen factory specializes in producing electronic systems for the Israeli army.According to the Hezbollah Resistance, they successfully targeted spy equipment carried on a crane in Tallet Al-Tayhat with precise weapons, resulting in its destruction.Hezbollah Resistance in Lebanon further announced that they targeted an Israeli en…

Haymarket Books, JVP, more (2024-05-17). Thursday 5/23: Break the Bonds!: Divest from Israel Bonds, Invest in Freedom Teach-in. indybay.org Online teach-in / webinar…

Eve Ottenberg (2024-05-17). Iran and Israel Need to Talk. counterpunch.org It's now been about four weeks since Iranian missiles filled Israeli skies, as humanity held its breath for nuclear war and possible extinction. If that strikes you as hyperbole, consider this: Had Israel suffered great damage, the war could have gone nuclear, and don't think for a minute that Russia and China would allow their

Martha Grevatt (2024-05-17). Cleveland: After encampment, struggle continues. workers.org Cleveland After 11 defiant days, students at Case Western Reserve University closed down their Palestine Solidarity Encampment on May 9. Activists from the Palestinian community and the progressive movement assisted in a well-organized and disciplined take-down. Nevertheless, CWRU President Eric Kaler reiterated his threats that students who participated in the . . . |

Lyn Neeley (2024-05-17). Portland postal activists join national rallies. workers.org Portland, Oregon Postal workers, retirees, union officials and community supporters rallied outside the East Portland post office on May 9 demanding an end to recent mail delays and job cuts. Many demonstrators wore red T-shirts saying "Dump DeJoy and his 10-year plan." Portland, Oregon, was where one of many "We . . . |

Angela (2024-05-17). Tuesday 5/21: South Africa, Palestine & the World Court – Codepink Congress Capitol Calling Party. indybay.org Zoom | www.codepink.org/cpc521

Hank Pellissier (2024-05-17). Mega Mouth Rebels wants two female activists aged 8-100+ (who like to lead chants). indybay.org Activist group is seeking two more activists – women who like to lead chants…

albawaba (2024-05-17). Saudi Arabia's US Treasury holdings rise to $135.9B, ranked 17th globally. albawaba.com ALBAWABA – Saudi Arabia's holdings in US treasuries grew for an eighth month in a row, hitting $135.9 billion in March, an increase of 3.66 percent from the month prior, putting the kingdom in 17th place across the biggest investors who hold such financial assets, according to official figures disclosed by Washington.In contrast, data from the US Treasury department showed that Saudi Arabia had $108.1 billion in Treasury securities as of June of last year, considerably lower than the $119.7 billion it held at the end of 2022. When compared to the same month last year, the Kingdom's foreign reserve assets increase…

Ileana Ferrer Fonte (2024-05-17). Cambodia interested in sports cooperation with Cuba. plenglish.com Phnom Penh, May 17 (Prensa Latina) Volleyball Federation of Cambodia (VFC) Secretary General Aing Serey Piseth expressed his interest on Friday in promoting sports cooperation with Cuba, especially in that discipline.

Javier Arana Villasusa (2024-05-17). Cuba will continue advancing in social digital transformation. plenglish.com Havana, May 17 (Prensa Latina) Advancing the digital transformation in all areas of society, according to the National Economic and Social Development Plan until 2030, is a priority for Cuba, Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez said today.

Luis Linares Petrov (2024-05-17). Russia supports Venezuela's application to BRICS. plenglish.com Moscow, May 17 (Prensa Latina) Russia respects Venezuela's candidacy to join the BRICS, but the decision on who will be new members is made jointly by the entire organization, said the Deputy Foreign Minister of Russia, Sergei Vershinin.

Ileana Ferrer Fonte (2024-05-17). Conference on Financing for Development closes in Cuba. plenglish.com Havana, May 17 (Prensa Latina) The Conference on Financing for Development closes in Cuba on Friday after bringing together international institutions, cooperation stakeholders, and government agencies to discuss innovative sources and initiatives.

