Daily Archives: February 15, 2023

2023-02-15: News Headlines

____ (2023-02-15). Xi holds talks with Iranian president. ecns.cn Chinese President Xi Jinping holds a welcoming ceremony for visiting President of the Islamic Republic of Iran Ebrahim Raisi prior to their talks at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, capital of China, Feb. 14, 2023.

Dave DeCamp (2023-02-15). US Says There're 'No Discussions' on Reviving Iran Nuclear Deal. news.antiwar.com The State Department said Monday that the US has not engaged in any discussions on reviving the Iran nuclear deal, known as the JCPOA, in the latest sign that the crippling economic sanctions on Iran aren't going anywhere. "There has been no discussion of resuscitating the JCPOA. That is not on the agenda. It hasn't …

Staff (2023-02-15). Turkish Rescuers Thank Venezuela for Emergency Responders. orinocotribune.com Turkish rescuers thanked Venezuela with a gift of the national flag of Türkiye bestowed on the Venezuelan brigade members of the Simón Bolívar Humanitarian Task Force who aided in the search and rescue efforts in the city of Adiyaman, one of the areas hardest hit by the earthquake that hit Türkiye and Syria a week ago. | This was confirmed by Madelein García, a Telesur correspondent, who traveled with the Venezuelan humanitarian task force to learn about the disaster through journalistic tours in the area. | "This is how we tell it," commented one of the Venezuelan brigade members. "We were right at tha…

Labor Video Project (2023-02-15). Put The Bird DOWN Elon At Twitter! Launch Musk On Autopilot To Mars NOW! indybay.org Artists, poets and labor activists rallied in front of Twitter to demand that Elon Musk be sent to Mars on autopilot. They also spoke out against the illegal layoffs at Twitter and the violations of health and safety along with racist working conditions at Tesla which is called the plantation by Tesla workers.

repost (2023-02-15). Why The Rage Against The War Machine Rally Is #AntiWarSoWhite. indybay.org I'm looking at this Rage Against The War Machine rally that is being organized by the Libertarian Party and I am genuinely confused about how folks on the left are involved in this at all.

Peoples Dispatch (2023-02-15). Mexican President AMLO to Lead International Campaign Against US Blockade of Cuba. globalresearch.ca

____ (2023-02-15). Xi holds talks with Iranian president. ecns.cn Chinese President Xi Jinping holds a welcoming ceremony for visiting President of the Islamic Republic of Iran Ebrahim Raisi prior to their talks at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, capital of China, Feb. 14, 2023.

Dave DeCamp (2023-02-15). US Says There're 'No Discussions' on Reviving Iran Nuclear Deal. news.antiwar.com The State Department said Monday that the US has not engaged in any discussions on reviving the Iran nuclear deal, known as the JCPOA, in the latest sign that the crippling economic sanctions on Iran aren't going anywhere. "There has been no discussion of resuscitating the JCPOA. That is not on the agenda. It hasn't …

Staff (2023-02-15). Turkish Rescuers Thank Venezuela for Emergency Responders. orinocotribune.com Turkish rescuers thanked Venezuela with a gift of the national flag of Türkiye bestowed on the Venezuelan brigade members of the Simón Bolívar Humanitarian Task Force who aided in the search and rescue efforts in the city of Adiyaman, one of the areas hardest hit by the earthquake that hit Türkiye and Syria a week ago. | This was confirmed by Madelein García, a Telesur correspondent, who traveled with the Venezuelan humanitarian task force to learn about the disaster through journalistic tours in the area. | "This is how we tell it," commented one of the Venezuelan brigade members. "We were right at tha…

Labor Video Project (2023-02-15). Put The Bird DOWN Elon At Twitter! Launch Musk On Autopilot To Mars NOW! indybay.org Artists, poets and labor activists rallied in front of Twitter to demand that Elon Musk be sent to Mars on autopilot. They also spoke out against the illegal layoffs at Twitter and the violations of health and safety along with racist working conditions at Tesla which is called the plantation by Tesla workers.

repost (2023-02-15). Why The Rage Against The War Machine Rally Is #AntiWarSoWhite. indybay.org I'm looking at this Rage Against The War Machine rally that is being organized by the Libertarian Party and I am genuinely confused about how folks on the left are involved in this at all.

