Daily Archives: February 7, 2023

2023-02-07: News Headlines

Michael Maier (2023-02-07). RAND Corporation: No one can win this war. indybay.org Authors Samuel Charap and Miranda Priebe conclude "that in addition to averting a possible escalation toward a Russia-Nato war or Russian nuclear deployment, avoiding a protracted war is a higher priority for the United States" than regaining territorial control through Ukraine. As a result, the analysis sees first a cease-fire and eventually an agreement as crucial.

_____ (2023-02-07). Chris Hedges: A Declining US Empire Is Committing Suicide. popularresistance.org The Unites States Empire is falling, just as previous empires have done. Clearing the FOG speaks with journalist and author Chris Hedges about his newest book, "The Greatest Evil is War," and the connection between wars and the end of empire. Hedges compares current conditions in the United States and the fall of Rome. He describes the Western war against Russia being fought in Ukraine and aggression against China as part of the last gasp grabs to hold onto US hegemony, but they are failing. He talks about the Military Industrial Complex as an institution that has taken over and is out of control. It will continu…

Rainer Shea (2023-02-07). Rage Against the War Machine: An Answer to a Decade of Pro-NATO Lies About Ukraine. orinocotribune.com

Peoples Dispatch (2023-02-07). Anti-imperialists protest docking of US warship at Greek port. peoplesdispatch.org On Saturday, February 4, communists and other anti-imperialist groups in Greece protested the docking of nuclear-powered American aircraft supercarrier USS George HW Bush (CVN-77) at the port of Piraeus in Athens. Activists from the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) and the Communist Youth of Greece (KNE) marched to Alexandra's Square in Pasalimani, near the port, protesting the docking of the warship. The protesters demanded that NATO "get out from Greek bases" and called on the conservative New Democracy (ND)-led Greek government to abstain from participating in imperialist interventions led by NATO. Member of Eu…

Sara Flounders (2023-02-07). Frank Velgara: Puerto Rican Independista honored. workers.org Community and political organizations and activists gathered to celebrate the life of Puerto Rican Independista and international activist Frank Velgara at Holyrood Church in the Bronx, New York, on Feb 4. Velgara died on Aug. 24, 2022, at the age of 72. Pictured speaking is Benjamin Ramos, a host of . . . |

Marc Martorell Junyent (2023-02-07). Yemen in the Shadow of Transition: Pursuing Justice Amid War (Review). juancole.com Review of Stacey Philbrick Yadav, Yemen in the Shadow of Transition: Pursuing Justice Amid War (London: Hurst and Co., 2022). Greifswald, Germany (Special to Informed Comment) In a context of war, do accountability and justice need to wait until the end of the conflict? In her well-researched and original book Yemen in the Shadow …

Michael Maier (2023-02-07). RAND Corporation: No one can win this war. indybay.org Authors Samuel Charap and Miranda Priebe conclude "that in addition to averting a possible escalation toward a Russia-Nato war or Russian nuclear deployment, avoiding a protracted war is a higher priority for the United States" than regaining territorial control through Ukraine. As a result, the analysis sees first a cease-fire and eventually an agreement as crucial.

_____ (2023-02-07). Chris Hedges: A Declining US Empire Is Committing Suicide. popularresistance.org The Unites States Empire is falling, just as previous empires have done. Clearing the FOG speaks with journalist and author Chris Hedges about his newest book, "The Greatest Evil is War," and the connection between wars and the end of empire. Hedges compares current conditions in the United States and the fall of Rome. He describes the Western war against Russia being fought in Ukraine and aggression against China as part of the last gasp grabs to hold onto US hegemony, but they are failing. He talks about the Military Industrial Complex as an institution that has taken over and is out of control. It will continu…

Rainer Shea (2023-02-07). Rage Against the War Machine: An Answer to a Decade of Pro-NATO Lies About Ukraine. orinocotribune.com

Peoples Dispatch (2023-02-07). Anti-imperialists protest docking of US warship at Greek port. peoplesdispatch.org On Saturday, February 4, communists and other anti-imperialist groups in Greece protested the docking of nuclear-powered American aircraft supercarrier USS George HW Bush (CVN-77) at the port of Piraeus in Athens. Activists from the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) and the Communist Youth of Greece (KNE) marched to Alexandra's Square in Pasalimani, near the port, protesting the docking of the warship. The protesters demanded that NATO "get out from Greek bases" and called on the conservative New Democracy (ND)-led Greek government to abstain from participating in imperialist interventions led by NATO. Member of Eu…

Sara Flounders (2023-02-07). Frank Velgara: Puerto Rican Independista honored. workers.org Community and political organizations and activists gathered to celebrate the life of Puerto Rican Independista and international activist Frank Velgara at Holyrood Church in the Bronx, New York, on Feb 4. Velgara died on Aug. 24, 2022, at the age of 72. Pictured speaking is Benjamin Ramos, a host of . . . |

Marc Martorell Junyent (2023-02-07). Yemen in the Shadow of Transition: Pursuing Justice Amid War (Review). juancole.com Review of Stacey Philbrick Yadav, Yemen in the Shadow of Transition: Pursuing Justice Amid War (London: Hurst and Co., 2022). Greifswald, Germany (Special to Informed Comment) In a context of war, do accountability and justice need to wait until the end of the conflict? In her well-researched and original book Yemen in the Shadow …

Danny O'Brien (2023-02-07). Portland Brigadistas report on Cuba Venceremos trip. workers.org Portland, Oregon Workers World Party members Lyn Neeley and Danny O'Brien did a report-back Jan. 30 at Portland State University on their recent trip to Cuba as part of the 51st contingent of the Venceremos Brigade. Lyn Neeley and Danny O'Brien. PHOTO: Dana Their slides showed the Cuban arts and . . . |

Cynthia Papermaster (2023-02-07). Sunday 2/19: Rage Against the War Machine. indybay.org Embarcadero Plaza, across from SF Ferry Bldg.

Staff (2023-02-07). Venezuela Detects US Spy Planes in Flight Control Zone. orinocotribune.com On Sunday, February 5, General Domingo Hernández Lárez, head of the Strategic Operational Command of the Bolivarian National Armed Force (CEOFANB), reported via social media that US spy planes were detected flying inside Venezuela's flight information region (FIR) during the past 30 days. | "On no less than four occasions in the last 30 days, the flight information region (Maiquetía FIR) has been violated by US spy planes, disrespecting international agreements," Hernández Lárez wrote. | t.co/RTTJ08YxWq | — GJ. Domingo Hernández Lárez (@dhernandezlarez) teleSUR, pha, JGN, SH, DRL (2023-02-07). Lucha y legado de Camilo Cienfuegos, héroe del pueblo cubano. telesurtv.net Camilo Cienfuegos es sin duda uno de los personajes más carismáticos y queridos por el pueblo con que cuenta la historia de Cuba.

teleSUR, jaa, JGN (2023-02-07). México gana y se sitúa como líder absoluto en la Serie del Caribe. telesurtv.net Cuba cayó derrotada en un reñido partido ante Colombia, seis carreras por cinco y se colocó al final de la tabla.

teleSUR, JDO, SH (2023-02-07). México y Venezuela comparten el liderato de la Serie del Caribe. telesurtv.net Venezolanos y mexicanos quedan con récord de 3-1 y se enfrentarán este lunes en busca del liderato solitario de la Serie del Caribe 2023.

teleSUR, rzr, SH (2023-02-07). Líder Supremo iraní conmuta sentencias a convictos. telesurtv.net El Ayatolá Jamenei sancionó la reducción de condena para los procesados por protagonizar los recientes disturbios antigubernamentales.

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