Ileana Ferrer Fonte (2024-05-17). Cuba's Heberprot-P could be on US market by 2028. plenglish.com Washington, May 17 (Prensa Latina) Heberprot-P, a drug developed by Cuba and currently the only one of its kind in the world to treat diabetic foot ulcers, could be in the US market by 2028, Dr. Lee Weingart, president of the US biotech company Discovery Therapeutics Caribe (DTC), based in Cleveland, Ohio, announced.

Ileana Ferrer Fonte (2024-05-17). Cubans celebrate Farmers' Day and First Agrarian Reform Law. plenglish.com Havana, May 17 (Prensa Latina) Cuban farmers are celebrating Farmers' Day and the 65th anniversary of the signing of the First Agrarian Reform Law, one of the most important measures adopted by the Revolution in its first phase.

teleSUR (2024-05-17). President Maduro Installs Our Venezuela Campaign Command. telesurenglish.net On Thursday, President Nicolas Maduro led the installation ceremony of the "Our Venezuela 21st Century" Campaign Command in preparation for the presidential elections on July 28. | RELATED: | "Today, we take a very important step to advance with advantage, superiority, and fortitude to defend our country from the threat it is under, to preserve all the advances and achievements of the struggle we have waged, to chart the…

tvbrics (2024-05-17). Saudi Arabia organises mango festival. tvbrics.com The event is aimed at promoting agricultural products and supporting farmers…

tvbrics (2024-05-17). Iran and China sign Memorandum of Understanding on agricultural cooperative. tvbrics.com Sino-Iranian relations enter a new phase…

unitedEditor (2024-05-17). How Iranian — Chinese friendship benefits Türkiye. uwidata.com In 2023, the People's Republic of China purchased 91% of the oil produced by Iran. Anxious with that, US President Biden is working on passing a law to impose sanctions on China for its oil purchases from Iran. Since the COVID-19 pandemic, Iran has transformed into a construction site. What we see is an extraordinary …

Cira Pascual Marquina (2024-05-17). On fascism and other maladies: A conversation with Luis Britto García. mronline.org One of Venezuela's most respected intellectuals talks about fascism and corruption scandals in the lead-up to the presidential elections.

Eric Worrall (2024-05-17). Biden China Tariffs Infuriate Climate Activists. wattsupwiththat.com Climate change news seems to be taking the Chinese line on the tariff issue – but who expected anything different?>

Giorgia Valente (2024-05-17). 'Iran Staging Itself To Reach [Nuclear] Goal in 1 or 2 Weeks,' Experts Tell TML. themedialine.org

tn.ai (2024-05-17). Persian Gulf Trio Islands Eternal Part of Iran: Spokesman. tn.ai TEHRAN (Tasnim) — The spokesman for Iran's Foreign Ministry refuted a clause in the declaration of the 33rd Arab Summit which has questioned Iran's sovereignty over the three Persian Gulf islands, describing them as an inseparable and eternal part of the Iranian territory.

aljazeera (2024-05-17). Does India risk US sanctions over Iran's Chabahar Port deal? aljazeera.com The port deal could help India strengthen trade ties with Central Asia. But a US sanctions threat clouds the pact.

| Name (2024-05-17). Tunisian police arrest 5 journalists, interrupt France 24's broadcast amid crackdown. reuters.com

themoscowtimes (2024-05-17). Yandex NV Says Completed First Phase of Russian Divestment. themoscowtimes.com The Netherlands-based parent company of the Yandex Group said it sold about 68% of its Russian assets in the initial transaction closing.

Staff (2024-05-17). INSMET: Temperatura media anual en Cuba ha aumentado 1 ∞C desde 1951. cubadebate.cu Los estudios realizados en el Instituto de Meteorología indican, que como consecuencia del cambio climático y el calentamiento global, nuestro clima se hace gradualmente más cálido. Incluso, se ha precisado que la temperatura media anual de Cuba se ha incrementado en 1 ∞C desde 1951 hasta el 2020. Desde el 2005 hasta la fecha, se han ido sucediendo nuevos récords de temperatura máxima absoluta.