Peoples Dispatch (2023-02-15). Mexican President AMLO to Lead International Campaign Against US Blockade of Cuba. globalresearch.ca

JANET (2023-02-15). Webinar on Alex Saab case, Feb. 16. iacenter.org February 14, 2023 By National Lawyers Guild International Committee Caracas, Venezuela. 'Free Alex Saab.' Join the National Lawyers Guild International Committee Thursday, Feb. 16, at 7 p.m. EST (4 p.m. PST) for a webinar on the case of Alex Saab, the Venezuelan diplomat currently imprisoned in a U.S. federal detention center. Saab faces charges that are directly related to defiance of the U.S. attempt to impose regime change on Venezuela through the use of illegitimate, unilateral, coercive measures (sanctions). Recently, a delegation of two NLG and International Association of Democratic Lawyers members visited…

teleSUR, lvm, SH (2023-02-15). Irán apuesta por potenciar relaciones con China. telesurtv.net El presidente iraní afirmó que la asociación estratégica entre Irán y China, representa un paso importante para establecer la paz y la estabilidad en la región.

Staff (2023-02-15). Cuba y Argelia buscan ampliar sus relaciones. cubadebate.cu El miembro del Buró Político y primer ministro, Manuel Marrero Cruz, recibió a Abdelhak Saihi, ministro de Salud, Población y Reforma Hospitalaria de esa nación magrebí, quien se encuentra de visita en nuestro país. Marrero Cruz también se refirió a la compleja situación que vive el país y al bloqueo estadounidense. Significó que el enemigo se empeña en continuar su guerra mediática.

Staff (2023-02-15). El chocolate y el día del amor generan a industria mexicana más de mil millones de dólares. cubadebate.cu El día de San Valentín es un día especial para muchas personas que celebran el amor y la amistad. En esta festividad, suelen regalarse dulces, flores y chocolates, una confitura en la que la industria mexicana juega un papel importante.De acuerdo con los datos más recientes el país exportó 699,73 millones de dólares en cacao y productos derivados, el nivel más alto alcanzado por el sector después de la pandemia.

Staff (2023-02-15). Las tres del día: San Valentín y las noticias del 14 de febrero (+ Podcast). cubadebate.cu Sean bienvenidos a Las Tres del Día, el podcast de Cubadebate que los mantiene informados sobre lo más importante del acontecer nacional y extranjero. El día de hoy es particularmente especial, pues se celebra San Valentín, el Día del Amor y la Amistad. Sobre cómo han pasado el día y qué significa para ellos, nos hablarán cuatro jóvenes cubanos.

Staff (2023-02-15). Pierde el PSG en su primer partido de octavos de la Champions. cubadebate.cu Milan como local y Bayern Munich como visitante arrancaron ganando por la mínima diferencia los octavos de final de la Champions League. El equipo italiano batió por 1 a 0 en el estadio Giuseppe Meazza a Tottenham Hotspur que tuvo entre sus titulares al zaguero campeón del mundo Cristian Romero. En tanto que en el Parque de los Principes de la capital francesa.

Staff (2023-02-15). Expo "Cuando Ernesto soñó al Che" llega a La Habana. cubadebate.cu Una exposición llegada desde Argentina con el sugerente nombre "Cuando Ernesto soñó al Che", encuentra quien por estos días atraviesa el túnel del Pabellón Cuba, donde tiene su sede la Asociación Hermanos Saíz.El periodista, director de "La Pastera Museo del Che", Darío Fuentes, la ha cargado en su equipaje para exhibirla con alegría y responsabilidad aquí en La Habana.

teleSUR, DRL (2023-02-15). Retornan a Venezuela casi 100 connacionales desde Ecuador. telesurtv.net Los repatriados arribaron por el Aeropuerto Nacional Simón Bolívar, en Maiquetía, a bordo de una aeronave de la línea local Conviasa.

2023-02-15 17:38:43 | 17:38 EST | jz | 22 | 0 | 0 | 22 | 0