Staff (2024-05-17). øQué resultados expone el grupo ganadero? (+ Video). cubadebate.cu øCómo funciona la estructura empresarial ganadera en el país? øPor qué no crece la producción? øQué se hace para transformar la situación? Alain Rodríguez León, presidente del Grupo Empresarial Ganadero enfatizó que la entidad tiene una alta responsabilidad en el cumplimiento del balance cárnico y lácteo del país.

Staff (2024-05-17). Asesinan el director de la cárcel colombiana La Modelo. cubadebate.cu El director de la cárcel La Modelo de Bogotá, Elmer Fernández, falleció en un ataque perpetrado cuando estaba en su vehículo en Bogotá, informó el ministro de Justicia, Néstor Osuna. El titular de la cartera ha indicado en un vídeo compartido en redes sociales que ha establecido un "plan candado en la ciudad para capturar a los autores de este homicidio".

Staff (2024-05-17). Reforma Agraria: Pilar fundamental de la Revolución Cubana (+ Fotos y Video). cubadebate.cu Pilar fundamental de la revolución cubana es la Reforma Agraria. Siguiendo su costumbre de convencer primero y ejecutar después los grandes proyectos revolucionarios, en este caso la Reforma Agraria, Fidel no orienta aprobar la ley tan pronto como se tome el poder revolucionario, sino que prefiere desarrollar antes una exhaustiva campaña durante cuatro meses y medio.

Staff (2024-05-17). Fidel Castro: "Fue la Ley de Reforma Agraria precisamente lo que definió a la Revolución Cubana" (+ Fotos y Video). cubadebate.cu Al arribar al XV aniversario de la promulgación de la Ley de Reforma Agraria, Fidel Castro vuelve a La Plata en la Sierra Maestra. Ese día se realiza un emotivo acto en conmemoración de la muerte de Niceto Pérez, el XV aniversario de la Primera Ley de Reforma Agraria y el XIII aniversario de la creación de la Asociación de Agricultores Pequeños.

Raúl Rodríguez (2024-05-17). Retiro de Jorge Fernández marca inauguración de Copa Cuba de Atletismo. radiohc.cu La Habana, 17 may (JIT).- La confirmación de más de 200 participantes de todas las provincias y el retiro oficial del discólobo Jorge Yadián Fernández marcaron la inauguración de la Copa Cuba de Atletismo 2024, que arrancará este viernes.

María Candela (2024-05-17). En Cuba el amor es ley y lo seguirá siendo, asevera presidente. radiohc.cu La Habana, 17 may (RHC) En Cuba el amor es ley y lo seguirá siendo y entre todos construimos un Código de las Familias que apuesta por el respeto, la inclusión y los derechos de todas las personas, aseveró este viernes el presidente, Miguel Díaz-Canel.

María Candela (2024-05-17). Brasil aplaude exclusión de Cuba de lista unilateral sobre terrorismo. radiohc.cu Brasilia, 17 may (RHC) El Gobierno de Brasil celebra este viernes con satisfacción la decisión de Estados Unidos de retirar a Cuba de su lista unilateral de países que no cooperan plenamente en la lucha contra el terrorismo.

María Candela (2024-05-17). Ley de Reforma Agraria, saldar una deuda con el campesinado cubano. radiohc.cu El analfabetismo, la insalubridad, la desnutrición y la explotación del campesinado que no era dueño de la tierra que trabajaba de sol a sol era el panorama de los campos de Cuba, denunciado por el líder histórico de la revolución cubana, Fidel Castro, en su alegato de defensa en el juicio por el asalto al cuartel Moncada, en Santiago de Cuba, el 26 de julio de 1953.

María Candela (2024-05-17). Cuba recibirá maquinaria para mitigar problemas climáticos. radiohc.cu La Habana, 17 may (RHC) Un proyecto, respaldado por Naciones Unidas, proporcionará a Cuba maquinaria para mejorar la disponibilidad de agua en municipios que presentan hoy las mayores afectaciones climáticas, anunció la FAO.

Raúl Rodríguez (2024-05-17). Paratletas cubanos en cuenta regresiva desde Kobe. radiohc.cu La Habana, 17 may (JIT).- Apenas unas horas restan para el inicio del Campeonato Mundial de Paratletismo de Kobe 2024, en Japón, y uno de los primeros cubanos que tendrá acción será el saltador de longitud Robiel Yankiel Sol.

María Candela (2024-05-17). Presidente cubano visitó centros económicos de provincia Camagàºey. radiohc.cu Camagàºey, 16 may (RHC) El presidente de Cuba, Miguel Díaz-Canel, visitó este jueves centros económicos del municipio camagàºeyano Carlos Manuel de Céspedes, como parte de los recorridos que realiza por el país para promover buenas experiencias de trabajo.

teleSUR, dcdc, YSM (2024-05-17). Pueblo de Mantecal en Apure exige fin de bloqueo a Venezuela. telesurtv.net El presidente venezolano, Nicolás Maduro, expresó, a través de su cuenta en X, que le "emociona mucho ver al pueblo combatiente, revolucionario y consciente de la parroquia Mantecal.

teleSUR, ahf, YSM (2024-05-17). Vicepresidenta Delcy Rodríguez: el bloqueo contra Venezuela debe cesar. telesurtv.net La dirigente sustentó sus argumentos afirmando que el fin del bloqueo perimitiría que sus connacionales tuvieran derecho "a la salud, a la vida" y "al futuro".

teleSUR, MER (2024-05-17). Presidente Maduro instala el Comando de Campaña "Venezuela Nuestra" telesurtv.net El diputado Jorge Rodríguez es coordinador general del comando central, que contará con siete equipos.

María Candela (2024-05-17). Quería saber, nuevo disco de Silvio Rodríguez. radiohc.cu La Habana, 17 may (RHC) De plácemes se encuentran hoy los admiradores del destacado cantautor cubano Silvio Rodríguez, pues el 7 de junio próximo se lanzará en las principales plataformas digitales su álbum Quería saber.

María Candela (2024-05-17). Cuba continuará avanzando en la transformación digital social. radiohc.cu La Habana, 17 may (RHC) Continuar avanzando en la transformación digital en todos los ámbitos de la sociedad, de acuerdo con Plan Nacional de Desarrollo Económico y Social hasta 2030, es una prioridad para Cuba, aseveró este viernes el canciller Bruno Rodríguez.

Raúl Rodríguez (2024-05-17). Cuba acogerá clasificatorio de taekwondo para Asunción 2025. radiohc.cu La Habana, 17 may (JIT).- Cuba será sede de uno de los certámenes eliminatorios de taekwondo para los Juegos Panamericanos Júnior de Asunción 2025.

Staff (2024-05-17). El camino de Amancio y Céspedes. cubadebate.cu Por los municipios Amancio Rodríguez, de Las Tunas, y Carlos Manuel de Céspedes, de Camagàºey, continuaron este jueves los encuentros de la semana del compañero Díaz-Canel con el pueblo, en entidades económicas, sociales y en las calles, junto a Morales Ojeda.

María Candela (2024-05-17). Cienfuegos organiza el ejercicio de las acciones en situación de desastres Meteoro-2024 (+Fotos y Audio). radiohc.cu Cienfuegos, 17 may (RHC) El Ejercicio de las acciones en situación de desastres Meteoro-2024 tendrá lugar en esta provincia del centro y sur, como en toda Cuba, los próximos días 18 y 19 de mayo, sábado y domingo.

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-05-17). Concluye conferencia sobre financiamiento para el desarrollo en Cuba. radiohc.cu La Habana, 17 may (RHC) La Conferencia sobre Financiamiento para el Desarrollo concluye hoy en Cuba tras reunir a instituciones internacionales, actores de la cooperación y organismos gubernamentales para dialogar sobre fuentes e iniciativas innovadoras.

teleSUR, idg, DRL (2024-05-17). Venezuela y Cuba rechazan medidas de EE.UU. contra Nicaragua. telesurtv.net Las sanciones van dirigidas a la Compañía Minera Internacional, Sociedad Anónima (Cominisa), a Capital Mining Investment Nicaragua y al Centro de Capacitación del Ministerio del Interior de Rusia en Managua.

teleSUR, JDO (2024-05-17). FANB exige a EE.UU. levantar las sanciones contra Venezuela. telesurtv.net Demandan al presidente Joe Biden la inmediata derogación de las medidas restrictivas unilaterales impuestas a la patria de Bolívar y Chávez desde 2015.

newarab (2024-05-17). Israel strikes on Lebanon kill Hezbollah fighter, 2 children. newarab.com Israeli air strikes on Friday hit an area of southern Hezbollah, a Hamas ally, has traded cross-border fire with Israeli forces almost daily since the Palestinian group's October 7 attack on southern Israel. | The Iran-backed Lebanese movement has

newarab (2024-05-17). Tehran threatens UK for helping Israel down Iranian missiles. newarab.com Esmail Qaani, head of the Quds Force of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) – the foreign arm of the organisation – also issued warnings to

newarab (2024-05-17). How two Yemeni women are revolutionising Taiz's food scene. newarab.com Meet Nisreen Dhirar and Faiza Haidrah who have defied gender stereotypes in Yemen by opening a restaurant in "We broke the norm that opening restaurants are for men only," Nisreen tells The New Arab. "We tried convincing society that women can also work in restaurants. There is no shame in it." | Nisreen and Faiza are university graduates, and their education armed them with the confidence to plan and execute their collectiv…

newarab (2024-05-17). Yemeni security forces deploy in Aden as anger simmers over power outages. newarab.com Yemeni authorities deployed security forces and armored vehicles across the port city of Aden Wednesday, as protesters were expected to take to the streets in the latest in a series of protests over hours-long For several days, hundreds of demonstrators in three central districts of Aden blocked roads and set tires on fire, protesting electricity shortages as temperatures soared to 40 degrees Celsius. | On Monday and Tuesday, security forces…

presstv.ir (2024-05-17). Houthi: Yemen to target any Israel-bound ships within range. presstv.ir Ansarullah leader Abdul-Malik al-Houthi has declared that Yemeni forces will target any ship bound for Israeli ports, regardless of whether they pass through the Red Sea.

presstv.ir (2024-05-17). European trio warned after deploying warplanes to defend Israel against Iran op. presstv.ir Iranian commander warns the UK, Germany, and France after the trio deployed their warplanes to defend the Israeli regime against Iran's retaliatory operation.

presstv.ir (2024-05-17). Army commander: Iran to respond directly to threats from Israel. presstv.ir Iran will respond directly to any threat originating from the Zionist regime, Army Ground Forces Commander Brigadier General Kiumars Heydari says, in the Islamic Republic's latest warning to Israel.

presstv.ir (2024-05-17). Yemen downs advanced $30 million US spy drone over Ma'rib. presstv.ir Yemen's army says it has shot down an American spy drone by "a locally-made missile" in the province of Ma'rib, amid escalating tensions in the region over Israel's US-backed genocidal war on the Gaza Strip.

presstv.ir (2024-05-17). University of Calgary: Pro-Palestine encampment attacked by police. presstv.ir Canadian university students continue to establish pro-Palestinian encampments on campus, with the newest calls for academic institutions to divest from Israel coming from within the city of Calgary.

presstv.ir (2024-05-17). Envoy: Iran arms for Yemen 'lies' by US aim to justify aggression. presstv.ir Iran's permanent representative to the United Nations has unequivocally dismissed US claims that Iran sends arms to Yemen.

presstv.ir (2024-05-17). Iran says ready to share nuclear expertise with all countries. presstv.ir The AEOI spokesman voices the country's preparedness to share its nuclear achievements with other states, including neighboring and Muslim ones.

presstv.ir (2024-05-17). Iran: BRICS core of international will to build fair world. presstv.ir The Iranian deputy foreign minister says the BRICS group of emerging economies is resolved to build a justice-based world and serve the interests of independent countries.

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